Mass Effect Series


Double Growth
Yes but only in extrapolation, which is obviously not what they were talking about - and all the shitty parts happen identically :monster:.

Also I don't see a huge difference between
control and destroy, really. Technology sticks around, I guess. Except the relays.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Yes but only in extrapolation, which is obviously not what they were talking about - and all the shitty parts happen identically :monster:.

Also I don't see a huge difference between
control and destroy, really. Technology sticks around, I guess. Except the relays.

Well see, that's the thing - it seemed like pretty much the only thing they were talking about while handwaving the implications. The whole argument over that is pretty much moot now with the EC in place, but still.


Also I don't see a huge difference between
control and destroy, really. Technology sticks around, I guess. Except the relays.

Well, not really.
Technology is supposed to have been destroyed altogether in the "destroy" ending, according to the explanation of Starchild the All and Powerful. Originally there was no explanation for why the relays were destroyed when you picked the other two, they just rammed some extra dialogue in there for the EC to explain it away.

Well see, that's the thing - it seemed like pretty much the only thing they were talking about while handwaving the implications. The whole argument over that is pretty much moot now with the EC in place, but still.

Well, not really. The EC doesn't present drastically different endings as you know. No one said the outcome of those endings wasn't going to be different, so I don't really think you can get away with saying fans were "handwaving the implications".

The rage came from the fact that what they did - literally - is go "here are 3 different colours. Now imagine what happens".


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The EC doesn't present drastically different endings as you know

I was under the impression that part of the point of the EC was to clarify how exactly the endings were drastically different? /shrug


That was probably the intention, but I don't think it succeeded. There's nothing actually set in even a more forward point in said futures.

Cookie Monster

Next Mass Effect said to have no connection to Commander Shepard.

In a new interview, BioWare writer Mac Walters gives some insight into the direction the next Mass Effect.

Speaking to Complex at the New York Comic-Con, Walters put to rest speculation that the next installment of the series would be a prequel or focus on Commander Shepard's companions.

Walters said, "I can't get into details, but the idea is that we have agreed to tell a story that doesn't relate necessarily to any of the Shepard events at all, whatsoever. Beyond that, that's what we've been deciding for awhile. But throughout it all, one of the key things is that it has to be Mass Effect. It can't just feel like a spin-off. It has to feel like a Mass Effect game at its heart, at its core. Just without the Shepard character or the Shepard specific companions."


I suppose it kind of is "news" in a way, but they've been saying that from the start so I'm not sure why people seem to be in uproar about this.

They have always said any future games wouldn't feature Shepard. I wouldn't even be surprised if they removed that storyline from the existence of the new one at all tbh.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I'd definitely pay money to play as another species apart from human though, Origins style :monster:


Joe, Arcana
I'm with you on that one. If I can have an Asari origin story I think I'd pre-order that game right now.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Makes me wonder if the sequel is just a prequel to the trilogy. Or maybe just a sequel that's set a few hundred, if not thousands, of years away from it? There's a lot of speculation going on right now, but I'm enjoying it. It'll be interesting to see what they have in store for us, anyway.


Joe, Arcana
I'd love a game set in any of the major events that are constantly referenced in the current trilogy. The Rachni Wars, The Krogan Rebellions, The Geth Uprising, The First Contact War, etc.

Failing that I'd like a future event that happens as an inevitability of events in the trilogy. Hard to think of solid examples but a full scale war between the terminus systems and alliance space? Things like this are tricky because of the game's endings but I'd like to see something like this so that it feels like we're definitely playing in the same universe.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I'd love a game set in any of the major events that are constantly referenced in the current trilogy. The Rachni Wars, The Krogan Rebellions, The Geth Uprising, The First Contact War, etc.
Think I may have said it here before, but I'll say it again: I'd love to see either a real time or turn based strategy game with several campaigns, each of which covers a major war. Obviously, in campaign mode, you'd be tied to historical forces, but skirmish and multiplayer modes could have the Rachni vs the Geth.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I say there's plenty of ways to go about it, both as prequel or sequel.
Making them congruent with player choices from ME3 will be difficult, but there are certainly ways around it.


