Mass Effect Series


Double Growth
Morrigan said:
The whole thing backfires in ME3 because the Destiny Ascension for example is worth a lot of war assets.

because the war assets end up being so important

And Ashley and Kaidan are more or less the same, as I'm to understand it.
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btw did Bioware ever fix the datapad game? I'm back at 50% and I need to find people to play multiplayer with if it's never getting fixed. Have I mentioned how much I hate that stupid system? -_-

It doesn't really work for me anymore, but you don't need to play it anymore anyway. The requirements for the "best" possible ending have been lowered to ~3000 EMS with the Extended cut.

Ashley and Kaidan basically have the same storyline and which one you have alive doesn't affect the story positively or negatively in any way. But they are very different characters, with their own unique sets of dialogue and squad powers/abilities. Kaidan is a very useful squadmate for insanity in ME3, which is weird because he's quite weak in 1. But he has Reave in 3, and reave is win.

It just comes down to personal preference. Again, the comic made me want to keep Ashley alive because I started with a MaleShep. I now keep Kaidan alive because he's my MShep's love interest (see Avatar and sig for the past like 2 years).


wangxian married
i don't mind the titles no longer being numbered if they aren't going to be shepard's story anymore (i still think it was dumb for them to scrap the "exodus" subtitle from DA2, especially since that game hardly felt like a sequel anyway)

it would be really cool to have a DA:O character creation system if they're gonna do more games though


Double Growth
I don't care so much about the #, I meant him being concerned that the fans were referring to it as ME4, that they were doing it "a disservice." Until you announce a title, that's what they're going to call it.


wangxian married
oh yeah, priestly and gaider say some questionable shit sometimes. (i really wish i'd saved the 4chan bioware thread, now that i think about it. it was a gold mine.)


So I don't play board games, but this looks interesting. There was a Facebook post earlier about this (from the official ME Facebook) saying "yes it's real - coming this fall".



But aren't the Reapers the ones doing the indoctrinating? :desu:

ANYWAY! I finished ME2 and the Arrival dlc today. I am definitely ready to jump into ME3, especially after that dlc. Oh boy oh boy.

So I ended up gaining the loyalty of everyone on my team except for two people - Miranda and Tali. I'd completed Miranda's mission, everything went fine, and then she and Jack had some stupid fight that I broke up in Jack's favor, because really, Miranda was being a bitch, so I lost her loyalty there. Neither my Paragon nor my Renegade was high enough to talk her down for the rest of the game, so she remained "normal" on the loyalty scale. At least I had all of her abilities unlocked, which really was the most important thing in my mind. Tali, on the other hand, did not like that I used the evidence against her father in order to clear her name, which I thought was absolutely ridiculous. I wasn't going to let her go into exile for something that her father had done, so I went against her wishes, which of course cost me her loyalty. Whatever. I was so peeved that she would be that upset with me for trying to help her, you know, the person on my crew, that I pretty much completely disregarded her from then on. I was a little bummed that I didn't unlock all of her abilities, but I got all of Legion's, so no harm, really. Speaking of Legion - would either choice (rewriting or destroying the heretics) have given you his loyalty? He had no real opinion, and the geth consensus between destroying and rewriting was pretty close, so I'm just curious. I chose to rewrite them because I figured, hey, the more geth on my side, the better.

May I just say that I love the interactions between Joker and EDI? Especially during the part when you're controlling Joker (though that part other than that was absolutely terrifying, ha).

Apparently doing any missions after the Collectors attack your ship will cause you to permanently lose some of the crewmembers who had been stolen. I did not know this, and went ahead and did the Project Overlord dlc before heading out to find them. Whoops. The two notable crewmembers that I lost were my Yeoman and the female engineer. I was saddened by this, as I really liked all of the banter between the female and male engineer (no, I don't remember their names off the top of my head).

I ended up losing Tali at the end, which, as cold as it makes me sound, didn't bother me too much. I was glad that it was her, and not Miranda, to be honest, as they were the only two I could have easily lost, having not had their loyalty. I took Garrus and Jack with me to the final fight - holy huge terminator, batman!

