Mass Effect Series


Chloe Frazer
Yeah the Illusive Man is not being completely honest about all of your former squad members Liara being unavailable or the reasons they're unavailable.




Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I did a little planet scanning right before I saved and went to bed, and I have to say, I think it's a neat little mini game, as is the safe hacking game. I'm a little disappointed because Force tells me that they got rid of both of those aspects in the third ME.

The hacking minigames were definitely fun, but most people learn to hate the planet scanning after a while since it basically replaces the immersion of exploring planets in the first game and gets tedious



You know, after hearing for years about how the Mako was the worst thing ever, when I first started playing it I didn't find it so bad.

Then I spent more than 5 seconds in it and wanted to rip all my hair out.

It's hilariously bad. But if you want to see how bad it really is, attempt to beat those fucking cannons in Bring Down the Sky on Insanity. That requires some creative movement/almost cheating by just purely bypassing them. Thresher Maws are tedious too.

I didn't mind the planet scanning in 2, but I didn't really miss it in 3. To be honest, there are times in 2 when I found the scanning to be quite relaxing, what with the glorious Galaxy Map theme on in the background. Also the probing Uranus thing. But I don't think we lost much when they got rid of it.

I'm also going to bring something up that might be slightly controversial: the whole immersion factor everyone's talking about. I was far more immersed in 2 and 3 than I was in 1. That's in part because I'm a completist, so I felt that detouring to all these planets to roam around in silence and occasionally play a button input game - while nifty - took away from the flow of the story. Bearing in mind I spent ~180 hours playing 1 over the course of December. Most of that was finding shit on the planets in the Mako. I just feel like 2 and 3 have a better narrative flow where side missions are concerned (3 more than 2 even, in this respect). 1 has a fantastic story, but the huge gaps between story planets bothered me. And yeah, I know they're optional, but I can't not do something if it's there in a game XD.


Chloe Frazer
I wanted to destroy the game after I finished Therum in my first playthrough. Honestly yeah I agree, I was glad to see the planet exploring bits gone, I don't think they added anything to the game.


I used to read a lot about how they made the game feel bigger, and while they kind of do that they also take away from the narrative IMO. If it's your first time playing the game and you're trying to be semi-completist, I can honestly imagine forgetting half the storyline by the time you go to another planet lol.


I generally go around and scan a bunch of planets when I've finished my last mission of whatever sitting I'm doing. It's just a little relaxing thing to do before I shut down the game for the day. I've heard that the vehicle in 1 is ridiculously frustrating, so I'm ok with the planet scanning system. Sometimes my finger does get sore from holding down the R2 button though :monster:

Today I finished a couple of quests, including the quest where I get Jack, and the quest where I go to Horizon, the colony that was under attack by the Collectors. I was pretty pissed when Ashley blew me off because I was associated in any way with Cerberus. Ok, yeah, I just saved your ass and the existence of this colony in general, and you treat me like the enemy? Well screw you, you go your own way.

Also, my reaction to Jack was pretty much my team's reaction. That's Jack? :P

I really like this game so far. I can really feel it, feel it building up to something great (which just kind of scares me for 3, since I've heard the ending was a disappointment and all), but I love it. I love the tension of the missions, I love the music (the music during the fights and exploration of Horizon really had me genuinely pumped and scared), I LOVE the interactions of my squadmates, especially Garrus when he compliments my good shots during missions. So far, my favorite team has been Garrus and Kasumi, although I might start using Jack here and there, just because I'm intrigued by her superior biotic abilities. But so far, I've completed Kasumi's loyalty mission....and that's it. Guess I should do some others :P


It has begun. You are now officially sucked in Avec. The world of Mass Effect will be with you forever. I can tick your name off my list.

Next stop, Fangu.


New DLC info found in latest patch.

It looks like they're including a new Co-Op multiplayer story mode. THIS WOULD BE SO FREAKIN AWESOME!

Files relating to an upcoming Mass Effect 3 DLC have been unearthed in a new patch for the game.

The title update, detailed by BioWare mere hours ago as a simple bug-fix update, has already been data-mined for clues as to the game's upcoming expansions.

Data for a major new multiplayer gameplay mode was uncovered, to be fully implemented in a forthcoming DLC. The mode will use save data from choices made throughout your single-player campaign, including paragon/renegade values, reputation points and overall progress.

The information comes from Clevernoob forum user TSA_383, a reliable source of leaks in the past. It also tallies with a product description for a new multiplayer pack - named Reckoning - recently posted on Reddit, where Xbox Marketplace blurbs have popped up in the past.

"The day of reckoning is nigh!" the description read. "The Reckoning Multiplayer Expansion brings six new never before seen co-op story missions to the game and new co-op gameplay modes. It provides four new maps to conquer and hazard variations of the Earth maps.

"It also enables reinforcement packs that offer new kits for the salarians, krogans, humans and volus. In-game reinforcement packs now include three new weapons (Chakram Launcher, Blood Pack Punisher and Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle)."

The above weapons are recent additions to the single-player campaign which have been expected to make the jump to multiplayer (and, accordingly, TSA_383 found them during his/her explorations of today's patch). BioWare has also previously spoken of its desire to update maps from previous multiplayer expansion Earth as Hazard versions (so named for their harder nature and environmental hazards, albeit with higher rewards).

A co-op multiplayer mode using single-player data suggests scenarios linked to the Mass Effect 3 story, which could let players replay the game's major battles with friends.

