Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]

Alex Strife

Mindblown! Karin's an Uzumaki! Makes sense, OF COURSE, but still surprising.

And wow damn Kabuto. You so creepy. I wonder if they're winning the battle or he'll manage to escape again...

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I love the colour spread. It shows how Kurama has evolved from a backdoor monster villain to an actual character that the others can be with.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I just can't stop gushing about the background fleshing out in this chapter.

I'm still totally surprised about Karin, but the healing ability, hair color, and uncontrolled emotional attitude? How did we NOT see this before? It's little things like this that are totally unexpected, but blindingly obvious when they're revealed that make me love this series.

God, I was just wondering like 2-3 weeks ago how they were gonna get the Taka Team members assimilated back into the story, but with everything detailed in this chapter, I don't know how we've been going on so long without them. Bringing in Orochimaru's genetic engineering experimentation, and casting light on the fact that it spread FAR beyond just the Senju & Uchiha is something that has suddenly thrown a lot of depth back into the series, since it'd been narrowing down to those two clans recently.

Also, the Toad Sage Mode vs. Dragon Sage Mode really gets into the idea that Naruto's not somehow the only individual who has contact with the Summoned Animals, and that the Toads don't have a monopoly on secret combat techniques.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
More gushing about how the title for the color spread is, "A Big Nap for a Big Friend". If we had seen this at the start of the manga we would have thought Kishimoto was crazy. That it doesn't just work, but is in character... we need more authors like him.

From what Kabuto says, it seems that Naruto's ability to heal fast might have nothing to do with Kurama, but is instead something he was born with.

We know where (what?) Mount Myouboku is (Toad Summon realm). I'm thinking Humid Bone Forest is the Slug Summon realm. Actually, the Slug Summon is the Sannin Summon we know the least about.

Huh, Natural Chakra is what Naruto absorbs to go into Sage Mode, but he has to consentrate to do it. Juugo can absorb it without trying and it's because his clan had some sort of connection with the Snake Summon realm... scary. If we didn't already know that Orochimaru was interseted in snakes long before he left Konoha, I would say this is what caused him to pick snakes as his summon.

It's interesting seeing the dragon cliche finally being brought in. Knowing Kishimoto, it's not going to be a cliche at all.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Totally wicked awesome. The relationship here is unexpected, and I'm curious how things will end up. I'm also really digging Kabuto's combat tactics. I was also thinking that the snake would've been a tail, rather than a mutant umbilical cord.

The translation also seemed a bit more solid.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I re-read the chapter, and I've been really impressed with some of the minor details that I kinda glossed over while reading it as I woke up this morning.

Aside from the really neat whiteout artwork panels, is the rather significant but subtly presented point that that Itachi can't sense chakra locations just because he's Edo Tensei'd. This means that it's not a weakness inherent to the technique. It is pointed out that Nagato was the one who was able to determine Kabuto's position. This is important, because of what we learned last chapter. I would surmise that this is an Uzumaki Clan ability. We got confirmation of Nagato's natural ability to sense this at a great distance, we've seen Karin display these characteristics as a sensor type - especially during the Kage Summit, and Naruto's ability to sense specific Chakra traits and locations becomes uncannily accurate/powerful when he's in Sage Mode (more on this later). This got me thinking about what Sage Mode really is, and how Natural Energy works.

Collecting Natural Energy works much like gathering and loading chakra (as shown in some of the explanation diagrams, especially when describing why Naruto can't use Kyubi's Chakra at the same time). As far as I can tell, Natural Energy is what the summoning beasts are able to use in addition to chakra, which is what gives them their supernatural mythological abilities and makes them different from normal animals.

At the start of the series, we learned that a summoning contract needs to be made with these creatures and that it ties your chakra to thiers within the space/time ninjutsu in order to call them out with a summoning Ninjutsu. I'm assuming that because it's a blood contract that connects your personal chakra with theirs via a space/time ninjutsu, that it's also this contract that opens the path for the summoner to absorb Natural Energy via the mechanics of the contract. Because it's based on the contract seal it has subtle traits that are specific to the creatures that the contract is through. This would explain why Naruto & Jiraiya's Sage Mode physiologically alters them, giving them Frog-like attributes, while Kabuto's enhances his Snake-like qualities.

Assuming that chakra sensing is an Uzumaki ability as I suggested earlier, Sage Mode looks like it just enhances the core Clan-based attributes of the weilder, with the side effect of trait permutation depending on the contract used to acquire it. What's interesting is that we learned that Direct Natural Energy Absorption is a Clan-based ability of Juugo. This would explain why Juugo seems to have always exhibited a close connection with a large number of different normal animals and is getting information from birds, etc.