I really liked Arrival - I could tell right away that I couldn't trust Dr. Kenson. Not sure what it was that made me feel uneasy around her, but when she turned on me in front of the artifact, it was one of those "I KNEW IT!" moments. I was glad that I got to take her down. Sorry, lady, that you don't get to see the arrival of the Reapers. Really. My bad.

Overall, I tried to play as much of a badass as I could bring myself to do. I'm definitely higher on the Renegade arm than the Paragon arm, although they are both in their 3rd sector. I had reached the third sector of Renegade before Paragon, and was admittedly kind of disappointed when I squeaked into the third sector on the Paragon arm and saw that my scars were slightly less noticeable than they had been before that. :P I have to admit, a few of my decisions were largely based on what would give me more Renegade points, especially after I chose to rewrite the heretics and saw that doing so gave me 30 points of Paragon. >_> In fact, that was largely why, in the end, I chose to save the Collector vessel instead of destroying it, which honestly, I didn't want to do at all. I really wanted to destroy it, and I really really didn't want to give it to Cerberus, but as stupid as it may sound, I wanted the points for everyone on my ship is questioning the decision I made. I've thought about going back and redoing just the end if I have a lot of trouble with my crew when I start ME3, because I don't want to have to deal with any insubordination or trust issues, but we'll see. It might not even be that big of a deal, but with this game, who knows.

Ummm...guess I'll get started on ME3, now. :desu:


Chloe Frazer
If your paragon or renegade points are high enough you don't have to side with either Miranda or Jack and just basically tell them both to stfu and you don't lose their loyalty.
Tali is super adorable and awesome, how could you let her die you bastard? :no: Srsly though I don't agree with Tali not wanting to use the evidence but I do understand it because in the end it is still her father. There are a few ways to avoid losing her loyalty without getting her exiled, the coolest one requires high paragon or renegade points and you give a hell of a scolding to the Admiralty Board, you can also rally the crowd against them (you need Kal'Reegar and Vetoor for that one), Tali dead is gonna bite you in the butt big time in ME3.

Rewriting the geth or killing them makes no difference to get Legion's loyalty but as it turns out you do not get more geth on your side, you actually get more geth against you in ME3 which really doesn't do much in the grand scheme of things. The only mission you can do after the crew gets kidnapped is Legion's loyalty mission then you have to go straight to the Omega 4 relay so you don't lose anybody, is a shame that you lost Gabby because her banter with Ken is hilarious and it gets more hilarious and sweet in ME3.

To my understanding it doesn't matter much if you saved or destroyed the Collector vessel, a lot of things in ME3 still go the same regardless but it's very satisfying to tell the Illusive Man where he can shove it and destroy the base and to me is the least I can do for all the people who got kidnapped and liquified.

Joker and EDI are amazing together, one of the best things about the game. It gets better in ME3, you're gonna love it.

Important question, did your Shep have any favorite store on the Citadel? :monster:


Wow, I've never really seen a ME3 game without Tali, let us know what that's like. Slightly spoilerish but she plays a big role in 3.

Also, not doing Miranda's loyalty mission will also come back to bite you in the ass. That's the wonderful thing about this game, everyone has their own canon :)


Whoops, I meant not having her loyalty. Sorry about that, I did remember you lost it because of the Jack argument thing but somehow just screwed that post up. Forgive me, I have the worst hangover ever.


Haha it's alright. I did everyone's loyalty quests, because I really did want to get as many of them as possible listed as "loyal", but I just couldn't bring myself to cover up Tali's dad's mistake and let her take the hit, and I didn't have a high enough Ren or Par to stop Jack and Miranda's argument without it affecting either of their loyalties.

Hope you feel better soon, Lex!


Chloe Frazer
If you get the chance to play ME1 there's a cheat to get infinite paragon points, it makes things a whole lot easier cause then you don't have to worry about having enough paragon/renegade points.

Get better soon Lex. Hope you were having fun last night.


So this is pretty awesome, popped up on the Mass Effect Facebook:


I've seen the guys face before. I'm not sure if it's real life or internet familiar, does anyone recognise him?

Also, if someone proposes to me like that I would not be able to say no.


Chloe Frazer
Cassie - You don't have to stop being renegade to get the paragon cheat.

Lex lets be honest you would probably say yes to any marriage proposal that involved ME in some way. :monster: Also that's pretty awesome.
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