Metal Gear Solid 5 (+ General Series Thread)


Jesus, you could probably spend hours just exploring your own base once you developed it far enough. That scale.

And of course:


PT, eh? =P
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Ghost X

Can a game be too huge? :P. This mother base things seems like one would need a lot of time to invest in playing, and if its anything like MGO, the server won't be online forever, and my pessimism about this is made worse given Konami's recent behaviour :P.


AI Researcher
later they patch the game and replace all the motherbase stuff with pachinko slots featuring in-game purchases


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Can a game be too huge? :P. This mother base things seems like one would need a lot of time to invest in playing, and if its anything like MGO, the server won't be online forever, and my pessimism about this is made worse given Konami's recent behaviour :P.

I think they're a little aware that some of these elements may get a bit too big. In Peace Walker you had to manually assign all of your recruits and "recruits" to each department, but in MGSV they will be automatically assigned according to their best ranked skills

They can still be manually assigned but automating that shit would leave you the time to physically explore and do the stuff you need to do in Mother Base


Can a game be too huge? :P. This mother base things seems like one would need a lot of time to invest in playing, and if its anything like MGO, the server won't be online forever, and my pessimism about this is made worse given Konami's recent behaviour :P.

I think they're a little aware that some of these elements may get a bit too big. In Peace Walker you had to manually assign all of your recruits and "recruits" to each department, but in MGSV they will be automatically assigned according to their best ranked skills

PW has Auto Assign as well. I'm playing it atm. :monster:

Also, of course online elements won't be online forever, but that only affects FOB infiltration gameplay, not Mother Base (which is offline).


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
It does? Huh.

Maybe its toggled on by default in MGSV, then. /arsetalking

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney

Cons: This will be the longest week of my life.

Pros: 9/1/15 is a Tuesday and I'm usually off on Tuesdays. 9...10... never sleep again.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Launch trailer - this one edited/directed by Kojima. His last one!
Major spoilers as to the design of the major Metal Gear in the game.

This is the thing I love about Kojima's trailers though - even when it's spoiling so much shit it's just raising even more questions!




Joe, Arcana
So the last MGS game I played was 4. Going into MGS5 is there anything I really ought to know about the plot?

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So the last MGS game I played was 4. Going into MGS5 is there anything I really ought to know about the plot?

Do yourself a huge favor and just watch the Peace Walker movie on youtube. It ties directly into Ground Zeroes. You should play GZ, but if you're not arsed watching the 10 minutes worth of story content as well is important. Don't worry about the PoOps games or Acid, they're non-canon.

Okay it's 40 minutes, big whoop...

Still not arsed to devote 4 hours of your life to youtube? Well here's the wiki plot synopsises:

Four years after the events of the San Hyeronymo incident, Big Boss—who prefers his original title, Snake—and Kaz Miller have established Militaires Sans Frontières, a small mercenary faction, on the Colombian coast. They are approached by Ramon Galvez Mena, a professor at the University of Peace, and his student, Paz Ortega Andrade. Galvez attempts to hire MSF to investigate an army that has discreetly occupied parts of Costa Rica. Snake refuses, identifying Galvez as a KGB agent, but is convinced when Paz plays a recording of The Boss.
When Snake arrives in Costa Rica, he begins to suspect that the mystery army has brought nuclear weapons with them. Enlisting the help of the Sandinista Liberation Army, he tracks a shipment to a research facility deep in the mountains. His suspicions are confirmed when he witnesses Hot Coldman, a senior CIA agent, announce his intentions to fire a live nuclear weapon as part of a project code-named "Peace Walker," a fail-deadly nuclear tank. Snake reveals himself to Huey Emmerich, one of Peace Walker's designers, who agrees to help him stop Coldman.
Following Huey's instructions, Snake ventures deeper into Costa Rica, searching for Dr. Strangelove, the designer of Peace Walker's artificial intelligence systems. He discovers that Strangelove has based Peace Walker's primary control systems on The Boss' personality. She demands to know whether The Boss genuinely defected to the Soviet Union, or if she died on a mission that was covered up, going so far as to torture Snake for information.
Snake escapes custody and attempts in vain to destroy Peace Walker, a quadrupedal nuclear launch platform. He chases Peace Walker across the Nicaraguan border to an American airbase on the shores of Lake Cocibolca. Discovering that the base has been occupied by Soviet soldiers, Snake infiltrates the facility to confront Coldman. Coldman reveals the purpose of Peace Walker: he believes that nuclear deterrence is a flawed theory, relying on humans to retaliate in the event of a nuclear exchange, whom he believes to be unwilling to destroy their own race. As an impartial artificial intelligence, Peace Walker would guarantee retaliation, and Coldman intends to fire a warhead to prove it. The facility is overrun by Soviet soldiers, led by Galvez, now known as Vladimir Zadornov. Zadornov intends to hijack Peace Walker for the Soviet Union, but the standoff is broken by the arrival of MSF and the Sandinistas, giving Snake enough time to destroy Peace Walker.
In the aftermath of the battle, Zadornov is captured and Coldman mortally wounded. In his dying moments, Coldman activates Peace Walker's data uplink, convincing NORAD that the United States is about to be hit by a Soviet nuclear strike. Snake contacts NORAD, and tries to convince them to stand down, but senior members of the armed forces refuse and plan to retaliate. With a nuclear strike imminent, The Boss' personality takes control of Peace Walker's damaged artificial intelligence and drowns Peace Walker in Lake Cocibolca, severing the connection and ending the threat.
Some time later, Zadornov repeatedly escapes from MSF, arousing Snake's suspicions that someone has betrayed them. Paz reveals herself to be the traitor, using Zadornov's escapes to seize control of Metal Gear ZEKE, a walking tank designed by Huey to act as MSF's deterrent against foreign intervention. Acting as an agent of Major Zero—now using the name "Cipher"—Paz issues Snake an ultimatum: surrender MSF to Cipher and become his deterrent, or else she will fire a nuclear warhead on America, at which point they will be branded a nuclear-equipped extremist cult, and the world will unite in their pursuit of MSF. Snake prevents the launch by crippling ZEKE, and Paz is thrown into the ocean. In the aftermath, Snake reconciles with his memory of The Boss and accepts the title of Big Boss as he rallies the soldiers of MSF to prepare for a fight for their survival, declaring them to be living in "Outer Heaven".

