Mass Effect Series


You can fuck it up by walking around the wrong way in the ship though, if you go through the armoury you trigger dialogue you shouldn't.


Pro Adventurer
I'm currently playing ME3 now btw. Have been paying it for almost a couple weeks now. It's pretty fun, I loved the beginning. :wackymonster:

Will probably write more stuff about it later.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Okay well yes, and they filled the city with tall sci-fi structures, but they kept several landmarks and the terrain. You're facing north more or less during that sequence, and the angle of North Vancouver on the mountain slopes was perfect. Like I was there. AND REAPERS WERE BLOWING IT UP IT WAS AWESOME! :monster:

The building you start in is on Burrard and Hastings, one of the only places where the "grid" of the city bends. It's right near Coal Harbor and Canada Place (the long building over the inlet with all those white sails). From the chamber, you head north towards Harbor Green Park, which is all smashed up. ME3 came out before we had the Olympics, so the torch isn't there... but it's all rubble anyway.

is alive, he later talks about growing up in the West End and missing the sunset over English Bay. One of my first apartments was in the West End, I lived there for five years, and I got super choked up at that.

But it's totally unrealistic because Vancouver is gonna get vaporized by a big earthquake any day now and won't be around for the Reapers.
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Pro Adventurer
^Thats actually pretty cool. I was thinking how Vancouver isn't far from me and thought that was cool too. :D

But yeah, the beginning was great, puts you in the game instantly and you just want to give everyone the middle finger saying "I TOLD YOU SO THREE YEARS AGO" but you're also kind of terrified and like... I dunno... feels pretty hopeless and like you're seeing the end of everything. Reapers everywhere, and then lasers coming from the clouds above too.
I think also one of the worst parts was being in the room and hearing all the radios go silent, from the edge of the solar system right up to Earth. There were fleets supposed to defend it, and within mere minutes they were taken out. Just silence. It's in that moment where you know you're screwed.

Also, was anyone else a bit perturbed by the little boy in the vents, who vanishes? Like, I thought he was a ghost. But then you see him again as you fly away, and he's actually real and alive and trying to escape but gets shot down in the shuttle by Reapers? Gave me the willies. :closedmonster:

Oh also, shitty thing for them to do, keeping Shepard grounded for all those months. You fuckers, she just saved people's asses for the past two years and that's how you repay her? And for gods sake you all keep dismissing the Reaper threat. So yeah, just lock Shepard away until you suddenly think she's right and you need her advice. Well, too late. :wacky:

And because of them Shepard missed out on spending all that time with Thane who's slowly dying :kermit:


Also, was anyone else a bit perturbed by the little boy in the vents, who vanishes? Like, I thought he was a ghost. But then you see him again as you fly away, and he's actually real and alive and trying to escape but gets shot down in the shuttle by Reapers? Gave me the willies.

As an opening it was an effective emotional scene. I had the same reaction when I first played the intro. But the internet and Mass Effect fandom at large despises this child, and you'll find out why as you continue to play.


Pro Adventurer
^Now I'm wondering if it's because of Shep's dreams about him or something else :monster:

Also I just want to take a moment to say fuck banshees. Just fuck 'em. Nope. Nope nope nope.

God why do I have to fight them :wacky:

Playing the Leviathan dlc right now (actual storyline, my next priority mission is Rannoch), and holy shit this is a fun but fucking creepy dlc and that asteroid base just about made me lose my shit in a few places. Dear God in heaven pls help :closedmonster:


Save your valediction (she/her)
Flare what system are you playing this on? Have you done the multiplayer? It's great fun.


Pro Adventurer
I'm playing the PC version. But I can't play multiplayer, my satellite internet doesn't allow me to play multiplayer on anything :wacky:
However there may be hope for me. Supposedly they're bringing cable Internet down to my area/neighborhood (there's a spot right on top of a hill nearby where they're doing it), and if they do that we can get on cable and boom, I can finally do multiplayer :awesome:

I'm really keeping my fingers crossed :wacky: Though there's no word on when they'll finish it.


We have come to terms


also sorry about your homey


Pro Adventurer
^I played through the end of it last night :monster:

Firstly, I was a bit amazed at how long the dlc was. I really enjoyed it, I liked exploring the lab, I liked the whole storyline, and despite the freaky factor, that's one big reason I really enjoyed it. That and the whole 'where did the Reapers come from?' question.

Crashing on the watery world was pretty cool scenery-wise. In reality if I was actually Shepard I would've shit some bricks and hyperventilated.

And I would've NEVER EVER NEVAR EVER EVERRRR gone into some one-man mech that dives underwater to search for some fucking Reaper killer. :wacky: uuuurrrrghhh....

The underwater part was actually quite scenic though, once you reached the bottom. Different gameplay too, so I enjoyed it while trying not to freak out :awesome:
Then you jump once more and it's a longer fall than I thought and you're in some kinda gigantic endless underwater cavern. Uhhh shiiiiit. :closedmonster:

Once Leviathan showed up, I stopped being freaked out. XD
Loved their design. I've always liked the Reaper design, so it was cool seeing the Leviathans and how much the Reapers were based off of them. I was even more fascinated to hear that they were truly an aquatic race. I was under the initial impression that they were giant space creatures that just had a chitinous appearance.

Ultimately I give the story and reveal a solid 8.5/10, I'm thinking. I thought it was a decent reasoning behind the Reapers and how they were created, but I always feel a bit sad when the mystery is gone. Seemed more frightening when the Reapers were an unknown existence.

