Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Um, Hi?

I really like how Naruto points out the difference between himself and Tobi by saying that Tobi doesn't even know the bijuu's names. The Kakashi and Might Guy role-reversal was a great twist.

Thoughts on the last couple chapters.

Is it just me, or does the Sage look a lot like Minato from the back? Speaking of Minato, I'm still waiting for an explaination of where he comes from. It's like he just popped out of nowhere into existance.

On Konoha not knowing Kurama's name while some of the other villages did: ever since the time of the first hokage, they have thought the bijuu were nothing more then a blob of chakra that took the shape of a multi-tailed animal. In that respect, the Senjuu are no better then the Uchiha.

Thought about the Naurto timeline. There is an unknown length of time between the Sage naming the bijuu and the first jinchuriki (Mito Uzumaki). What were the bijuu doing during that time? It was long enough that the shinobi think the Sage is a myth and the bijuu are huge. There's no way the shinobi population wouldn't have know about them before the hidden village era started. It's been mentioned the Uchiha could control them, but what about all the other clans?

Sasuke's back! This opens up several cans of worms. For one thing, Kabuto is still out there. So is Itachi. Any interaction between those characters would be interesting, but I think the most interesting will be Edo Tensai Madara. I wonder how much he knows about the current state of the Uchiha clan and what he'll think of Sasuke. Itachi too for that matter.

I'm going to try to post more... we'll see.


Harbinger O Great Justice
What do you think about the whole Minato-Kushina story in the anime? I think those episodes are some of the most beautiful episodes in the whole of Naruto.

Sorry I took FOREVER to respond to this, but I've been posting from my phone, and it's only good for shorter replies most of the time. I absolutely loved the Kushina/Minato arc. I really loved how fluid and smooth the animation for Minato's normal movement as a kid was, where you get the feeling that he's just FUCKING QUICK, even without using his Yellow Flash. The moments with them are incredibly touching, and really well acted. Seeing them older was really lovely too, and how they really care for each other. It serves as an intersting point for Naruto to really understand what love is about, since it's been significantly absent for him thus far. (I also really loved the little bit with Itachi).

Is it just me, or does the Sage look a lot like Minato from the back? Speaking of Minato, I'm still waiting for an explaination of where he comes from. It's like he just popped out of nowhere into existance.

On Konoha not knowing Kurama's name while some of the other villages did: ever since the time of the first hokage, they have thought the bijuu were nothing more then a blob of chakra that took the shape of a multi-tailed animal. In that respect, the Senjuu are no better then the Uchiha.

Thought about the Naurto timeline. There is an unknown length of time between the Sage naming the bijuu and the first jinchuriki (Mito Uzumaki). What were the bijuu doing during that time? It was long enough that the shinobi think the Sage is a myth and the bijuu are huge. There's no way the shinobi population wouldn't have know about them before the hidden village era started. It's been mentioned the Uchiha could control them, but what about all the other clans?

I'm also curious about the Namekaze lineage, but I think that the spikey hair / cloak is where a majority of the similiarity is. There's gotta be something to it though, especially with his development of the Rasengan tying into the Jinchuriki's abilities.

I also think that the communication between villages with any breakthroughs about thier Biju's names would have been a bad move when they could potentially be aiding someone who would turn that power on them.

I'd really like to find out where/when the Sage existed in context with the Naruto universe, but it was obviously a legendarily long time ago, and even prior to the age of the Samurai that took place before the Shinobi came into prominence. I figure that before the Biju were used in Jinchuriki, they were treated as roaming natural disasters, like Tsunamis/Earthquakes, but the Ninja started coming about into greater conflict when they discovered the ability to manipulate or even control those forces, just like the other elements that they can manipulate with chakra.

Sasuke's back! This opens up several cans of worms. For one thing, Kabuto is still out there. So is Itachi. Any interaction between those characters would be interesting, but I think the most interesting will be Edo Tensai Madara. I wonder how much he knows about the current state of the Uchiha clan and what he'll think of Sasuke. Itachi too for that matter.

I'm going to try to post more... we'll see.

I'm interested to see where the Uchiha clan's history will go next, since Naruto & Sasuke's lineage is closely intertwined to their potential, as well as their future conflict.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I liked the little bit with Suigetsu, and it'll be interesting to see what other things Orochimaru had planned. I've been waiting to see how the four of them would come into play again. I'm rather looking forward to the Sasuke development arc that we're getting into.