In the aftermath of the Peace Walker incident, Paz Ortega Andrade is missing and presumed to be dead. Under the direction of Kazuhira Miller and Huey, Militaires Sans Frontières turn their attention to an upcoming inspection by the UN amid suspicions that they possess a nuclear weapon, which MSF believe to be an attempt by the Cipher organization to stifle them. Their preparations are interrupted when MSF agents in Cuba investigate reports that Paz survived and has been detained at Camp Omega. The situation is complicated when Ricardo "Chico" Valenciano Libre attempts to rescue her and is similarly captured. Believing that both of them could compromise MSF, Snake is sent to infiltrate Camp Omega and extract them if they are alive, or confirm that they are dead and if so, determine what they revealed to their captors. Snake also recognizes the value in rescuing Paz, as he believes doing so will convince Cipher to stand down while Paz will be more willing to discuss Cipher's activities with MSF.
Snake infiltrates Camp Omega as a mysterious Special Forces unit known as XOF departs. He locates and extracts Chico, who claims Paz is dead. Using a recording that Chico gives him, Snake and Miller deduce that Paz is alive, and was moved deeper into the camp. He sneaks into Camp Omega and manages to rescue Paz as well, with the group escaping via an MSF helicopter designated Morpho One. However, on the way back to Mother Base, Chico discovers that Paz was surgically implanted with a bomb, prompting Snake and an MSF medic to remove it by hand. They then arrive to Mother Base to see it in flames as XOF forces attack. Morpho One lands long enough for Snake to rescue Miller, who claims that the UN inspection was nothing but a ruse for the XOF ambush, which razes Mother Base. As they attempt to escape XOF, Paz regains consciousness and warns everybody that there is a second bomb inside her body. Knowing that she is about to die, she jumps out, trying to throw herself clear of the helicopter. She succeeds, but the explosion causes Morpho to spiral out of control and collide with a pursuing XOF helicopter.
The epilogue reveals that the United States government downplayed MSF's destruction and attempted to cover up their dealings with the organization, as do many of MSF's clients. There are no known survivors of the assault, apart from Snake, Miller, and Huey.
In a post-credits scene, set prior to Snake's arrival at Camp Omega, Paz is being interrogated by Skull Face, who demands the whereabouts of Cipher—also known as Zero—as Paz had met Zero in person. Paz eventually gives in and agrees to tell him Zero's location before the scene ends.


Last trailer I saw was the E3 2014 one (the one with "Nuclear"). That ain't gonna change because I know how spoilery Kojima gets. :P

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Today I paid off my pre-order for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Last night I created a Twitch Account: JasonTandro. After testing it out on GTA V I found it to be pretty painless on the PS4.

Ergo for those of you who are at all interested, I will be livestreaming my first playthrough on the 1st. I can't say an exact time as I have Kyra with me until 5:30 PM or thereabouts, but I doubt I'll be able to wait until she's picked up and probably start streaming / playing during her afternoon nap (usually around 2PM). But if nothing else from 6 PM to 9 PM should be a good solid stream of content.

Of course if you're in this thread you'll probably be playing too or won't want to have it spoiled for you, so this is a rather pointless post, but hey for the 1 or 2 of you that might be interested that's a thing! :monster:

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Conflicted. Don't have a PS4, not very likely to get one any time soon, so it might be worth watching. But I'm oddly dubious about this game, there just doesn't seem to be a need for it storylinewise.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Gameplay hands-down looks to be the best of the series, indeed the best of any in the stealth genre

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
My cousin and I reconciled with this game and we played the recruitment game aka stealth around the base, interrogate the troops, put them to sleep and recruit. Hell we recruited the first boss, a spetznaz guy.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Just came in the mail. Played for a few min into the intro. Semi-spoilers. I won't actually say anything, but you want to go COMPLETELY fresh, like, I'll give a lil more than what the trailers show, don't look further. It'll just be my reaction to it.

What. The. Fuck? Something happens that literally blew my mind. Thats not somethign I thought I'd EVER see in a MGS game. I just.. I don't even know. what the fuck.

EDIT: I dunno, maybe I'm just overthinking it, or missing something obvious. Thinking about it, it does make sense. I think maybe the fact that it happened kinda blew my mind, overriding any logical explanation
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Heads up for anyone who has it on Steam: They've bumped up the time for release a full day and it unlocks in 3 hours

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