Fire and Blood
Actually, to further that point, while I was playing, I remember clearly Aerith chasing after Cloud, and Cloud being "......." most of the time. If anything, that's not how a guy wanting to make out acts.The argument about whether Cloud was Cloud seems irrelevant when you remember that it's about arguing if fake Cloud's romantic feelings for Aerith would continue on to the real Cloud, because you first need to prove even fake Cloud had those feelings.
No Clerii or otherwise has yet been able to do so. People just seem pissed that they fell for the Aerith and Cloud potential that was suppose to make her death more shocking rather than actual be anything beyond that.
Him helping and saving her? That's expected, from a hero, right? It never occurred to me while playing that it was anything remotely romantic, or because he was attracted to her that he went to save her on the Shinra tower; more like, isn't it natural? She helped them, why wouldn't he? He was kind of a jerk in the first disc, but not that bad, really

And even if you want to take on Cloud's fake personality, you have then to also take what he says to Tifa too (no matter what, if you want to take the flirtiest replies, then take the ones he makes to the other girl too, since it's up to the player's choice; it's not because my Cloud never paid attention to Aerith that the Cloud in the compilation never did). And in that case, Tifa's the girlfriend, the one who you steal panties from, etc, etc [the list goes on]. Then it becomes another ridiculous list VS list