On a side note, does anyone know where there's a non-mangareader translation? Their version is pretty weak in some parts, especially the flashbacks (which should be the easiest).

X :neo:


Memento Mori
Unfortunately, from what I understand, they're the only ones currently scanlating.

Mangastream does have a "jump review" [ ] Which is just summary-style. I'm pretty sure every other manga-hosting site was ripping from mangastream. I'm sure there'll be someone else picking it up just to cover for the awkwardness of some of mangareaders translations. Just not sure who will pick it up. I've been looking, though.


Harbinger O Great Justice
From some chat over on the Narutoforums, it looks like they don't have an editor, (especially given some of the basic errors), and their translator probably isn't fluent in English. I expect that with the vacuum of MS being gone, it'll get some attention and new teams over the next week or two.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Double post, because I forgot to mention this: Was anyone else starting to get seriously nervous at how ridiculously tough Suigetsu is looking to be? After seeing his clan relative, the Mizukage we have a bit of an idea that he also probably downplays his abilities a lot. Especially with his psychotic rant this chapter and how he just offhandedly took out Jugo, like it was no big deal I have a feeling that on e we start to see him acquire more of the Seven Swords, he's gonna become a highly dangerous individual - even moreso than he is already. I seriously have to wonder if his liquid form might allow him to wield multiple blades at once.

Pretty stoked about seeing more from him as one of the last crazy Hidden Mist blood era shinobi.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
LOL, I love Karin. On the one hand, she keeps going on and on about Sasuke, on the other, she's breaking out of prison right under Konoha's nose. I think she'll succed as she ran a prison for Orochimaru of all people. Speaking of Orochimaru, that guy's influence just won't die! He keeps influencing events from beyond the grave! Love it how Suigitsu thinks he's the only "normal" one in Taka/Hebi.

Sasuke. Scary... it looks like all the Konoha people are going to be meeting up again. I get the feeling Naruto is going to be forced to choose between Sasuke and Konoha. And it looks like Itachi and Sasuke will meet up. That's going to be epic. It could easily come to Tobi's version of events vs. Itachi's as Sasuke doesn't know about Suishi, the Kyuubi attack not being random etc.

Crazy thought. Edo Tensai Itachi vs. Edo Tensai Madara. I'd love to see who would win that fight.

Alex Strife

I always thought Suigetsu was the only normal guy from Taka. In fact, the irony is that I would have defended this... right up to this chapter. Now I'm not so sure anymore. I always thought Suigetsu was loyal to Sasuke because he had helped him and because it served his own goals. But now... I just don't know anymore. And I like that.

I would love a meeting between Tobi, Itachi, Sasuke... and of course, Madara. Oh, how fun would that be!

And I bet on Madara beating Itachi. Even if Itachi's one of my favourite Naruto characters.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, I've had time to re-read through, and post from something other than my phone. ^_^ There are a couple of points that I didn't bring up that I think are worth mentioning, mostly about Sasuke.

First is that (if it's not another implication from a rough translation) it seems that during his underground rampage, he may have killed the original White Zetsu. With the several thousand Zetsu running around, and the fact that Black Zetsu could assumedly assimilate another one of the bodies, I'm not sure what that really means in the grand scheme of things, but it's interesting to note.

Next is how we see him using his Sharingan for interrogation. It seems like he can pull some really specific information out of the defeated Zetsu, which is quite impressive. It's nice seeing him really using the Genjutsu aspects of the Sharingan too, rather than just the high-powered offensive capabilities, like the Black Fire shape manipulation for launching multiple bullets at the Zetsu.

Then, there's the focus on his and Naruto's shifting viewpoints. More and more we see Sasuke's point of view where he's becoming convinced that the source of his power is coming from the fact that he's isolated and alone. That's why he's causing suffering, and seeing and writhing in as much hatred and death as he can. He knows that Naruto understands this concept of pain and loneliness, but he doesn't understand why Naruto's moving away from that path. I think it'll be interesting to see how he reacts to Naruto's significant increase in power, and how he deals with that conflict to his own worldview. I'm almost certain that it's whatever is within Orochimaru's scroll that gives him the concrete idea that control through direct Power is achievable, and most logical thus reinforcing the dichotomy between the two of them.