N7 Day.

N7 day makes me happy because 1. it exists and 2. one of my favourite game franchises has a special day that's celebrated on my birthday. Plus the idea of N7 in general is cool and I've somehow only just realised that it references my birthday.



Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

No, thank you, uh... collective voice cast of Mass Effect. Thanks for giving me feels for the past 6 or so years of my life~

Mass Effect Risk!

As a belated N7 Day celebration, I bought myself the second run of the original N7 Armor Stripe hoodie, since my first hoodie (in charcoal!) I ordered in large, not knowing exactly how large Canadia/Murica-Large was. So this time, in Medium size!

That Mark-II hoodie's armor stripe is pretty stupid, imo (dividing the stripe pattern with thin stitches? seriously?) but at the same time the one flaw that the original Armor Stripe hoodie has are the Velcro tabs at the very neck of the hoodie, which tend to catch onto the fabric if they're not done up. My first hoodie's N7 embroidery was half ruined by the Velcro catching onto it =/ I'd much prefer a zip-up design ala the Mark II but without the lazy-ass armor stripe.


Some Delicious Copypasta from NeoGAF

NeoGAF said:
Rumour: New species + details for Mass Effect 4 from BioWare's private fan PAX panel #1

Bumperoony. Posting this here because there's no way to gauge it's reliability, and could very easily be totally made up, but here's a dude describing the private Mass Effect meetings BioWare held with a handful of select fans at recent PAX events.

So long story short I saw that tweet from Mike Gamble a few weeks ago that said "...if you love Mass Effect and are going to PAX Prime email me..." And so I did and then I stumbled upon this forum of like-minded people and thought I'd make an account in case there was something shown to support IT; cause if you're like me waiting for something, anything, is painful enough. Needless to say I was one of the 21 people that got to give feedback on the concepts as they showed them and gave us tiny cryptic bits of information.

So I'll start by saying that they did show us a metric shit-ton of concept art with very brief explanations. I don't even know of a logical order to start in.

They started off with the profound question of what N7 means to us which you might read into it not being a previous cycle I guess.

Then this was followed by asking us whether we wanted a direct sequel, a prequel, or something somewhere completely different at a different time. The resounding majority wanted a sequel series, which I think they knew already. And this is based completely off of my opinion but by judging the concept art it has absolutely got to be a sequel.

First concepts were of two new races. The first one being described as "Arrogant". They were really skinny, almost skeletal. Their bodies vaguely looked like a boney Turian. They had glowing eyes and a neck that frilled up from their chest (once they show it off you'll see how hard it is to describe. Their heads almost remind me of the aliens from Independence Day. The second new race was described as "Ancient, Advanced, and Guardian". They had a similar color scheme to reapers and they looked like classic fantasy/sci-fi golems. Sleek rocky or metallic bodies with bright glowing lines flowing all over them. Some had fragmented pieces and shattered bits floating in place around them.

So I'm thinking sequel because new races are kind of hard to explain in a prequel especially when it does take place in the current cycle and I definitely know that for sure because the next few things they showed us were really nice cg models of an asari, salarian, human, and krogan running in the new frostbite engine. They looked amazing by the way. Also they stated that, like humans having many different features from each other, they wanted to do that with other races. That showed off some salarians and krogans with interesting face and bone structures. They also asked an odd but hard question for everyone. They showed a lineup of a character from each main race in the series and asked us which two would we get rid of if we had to. I couldn't do it but I was sadly surprised at how many people said quarian and krogan.

