You do know that Brent posted the exact same information a few pages back right? Links and all?
I despair sometimes. I really do.
Hopes and dreams crushed. Franchise ruined.
SPOILERY Article here.
IDGAF, still holding the goddamn line.
EDIT: The bioware spoiler forum is now in lockdown. Oh dear.
*spits water on screen*ahaahah go look at Casey Hudson's wiki page
Any future content would be based before or during the events of Mass Effect 3.
Did Hudson's wiki page had something before interesting before? Because there's barely anything now.
Also Brent I'm still laughing at that image.
Given that it's fairly certain that the writers actually planned the ending to work out this way, I doubt they'll give an alternate DLC ending - rather, they might take the opportunity to clear up some of the confusion, explain some 'plot holes' people have been going on about, etc.
His page was pretty much raped.
Lemme see if I can get some proofs