Also, I'm really digging how his EMS is giving him
, especially since Naruto recently got back his own Kyubi pupils when he's in his new Kurama Chakra Mode. It also makes me think about how much like Orochimaru he's becoming, and how Orochimaru's influence and legacy are stretching FAR beyond his own (possible) death.

Lastly, in case you wanted it - Somebody made a text-version of the chapter that makes for a better read.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
The last panel of this chapter is one of the biggest "will it or won't it happen" cliffhangers ever.

Aside from that, some decent combat, and bringing Madara & Kabuto back into the mix, since Itachi's (possibly) nearing his confrontation to attempt to end Kabuto's Edo Tensei. The old Tsuchikage looks awesome.

good chapter, but not a lot to chat about from me for a change. ^_^

X :neo:


Well, this definitely isn't just a deceptive POV change like Kishi used many times in the past and non-believers thought was happening this time a anymore. They've met. If Itachi just keeps running Sasuke is 99% likely to follow him anyway.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Episode 251 was very good. It was the one we saw Kisame's background and his death. Interesting thing, but maybe not relevant per se, the "Madara" with the Fourth Misukage reminded a lot of Orochimaru at the end of the "naruto" series with all the bandages and such.

Next episode: Konan vs Tobi. Can't wait!


Harbinger O Great Justice
I can't wait to watch it when I get home, and knowing that Konan/Tobi is next has me STOKED.

X :neo:

Elisa Maza

The most epic course of action now would be: Itachi sees Sasuke and tells him "You sonofabitch, greedy, orochimarufanboy, what the fuck are you doing, Naruto told me everything" and there he takes off his slipper (Mitsuko no less!) and starts beating Sasuke up.


Harbinger O Great Justice
As I'd kinda been expecting, Itachi lacks any hope of convincing his brother. In the end, all of his plans for putting Sasuke on the right path all involved some level of control through illusion, and without that, it doesn't look like he knows how to help Sasuke back on his own. I'm extra curious to see what'll happen if he follows Itachi all the way to the confrontation with Kabuto. I can't see Sasuke willingly departing from Itachi, unless it's under his own power in an attempt to sever the bond between the two of them and use it to gain power.

Also- hooray for the Kage/Madara battle heating up. Hashirama was just INSANELY strong.

X :neo:


Would it kill Itachi stop haxing poetic about perception and reality and at least try to apologise and ask Sasuke to stop all this? C'mon, it would only take a second and he's there anyway.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm curious, what else exactly would you have Itachi say?

He knowingly manipulated Sasuke in order to achieve a certain objective. All of his backup plans also utilized directly manipulating his little brother's view of the world in order to give him a certain objective. Hell, Itachi's the one who TAUGHT Sasuke how to gain power by severing his bonds with everyone he knew.

At the start of everything Itachi tries to just leave, but quickly find about that he won't be able to dissuade Sasuke from chasing after him with questions. He starts out explaining to Sasuke the same point that he brought up during their battle, the philosophy of everyone's perspective being their own illusion of reality, which Sasuke doesn't care about at all. What's really made obvious is that Sasuke's clearly suffering from Survivor's Guilt (a specific type of PTSD), and is attempting to cope and understand why he's in the position he's in.

After this Itachi flat out tells Sasuke, that he saved him, ONE because he was an innocent to the situation and the ambitions of the Uchiha clan, and TWO to turn Sasuke into a tool to pass judgement on himself for the crimes he committed. However, it was the second part where his plans failed, and instead only managed to pass on the hatred of his clan to his brother.

He even admits that he attempted to steer Sasuke into walking down an "appropriate" path through his lies and manipulation. Sasuke flat out doesn't care, because (like Itachi brought up at first) he's going to continue going down the path that he sees as just, and is specifically not allowing himself to be manipulated by Itachi's intentinons. That's why Itachi left things up to Naruto, and also because his need to end Edo Tensei is significantly large to give the Shinobi Alliance any chance of victory against the essentially immortal Madara.

Regardless of the need he has, Itachi reaching and defeating Kabuto takes priority to any interaction with Sasuke. Since Sasuke's lacking any true objective, there's no reason he couldn't tag along and help out - which I'd actually LOVE to see.

X :neo:


I'm curious, what else exactly would you have Itachi say?

