Mass Effect Series


Save your valediction (she/her)
Asari doctor with initials L.T. this time with Natalie Dormer's voice? (Plz romance plz romance)


Pro Adventurer
Just a thought I had today, but seeing as the very beginning of Andromeda is supposed to show them right before they leave the Milky Way, does anyone think it's possible for any characters from the trilogy to make some kind of cameo?
I think I'm expecting to at least hear about Shepard, even if just in one sentence.


Some of the previews have revealed that you get to choose whether your Shepard was male or female, so that says to me that you'll definitely hear a small sentence or so about them. I don't think we'll be seeing any characters, but it would be nice!


We have come to terms
Yeah, they've mentioned before that some characters and events are going to be namedropped; but no cameos, sadly. I was hoping maybe I'd be able to romance Liara again, or find Wrex for drinks and palling around.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Don't know about Wrex, unless you can start Andromeda with your ME account. Pretty sure only
Liara, Joker, and EDI
are guaranteed to survive the trilogy.


Since I feel like none of you are going to listen to that:

- He teaches voice acting at Columbia
- He sounds a shitload like Nolan North (seriously listen to it)
- He was a massive fan of Mass Effect and Dragon Age which is why he auditioned for Andromeda, he kept an eye out for a listing and worked out that it was the next ME (because it wasn't actually advertised as such) from the description because it mentioned Turians etc
- He'll be playing as Sarah because he doesn't like the sound of his own voice
- He's an FF fan, talks a bit about that aswell



Pro Adventurer
^Thanks for that, I clicked to watch it but, I just can't do an hour video yet with my internet. :wacky: Sounds like a cool dude :D

Lex said:
- He'll be playing as Sarah because he doesn't like the sound of his own voice
This made me giggle a bit, his voice sounds fine but we are our own worst critic.
Actually I was wondering this last night in regards to voice actors, how often do they watch/play the games that they voiced in. I wonder if it's weird to hear all those lines, or if you critique it all the time, or hate it, etc.


Chloe Frazer
Since I feel like none of you are going to listen to that:

- He teaches voice acting at Columbia
- He sounds a shitload like Nolan North (seriously listen to it)
- He was a massive fan of Mass Effect and Dragon Age which is why he auditioned for Andromeda, he kept an eye out for a listing and worked out that it was the next ME (because it wasn't actually advertised as such) from the description because it mentioned Turians etc
- He'll be playing as Sarah because he doesn't like the sound of his own voice
- He's an FF fan, talks a bit about that aswell


That's awesome and you are correct, I was never going to listen to that. :monster: I did start but then I noticed it was almost an hour long and well cba.


He seems like a nice guy in general. I was lol'ing at some point near the end because he was talking about recording sex scenes and was laughing about the "culmination" of one of them. He also says he has a particularly favourite romance that he thinks is "very well handled". Wouldn't say which one of course.


We have come to terms
Since I feel like none of you are going to listen to that:

- He teaches voice acting at Columbia
- He sounds a shitload like Nolan North (seriously listen to it)
- He was a massive fan of Mass Effect and Dragon Age which is why he auditioned for Andromeda, he kept an eye out for a listing and worked out that it was the next ME (because it wasn't actually advertised as such) from the description because it mentioned Turians etc
- He'll be playing as Sarah because he doesn't like the sound of his own voice
- He's an FF fan, talks a bit about that aswell

I listened to the whole thing I'm no one ;.;

but holy shit I'm glad I'm not the only one who sat there thinking wow he sounds like nolan north THIS IS WHAT FORTIES NATHAN DRAKE SHOULD SOUND LIKE


Guys has anyone pre-ordered a physical copy of this? I want the deluxe edition but it's not available on Amazon. I plan to play this on PS4 but it's £15 more expensive digitally (HOW!? I HATE PSN FOR THIS!) and tbh would rather have a physical copy anyway.

Anyway I'm only posting because it seems EA/Bioware are really trying to push digital for this title - all the links on their site lead to digital preorders for example.


Pro Adventurer
^Whaaaat it's more expensive to buy it digitally? Wtf. I have to check that later on, I was thinking of getting it digitally. :wacky: If its more expensive though I'd be glad to get a physical copy. Just as long as I can play it as soon as it comes out. :monster:



EDIT: Guys see before when I said male Ryder sounds like Nolan North? Fucking seriously. Like that is 100% Nolan North except it definitely isn't. But it sounds like it is. It's weird AF
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They're pushing for the digital version because they have much higher profit margins on them, especially if you buy it from EA's own digital store. Physical version and the various parties in between skim off at least 40%, probably more like 80% after import taxes and packaging and all that shit. That doesn't apply with digital, with the added bonus that people are apparently willing to pay more money in order to be able to play it right away.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
That Clancy Brown dadRyder tho

They're pushing for the digital version because they have much higher profit margins on them, especially if you buy it from EA's own digital store. Physical version and the various parties in between skim off at least 40%, probably more like 80% after import taxes and packaging and all that shit. That doesn't apply with digital, with the added bonus that people are apparently willing to pay more money in order to be able to play it right away.

EA are doing this terrible thing where the "physical" edition for Andromeda is literally just a code printed on a piece of paper and slipped into a DVD case

They did it for Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 and it's fucking atrocious


Double Growth
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