Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]


Harbinger O Great Justice
It's the same reason they're not decayed when they're brought back. They're resurrected in an immortal state the way that they were upon death. Itachi had his eyes when he died, as did Nagato. However, Nagato's body was still dessicated at that point, which is why he (was) still super skeletal.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
SO, I decided that I'd catch up in the anime this weekend. I watched 197-223, and was rather pleased, but I also noticed some interesting details and possibilities. I compiled together some strips of the manga & cut out the unnecessary bits to show what I'm talking about. There's a lot about Shisui that's worth looking into.

First, there's a matter that we'll probably be seeing later on:


In this tiny little section, we confirm that the Kirigakure Ninja Ao's Byakugan was able to determine that Madara was controlling the 4th Mizukage, and also that he can identify Shisui's chakra. I'm curious if this means that him/Hinata/Neji will be coming into play against the Sharingan users, especially since it's a doujutsu that's taken a back seat to the Sharingan & the Rinnegan lately. More than likely, this is something that we'll see once we move into Kirigakure's history. Suna & Kumo have gotten some good fleshing out that's provided needed information about current abilities and scenarios. With the Kage battle, it looks like Iwa is next, leaving Kiri for last, when focus moves back to the Daimyo, Mizukage, & 7 Swordsmen.

Aside from this, there are some other VERY important details about Shisui that get revealed after the Kage Summit, but first let's recap the specifics that Itachi mentions about them both.


He mentions that Shisui's eyes were explicitly capable of manipulating the target without them being aware. At the end he also mentions that their abilities may be able to reactivate more quickly with Senju Hashirama's Chakra. The interesting part about that is that this combination is something that Danzo possessed, and he also mentions that Danzo had taken one of Shisui's eyes. I couldn't recall any significance to it outside of the Kage summit, but when I watched and read it again, and was quite surprised at what I found.

I knew that Danzo had used Shisui's right eye, in order to manipulate Mifune at the Kage Summit. This showed that it could be done even without direct line of sight, but there was something that I'd forgotten.


Despite just using Shisui's eye at the Summit, Danzou was able to reactivate it again after the other Sharingan were burned out in battle with Sasuke. I'm assuming that this is just its normal manipulative abilities and not the Mangekyo, since we only see the normal 3 tomoe Sharingan- like the Crow possesses after Koto Amatsukami is used on Itachi. Either way, it's still able to be activated again, and Danzo says that, "The battle of the eyes is just beginning."


Danzo planned specifically to use Shisui's Genjutsu against Madara before he died. Then, his plan is interrupted by the moment of Sasuke impaling him through Karin. Even after Sasuke impales him, he keeps walking away from Sasuke. Sasuke slowly pursues him, but nothing specific happens yet. Then... Madara drops down in front of him, and says that he's going to take Shisui's eye, subtly reminding us that it's still there and active.


As soon as Madara is in front of Danzo, he activates his Reverse Tetragram Seal, ultimately not managing to trap either Madara or Sasuke. So we don't know what the key point was. We should note that he stays face to face with Madara, especially in the anime version.


Lastly we know that he manages to use the Reverse Tetragram Seal to push back Madara long enough to crush the eye, and prevent Madara from being able to take it, but that wouldn't explain why Itachi would mention the abilities of Hashirama's Chakra, as well as the whole attempt by Danzo to use the Genjutsu against Madara. My immediate thought was that the Reverse Tetragram Seal was a diversionary tactic for another reason entirely. What if he was using it to ensure that Madara would be focused on escaping, and not on the possibility that Danzo was using Shisui's genjutsu on him. The crushed eye would also ensure that he'd be unable to tell if it was still active upon his death.

With all that Danzo knew about Itachi and all the respect that he had for him, it seems like there was no possible way that Danzo took Shisui's first eye by force. Itachi mentioned one more thing that made me think of this battle, and finally understand why Shisui would have given the first one of his eyes to Danzo.


I wonder if Shisui's suicide note has a message that's more applicable now, and if anyone has a better translation than what's given in my link: "I'm tired of the duties... there is no future for the Uchiha... and for me... I cannot walk out the 'path' any further." (Also, if he had the Mangekyo, it's likely he also knew what was left on the Sage's tablet hidden in Konoha), but it looks like he and Danzo may be some of the biggest heroes so far, who may remain virtually unknown.

