Mass Effect Series


Joe, Arcana
No the entire GAME was important.

It doesn't matter how bad any five minutes of the game are when
you have incredible moments like Mordin's sacrifice, the resolution to the geth/quarian war, Garrus being Garrus and myriad of other things (CAPTAIN KIRRAHE "It's Major now")


Chloe Frazer
Force you touched on something that when time passed from when I first finished the game it started to really annoy me -
There's a massive space battle going on and you never get to take part of it, it would've been extremely awesome if we've gotten the chance to take control of the Normandy and join the fight. The other thing being the fact that we have this army of different species fighting on the ground and we barely got to see it and we didn't get to use them at all or your former squad members which apparently that was supposed to happen but it was cut from the game. Bioware had two formulas that had proven to work for the end of the game one being ME2 and the other being DA: O which is the one thye used for most of the game but not the final part.

Ghost X

Whilst taking a drive down nostalgia lane, I learnt that an early 1990s game called Starflight, which would have to be one of the best games ever imo, was apparently a huge influence for the ME series according to one of its creators.


Chloe Frazer
Does that mean you'll play Mass Effect? Unless you have in which case ignore this post. :monster:


Double Growth
Check out this sweet Shepard cosplay.




Pretty awesome.


Double Growth
Yeah, the kotaku post I lifted it from was filled with a bunch of neanderthals bitching about how "Shepard's a man," so I spent some time preachin the femshep gospel.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Speaking of which, the Play Arts Kai of Femshep looks miles better than the one of male shepard

male shepard looks like he's doing a bad rendition of blackface by smearing dirt on his head


Chloe Frazer
Maleshep is boring and voiced by Mark Meer, femshep is awesome and voiced by Jennifer Hale. To me femshep has always worked better in the story.


Double Growth
Exactly, people go on about feminism - both positive and negative - about femshep. I don't give a shit about any of that, but Mark Meer can't hold a candle to Jennifer Hale. (yes, I acknowledge he improved over the course of the series, but she was top notch from start to finish)

Though, on the feminism point, I saw a post that slapping writing written for a male onto a female character is bad writing. That's...just wrong all the way around.
First of all, you're assuming Bioware didn't think about the fact that you could play girl, which I find hard to believe.
Secondly, no it isn't, it happens all the time. Fang was written as a man and was changed later. (And though someone might say FF13 is not an example of good writing, I'm referring to Fang's character, who I never really noticed anyone having a problem with.)
Thirdly, there ARE some dialogue differences between the two. e.g.
in 3 when Wrex complains about women talking too much, Shepard tells him that maybe he should "listen, sometimes we have good ideas."
Even more of those would be great, but they did not ignore it. And sometimes the best way to write a female character, is to just write a character.

Obviously, people can prefer whoever they want, that's totally fine. It's just so obvious from some comments that people are seriously too insecure to play a chick.

Satsu, yeah, as monotone as Meer can be sometimes, default-Shepard is excruciatingly boring looking. Default femshep actually looks pretty badass, so I can imagine that would be the case with the play arts figures.
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Well it's not even that - Square Enix done goofed on the texturing/painting of the maleshep models and it just looks like a really ugly job :monster:

I guess it still beat's Kotobukiya's Bishojo series versions. Ugh what is that shit my spine hurts just looking at them


Chloe Frazer
Force - On that subject the scene in ME2 where shep can headbutt a krogan took a lot of criticism from insecure people because according to them femshep doing that was impossible, whereas maleshep doing it was completely realistic, completely ignoring the fact that it's a video game and the only reason that either can do that is because of their cybernetic implants.

Also proof that femshep is better:



Double Growth
Meh, I get sick of her talking down to me all the time. I just killed a small army almost singlehandedly while you sat on your ass in a club, quit talkin to me like that, bitch.


So I just started ME2 last night - I really liked that it gave you the comic book style overview of ME1 and allowed you to make several decisions, although some of them were harder for me to make simply because I wanted more information - I often wondered if I would have chosen differently had I played through the first game, you know? I didn't get terribly far into ME2, as it was late when I started and I took my sweet time making my femShep (although Force laughed that it basically ended up as the default Shepard anyway - there were slight variations, I swear!). I built her as a Vanguard/Spacer/Ruthless, and I'm really excited to kind of play a hardass, as I don't normally do that. We'll see how that goes, if I can actually stick to it and not get all soft and mushy :P


It's the genuine truth though. I believe I kind of started bobbing up and down and clapping my hands when I read your post Avec :monster:


So I played a little more last night - not a lot, again, but I am now on the new Normandy. Took me about a half hour just to go exploring through the ship! I'm sure I'll be getting lost a few times before I finally get really acclimated to it. :P I did a little planet scanning right before I saved and went to bed, and I have to say, I think it's a neat little mini game, as is the safe hacking game. I'm a little disappointed because Force tells me that they got rid of both of those aspects in the third ME.

I looked at my mission log, and I have to say, it's a little overwhelming! I'm excited to get started with them, though. And even though I didn't actually play the first ME, I really want to find my old crew. I was really perturbed when the Illusive Man told me that they were all basically unavailable. I must find them! :rage: Also, when I have the free time, I'd like to go through the codex - that's another thing that has me feeling a little overwhelmed, haha. It has so much information, and I'd like to have a really good understanding of the game and the world, but goodness that's a lot to swallow.
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