Mass Effect Series


We have come to terms
@creep factor: you need to make sure to buy the dlc for ME3 - ESPECIALLY citadel (duh) but also leviathan


Joe, Arcana
@creep factor: you need to make sure to buy the dlc for ME3 - ESPECIALLY citadel (duh) but also leviathan
All of the correct DLC will be taken care of and purchased accordingly. I won't have somebody play this series without playing it in its full. :salute:


We have come to terms
well I mean all the campaign-type dlc is good


me3 multiplayer WE GOTTA PLAY TOGETHER


Joe, Arcana
All of the characters and all of the campaign dlc is a must for me (minus Overlord in ME2 but it's still worth playing, just not compulsory)

We totally do. :monster:


Double Growth
Which was the one with that jumpy-hover car thing? Is that Overlord? I never finished that one as those missions started getting stupid.


That one is Hammerhead, came free with my version. Overlord is paid. Heard it was meh, so we skipped it.

We're playing with DLC for the first time now. Liking it so far. Maybe I'm just eagerly playing like a maniac, but some - most, actually - feel a bit short? Especially since we paid more for the DLCs than we did for ME1 and 2 together. And that's just 2's DLC. I guess we can thank our fabulous exchange rate for that though.>_>

Edit: Also, Donovan Hock's accent was terrible.:lol:
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Pro Adventurer
Right, so I've just finished the main quest of the game today. But first let me rewind to yesterday to recount some events.

- Did Tali's mission. A bit emotional to me when she finds her father. Aww poor Tali ;-; I gave her a hug. She's so sweet.
- Saw Veetor and Reegar again! Huzzah!
- I enjoyed the admirals and the entire Quarian Migrant Fleet. Learning more about them was fascinating.
- It would suck to be Quarian. Wearing suits your entire life... Just, dang.
- Oh, I brought Legion with me on this mission too :awesome: Which, most intriguingly, opening up extra dialogue (I presume) since you know more about the Geth now. I chatted with all admirals after Tali's trial. Told the Geth sympathizer to keep doing what he's doing, and denied giving the woman any info (she later sent a 'cordial' email :wacky:)

Right, after this, I went to the Citadel. You know, for a stroll, and for tea, the usual. And then I'm sent into a cutscene and something's weird and suddenly I'm Joker and what the fuck :closedmonster:

Oh god I'm controlling Joker and there's a Collector ship right there, great, we shouldn't have done this. Oh thanks for the lit-up pathway EDI, nice of you.
Oh shit Preatorian just came into the room and killed one of the four guards. I'm hobbling past it as Joker, going into the lab but rotating my camera to watch because I'm that way. And then I hear the unfortunate screams and yells and look there's another at the window of the ship's core thingie. :I
I'm expecting to see Collectors and other shit burst into the room but Joker gets into the crawl space alive. Okay that's good.
Gotta get to EDI greeeaaaat someone just got dragged into the elevator. Fuck me. Sorry, bye.
Hobble to the medical bay. Somethings on the other side of the room but I ain't looking, nope. :closedmonster:
Oh I have to go somewhere else, okay. Walk up the stairs, oh fuck I almost walked right into a Collector. Wait a moment, then continue on. Make it to the engine, and boom, Collectors are killed BUT MY ENTIRE FUCKING CREW HAS JUST BEEN KIDNAPPED???

This was terrible. I have the most polarizing emotions going on because Joker's dialogue kept making me laugh, and it was so intense and a really awesome scene in the game and story, and yet at the same time terrifying and I hated seeing those bastards on my ship and taking and killing my crew ;__;

And during the first half I kept wondering why Joker was so slow but then I realized it's because of his disease, of course!! Wow.

I never saw this scene coming, it was pretty epic and intense. I thought Joker was gonna die several times. :closedmonster: He didn't though. <3

More tomorrow, possibly :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
I've got a quick question here that I'm wondering if anyone can help with. I tried downloading and installing the Shadow Broker DLC this morning but it will not work. Failed to download 2-3 times and I thought it worked on the third time but it won't install, saying there was something wrong with the download iirc.
Googling it shows that people in 2010/11 were having the same issue, but I've not read up on a fix for it yet. Anyone else have this problem and/or know how to fix it?


