New Dissidia Arcade Game (NT)


Kaiju Member
They've pretty much just confirmed that he's coming, and fully confirmed that the 012 cast take priority over new ones. So they must be the season pass 6 -Gilgamesh, Tifa, Laguna, Yuna, Prishe - but who is the last one? If Gabranth and Feral Chaos aren't coming back, who will it be?

Here's an image of Edea too:

Perhaps Gabranth will still be part of the initial 6 DLC characters and Nomura’s comment just means Gabranth will be one of the last of the 6 to be added? (since IIRC the 6 characters aren’t being released all at once but are being staggered out once every two months?)


That Man
I'm really hoping Gilgamesh and Gabranth return. Those guys helped define this series.

I refuse to believe other FF Villains aren't being considered, XIII and XV included.

Siefer, Caius, and Ardyn should definitely not be ignored, Ajora (Tactics) as well.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
They more than likely will add more villains somewhere, if there's going to be over 60, and we have 28 at launch +6, that's 34. At least 26 left, and I can't imagine them all being heroes.

My concern with them adding characters is them adding in characters that are too similar to ones already established. It'll be so boring if they all end up being more or less clones of each other.


That Man
My concern with them adding characters is them adding in characters that are too similar to ones already established. It'll be so boring if they all end up being more or less clones of each other.

You could argue that Bartz, Ramza, and Vaan are clones already, but that's splitting hairs.

I think there's plenty to consider with every character to make them unique.

Figure, if Terra, Kefka, and Kuja each can cast "Ultima" as a spell, they were at least "very creative" in the way the spell was used. It may be the same spell, but only Kuja uses it the way that we normally expect it to be used.

Even comparing Noctis with Firion or Gilgamesh isn't entirely like comparing Apples to Apples here.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
There’s going to be a 2nd anniversary livestream on the 26th at 8.00pm JST. They promised ‘new information’.

Hopefully we’ll see the remaining VIII,XV,0 and Tactics stages before release.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, I know. I saw it. I had missed it when I did an initial quick check of the Press site (before posting the twitter hosted image).


That Man
Heh, I KNEW Nomura was holding out on us! So what are those? IME cards? Will full body PNGs appear again?


That Man
Do they have Ramza and the other newcomers in fullsize Nomura-style too?

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Yeah all of them, but for some reason there's only chest upwards for Y'shtola.

Aerith never got any full body art in 012 either, just her face.
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