New Dissidia Arcade Game (NT)


Double Growth
RAMZA!!!!!!!!!! I am immediately 3000% more excited for this game. Ramza?


Flare said:
Ramza is a villain, right?



Flare, I...I feel like I don't even know you. As others have said, drop EVERYTHING and play Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions.



Pro Adventurer
Ramza is a villain, right?

*Criez* How could you?:P

Ramza is the main guy! :)


Flare, I...I feel like I don't even know you. As others have said, drop EVERYTHING and play Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions.



................I'm sorry guys.......... I've never played the game and..........I assumed they had all the good guys in the new Dissidia released already...............and that only villains would start to be shown...................................and so this new guy I assumed was a villain....................................

Oh well. Fuck up post of the year, right? :bigmonster: Right? ...Right...? :wacky:


Double Growth
Seriously though, play Tactics. Especially WotL, cell phone or PSP version. You won't regret it. It's my second favorite FF.


Pro Adventurer
Well with that good of a recommendation, I'll definitely have to give it a try! Is the story related at all to Tactics Advance? Or rather, does it take place on Ivalice?


Double Growth
No. But...yes. haha

Tactics was the original game in Ivalice and it's where FFXII and the Tactics Advance games got it from. It is, purportedly, connected, but you'll struggle to find any tangible connections. There are no species besides humans, no judges or laws, just a War of the Roses-style Shakespearian story with the most complete application of the Final Fantasy Job System.

Supposedly, the Ivalice timeline goes:
Final Fantasy XII
FFXII: Revenant Wings
FFTactics: A2
FFTactics: the War of the Lions
Vagrant Story
FFTactics Advance
FFTactics A2 (Prologue and Epilogue)


Traditionally arcade games actually used to look better than console games because they used to have much more expensive hardware built in. Not sure if there is much of a difference anymore though. This one is basically running on PS4 hardware even in the arcade version.


And that's a shame; they could build some seriously high-end hardware into an arcade cabinet (quad Titans y0) and make people queue up for them again. All arcade wossnames I've seen around have PS1-era graphics - the generic racing games, maybe House of the Dead. It's like nobody bothered to buy new ones in fifteen years. Then again, why should they, it's not like they're used much, :monster:


That Man
Ramza is a villain, right?

Welllll... if we're going based on Ivalice History's original TELLING of the story (which was doctored up by King Hyral aka Delita "the bastard"), then yes, he was a heretic. :muhaha:

Of course Daravon argued the truth in the story... but Daravon is boring. Zzzzz.....

I kid, guys...

So, any news about how Ramza is supposed to fight? Does he throw rocks and push people off roofs?


unsavory tart
Been watching some of the Dissidia fights on youtube. It looks pretty chaotic but that's where the fun is probably. A lot of the HP attacks lands by people attacking players that are fighting with someone else and therefore distracted. And I have to laugh when two characters are fighting, someone randomly comes in to steal their break and all that brave.

A part of me had to really distance myself towards the original title, the simplicity in the controls could be overlooked via customization. Characters like Vaan with weapon changing could be played with to suite your taste, but they completely revamped him to be boring. They probably gave the weapon changing thing to Bartz.

I kind of question the wisdom of releasing it without any of the villains and no alternative colors, it feels like it's pretty bare bones in content compared to the original Dissidia.

But that can be changed as more updates continue to happen. Hopefully by the time console drops, it will be a little more fleshed out, with more characters, modes, and GREEN HAIRED TERRA alternative costumes.


That Man
^You DO know someone's bound to pick up on that and spam Ultima or other AoE spells that hit multiple characters at the same time, don't you?

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red

Things that seriously amused me: That you can have multiple copies of the same character on the battlefield (imagine the chaos if all 6 characters in battle were the same character) and that most of this video featured Onion Knight on the account of, well, his many, many forms he has.
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Something about between 10am on 24/12 to 23:59 on 11/01 WHY CAN'T I UNDERSTAND JAPANESE

-Dissidia Final Fantasy Sanctuarium (no idea what that is but that's what they're talking about)
-something something portal app something something
-now they're showing the ffxiv christmas trailer
-something about a ffxiv art book
- oh now they're physically showing it. It's actually really fucking pretty looking but I will not be seduced

^obviously something to do with the mobius event

- there's an FFIX event coming to one of the mobile games on the 28th, Kuja something something
- why am i still watching this

- something something rampage land crushers with the player controlling Sephiroth walking through random squares with battles in them
- think it might be the ffvii brave exvius crossover thing

- now they've swapped christmas hats
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AI Researcher
-Dissidia Final Fantasy Sanctuarium (no idea what that is but that's what they're talking about)
it looks like some kind of companion site for the arcade dissidia where you can look at various stats and rankings and buy stuff (player icons, music tracks, 'titles' for your profile) using gil you earn in the game
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