LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Yes, thank you for that. Now, explain to me why I am wrong and I will counter argue. That is how debate works right?


Your Mom
Why must everything be so black and white? Can't she love both men? Cloud was foremost on her mind when she died. That combined with Seph makes him foremost on her mind now. That doesn't erase any possibility that she still carries a love for Zack.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
We also have to remember that A) we don't know that much of what the hell Aerith was doing in the lifestream. Isabella has a good point: her consciousness probably functions differently in the afterlife. and B) we don't know how whole Zack is in the lifestream. He's human, not Cetra, so he may not have even been solid the whole time Aerith was in the lifestream with him.

I'm not using this as evidence or anything, I'm just saying that we have to take the unknowns into consideration.

Why must everything be so black and white? Can't she love both men? Cloud was foremost on her mind when she died. That combined with Seph makes him foremost on her mind now. That doesn't erase any possibility that she still carries a love for Zack.
This too. It's not like she can ONLY LOVE CLOUD. I mean I don't think she loves Zack still, but it's not entirely impossible either.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Nice argument Vendel.

Aerith's mom was in the lifestream too, was she thinking about her? If I die and go to heaven (yeah I know, stop laughing, just.. guys... come on.. just work with me on this...) and one of my ex's is there, am I going to be thinking about him all the time?

Why must everything be so black and white? Can't she love both men? Cloud was foremost on her mind when she died. That combined with Seph makes him foremost on her mind now. That doesn't erase any possibility that she still carries a love for Zack.
Of course she can love both, I just think she loves Cloud more :awesome:


Your Mom
You're right. Two years of active dating plus four years of writing letters and wearing pink < knowing a guy for two weeks, and most of that two weeks pursuing the guy because he reminds you of the first guy.


Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Those would be mutually contradicting statements. You can't say "She wasn't thinking about anything in the LS, then turn around and claim that Zack being there with her proves she was thinking of him.

Also I point out it said it had been a while since she worried. You can think about stuff without worrying.

Remember when I said this? I'm still waiting to be told how its wrong. How can you say both "wasn't thinking" and "automatically thinking of Zack" and not realize they contradict? I would love to hear that.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You're right. Two years of active dating plus four years of writing letters and wearing pink < knowing a guy for two weeks, and most of that two weeks pursuing the guy because he reminds you of the first guy.


Now was that so hard? :monster:

Just explain to me how Zack is there with Aerith and she never manged to think about him once. I would love to hear this.
Yes he's in the lifestream but it doesn't mean he's right next to her all the time. Maybe she didn't meet up with him until much later. Im not saying she NEVER thought of him, just in CoLW, he does not even get mentioned once. Nada, zero, zip, zilch...

Remember when I said this? I'm still waiting to be told how its wrong. How can you say both "wasn't thinking" and "automatically thinking of Zack" and not realize they contradict? I would love to hear that.


Fire and Blood
I'm with Isabella on this; seriously, I don't think that the LS is a neat place where people hang around happily :monster:

It seems that they lose their consciousness little by little. And at this point, Aerith was doing her role as a Cetra - I'm thinking that the awakened Zack may be her doing to help Cloud during AC/C. I don't think it's "she loves either man", but rather she loves both, although those feelings have another flavour now that she's in the LS. More like "who is important, the closest to her heart, and must be protected". Well, Zack being dead, that leaves Cloud [although all her friends are important too, I think that it's quite clear that Zack and Cloud were different for obvious reasons].

She was definitely worrying about him in COLW, with reason may I add. And she doesn't seek his love, she wants to lighten his burdened heart. Does that mean that she's over Zack? Nope. Zack is still dear and close, but he doesn't need to be helped.

You can't say "oh, it's alright, she was over Zack, so the winner of her heart is Cloud :monster:" when it's not like that, not when you're dead and in the LS, even if you're a Cetra. If anything, at the end of ACC, it's clearly shown what Cloud thought about the matter: the two lovers were finally reunited [because, I don' tthink he ever got the memo that she was highly interested in him :monster:].


Your Mom
We were told that Zack is always by her side in the LS, presumably after she resurrects him. I assume vendel's point is, how can he be always by her side and she never have a single thought about him?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
If anything, at the end of ACC, it's clearly shown what Cloud thought about the matter: the two lovers were finally reunited
Because of the sword in the church?

I accept your concession.
We were told that Zack is always by her side in the LS, presumably after she resurrects him. I assume vendel's point is, how can he be always by her side and she never have a single thought about him?
Yes after she resurrects him or w/e. Not before... not in CoLW.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
For Vendel to explain his
"Aerith wasn't thinking about anything in the LS, but she was clearly thinking about Zack!" statements

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
For Vendel to explain why I am wrong about his blatantly contradicting himself in his arguments.

I also say again "It's been awhile since I've worried" does not equal "I haven't thought lately" at all.

Celes Chere

I think I've encountered the AERITH IS JUST CRAZY argument one too many times.

Aerith isn't crazy, who would say that and seriously mean it? :lol:

And yeah, are you serious? I haven't heard of many Clotis saying that. O_O Must be the weird ones... xD
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Well apparently popping up and saying you agree with Q and then basically asking the same questions warrants me repeating myself.

At least in some minds. Not in my own.


Plz explain :awesome:

And because he saw them going back to the LS together, maybe?
Do I seriously need to post every time Cloud and Aerith walked together?

I'll give you the other two though, but ever heard, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with?"

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Well apparently popping up and saying you agree with Q and then basically asking the same questions warrants me repeating myself.

At least in some minds. Not in my own.

Oh ok, it makes so much sense now! I'll concede at once.

Wait, you still haven't even addressed the contradiction. So no, I don't. Do I sense you have no justification for said contradiction and are looking up what to do in a pinker's handbook of responses?
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