I dunno. I mean, I actually enjoyed the Mako sections. Sure, I hated the Mako itself to the bone, but the actual concept of going around and doing all this stuff - the reason I
did it in the first place was because there was a bit of immersion into this Mass Effect universe. It gave the game a major element of exploration into this unknown fantastic place in the galaxy.
So I've heard the major driving segments have been taken out for this second game. I'm not entirely thrilled with that. There were bits here and there that were tedious to drive around, but all in all I would have just preferred them to improve the Mako rather than just do without the driving completely. That just seems like a step backwards/laziness.
What would I mean by improving the Mako? Having it drive like a believable vehicle. I know people might call excuse it on being the future, but I'd like to believe that futuristic vehicles don't have instant traction the moment they start accelerating on the ground and zoom off in a different direction in case you landed funny after a jump, or are hypersensitive to the driver's turning movements. And a vehicle as bouncy as
that on relatively gentle bumpy terrain can't be good for exploration,
I keep thinking how hard the Mako bucks every time it rolls over some hillock on an otherwise flat surface.
I'm less than an hour into Mass Effect 2, and although it means I can't really judge at the moment, I'm not really enjoying the changes they've made to the interface and control schemes, especially the interface. I can't put my finger on it, but there are just too many rollover bits in the command screen for it to be simple to use.
I don't know their motivations behind the changes, but to be honest I'd really prefer the Command HUD from the first game. Having a widescreen for my PC, I really didn't have an issue having 3 separate panels for each party member, as opposed to squashing them all into one single lump at the bottom of my screen.
Sure, it
looks uncluttered, but having to actually search for my weapons rather than having their icons listed out for me to instantly pick and choose makes all the difference to me.
I kinda get the feeling that the devs were trying to simplify everything, but in all honesty if this is what they came up with, right now I'd much rather have it more complex.
And the switch to ammo? I don't know if I like that either. Pistols sure fire a lot less at the moment. And that's never good for an Infiltrator.