Obviously this isn't the next big story DLC but it's interesting nonetheless. If they'd allow cross platform compatibility I could play with some of you awesome peeps.

As a matter of fact, Avec, hurry up and get to 3 so we can play on PS3 together :monster:


I have also just found these two images, which are apparently from the new story DLC (the one they've pulled every writer back in for as well as the composer):



I see Wrex and Shepard in that first one :monster:


Chloe Frazer
Jack's superior biotic abilities are basically cutscene power to the max. If you think Ashley's bad she got nothing on the Council, hey guys remember when I saved your asses from Soverign at the cost of a lot of human life? You don't? ok then ungrateful assholes, I still wish I could've used this line in ME3 "Ah yes "Reapers" didn't you guys dismissed that claim?". -_-

Kasumi is awesome, I love when she does her backstab attack when Harbinger assumes direct control because usually this happens: Harbinger: Shepard I know you feel--- Kasumi: *backstab* Ha ha!, Harbinger: My attacks will tear you --- Kasumi: *backstab* Ha ha!.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Man, fuck you guys the Mako was hilariously awesome. :wackymonster:
I dunno. Mayhaps it's because quite a few people here started off with the Playstation 3 ME2 and so use that as the standard? ME2 felt vastly more linear (in both plot and level design) and I guess people are cool with how that affects the story when that's their earlier experience of Mass Effect.

But to be honest I felt initially extremely underwhelmed by the design choices made in my first playthrough of ME2, because the level of customisation and the freedom in ME1 had been mostly removed. There were no real choices in modding weaponry since there was no real modding diversity to choose from - just a bunch of upgrades that you'd be simply disadvantaging yourself by not choosing to apply them, and class-based restrictions to ammunition.

Planet exploration was mostly optional in Mass Effect 1 and besides the main questline planets you weren't required to go down there and explore unless you were an achievement hunter. Quite a few planets were frustrating and boring but it mostly came down to the actual design of the map (and the Mako lol) and less to do with the concept. On the other hand, planet scanning in ME2 is basically mandatory since the rewards you net from it are required for credits and upgrades to your weapons and (most importantly) the ship. Granted you don't need to scan all the things but in my opinion the player has to do it frequently enough that it becomes just as boring as the Mako driving - minus the spectacle of discovering new places in the Mass Effect universe. But immersion = different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Personally I think the driving sections actually broke up the monotony of constantly traversing along rooms with nothing but cover-based shooting - not to mention the cover-based shooting wasn't entirely required in the first game in the first place. It's really beating a dead horse by this point but in the transition between Mass Effect 1 to 2 they really took out some of the role-playing from the role-playing game, and what disappoints me is that they didn't seem to have the guts to improve on what they had, rather than just throw away the premise entirely.

It's all pretty moot though since ME3 brought some of that back. More refined level design, more creative character metagame in terms of powers and weaponry, and just more customisation and variety in general. I really still would like for them to give the universe a more open feel so that the player isn't always traversing a tiny part of the sci-fi setting - but in a way that isn't frustrating or absolutely required.

Also for all of ME1's flaws, starting ME2 as the inital experience lacks the emotional attachment to the characters that a player would have gotten throughout the 40-or-so hours playing ME1, so the very beginning of the game has much less of an impact than another player who was so familiar with the old Normandy and it's crew. The comic is great but it's a really pale substitute for the actual game itself, imo.


Double Growth
And FF7 has a much different impact to people who didn't experience parts of the Compilation first, but what are you gonna do? If we still got invested, then no harm no foul, right?

I couldn't get into ME1 when I tried. Maybe it was maleshep, but it just seemed so laborious, and it's not like I'm uninitiated with RPGs. I dunno.

Meanwhile I think ME3 got rid of too much from 2, so I guess it's a relative thing. Or 2 just struck a really nice balance :)


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Well like I said, different strokes for different folks.


Chloe Frazer
I have the ME games for the 360, I was so happy when I got to ME2 because I couldn't stand the gameplay. I still can't and I've only done 3 playthroughs of ME1, I really don't like playing it. That being said yeah given the option is better to play ME1 before ME2, like satsu said the beginning of ME2 doesn't have the same emotional impact impact if you haven't played ME1 and then there's the side missions and nods to ME1 in ME2 like Conrad. :monster:

Cassie - Not saving the Council is not a good idea, the new Council just ignores you in ME2 and if it's just Udina well he's much worse. The whole thing backfires in ME3 because the Destiny Ascension for example is worth a lot of war assets.


^It doesn't really matter though, you can make up for the war assets in other areas. I always save the council now too but it's not going to massively affect much if Avec continues to play.

It's the comic. The comic doesn't give you the backstory behind "save this mistrusting council of random races you don't know, or save thousands of people", but instead just states it plainly and the decision seems really "obvious".


Chloe Frazer
There are thousands of people with the Council too which I'm not sure the Comic mentions, I don't remember since I only saw it once.

btw did Bioware ever fix the datapad game? I'm back at 50% and I need to find people to play multiplayer with if it's never getting fixed. Have I mentioned how much I hate that stupid system? -_-


Lex said:
It's the comic. The comic doesn't give you the backstory behind "save this mistrusting council of random races you don't know, or save thousands of people", but instead just states it plainly and the decision seems really "obvious".

This. Like I said before, I'm glad they did the comic thing, but I often wonder how I might have chosen differently had I actually played through ME1, knowing all of the backstory and having actually gotten to know the characters (like, would I have saved Ashley or the other guy had I known them?).
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