Mass Effect Series


^Yeah I'm willing to concede that that EAssholes beating them to a purple-bruised pulp at every turn is the sole reason for a lot of their mistakes in recent years, this one being the biggest so far.


Chloe Frazer
Thank you EA for pushing DA2 and ME3 out before they were ready, that turned out really well.

I finished my ME2 playthrough of a more renegade femshep, barely got the bar to go up 45%. Well on to ME3.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
i didn't find it too hard to go full renegade for ME2, but ME3 has some awful, awful renegade choices that put shepard very close to being a straight-up murderer.


Thinking about it, the only time I've ever felt uncomfortable with a paragon choice is Zaeed's loyalty mission. There's literally no benefit to being paragon, it's harder to do, and there are no consequences for going renegade. I might renegade femshep my next playthrough.


Chloe Frazer
I took renegade responses in Zaeed's loyalty mission but I didn't take the renegade path, I just couldn't leave all those innocent people to die in there.


Joe, Arcana
If you wait until AFTER the suicide mission in ME2 to do Zaeed's loyalty mission, your paragon choice actually leaves him there to die and he does. He can only die in that mission if you've already done the suicide mission though, your only reason to need him if you're paragon.

See it's things like this that I love Bioware for. A mission result that is so unlikely for a person to come by, and yet it's still right there.


Chloe Frazer
Nothing really shocking there, the movie being mentioned is interesting.

I was playing Leviathan yesterday and it still pisses me off.

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
I've only just started with the ME series (I wanted to wait until i could play them all on my platform of choice: PS3). And i'm rather won over, sure the Mako missions are repetitive and the gameplay is very shooty-shooty, but those gripes are small compared to the galaxy that Bioware have created and the amount of originality and fun that have been injected into an otherwise geek-only genre.

It really shows why the ME series has the mass appeal it does. It tells a very heavy sci-fi story but the characters are so....unorthodox and interesting that the main story becomes almost second fiddle to the personal stories of your crew.


Just wait until you get to ME2. You can get used to ME1 and then ME2 just makes all the bad parts fluid and amazing <3


Joe, Arcana
Yeah, what Lex said. If you enjoy ME1 then you're gonna fall in love with ME2.

I personally wasn't a fan of ME1 back when it came out. After I played ME2 though I went back and enjoyed it even more.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
ME2 made me miss a lot of things about ME1. :monster:

Things like:

a new way for you to explore the whole universe

That article has me excited that we'll get some more in-depth exploration going on. Gimme some large-scale Feros levels, gimme some vehicle sections and some sweet-ass, awe-inspiring skyboxes.

I've been getting back into Multiplayer and still having a blast :3 N7 DESTROYER 140 ROUND REVENANT ARMOR PIERCING DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA. I just played a game last night where there were 5 Guardians walking towards my party and my armor-piercing mowed them down like they were nothing
so much good game-feel

also Alliance AI Infiltrator with Crusader is essentially a regular infiltrator with close-quarters capability I love lamp


Mr. Thou
Yeah, bring back planet exploration. There was nothing wrong with the planets, it was the repetitive dungeons that everyone hated. And ditch the gas station. Just get rid of it and pretend it never happened. Flying on a budget ruins any and all desire to explore.

I do miss the open, timeless feeling of ME1. It was like Star Trek with bullets.


Chloe Frazer
Planet exploring was boring, I don't mind the switch to planet scanning plus probing Uranus. I could do without the gas stations especially in ME3, having to scan for destroyed fuel stations and keep track of which ones to use at what time was very annoying.


Mr. Thou
Of course you're in the clear majority on that account, and that's why planets went away. Still, along the same lines as the criticism of streamlining weapon accessories: I think they could have improved just it instead of dumping it altogether. Also make it impossible to get stuck in crevasses and have to load earlier saves (that was annoying as hell).


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Planet exploring was boring, I don't mind the switch to planet scanning plus probing Uranus.

It was also entirely optional, unlike the planet scanning, which you needed for upgrades and the like. :monster:

I simply like having the option to explore things when I just feel like it. I sometimes get tired of constantly walking down a corridor of chest-high walls, and I want to be up there in those beautiful skyboxes that Bioware made.

There are already plenty of linear shooters out there, and only being able to see a tiny fraction of the galaxy is lost potential imo.


Chloe Frazer
On that I agree, instead of dumping it they should've tried to improve it. The idea wasn't wrong it was just poorly executed. I don't mind that planet scanning wasn't optional because I knew that doing it had a purpose whereas exploring didn't serve any real purpose which wouldn't had been bad if it had been better executed.


Mr. Thou
There was one planet that was about to crash into another one (in 80 years or so, according to the codex). You looked up in the sky and it was just looming there. I have nightmares about scenarios like that. It was terrifying but so memorable.

So yeah, I just miss things like that. I guess it wasn't so much about the missions (decrypting rocks and dead bodies gets stupid fast) or the recycled levels (sup DA2) but about the skies and terrain, and the codex from orbit, the side stories of galactic life, and just getting lost in the galaxy. Not entirely unlike the allure of games like Skyrim.


Joe, Arcana
I've been getting back into Multiplayer and still having a blast :3 N7 DESTROYER 140 ROUND REVENANT ARMOR PIERCING DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA. I just played a game last night where there were 5 Guardians walking towards my party and my armor-piercing mowed them down like they were nothing
so much good game-feel

Ever since I came to Canada and stole Sienna's xbox live account, I've been trying to re-unlock my favourite character in the multiplayer. It's the N7 Slayer Vanguard.

I never stopped using it when I had it. The fact that you can spec it entirely for melee with a few additional moves to pack it up is awesome. Also I'm a sucker for any character that brings a sword to a gunfight and makes it work. Plus that class has all the made teleportation skills. The N7 Fury has SOME but they are not as refined as the Slayer.

Also yes I do play as Zero when I play Borderlands 2


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Yeah, I like the melee-oriented characters but I'm not very keen on biotics, so I think the last time I played Vanguard or Adept was when I played as the N7 Fury a couple of months back.

Also, biotics spam their shit, which leads to excessive screen shake and I can't aim at anything whatsoever, fuck off :monster:

edit: Also, buying SimCity lead me to get Battlefield 3 for free, which lead me to spontaneously unlock the Battlefield 3 Soldier. Whaddayaknow, lol. It's not actually too bad compared to the newer characters, but Carnage has had mixed results in the games I've played. It's wierd, sometimes it'll 1hko enemies and other times it'll barely do a bar of damage. It detonates tech combos nicely but it has a very poor, short window of combo setup. Adrenaline rush is okay but there's a reason not a lot of characters have it; it's a very vanilla ability with somewhat prohibitive cooldowns unless you level 6 with the fire-additional-ability (which basically means fire off your Carnage while buffed, since the other skill is Frag Grenade).

I'm really not a grenades sort of person, at all. Generally if there's a grenade option I'll usually just max out everything else. :monster: The only exceptions I've made for so far are for the Turian Ghost and Alliance AI Infiltrator, but those have been durability/damage buffs rather than actual offensive options, which stacks much more nicely and affects all my other skills/weapons.
And to boot, I really like the Turian/AI Infiltrators because the Tactical Cloak is very novel in buffing something other than sniper rifles (Assault Rifles and Shotguns, respectively).
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
What why

there's like 5 packs of free DLC its pretty much like a Horde mode with much more variety


Mr. Thou
I love multiplayer, however I stopped playing because I was fed up with repeatedly getting disconnected from Xbox live in late rounds. Losing all my items, credits, xp and 20-60 minutes wasted at a time.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
No-one here I know plays PC

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