What further illustrates this point are the Sound 5. We know that Orochimaru developed the Cursed Seal from Juugo's genetics, and that it was imparting those individuals with Juugo's genetic ability to absorb Natural Energy while moving, but doing so was incredibly physically detrimental. All five of them show enhanced versions of their standard abilities along with extreme physical alterations that don't apply specifically to one animal-type, often including horn-like bone protrustions, and Sasuke's cursed wings even show up as human-like hands.

Now looking into Kabuto's new abilities, you see some really interesting enhancements built to combat these weaknesses. In the chapter, he mentions that his eyes lenses are what allows him to see in the harsh light, because snake eyes are physiologically different. Because of his Snake-like genetic alterations, he's able to minimize the negative impact of any physilogical alterations from using the Snake Seal Contract-based Sage Mode (I assume that this is directly related to why he's got the snake connected through his umbillical cord), as well as do things like unhinge his jaw down to the base of his neck. Additionally, by using Juugo's genetics, he's able to absorb Natural Energy while moving just like Chakra, but this also gives him the bone-like horns that the cursed seal folk obtained - which he's not used to, and gets one of them cut off by Itachi because he doesn't dodge quite far enough away.

The Hozuki genetics give his body the ability to liquify and reform, but it doesn't seem like he's not highly dependant on water. The Uzumaki genetics were designed to allow him to regenerate exceptionally quickly, but right now it's not clear if he's just isolated those parts of the genes, since he hasn't exhibited any exceptional chakra sensing yet like the other Uzumaki Clan members seem to be able to (although given the conversation points, I'd be surprised if some of this wasn't addressed next week).

Either way, it's been a long time since I've made a proper tl;dr post about Naruto, and I was really stoked that I found an opportunity to do so after re-reading this chapter. Hopefully you guys appreciated it. I really enjoyed that it managed to tie in a bunch of really obscure abilities going all the way back to the pre-Shippuden series. (And now I'm more curious than ever as to what Suigetsu found on that scroll).

X :neo:

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I quite liked Episode 256, depicting both sides mobilizing for the upcoming War.

I got a feeling of "This is it!" from this episode, but apparentlly, Episode 257 will be a filler with a "back to the past" to the time Naruto and the others were still at ninja school.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Izanami finally makes an appearance! It'll be exciting to see how it functions. That being said, after Itachi's statement, I wonder what (if any) of Kabuto's past and motives were true.

After next chapter, I could see the battle checking elsewhere.

X :neo:

Alex Strife

I agree with the focus switching elsewhere. I have to admit that Sasuke had already began switching to the "light side" after this, even if slowly. But I'm just not sure. It'll be important, whatever Itachi has to tell him. But I'm not so sure about him realising things right away.

I do feel that whatever Itachi tells Sasuke when this battle is over will be important in the future.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Interesting how Naruto and Sasuke are now both in key positions to end the war.

The key battle at this moment seems to be Sasuke & Itachi vs. Kabuto. If they beat Kabuto/end the Edo Tensei, not only Akatsuki's most valuable pawn in this war (Madara) will be out of the picture, but they will also take a huge blow in terms of manpower.

After that, it's up to Naruto to finish off Tobi and end the war for good.

Alex Strife

That's exactly why I don't think they'll end Edo Tensei soon.

Madara will be given more screen time. For God's sake, don't we all want to see Madara being reunited with Tobi, who called himself Madara?


Harbinger O Great Justice
I've really been digging how Itachi & Sasuke have been showing how close they are, despite their differences, and it's interesting that they're growing on each other. Also, Itachi's statement that he wants to tell Sasuke something is a further point that will convince Sasuke to fight with him. This is especially good at this point in the battle, because whatever Itachi pulls of here is gonna be dangerous, and will cost him eyesight in one eye, which may or may not also damage his depth perception (why I always assumed that Tobi was clumsy). Now more than ever, Sasuke's loyalty is necessary.

I'm assuming that Izanami is something the other side of the coin to Izanagi, in that, while Izanagi affects the user and makes reality an illusion, Izanami effects something that's typically a Genjutsu and makes it reality. (It's worth noting that in mythology Izanami died giving birth to the child who's the incarnation of Fire, so an Uchiha using the ability, and then having their eye die makes sense).

So, I was contemplating that there's still an unaddressed point - Tobi knows how to use Edo Tensei, and still possesses a single Rinnegan (of unknown origin) and multiple Sharingan that he could possibly use to resurrect some very dangerous folks.

Either way, I think that there are still some significant factors at play, and even if the war starts to wrap up, I can't shake this odd feeling, like something's been overlooked that's just gonna waltz up and sucker punch what's happening right now.