Pro Adventurer
^I've googled and looked around and I've not found any fix yet for the PC version of the Shadow Broker DLC. I'm gonna delete the faulty thing I downloaded and download it again in the morning during my bonus bytes and I hope it works, otherwise looks like I'll need to email them about a refund :wacky:

Right, so here's my endgame of ME2 :awesome: Long poast ahead!
I told my comrades that we were gonna rescue the crew first, but I still hadn't got Legion's loyalty. Also Zaeed's, but I saved his for later :monster: There's obviously a time limit to save people, and I had no idea what would happen if I delayed in saving them or when stuff would happen.

I deemed Legion's loyalty to be a good thing to have for the final mission, so I did that first. I enjoyed learning even more about the Geth and getting to know Legion better.
- I mean come on, he dances :awesome:
-- And he can't answer why he took some of Shepard's armor.

Right after this, I made sure I had all my upgrades then went through the relay.

- The whole cutscene of going through the relay, debris field, and landing on the motherfucking huge Collector base was pretty cool. I see what those ship upgrades were for :awesome: No one died! I'm always jumping on the upgrades first chance I find them, so no problem there.

Next was the assault. I spent 20 minutes debating the vents position :closedmonster: I'm not even lying. I lol'd at Jacob being on the list despite having just been shot down by Miranda for now being a tech expert. I narrowed it down to Tali and Legion.
I was 50% sure this was going to be a suicide mission. :closedmonster: After debating it I finally picked Tali, thinking to save Legion for maybe a more combat oriented mission.
I picked Garrus to lead my next team; sorry Miranda :monster: Jack was arguing with her and I didn't want complications. However no one has a beef with Garrus, he's an excellent fighter, and has led teams before, so he was the obvious choice.

- I realized the vents mission was also dependent on me opening the doors while Tali walked through them, so I blasted those Collectors away in record time to make sure I opened each door for her :wacky:

This first part was a success; no one died! I was pretty stressed when Tali was trying to close the doors, thinking her or another crewmate was gonna get shot, but she did it with no casualties. Phew :wacky:

Time to delegate more roles. :closedmonster: *Tension ensues*
Needed a biotics expert, so it was between Jack and Samara. I picked Samara and sent Garrus back as team leader again, hoping I could pick him twice. :wacky:

I almost started panicking at the end of the shield mission when Samara seems really weakened, and was always half convinced I was gonna see someone get shot :closedmonster: This was not good for my nerves.





Nope nope nope


I mean I wasn't Kelly's biggest fan BUT THAT WAS HORRIBLE
And Gabby and Rupert died too. ;____; Nooo not Gabby I really liked Gabby. Donnelly is gonna be all by himself....

Seriously. That was terrible. I almost got a bit nauseous watching Kelly die like that. A sick way to go, especially since it wasn't exactly painless for her. Or the others that died before I arrived. ;__; I was glad I saved some of them. But still...
The new father in the crew quarters died too.

I had to pick an escort for the crew (fuck Miranda I ain't abandoning them now stop being so heartless <__<). I went with Jacob; seemed like a good mission for him. I was worried that someone weaker wouldn't make it, but I didn't want to send one of my strongest.

Deciding my final team, I was surprised I wasn't picking people to watch my back... or was I? Everything else so far had a pretty big connotation attached to it. I left behind my strongest (Zaeed, Grunt, Garrus, Legion), then figured Jack and Samara were also toughies and left them behind too. I wanted to take Thane, but kept thinking that he was stronger and could help in the defense. In the end I took Tali and Mordin; I was planning on Mordin anyhow but swapped out my man for Tali. :monster:

Did I ever tell anyone how much I love my Cain Nuke Launcher?
I fucking love my Cain :awesome:

Skipping the battle to chat about the Human Reaper larva. I mean what the heck. Another big surprise; I totally didn't expect that.
So Reapers are created by infusing giant machines (?) with a species' organic juices/DNA to fuel it? Does this create their appearance too or do the one's creating the Reaper do that themselves? would... would a human Reaper fly through space...? So wait, then what were the rest of the Reapers created from? Because they look the same and if it would take millions of humans to create one human Reaper than where the fuck did they find a race that vast/powerful enough to create so many Reaper ships? That's both sad and terrible.

After some deliberation, I blew up the base. Fuck you Illusive Man, I don't trust you. :monster: We'll figure this out another way. Besides, using the Reaper tech hasn't worked very well for the last million years for every other race before us ever :wacky:

Grabbed Tali's hand as she fell, thought she was gonna die :closedmonster: Her and Mordin were okay, so we got the hell out of there. Then I'm running for the ship and STILL wondering if someone's gonna die, but before I know it Joker's shooting Collector's, we're all on the ship, and we leave just in time.