I'm sorry for what I did to you, please think about what you doing, I bg you to stop.

Basically anything other then adopt the same old "you hold no interest for me right now" routine from Part 1 again. I mean is he trying to make things worse?

Regardless of the need he has, Itachi reaching and defeating Kabuto takes priority to any interaction with Sasuke. Since Sasuke's lacking any true objective, there's no reason he couldn't tag along and help out - which I'd actually LOVE to see.
And if he can run towards while talking absolute nonsense about perceived reality then I'm pretty sure he can run while dropping the nonsense and just pleading with Sasuke for Konoha's sake in earnest. Honestly Itachi has nothing to lose here.

I'm not saying that it will work (most likely won't), just that it will always be hundred billion times better then what he's doing now.

And I'd love to see Sasuke tag along too, but if Itachi just travels in silence from here on with Sasuke right behind him for no conceivable reason whatsoever, it'll ruin it.


Harbinger O Great Justice
In a general sense, Itachi's dead. He did what he felt was the right thing to do in his life, but it didn't turn out like he'd hoped it would. I wouldn't say he's necessarily sorry for what he did to his brother, at least I haven't seen that expressed by him. He was hoping it would turn Sasuke into something that he wanted Sasuke to become - a hero of the Uchiha, but instead, he became a criminal filled with hatred.

Even though Itachi's sad that it turned out the way that it turned out, that doesn't even matter to Sasuke at this point. Sasuke's not looking for an apology, he's only looking for specific answers. He disagrees with the prejudice in Konoha that forced his brother to murder his own clan. It doesn't matter if Itachi doesn't want Sasuke to destroy Konoha, because Sasuke's mind is already made up, and nothing Itachi can say will change that. That's what the bits about perceived reality are commenting on - Itachi's saying that nothing Sasuke can learn from him will change the path that he set himself on. (Plus, unbeknownst to Sasuke - and also brought up in this chapter - Itachi explicitly gave that role to Naruto).

Because Itachi knows Sasuke so well, one thing that he CAN'T afford to do is get into a conflict with Sasuke. If your brother - who murdered your whole family, while simultaneously lying and manipulating you your entire life - suddenly came back from the dead only to plead with you to not go through with your current plans to avenge the injutsices that made him murder your family and make your life terrible, there's no way that's gonna end well. Pleading for Sasuke not to attack Konoha is a sure fire way to drive Sasuke immediately to extreme violence.

Combat is something that Itachi can't afford to get caught up in, especially because of how powerful Sasuke is. He NEEDS to be at his full potential against Kabuto, because Kabuto & the Edo Tensei shinobi are 100x more dangerous to Konoha than Sasuke is right now. In the grand scheme of things, absolutely anything that can happen with Sasuke will get handled by Naruto, and Itachi knows that. That's why he's not making a big deal out of their meeting. Nothing that happens here will affect how Naruto & Sasuke's confrontation goes down.

That being said, Kabuto NEEDS to be handled by Itachi. As cold as it seems, Itachi doesn't have the time to devote to Sasuke, because the lives of the five Kage are literally depending on his stopping Kabuto's technique in time. Itachi's entire conversation is him attempting to give Sasuke enough information to get him not to interfere. The only reason he's even doing that is because Sasuke already attempted to grab Itachi with Susano'o, and he can't afford to take any chances here.

If Sasuke follows him (even in silence), it'll be because he's determined to learn something from Itachi after the confrontation with Kabuto - which is the only way that he's gonna get what he wants, and may also work towards Itachi's advantage. After all, I can't see Sasuke just leaving Itachi when there's even a remote possibility of learning something - he's NEVER going to get this opportunity again. Plus it brings Kabuto's want to get Sasuke into the open, before a potential conflict that could kill him. It also gives the possibility of new plotlines tying in to Orochimaru's plans that Suigetsu just found starting up just as the Edo Tensei ones die, and also gives Sasuke a heads up towards the greater situation.

X :neo:


Even though Itachi's sad that it turned out the way that it turned out, that doesn't even matter to Sasuke at this point. Sasuke's not looking for an apology, he's only looking for specific answers.

Which is still a far bigger foot in the door then anybody will ever have with Sasuke, ever.