Anyways, they showed off a random human model wearing various armors and configurations asking us what we liked and thought was potentially iconic. They also showed us a slew of land vehicles that would serve for different environments. And the most interesting vehicle was a personal sized Normandy-esque ship that could "fit a mako-like vehicle in it". So the new races mingling with the old ones and a ship that looks like normandy architecture, sounds like sequel material to me. They said that as always characters and choices are most important and that they want to focus on exploration and discovery again. And then they finished by showing off too many concept art screens in rapid succession for me to be able to grasp anything. Just a whole lot of beautiful and interesting landscapes.

So that's that, I know it didn't quite answer any of our IT questions but if you're like me and have been holding out for 4 holding the answer to IT and the original endings of some dark matter stuff then the fact that this is most likely a sequel is great. And honestly what they showed us was absolutely amazing and I can't wait either way, I just love this universe so much. Thank you all for checking this out.
- Opened with "What does N7 mean to you?"
- Asked if they'd like to see a sequel, prequel, or something different. Overwhelming majority said sequel.
- "Arrogant" race. Thin and skeletal. Glowing eyes. Necks that "frilled up from their chest".
- "Ancient, advanced, guardian" race. Like sci-fi stone golems with Tron-like glowing lines over their bodies and floating fragments/shards.
- Asari, Salarian, Human, and Krogam shown in Frostbite 3.
- Want to bring across the model variety of human models to other races, giving them more diverse bone structure.
- Showed a line-up of the series' main races, and asked fans to pick two if they had to get rid of them. Most picked Quarian and Krogan. Speculation: The game has multiple playable races in campaign, and BioWare wants feedback on which they should be.
- Multiple human armour configurations shown. Asked which would be most iconic. Speculation: Marketing query, to work out what should be on the box.
- Multiple land vehicles shown.
- Focus is on character sand choices, but they want to bring back the focus on exploration and discovery.

EDIT: More.

They didn't show any female krogans to my remembrance, there were several various head configurations with face plating on the forehead, jaw line, and chin.
They looked very synthetic, give a typical rock golem the Tron Legacy makeover and you've got it. Reaper color scheme though. Kind of like Sylux from Metroid Bounty Hunters; slightly less robotic in appearance.
They did say that exploration and story are very important and that one of their goals to strive for was "a stranger in a strange land like ME1" I think that's the way Mike Gamble worded it.
Also you reminded me of the thing about save customization. Mike did mention that they were looking into leaving a kind of debugging-like menu in the game for picking plot flags when making a save file so you can have the exact file you want without having to do another crazy long playthrough or going through a really limited motion comic.
Also off topic, something else I remembered that was mentioned but not shown. They really want to do crazy customizable armor. Down to different pieces, colors, textures, materials, and whatnot.


‪‫‬‭ ‮
sounds like wank. why can't these companies just leave games alone when it's over. is it really that hard to think of something new? WHY DID THEY REMAKE TOTAL RECALL? somebody tell me why they think quantity > quality.


Chloe Frazer
Showed a line-up of the series' main races, and asked fans to pick two if they had to get rid of them. Most picked Quarian and Krogan.

Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that post.


I can't wait for the next Mass Effect game. The wait is going to be long, but hopefully worth it. Not sure about that post tbh, the part about getting rid of races does seem dubious but at the same time I can see Quarian and Krogan underneath Asari and Turian on people's species favourite lists. Having said that, I prefer the Quarians to them all so :/


Joe, Arcana
sounds like wank. why can't these companies just leave games alone when it's over. is it really that hard to think of something new? WHY DID THEY REMAKE TOTAL RECALL? somebody tell me why they think quantity > quality.
Because Bioware created an entire universe that fans love, meaning a sequel/prequel wouldn't even need to share any plot threads but take place in that same universe. I would love if they made twenty Mass Effect titles as long as the quality in each one was up to snuff.


Chloe Frazer
And EA is not going to let go of its cash cows so don't expect Bioware to stop making Mass Effect or Dragon Age games anytime soon.


OK I'm not really into Garrus/Shep but

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