20th Anniversary of FF. They have a section on each game, I gather. Haven't seen it myself.![]()
Think it is. No one seemed to say 'It's not real' at the japanese link.
Like Vines said:What would Aerith have been in denial about?
Like Vines said:I wish XIII were in it
Rejoice, LV. We're ordering the FFXIII Scenario Ultimania and the U20 Scenario Ultimania. I'll be getting the latter while hito gets the former. Hopefully we'll be able to give you some good shit soon.
Zack & Cloud.
She's in denial of her raging lesbian crush on Tifa for a while, but then they realize their feelings for one another and each one breaks it to Cloud on their date. Cloud, being a deluded fool who only wishes they loved him, only understand their words as affectionate towards him. It's like when you trip on mushrooms in Mother 3, like most of that segment.How so? I mean what, was she in denial about Cloud being/not being Zack or her loving Cloud or her liking boys or what?
She's in denial of her raging lesbian crush on Tifa for a while, but then they realize their feelings for one another and each one breaks it to Cloud on their date. Cloud, being a deluded fool who only wishes they loved him, only understand their words as affectionate towards him. It's like when you trip on mushrooms in Mother 3, like most of that segment.
Ohhh, and under the Highwind Cloud and Tifa confirmed her feelings for Aeris. CLOUD YOU ARE SO DELUDED, WE ALL HAD IT WRONG ALL THIS TIME
Then Aerith checked Tifa's L'Cie mark. Repeatedly.
I wonder how hard I would have to work to make this theory halfway logical
DUDE YEAH. She was probably like "I'm sorry Cloud, but Aerith died so recently and I realized that I loved her and I'll never love you I hope you're okay with that because I totally plan on diving back into the Lifestream and having some afterlife sexxing with her."Ohhh, and under the Highwind Cloud and Tifa confirmed her feelings for Aeris. CLOUD YOU ARE SO DELUDED, WE ALL HAD IT WRONG ALL THIS TIME
Then Aerith checked Tifa's L'Cie mark. Repeatedly.
DUDE YEAH. She was probably like "I'm sorry Cloud, but Aerith died so recently and I realized that I loved her and I'll never love you I hope you're okay with that because I totally plan on diving back into the Lifestream and having some afterlife sexxing with her."
Fang/Vanille is actually an AerTi parallel. Rly. I mean Vanille's hair is pink and shit.
SE is doing what it does best: TROLLING FUCKING EVERYONE.
By the way, hilariously, these real live Japanese people refer to Cloti as "KuraTi" and there's a post in that second link that appears to be saying "This is bursting with Cloti." XD
drifting towards Clerra
U20, according to Celes. Haven't seen it personally, but I trust.
Well, nobody blames you. It is a very canon pairing.
Actually, 'she sees Zack in Cloud' is obviously Clack proofz. She must have gone to the Shinra building looking for him and walked in on them.
I just don't like relying on other fans to determine the facts in a debate. They're not immune to biased, and errors Quex. Then that koibito fiasco showed up and reinforced my beliefs and ideas about fans translations. You just don't walk around and act like nothing has changed after that event. Not saying that official translation are any different but I'd rather choose them in a debate simply because they have more authority in the matter.
Let me get this straight, the developers should show Cloud seeing Aerith in DOC even though that's not really the focus of the story anymore? That writers should show Cloud seeing Aerith in Case of Denzel even though it's another character's story now?
@Celes: Thank you very much for that, only I know a bare handful of Japanese words. And then only if they're spelled out. For instance, koibito I know, but however thats written in Japan is a total mystery to me. Still, pretty pictures framed by incomprehensible scribbles get you a thanks.
@Everyone: Ok, so I literally just rewatched ACC before I wrote this, and it brought a couple things to mind. None of them are really relevant to the LTD, beyond the fact that the whole movie supports Cloti if only by the absolute lack of Clerith to be found within unless you watch the movie while wearing pink glasses or drinking koolaid. But, I still have to ask: Who's dumbass idea was it to change the music for the "passed out in the flowerbed" scene? Used to be the screen cuts to the drop of water, music relevant to Aerith who goes hand in hand with such occurrences (plus it is her church/flowerbed) played, and we slowly rotated around Cloud and Tifa all knocked out and looking quite nice next to each other. Now for some reason its the exact same scene... with the Nibelheim music. WTF? Aside from it having once been Cloud and Tifa's hometown (ahhhh the birthplace of Cloti as it were) what the hell does Nibelheim have to do with that scene? And yes I know that same song was played earlier in the game, but I still connect it with Nibelheim, much like 'Under the Rotting Pizza' plays on Mount Nibel for no real reason, but its still the theme of the Slums.
This has been your daily dose of random bullshit.