X :neo:


but it looks like he and Danzo may be some of the biggest heroes so far, who may remain virtually unknown.

Danzo maybe one of Konoha's greatest defenders, but that's not the same as hero, he's a great for Konoha (well he kinda screwed up just a little with causing Pain, the Uchiha uprising and allowing Orochimaru to do as he please), but just as much of an enemy to anyone and everyone else in ninja world as Madara. And even Madara wants peace, that's more then Danzo can say.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Anyone else feel that the whole crow with Shusui's eye thing was a tad crap?

From everything you read about Itachi and his plans concerning Sasuke, he thought fully that Sasuke would return to the leaf after he died. The crow was implanted into Naruto pre-fight yet he rigged it to work only on seeing his own sharingan.....
So in other words if Itachi had crossed paths with Naruto before Sasuke he would have used up this super amazing one time in a decade jutsu...

If he had hoped sasuke would return why would he have even bothered way back then to implant the crow?
He genuinely seemed surprised being told Sasuke was with madara lol.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Danzo maybe one of Konoha's greatest defenders, but that's not the same as hero, he's a great for Konoha (well he kinda screwed up just a little with causing Pain, the Uchiha uprising and allowing Orochimaru to do as he please), but just as much of an enemy to anyone and everyone else in ninja world as Madara. And even Madara wants peace, that's more then Danzo can say.

He's not NEARLY as much of an enemy to everyone else as Madara. Not by a long shot. Despite his methods, he was championing the idea of the Shinobi Alliance, which is the only reason everyone is surviving right now. His priority lies with Konoha's safety, but you're dead wrong if you think he didn't want peace. His methods were underhanded, but they weren't anything close to Madara's want to have control over everyone in the guise of peace. On top of that, if my suspicion is correct he might've done something against Madara that'll save everyone, and not just Konoha.

Anyone else feel that the whole crow with Shusui's eye thing was a tad crap?

From everything you read about Itachi and his plans concerning Sasuke, he thought fully that Sasuke would return to the leaf after he died. The crow was implanted into Naruto pre-fight yet he rigged it to work only on seeing his own sharingan.....
So in other words if Itachi had crossed paths with Naruto before Sasuke he would have used up this super amazing one time in a decade jutsu...

If he had hoped sasuke would return why would he have even bothered way back then to implant the crow?
He genuinely seemed surprised being told Sasuke was with madara lol.

Not at all, and here's why:

Itachi encounountered Naruto on his way to have his final confrontation with Sasuke, so there was no risk that he'd run into Naruto. Itachi's someone who's always thinking 3-4 steps ahead at any given point. He did genuinely believe that Sasuke would return to Konoha upon his death, but that doesn't mean that he didn't plan for scenarios where it didn't happen. He set up 3 scenarios, with greater degrees of complexity, assuming that the previous one failed.

• Scenario 1: He dies, and Sasuke returns as a hero to Konoha.
• Scenario 2: He dies, but Sasuke is abducted by Madara. Upon wittnessing Madara's Sharingan, the Amaterasu that Itachi implanted into his brother activates & kills Madara before he unveils the truth, and then Sasuke returns as a hero to Konoha.
• Scenario 3: He dies, but Sasuke is abducted by Madara. Madara survives the Amaterasu, and manipulates Sasuke into being an enemy of Konoha. Sasuke takes Itachi's eyes. Naruto relentless pursues Sasuke with the purpose of saving him. Upon meeting, Suisui's eye activates and commands Sasuke to "Protect Konoha" and Sasuke returns as a hero.

What happened was that all of his contingency plans came into action, but before Naruto encountered Sasuke with Itachi's eyes, something he didn't plan for happened: Kabuto resurrected him using Edo Tensei, and attempted to use Itachi's Mangekyo against Naruto.

