New Dissidia Arcade Game (NT)


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Managed to play today's last roster before it abruptly kicked me out at 9pm on the dot. :monster:

I think the game makes me realise I'm best suited to playing characters from games I've actually played from the series. Loved playing as Sephiroth and Kuja in particular tonight, I had a lot more victories than the last time I played on Sunday.


Alex T
Also the Camera system needs work... it should prioritize your closest foe automatically, not cycle through them.

You can lock onto the nearest enemy by clicking L2+R2 together if that helps. By default the the lockon does target enemies based on your position.


AI Researcher
which characters are in the third rotation?

i found the l2+r2 thing difficult to pull off, when i took my fingers off i always seemed to end up lingering on one trigger too long so the lock on would move to a different character


Pro Adventurer
Pointlessname, Pointer
which characters are in the third rotation?
Garland, Cloud of Darkness, Cloud, Sephiroth, Squall, Zidane, Jecht, Noctis
Kefka, Ultimecia, Shantotto, Ace, Onion Knight, Bartz, Ramza.

Cool to finally get a try at Noctis. Had a bit of a double-take as well when his eyes changed colour in the summoning animation. Not just that they changed, but they were RED! Got a kick out of that.


AI Researcher
aaahhhhh ultimecia and ace and cloud of darkness

i hope i can get to play it tomorrow because i want to try those characters


AI Researcher
What are the Gil prices like in the shop? I must have skipped the tutorials about that when I was rushing through the jp beta but it says you can buy everything in the treasure boxes with Gil and pick what you want. But if that’s going to be 1000000 Gil for a costume and you get like 700 Gil occasionally it’s not really any better.


What are the Gil prices like in the shop? I must have skipped the tutorials about that when I was rushing through the jp beta but it says you can buy everything in the treasure boxes with Gil and pick what you want. But if that’s going to be 1000000 Gil for a costume and you get like 700 Gil occasionally it’s not really any better.

There's no shop yet, the moogle just endlessly reminds you about rewards that you can't use.


AI Researcher
i played a bit earlier and i really like ace :sadpanda: i finally tried online matches but it seemed to lag a lot for me, despite using a wired connection. i mean, i'm not really that fussed about online play tbh, i was just wondering if that would give you more treasure boxes and i could get new costumes for ace. (i got one for lightning which is super useful what with her not being there now.)

also when i said '700 gil' before i probably should have said '70' looking at what i have been getting.

also using circle for jump is hell and i want it to stop


Joe, Arcana
The worst part about the circle = jump thing is you can alter the face buttons for any combination of setup. They literally have a heap of presets where all those buttons are interchangeable.

But circle is locked to jump.



Alex T
I'll attempt to explain why you can't remap the jump button in the western release.

First, let's consider the JP version. X is jump in battle and cancel in menus, O is bravery attack in battle and confirm in menus. Pretty standard. When they designed the button presets in the settings they gave the player the option to swap any button besides X. After all, why would anyone want to remap the jump button? It's always X!

Now for the western release. We're used to X as confirm in menus. What the localization team did was literally swap the functions of X and O. Now X is bravery attack in battle and confirm in menus, O is jump in battle and cancel in menus. Uh oh.

This leaves me to my final point: Why are there no button presets that let you remap jump? Because the localization team didn't make any new ones. The button presets were basically made for JP players and only allow for remapping HP attacks, bravery attacks, and EX skills.

Pretty lame if you ask me.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm not sure I follow your explanation, cs. You're saying there's no option to change this particular input because they didn't program one? But isn't the question "Why didn't they program one?" -- whether for the Japanese release or any other?


AI Researcher
if i remap the buttons on the ps4 system would it change it, i wonder but am too lazy to test

i tried playing with the english voices and it weirds me out. do all the characters have a little unique summoning phrase? the japanese voices are all the summon attack name and the summon's name, so everyone just says 'diamond dust, shiva!' and then i summoned shiva with cloud in english and he was shouting 'pierce lances of ice into their hearts!!!!' or something and that's

a bit intense, jeez, calm down buddy


Alex T
But isn't the question "Why didn't they program one?" -- whether for the Japanese release or any other?

Fair enough. There's really no justification. It's an oversight on all releases. In Japan it isn't much of an issue as everyone uses X to jump anyway, but swapping the X and O functions creates problems here. Problems the localization team did not perceive being a issue.