And... omg. All my squad survived. I did it. ;__; They all lived! :joy: My happiness at this was pretty big. :D No mistakes made in that department. <3

Final notes: EDI and Joker's now-friendly bickering and caring towards each other was nice to see. It always makes me laugh, but I feel like this was a very genuine relationship progression, as was the rest of the crew/squad.

The Reapers are coming. We're all gonna die aren't we :closedmonster:

All in all, this game hooked me from the start and is possibly one of the best game's I've ever played. Gameplay was good, story was excellent, loved the characters (several of them stick out for me <3), loved the relationships, loved the Paragon/Renegade system even more with the inclusion of Interrupts, I loved the more advanced system of exploring the galaxy, and more.
Feels like it improved everything you liked about ME1, and then got rid of what you didn't like and replaced it with much better things.
I'm looking forward to ME3 so much. I can't wait to play more. <3

Also, no regrets about picking Thane for my romance option. This probably will end with me bawling my eyes out but it's going to be worth it no matter what.


We have come to terms
Now you get to play the DLC :D

You won't regret it - Shadow Broker is phenomenally good. Overlord isn't BAD, per se, just...not as good. LotSB set the bar pretty high.

Arrival is also quite good, albeit a bit short.

Can't wait to see what else happens in your playthrough!

ps good job dog you did the thing


Pro Adventurer
I've finally got the Shadow Broker DLC successfully downloaded and installed--Thank God :wacky: Will definitely be playing that this morning. I also have Arrival but I'm saving that for last as per someone's suggestion. Two more missions, wooop! :joy:

I'll need to get ME3 very soon :awesome:


Chloe Frazer
It definitely should be played last since it takes place a couple of months after the events of the game. Do you have Overlord?


Pro Adventurer
It definitely should be played last since it takes place a couple of months after the events of the game. Do you have Overlord?

Does it really take place a couple month's after destroying the Collector base? OOooh. I love this because it means my imaginings of Thane and Shepard spending alllll their time together on the ship/in her room is totally true :awesome:

I don't have Overlord yet; I hear it's more mediocre than the rest of the DLC? Though Joe told me it's got a really good creep factor going on and I do love it when that happens....


I would definitely say that compared to the rest of ME2's DLC Overlord is the weakest, but it's still worthwhile. It's not overall plot-essential like Shadow Broker and Arrival, but it's a decent enough time.


We have come to terms
reaching consensus...please wait

this unit gives Overlord 7 flashlights out of 10

this is partially due to Simon Templeman being the main voice actor, as he has been one of this unit's favorite VAs since Legacy of Kain


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero



Nope nope nope


I mean I wasn't Kelly's biggest fan BUT THAT WAS HORRIBLE
And Gabby and Rupert died too. ;____; Nooo not Gabby I really liked Gabby. Donnelly is gonna be all by himself....

Seriously. That was terrible. I almost got a bit nauseous watching Kelly die like that. A sick way to go, especially since it wasn't exactly painless for her. Or the others that died before I arrived. ;__; I was glad I saved some of them. But still...
The new father in the crew quarters died too.

They can be saved


Pro Adventurer



Nope nope nope


I mean I wasn't Kelly's biggest fan BUT THAT WAS HORRIBLE
And Gabby and Rupert died too. ;____; Nooo not Gabby I really liked Gabby. Donnelly is gonna be all by himself....

Seriously. That was terrible. I almost got a bit nauseous watching Kelly die like that. A sick way to go, especially since it wasn't exactly painless for her. Or the others that died before I arrived. ;__; I was glad I saved some of them. But still...
The new father in the crew quarters died too.

They can be saved

Yeah I figured so. :D
Presumably if I don't delay in rescuing them. Don't tell them that I valued Legion's loyalty over their lives... except I didn't know they'd die and wait you can't tell them cuz they're dead.... :closedmonster:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
iirc you can do Legion's loyalty mission (because the timing is weird and those variables are different to compensate for that?)

I could be wrong though

Credits: GAF


I too am a megaGAFfer these days and noticed this. Rightfully people in the thread going "it'll get delayed though", which I have a hard time not agreeing with :monster:


Chloe Frazer
If it gets delayed it'll probably be to May and a lot of us thought the game was going t come out between March and May anyways.


We have come to terms
iirc you can do Legion's loyalty mission (because the timing is weird and those variables are different to compensate for that?)

I could be wrong though
You're not. You have time for exactly ONE mission.
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