When that happened, Itachi was alive and free, while Sasuke was still at large. He was surprised taht Sasuke was an enemy, because he had honestly believed that the previous two scenarios would succeed, and the third was really a final, last ditch effort. Given the complexity and planning, there's no reason to suspect that his plans would have failed at the time of his death. Because he had personally killed Orochimaru who, at the time, was the only person who knew Edo Tensei, he didn't assume that anyone else would learn Edo Tensei and make him fight Naruto, thus this current set of events is a scenario he didn't even consider.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
It's pretty awesome to see how all of Nagato's techniques work together, especially how Asura Path fit in as a mechanical armor summoned over his body (the gun was awesome). It's also really impressive that he doesn't have to swap from one path to the next, and just uses their abilities simultaneously. Human Path is still gonna be rough, but they left the comparison of when he fought with Kyubi, so he should have some hope if he encounters it again (against Madara with his Rinnegan). Also, there's a way to counter Chibaku Tensei, which is important precident (the brief "then how are you still alive?" "....." joke was pretty grand). I kinda wish this was a full two chapter fight, but that's my only disappointment.

I was pleased that we get some more looks at Kabuto's plans, even though, like with Shisui's eye, they don't appear to have been able to come to fruition. At the very least, it's further convincing me that he's not a true bad guy, and his own motivations are going to come up against Madara sooner or later. I think Madara might use Zetsu to take him out, since they're both analyst types and Black Zetsu is still the biggest wild card at this point.

Last, but not least, we've got free-acting Itachi MONSTROUSLY kicking ass & taking names. It'll be interesting to see how long he remains a key player for the Alliance, and if he'll meet Sasuke. I'm hoping that his role gets to play out more, not just because he's a fan favorite, but it's really uplifting to see him finally being able to act on his own ambitions freely, and not from a veil of secrecy and deception. His ability to judge a situation in the moment and plan are unparalleled and show just how badass he is. New ranged technique Yasaka's Magatama with Susano'o was badass. It also represents the final piece of The Imperial Regalia of Japan that hadn't been shown yet in the series (the Sword of Totsuka is something else). The fact that he can perform seals which is important for Naruto & Bee right now against the immortals, since they don't have any other way to beat them. No mention of Nagato's heritage in the end, but his words make it seem like Naruto really is on it's way to being finished.

I'm assuming that we get the Kage battle again next week.

Slightly off topic: I was having a discussion this week, and wondering if Bee will/can merge with Samehada to gain the chakra absorption ability. I'm not sure if it'd make him Shark-like because it mostly seemed to augment Kisame's existing features. If he could manifest spines, like Samehada's skin, it would be a lot like his spinning multiple sword fighting technique.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Kabuto not a villain? I think summoning the souls of several dozen ninjas from the afterlife, turning them into your zombie slaves, and using them to kill a bunch of innocent ninja qualifies for an induction into the "Vile Villains Hall of Fame" at the very least :monster:

I think Kabuto definitely has his own ends, but they certainly are villainous. He stated before his own ambition was to test his limits and overcome Orochimaru, after he put those...snake bits in him. So I think in the end he's trying to become the same thing Orochimaru wanted to be, ironically. An immortal, unstoppable ninja.

Anyways, badass chapter was badass. Nagato going super zombie was pretty cool. The fact he basically turned into a Terminator was rather bizarre, though. But I guess that's what Asura path was. I was wondering how they'd work that thing. That was insane.

Regarding Itachi, I couldn't help but think of him as something akin to an overpowered Guest character that appears to help in Final Fantasy. An immortal, unstoppable ninja with a fully mastered Mangekyou Sharingan wtih an unlocked Susanoo' is just. Win. He's like...a level 120 character in a party of just level 70. XD


Harbinger O Great Justice
Kabuto not a villain? I think summoning the souls of several dozen ninjas from the afterlife, turning them into your zombie slaves, and using them to kill a bunch of innocent ninja qualifies for an induction into the "Vile Villains Hall of Fame" at the very least :monster:

I think Kabuto definitely has his own ends, but they certainly are villainous. He stated before his own ambition was to test his limits and overcome Orochimaru, after he put those...snake bits in him. So I think in the end he's trying to become the same thing Orochimaru wanted to be, ironically. An immortal, unstoppable ninja.

I think that there's another side of things that's yet to be revealed. We know that Danzo worked with Orochimaru to obtain his abilities for the goal of protecting Konoha. While his methods were unorthodox, he wasn't exactly a villian. Orochimaru's ambitions against Konoha make him absolutely villianous, but his endgame goal to understand all Ninjutsu, which while selfish isn't villianous. If that's become Kabuto's ambition, it's too ambiguous to me.