X :neo:

Alex Strife

It's interesting to finally see a little bit about Kabuto's past. It's been one of the mysteries since the very early days of Naruto. So I'm glad we get a glimpse of it. I'm hoping we'll see more, though. And I guess we will, next week.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I actually kinda feel sorry for Kabuto. He may have been such a sweet, kind person if he didn't grow up in such unfair and harsh circumstances. He's honestly a product of the twisted shinobi system. Using him like that clearly..mentally scarred him.

And turned him into the twisted, necrophiliac, sadistic geek we all know and love. :monster:

Itachi better end this cause him nearly getting pwned trying to protect Sasuke was sad. Itachi's better than that. He's fighting at a complete disadvantage cause they can't kill him. Sasuke saving him was rather cool.

I just hope Izanami is worth the effort.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Kabuto is another example of why I love most of Naruto's villians - shining shades of grey. Aside from Kakuzu & Hidan being terrible terrible people, most of the villians have shown what made them into such monsters, and why the Shinobi world is such a totally devastating place on what could be otherwise decent human beings.

I'm really getting curious about Kabuto. His obsession about obtaining others' abilities is even more intrinsic to his personality than I'd EVER have guessed. He starts with no name, no parents, no home, and barely any vision.

At some point (which we'll probably find out soon), he learns medical ninjutsu - something that will make him useful elsewhere. Whether or not this is his own natural talent or not remains to be seen. Medical abilities make him useful, and he starts spying and learning about other countries and ninja abilities, eventually hooking up with Orochimaru who would find a true use for those talents, unlike Sasori. Throughout this entire time, he obsessively catalogs everything, but doesn't enter the Chunin Exam until he's WAY more than capable.

After Orochimaru's gone, he fills the vaccuum by crafting himself into the type of Shinobi he's always looked up to, by using all of his research. However, he's still the same person deep down. He doesn't want the notoriety that comes along with that power (hence his comments about Edo Tensei), and that gives his character a really significantly interesting aspect, since he's now someone who can "create & control"

It's no coincidence that Izanami is a technique that decides someone else's destiny.

I'm still REALLY curious if they'll get into what Kabuto was thinking during the moment that Orochimaru said "If you want to betray me, all you have to do is kill him" and later Kabuto was standing over Sasuke in the hospital with a kunai held at his throat, and decided not to kill him - escaping as Kakashi broke in.


Muki Tensei is a crazy awesome technique. Animating non-living things is really impressive, especially since he's doing it with a whole cave. I hadn't really considered how much of a SIGNIFICANT disadvantage Itachi is at:
• He won't let Sasuke get hurt.
• They can't kill Kabuto.
• Kabuto can reprogram Itachi through physical contact by embedding a new command into him.
Overall, it's looking more like even though Itachi wouldn't be fighting to protect Sasuke, without his little brother, he'd be at an even greater disadvantage. I also love how Itachi silences Sasuke when Kabuto badmouths the Uchiha. Their sibling relationship is so spectacular.

It's also interesting that Itachi starts to get into the idea that you can't become the single sole powerful being, and that you need to rely on others. This is as much as message to Sasuke as it is to Kabuto's reliance on manipulating everything himself. I figure that this will start to play in to Sasuke & the other Taka members coming back into the picture, and Sasuke figuring out who he really is. Seriously, Page 7 is just dripping with foreshadowing.

But yeah - so much love for this chapter.

X :neo:


Kabuto is another example of why I love most of Naruto's villians - shining shades of grey. Aside from Kakuzu & Hidan being terrible terrible people, most of the villians have shown what made them into such monsters, and why the Shinobi world is such a totally devastating place on what could be otherwise decent human beings.

You mean Deidara & Hidan. Kakuzu got his own sobstory.


He was young upcoming ninja, whose village elders would be best suited to undergo some Kinjutsu to get black tentacles. Then they sent him after the First Hokage, who owned him horribly, then when he went back they imprisoned him for his failure. Then he killed the elders, stole the kinjutsu scrolls and took off.

It's not much, but it's better then Deidara/Hidan's "I was a young respected shinobi in my homevillage, then I decided my talents could be better explored in career as terroristbomber/ritualmurderer."


Harbinger O Great Justice
Deidara's encounter with Itachi about art/genius was more sad shades of grey than Kakuzu's past, imo. The zombie combi we're the two most "bad for the sake of being bad" characters.

Also- flashback = high possibility of death.

X :neo:


Deidara's encounter with Itachi about art/genius was more sad shades of grey than Kakuzu's past, imo. The zombie combi we're the two most "bad for the sake of being bad" characters.

Also- flashback = high possibility of death.

X :neo:

He was already a terrorist for fun by then. Nobody hurt him, demilitirised his village, disadvantaged or killed his family, anything like that. As far as we know, Deidara woke up one day and thought "screw you, Stone Village, I'm gonna be evil now." He's alone in that. It's very odd.
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