I like that Harbinger is revealed to be the first one. Cool stuff.
So my understanding is that Harbinger is the original Intelligence that the Leviathans made, to 'preserve' life? I think that's what it's trying to do in a way, by decomposing living species into liquid to use in creating new Reaper innards :closedmonster: Like a twisted way of trying to forever preserve a species?

Side note from the second game, anyone know why the Collector general thing looked so much more insectoid than the rest? Because no Protheans looked like that, they were all humanoid.
(Also I totally thought that he was the big bad of the Collectors, it was a fun surprise to see that he was just another pawn being controlled by the Reapers as well.)

Im curious how much gets explaining in the non-dlc storyline.


Save your valediction (she/her)
See I always thought that
Harbinger was the YOUNGEST Reaper, because of his association with the Prothean Husks (Collectors... am I getting this right?)

So each Reaper is a machine that represents an organic civilization that has 'ascended' to Reaperdom, but every one looks like a Reaper (except for their stylistic departure in Mass Effect 2). Harbinger is a reaper that can "assume control" of the Prothean Husks (a nod to the Matrix) so I assumed that Harbinger was the Prothean-born Reaper.

But then again that also sounds like an ability that comes straight from the Leviathan race. GASP!

It's not often new sci-fi has me scratching my head, even less often that it's deliberate on the story's part. I love Mass Effect ^_^


Pro Adventurer
So I'm currently playing the Citadel dlc

This is the best

Let me reiterate


dlc EVER for this game.

I've laughed so fucking much :awesome:


Chloe Frazer
I find it funny that it is on election day "hey America might implode, lets move to another galaxy!"


(shows two characters. IDK if they're generic ones or intended to be some of the main characters.)


Pro Adventurer
^What if she's not a love interest? :awesome:

Yeah she was in the trailer shown a while back so she's pretty much guaranteed to be a party member. Also supposedly a male Krogan. I heard rumors (?) that there's supposed to be seven party members besides Ryder. I would love to see some good diversity with the races, as usual. Give me a female Turian as a teammate please. :awesome: Also maybe a teammate or two that are from completely new races?


Pro Adventurer
I finished the Citadel dlc. I'm not afraid to say I got emotional at the end.

I can't list all the things that made me laugh in this dlc; there's too many. I managed to send Joe like a thousand texts about it all as they happened, though :awesome:

But some noticeable moments...
Because I romanced Thane, I got to see some really special stuff.

After the memorial (God I loved that), Kolyat gives you some vid messages from Thane that he'd tried to send to Shepard when she was grounded on Earth. Spoiler tagged just in case people haven't seen it and want to play through it themselves.
Of course none of them went through. There was four in total. They're all great. <3 He seems fine in the first one, but mentions having a mild attack in front of Kolyat in the second, which worried him. Third one he says they went to New Mexico (presumably he finally got to see some desert), but he mentions having a bad attack that makes him lose consciousness and hit his head. That's when he stays at the hospital from now on, with Kolyat's insistence.
Fourth one has him talking about Shepard, how he loves her and can't stop thinking of her, and that the human term is 'being lost in another'. He says how happy he is that all this happened and that he met her. By the end of this message Shepard's gets quietly emotional.
This was such a nice touch. I felt kind of like Thane was ignored somehow after his death (which got me a bit emotional), except for some mentions of him from Kai Leng's taunting. But the addition of these vid messages from him on this dlc was just perfect. <3 I really feel like the creators cared about each relationship, especially on this dlc, and wanted to make each one make the players happy.

And, even though they disappear, I loved the picture of Thane and the flowers on the piano. Wish they stayed in the apartment.

Some notable moments for the dlc~

I basically took Wrex and Garrus on the first half of the dlc. I couldn't resist. :closedmonster: They were the two I almost always had with me on ME1, so, huge nostalgic factor. I loved it. <3 XD

All the many character moments in the dlc was amazing, I'm still surprised at how much they put in this dlc. I loved every bit of it. <3

The first half of chasing the clone was pretty much hilarious dialogue and moments after the other. The dialogue options of "I'm going to end you", "I'm going to end you painfully", and "Who are you so I can end you?" Made me bust up laughing. :wacky:

Then, the party. Oh god the party. I did the quiet party first and then the loud one. :awesome: I enjoyed them both and loved moments from both! But I think I prefer the loud one the most. It's definitely what I felt like doing. A nice loud party where everyone gets drunk and dances!
Anyways, I loved all of it, and it was awesome seeing the crew together. :joy: The aftermath was a fun inclusion too. Especially with the data pad with Mordin's recordings. Omg Mordin yay <3 I miss the guy. ;-;

Side note, Grunt is officially my son, isn't he. :closedmonster: He's awesome. Him and Wrex. God I have the best crew mates. :awesome:

Anyways, last note. I thought leaving the house was the end of the dlc, but nope. Everyone meets up outside the Normandy and stares for a moment at it through the window. Joker starts talking, and it's got that realism to it, about when people don't know what'll happen, and they think they might all die, but they hope they'll live and everything will be fine.
I admit, I teared up. As a final blow to my emotions, Thane appeared after everyone walked away.
He said he was glad she celebrated and had a party with everyone. She tells him she wishes he was there, and he says he's always with her. And when she crosses the ocean, he'll be waiting on the shore for her.
Cue tears

Right, I loved it. I really love these games. When games and characters make you emotional, you know they're good, right?

A big thanks to Joe for recommending and helping me get these games. :properhug: They're a welcome addition to my life.
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