Michael Jackson is dead.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Now there's a rumor going around that Jeff Goldblum died while filming in New Zealand...

I live in new zealand and so far I have heard no news of this.

btw rip prince of pop.


~The Other Side of Fear~
How unfortunate, he was very young and seemed to be pulling out of the wackshit his life had descended into. At least he's at peace now.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Rest in peace, Michael.

Gods, I grew up on his music...
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Pro Adventurer
I was at work when someone came yelling "Wow, Michael Jackson died."
It's....whao...I don't know.
At least he is at peace now.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Because he was so infamous for his shenanigans and his music and just everything he did, it's rather shocking that he died so young because someone like that you would assume they'd live forever.



Michael Jackson is DEAD?

...wow. Just....

I'm at a loss for words.
There goes my favorite musician of all time.



Beacause I am a puppet
Didn't hear about this until I left work this evening. Actually, a customer came in asking if I could check the news. I asked why, and they said MJ had had a heart attack. That's when I first said OMG.

Then just before I left CNN was on in the break room announcing he was dead. OMG #2.

RIP to the King of Pop.


Fiat Lux
As someone who grew up with his music, this really is a tragic day. Despite all the controversy surrounding his personal life, he'll still be known as greatest performer of all time. No one did it quite like Jacko. No one at all.

R.I.P Michael.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Thriller was the first album I fell in love with, and several of his other releases were masterpieces as well. I don't think I had even the remotest idea how people who grew up in the Sixties felt when John Lennon died until today.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
So I was watching MTV Live and they're talking about his death and they bring up how someone had snatched a photo of Michael in the ambulance trying to resuscitate him. Curious, I didn't think such a thing would exist since that's such a huge invasion of privacy... sure enough there it was, first vague pictures of him being taken away from his home on a stretcher, and then hidden away on a site where you have to complete a survey to see, a picture of MJ trying to be resuscitated in the ambulance. =/

ffs who does that when someone's dying?


As someone who grew up with his music, this really is a tragic day. Despite all the controversy surrounding his personal life, he'll still be known as greatest performer of all time. No one did it quite like Jacko. No one at all.

R.I.P Michael.

Amen to that.


Higher Further Faster
So I was watching MTV Live and they're talking about his death and they bring up how someone had snatched a photo of Michael in the ambulance trying to resuscitate him. Curious, I didn't think such a thing would exist since that's such a huge invasion of privacy... sure enough there it was, first vague pictures of him being taken away from his home on a stretcher, and then hidden away on a site where you have to complete a survey to see, a picture of MJ trying to be resuscitated in the ambulance. =/

ffs who does that when someone's dying?

Bastards, that's who does it. They're going to get rich off of someone else's death like that. I'll come back to bite them in the ass in time, just you wait and see. We may never know it, but they certainly will.

Lucky Star

Lv. 1 Adventurer
Cloud's LuckyStar (CLS @adventchildren.net)
It's really shocking for me too! It never crossed my mind and certainly never figured someone as healthy-FREAK like him can get a heart attack. Despite all his past cases, I do believe he's a nice guy. He's truly an icon to the world.

Rest In Peace, King of Pop.


Waiting for something
I found out last night during all the rumour reports and kept watching the news til it was confirmed, can't believe it I've been a fan of his since I was about 4/5 years old so its a big shock.

Mr. Flibble

Mr. Flibble is very cross
Psycho Paul, Ace Rimmer
All I can say really is that at least his death was from natural causes (afaik) so in that respect at least his crazy didn't show through like it does with other celebrities and their suicides/OD's/etc.
Beyond that I really have nothing to add. I don't like most of his music and he never really impacted me in any way >.>


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
I heard about it minutes after it happened. Some of the girls I was out with got the news update on their phones and within 5 minutes the entire club was going on and on about it spreading like wild fire. Then when I went into the toilets loads of random people were coming up to me, telling me he was dead and freaking out lol.

It's a shame though really, I still can't quite believe it. I always saw him as immortal or something.
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