It doesn't matter if Itachi doesn't want Sasuke to destroy Konoha, because Sasuke's mind is already made up, and nothing Itachi can say will change that. That's what the bits about perceived reality are commenting on - Itachi's saying that nothing Sasuke can learn from him will change the path that he set himself on. (Plus, unbeknownst to Sasuke - and also brought up in this chapter - Itachi explicitly gave that role to Naruto).
Remaining convinced that nothing you say can possibly help without ever taking the steps to find out if your judgement holds true IS a perfect example of being screwed over by your own perceived realities. At the moment it's only true because Itachi doesn't feel like finding out if he's wrong.
Not buying crap like this is exactly why Naruto saved Konoha from Nagato. His actual answer was one part, but not listening to people like Shikaku and Inoichi when they said they were beyond words and stuff, is just as big a part of it. Not agreeing with the rookies when they say that as much they'd like to get him back, Sasuke has to be put down is big reason why Naruto will save Sasuke.

And he's tried before, unlike Itachi, who doesn't even want to get started on try number 1, he's already on his 100th try of getting Sasuke to give up on hatred. And he's never ever come evn remotely close to succeeding. And a couple of surprised expressions on Sasuke's face doesn't constitute progress either. Naruto wants to keep trying, Itachi can't even find it in him to start. Being dead is no excuse, he's here, he has every reason to believe he'll be the last person Sasuke runs into before burning down Konoha, he's got nothing better to talk about (in fact chooses to say several far less constructive things to Sasuke instead). If Naruto didn't bother every time his convincing Sasuke to give up on hatred looked hopeless, whether he one day had it in him to find the right words would be irrelevant.

Itachi has it in him to be like Naruto, he just doesn't want to. His perceived reality defeated him before his chances of success even needed to be guaged.

Because Itachi knows Sasuke so well, one thing that he CAN'T afford to do is get into a conflict with Sasuke. If your brother - who murdered your whole family, while simultaneously lying and manipulating you your entire life - suddenly came back from the dead only to plead with you to not go through with your current plans to avenge the injutsices that made him murder your family and make your life terrible, there's no way that's gonna end well. Pleading for Sasuke not to attack Konoha is a sure fire way to drive Sasuke immediately to extreme violence.

Combat is something that Itachi can't afford to get caught up in, especially because of how powerful Sasuke is. He NEEDS to be at his full potential against Kabuto, because Kabuto & the Edo Tensei shinobi are 100x more dangerous to Konoha than Sasuke is right now. In the grand scheme of things, absolutely anything that can happen with Sasuke will get handled by Naruto, and Itachi knows that. That's why he's not making a big deal out of their meeting. Nothing that happens here will affect how Naruto & Sasuke's confrontation goes down.

That being said, Kabuto NEEDS to be handled by Itachi. As cold as it seems, Itachi doesn't have the time to devote to Sasuke, because the lives of the five Kage are literally depending on his stopping Kabuto's technique in time. Itachi's entire conversation is him attempting to give Sasuke enough information to get him not to interfere. The only reason he's even doing that is because Sasuke already attempted to grab Itachi with Susano'o, and he can't afford to take any chances here.

If Sasuke follows him (even in silence), it'll be because he's determined to learn something from Itachi after the confrontation with Kabuto - which is the only way that he's gonna get what he wants, and may also work towards Itachi's advantage. After all, I can't see Sasuke just leaving Itachi when there's even a remote possibility of learning something - he's NEVER going to get this opportunity again. Plus it brings Kabuto's want to get Sasuke into the open, before a potential conflict that could kill him. It also gives the possibility of new plotlines tying in to Orochimaru's plans that Suigetsu just found starting up just as the Edo Tensei ones die, and also gives Sasuke a heads up towards the greater situation.
You're right. Itachi CAN'T afford a conflict with Sasuke right now. In fact Sasuke being there, wanting to keep Itachi around, while Itachi is trying to Genjutsu Kabuto into releasing his ass IS A GIGANTIC THREAT TO ITACHI'S PLAN! It would be piss easy for Sasuke to just Susano'o smack Kabuto out of the way every time he's caught in a Genjutsu. Seriously. He doesn't Itachi gone, he has the power to intervere. You want this as your audience. You may not want to waste time with him now but once you and Sasuke are spotted by Kabuto, you're committed and may have spoiled the only chance the Alliance had.
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