Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm pretty sure that you HEAR Saukra's mom in one of the early anime episodes telling her to go get something from the flower shop. They've just never been shown. It's pretty clear that she's not orphaned, since she doesn't have that connection with Naruto in that respect.

X :neo:

Alex Strife

I think that the whole concept is Sakura's parents are unimportant people in the normal world, but will be VERY important in the "movie" setting. That's why we'll probably see a lot of them in the movie, and nothing or very little in the manga.


I'm pretty sure that you HEAR Saukra's mom in one of the early anime episodes telling her to go get something from the flower shop. They've just never been shown. It's pretty clear that she's not orphaned, since she doesn't have that connection with Naruto in that respect.

X :neo:
Oh yeah I forgot about that, I guess her parents are like Tenten's last name in that respect.


Well I'm glad. Lots of complaining about Uchiha BS going on around the web but if nothing else I'm glad that Itachi eventually decided to personally open up to Sasuke instead of blindly assuming that Naruto is the one person with the exact laserguided life experience to have anything relevant left to say about Sasuke's situation and thereby shrug of responsibility to do something about it, and clearly it paid off to a degree. Obviously Naruto still has his work cut out for him with Sasuke, but Itachi, as opposed to what he was planning, did his best.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Jubi's on the verge of revival.
Immortal Madara is rockin around still.
Sasuke's going to find Orochimaru.

This is a pretty intense on-the-verge-of-madness chapter. I'm expecting TONS of action over the next few weeks.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm so fucking lost. How the fuck is Orochimaru still alive? And how the fuck does that have any influence in turning the war around? And why would Sasuke want to see him to get answers about his clan?

This chapter was interesting but it was way too "what the fuck" in terms of all this being thrown out at once. I definitely need to see the next chapter to fully get what this is all about.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Look back a bit, I voiced my suspicions a little while ago that I was pretty certain that Orochimaru was still alive. The point about the Uchiha is obviously within what he wrote in the scroll, and as someone who obsessively studied the Uchiha clan, it's clear that he's a go-to person for some big answers.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Well... the last couple of chapters have been big. It's great to see Sasuke doing something that will probably help the Alliance instead of hurt it for once. I get the feeling he, Suigetsu, and Juugo want Orochimaru dead and gone once they're done with him. How can Orochimaru still be alive? Last time we saw him, he was getting sucked into Itachi's endless genjutsu.

Got to give credit to Kabuto for putting Madara in a separate Edo Tensai. I wonder how Madara learned how to do Edo Tensai. And Kabuto, Sasuke just left him there. He's going to be back. The big question will be whose side he's on.

I get the feeling the "recreation" of the Juubi is going to fail, or that if it is recreated, it will be incomplete. After all, it only has one tentacle of the Hachibi in there and a very tiny amount of Karama (the largest bijuu). That's got to count for something.

And it finally feels like we know everything worth knowing about the Uchiha massacre. I still hate Dazou, but I really wonder what he was thinking to suggest to Itachi that he could leave Sasuke alive. It does explain why he wanted to kill Sasuke so much after Sasuke left. It probably wasn't anything good as Itachi threatened to spill Konoha secrets if he did anything to Sasuke.

The new movie... it sounds like Kishimoto is writing fanfiction about his own story.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Is it not safe to say that as long as the curse seals exist, a part of Orichimaru does also?

That or it may have something to do with the fact that Kabuto is essentially Orochimaru incarnate 0.o

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Is it not safe to say that as long as the curse seals exist, a part of Orichimaru does also?
It can't be the only reason. Juugo is the origin of the curse seal; he was born with it. It might be part of the reason though. Whatever Suigetsu found had the information about "the person who knows everything". It sounded more like directions to a location. He also found it in a lab that wasn't part of the main one, so Kabuto might not even know about it.


Harbinger O Great Justice
In the original series, Orochimaru was the catalyst for all of the major events, but doing that cost him pretty heavily. I'm pretty certain that he's been pushing things into place, but has wanted to let them play out until the most opportune moment for him to make his move - similar to what he attempted with Sasuke during his fight with Itachi.

Given the way that Kabuto was using Anko for Orochimaru's power, I'd assume that the triple tomoe cursed seal is something specific to Orochimaru's continued survival. I can't posit a guess as to the mechanics of how he's pulling it off yet, but I'm more than certain that he's aware of the current state of events and is waiting for the right moment of weakness to get personally involved. It'll be interesting to see how Hawk plays into all this & when Tobi's eye collection finally comes into play. There're a LOT of little details that seem to be starting to roll into play now.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Tobi's eye collection. :scared: I'd forgotten about that. Orochimaru is really going to like that. Sauke... Sasuke is going to flip. And where do you think Danzou got his sharingan? If Sasuke finds them, he's at least not going to be on Tobi's side anymore...

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
At this point, we have also to see how the heck Madara (the original one) knew Nagato and why he was hoping to be ressurected through the 7th Path's technique.


Harbinger O Great Justice
For Mako & anyone else interested who CBA to go back & find it (It's farther back than I thought it was), here's my:

• "Is Orochimaru coming back?" post
• A minor clarification/reply post.

While it's lacking some specifity in regards to how he lured and influenced Kabuto (since it was posted back in Jan), it makes the point clear that Orochimaru looks like he's a HUGE point of connection for this upcoming story arc. I can't even imagine what that scroll might have on it though, but I have a strong feeling that it's gonna cause some BIG changes in the current events.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Mangapanda's got a better translation up, excluding the quotes about Orochimaru's arms and syphoning his chakra out of Kabuto (where mangastream has it much better).

Overall, it looks like Sasuke's finally at stage two of fulfilling his dream from the start of the series, which involves reviving his clan and restoring their name. I'm digging the idea of a motivational shift in his ambitions as an antagonist, especially given the recent encounter with his brother. I also really like the uneasy alliance of their 4-man cell.

Here's to some awesome upcoming color pages, and a swiftly approaching chapter 600!

X :neo:
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