Which boggles my mind. The first few nights of playing about tore my brain in half trying to train my muscle memory to slam O instead of X in the heat of battle. Luckily you can adjust. Triangle is jump in Shadow of the Colossus and Devil May Cry and players somehow got used to that.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Speaking for myself with regard to SotC, it helped that the controls and movement were so different from any other game. There wasn't a lot to associate with it.

Adjusting maybe also wasn't too bad just because of the type of game that it was? Reflexes didn’t usually matter so much.


That Man
Well, that's not the only problem, methinks:

The game is a party game by nature, so traversing the terrain is part of the difficulty, but not being aware of your enemies around you is another (the radar system helps a little, but not much, especially if you're being ganged up on at different heights and angles).

In older Duodecim, you had to press 1 button for jumping/airdashing, and traversal/grinding was also one other button, Triangle.

They've made it more convoluted by forcing you to press two buttons to traverse/grind terrain, plus Airdashing now has a Stamina feature. Not only that but not all terrain can be grinded, as some uneven hill areas have to be JUMPED in order to traverse them (like Cornelia stage).

I still have not figured out how some players are able to airdash so high in the air, unless they have 3 jumps instead of two, but this was a universal mechanic in Duodecim so it was negligible (even to a point where Evasion animations were more effective than dashing)... but now that things are competitively team based, they deliberately make characters with even more unbalance between them, to force players to think up Team balance on their own, which may or may not be guaranteed (i.e. Kuja and Zidane in a party are harder to hit, so you need fast characters to keep up with them).

Now, I don't know to what extent they want this to be an E-Sports title like Smash Bros or Gundam Versus are.... but there's a lot getting in the way of that that makes it difficult for beginners, not just people who want to get skilled at the game, to get to that point.

I also think the Accessory system of older games made the game a lot more versatile and fun, but this was an attempt at an Arcade experience (so that has to be considered).
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~The Other Side of Fear~
I was supposed to have the package weeks ago; indeed, I received an email saying it was on the way. But I haven't seen anything. If I don't receive it, ever, I think I'm done with SquareEnix. But I will wait to see what their customer service department has to say, first. Could just be a shipping error or maybe I made a mistake of some kind. I hope, anyways.


I played both original Dissidia games and I remember :circle: being bravery attacks and :square: being HP attacks (I may have set them that way, I don't remember), so the defaults here are a little weird.

Anyway I am having some trouble with the complexity of the controls in general. When I play Dissidia I tend to find something that works and then spend tens of hours forgetting seemingly basic things like "there is a block button".


AI Researcher
i never remember to block, and also i have it hard to keep track of attacks potentially coming from three characters to actually block in time.

also, why do they not have passive skills you can learn or equipment. where's the rpg elements gone beyond levelling up and changeable hp attacks and generic ex skills.

i've enjoyed what i played and all, but it doesn't feel as much like an advancement from duodecim. i don't think 3vs3 battles is an outstanding enough addition to distract from what they seem to have taken away.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
I miss the specific quotes the characters had when facing each other. I'm not a fan of these generic quotes. It felt more like the characters were actually interacting, rather than just "lets beat that team".

I've also seen a guidebook for this. It's got a 8"x10" print inside, which is just the art of them all in a circle.
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The Sublimely Magnificent One
I played both original Dissidia games and I remember :circle: being bravery attacks and :square: being HP attacks (I may have set them that way, I don't remember), so the defaults here are a little weird.

Those were the defaults for the original games, yes. At least in the NA versions.


I am squeezing some vague sense of enjoyment from the beta but I'll say now there's probably zero chance I'm buying this game.

The primary reason for that is: lootboxes. "Shop" and "Treasure" where shiny pseudo-satisfying noises happen when completely random things drop spells absolute trouble. Obviously none of us can accurately comment on this as yet since the game hasn't been released but if there's a way to buy "memoria" from the shop (and it's REALLY looking like there will be) this game is trash and lives a life of trash regardless of how enjoyable and balanced the game play potentially is. fuck lootboxes


AI Researcher
tbh if there seemed to be a more robust single player setup (the story section has battles according to the tutorials but come on, you went from boardgame map in the original to a world map in duodecim and then to an even more simplified 'map' in nt?) and the rpg elements were still there i would be psyched to get it. but as for now, i'm going to give it some time.

idk if they are trying to go for more of a standard fighting game model by not having abilities like the older games (are they trying to go for some kind of esports thing or what). but i'm not happy about it, that's not a good change.

also, from the little tutorial screencap it looked like costumes cost 10000 gil? which seems like a lot when you think about how many costumes there are going to be for all the characters

how about you just let people unlock those by playing the game, like the Good Old Days. also give more gil.
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