The interesting point about Kabuto is where his loyalties lie, and it all comes down to the very first time we saw him after he was revealed as a spy. Orochimaru says that Kabuto can kill Sasuke - who's in the hospital if he wants to stop him. The entire situation comes to a head when Kakashi comes in and see's Kabuto just standing with a Kunai at Sasuke's throat, and ultimately bailing out of the window, because he was hiding as a body of one of the dead ANBU.

That moment really explains all you need to know about Kabuto: His motivations are ALWAYS bordering between helpful and hurtful. He's assisting Orochimaru and other enemies, but he's always leaving clues, and presenting opportunities and information for the others to overcome them. Kabuto even states that the largest disadvantage of Edo Tensei is the fact that it will make him known, when he wants to remain obscure. It's almost like he's pulling strings just because he can.

That's why I don't see him as a real villian, and I think that his death will result as the culmination of his and Madara's internal dispute coming to a breaking point, much like how Konan wasn't truly a 'good guy' but she fell to an internal dispute with Madara. I can't imagine any of the other Alliance Ninja challenging him, because there doesn't seem to be the proper motivation to start it.

Anyways, badass chapter was badass. Nagato going super zombie was pretty cool. The fact he basically turned into a Terminator was rather bizarre, though. But I guess that's what Asura path was. I was wondering how they'd work that thing. That was insane.

Regarding Itachi, I couldn't help but think of him as something akin to an overpowered Guest character that appears to help in Final Fantasy. An immortal, unstoppable ninja with a fully mastered Mangekyou Sharingan wtih an unlocked Susanoo' is just. Win. He's like...a level 120 character in a party of just level 70. XD

I'm glad that the explanation for the Asura Path guy was finally revealed, and it makes more sense as to what it is. A little odd for the Naruto-verse in general, but still crazy awesome.

Perfect comparison.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
It's up on Mangareader, though I'm looking forward to a slightly better translation later tonight from Mangastream (they're getting their SJ RAW late today).

Overall, it's an excellent lesson for Naruto, and moving into the final resolution of Naruto / Sasuke's dreams of becoming Hokage & restoring his clan. The importance of his comrades and bringing that theme back into the spotlight along with the other Konoha shinobi is something that has me quite pleased.

I can't wait until Kabuto reveals his trump card, but he's starting to look even more Orochimaru-like with that tongue. The idea of Kabuto vs. Itachi seems like it's going to be a SUPER excellent battle, and the fans will go absolutely nuts over it. Itachi's possibly one of the most combat tactically capable shinobi from the entire series, and Kabuto is by far the most manipulative so it'll be awesome to see them finally face each other. Plus, I think that there's some old conflicts and themes that will come up from there, especially because the two of them hunted his little brother at some point.

The Kage battle is getting started in earnest now, and I can't wait to see where all this goes. The idea of the Giant Clam making genjutsu to protect the Mizukage is such a simple, but really excellent tactic. Even though he's explaining it, they're still completely botching the attacks against him, which makes me wonder what the hell it took to take him down for real.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Planet Rasengan is pretty excellent. I'm really liking the use of Naruto's virtual arms the more I see of them. They use simple, but very creative tactics, and they give him an edge against his opponents, like Muu underestimating the speed at which he can deliver a direct attack.

I'm a little curious about Muu's final phrase, "You should take precaution, I..." because it makes it seem like there's something that's unfinished with him, and that has me worried a bit that he could become unsealed somehow, or have set up a technique that may hinder them, especially because his portion of the battle seems to have been rather brief. Either way, now it'll be Gaara & Tsuchikage vs. the Mizukage. It should be interesting how they manage that fight, because Gaara's sand may be their only advantage against a Genjutsu user like him. It's bound to be an exciting battle.

Then we get to Naruto & Temari as the Wind Element users against the Raikage. I'm wondering if Naruto is making a Rasengan around himself in that last panel, but I'm sure we'll find out soon. Probably the most important part about this is that we see Kabuto specifically using Raikage in this scenario in order to stall for time. I'm wondering what else he has in play that he would be stalling for, unless he's planning on unleashing his trump card, but I don't see that happening before Itachi arrives. Either way, that little panel may be one of the most important ones this chapter.

Then last, but not least...


We FINALLY get the reveal for Eternal Mangekyo Sasuke. He's using the Shape Manipulation Chakra, in order to form an Amaterasu sword for Susano'o. The pieces are finally moving towards his and Naruto's conflict, which is what I'm most looking forward to right now.

X :neo:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Sooo by the time they actually do meet are we expecting the usual?
Naruto battered and bloody and struggling to stand while Sasuke has not a scratch on him?
In all fairness Itachi could settle the entire fight just by talking to Sasuke.
I know he explains his reasons why he doesn't want to do it but still I mean come on!!!

Instead of just confronting his brother and telling him the truth he is willing to let Naruto fight him and possibly kill him. Itachi's faith in Naruto must be really strong.

Alex Strife

Yeah, probably more of the same, but somehow I still want to see it.

Does anyone else feel when Naruto and Sasuke meet, that will be their last fight?
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Pretty much, I think they have leaned waaaaay too much on the quote by Naruto stating when they next fought one of them would die and if Sasuke died he would die too.

All in all I have an image of them fighting on a really extreme level but it ending up like their previous fight where rasengan goes against chidori except they both do end up hitting one another essentially ending the fight in one fell swoop.

Wouldn't surprise me if they ended the entire series with Naruto dying and being named Hokage by the village in rememberance.

Alex Strife

While this is a possible outcome, what I meant is that it'd be their last fight... in the series itself!!

Personally, I don't think they will die, but I don't think it's an impossible ending.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
I don't think they will either it's just one of the endings that is possible.
I can see them ending it with Naruto taking over from Tsunade as Hokage however, maybe after the dust has settled and he has screwed over Madara's plans for good and all the nations see him as a hero.

Who knows maybe the prophecy will come true and with the final battle Naruto will finally bring peace to all the nations.

Alex Strife

My feeling is that Naruto will overcome his dream of being a Hokage, meaning that, since a Hokage might not be necessary after the war is over (Shinobi system disappearing?), he may not feel it necessary to become a Hokage himself. Just one possibility...


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm wondering how Naruto's Kyubi Chakra arms will react against the Amaterasu Sword that Sasuke's shaped with Susano'o. If they start to burn, can Naruto drop them off, or are they still attached to him?

Keep in mind, there's still one point that was made early on that hasn't come to fruition yet, and it's that Naruto is a complimentary element to Sasuke, since Wind enhances Fire. I'm pretty sure that this still needs to properly be explored at some point before the end of the series.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
So like the scene where Itachi points out that Naruto could become another Madara. I like how all the main protagonists/antagonists are all warped reflections of one-another.

Yikes! Itachi is on a whole different level then everyone else. I wonder what it says about him because he's the only character that has jutsu named after gods and historical artifacts. It is a really good thing that Itachi has morals. He would probably be a worse villein then Madara is if he didn't.

The Mizukage seems like he'll be a lot of trouble as nobody knows how to defeat him. At least with the Raikage it's only a matter of getting more firepower.

And Sasuke joins the fray. Hopefully we'll get more info on exactly what happened before the Uchiha Massacre.


Pro Adventurer
Everybody on Tumblr kept on posting that Sasuke was back, so I read the latest chapter thinking that he was back in Team Seven again..

But he just appeared at the end, showing off his eyes...

I feel trolled. >_______>
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
I think we can safely say that Sasuke won't be back in team 7....
until the next clusterfuck in the plot


Harbinger O Great Justice
It certainly won't be anything that takes place in a single chapter. There's gonna have to be some serious confrontation before he changes sides. I still expect it to happen, since the alternative to that is both of them dying, but there have been other unexpected changes before, so I won't rule out a mysterious "Option C".

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm sort of hoping that's how it goes. I'd really like Madara to be tough enough that they wouldn't be able to defeat him otherwise.

There's the other aspect that they have yet to achieve both of their final goals that they made as Team 7. Naruto's been acknowledged by everyone and Sasuke's killed Itachi, but Naruto hasn't become Hokage and Sasuke hasn't yet restored the Uchiha clan. I think that those are the two goals that need to be concluded, even moreso than Madara's defeat, in order to properly wrap up the arc in the series.

X :neo:
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