New High Quality Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Screenshots!

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
what the hell is that japanese female voice talking????

edit: Holy fuck
Xehanort borrowed Emperor's Starfall ability LMAO!!!


The Wanderer of Time
It gets better -
He died and just summoned the Guardian Heartless and got back up! Round 2...oh god and he's floating like Ansem did too now.
If this isn't the superboss, it's gotta be Aqua's final boss because this guy is crushingly powerful.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Come on Baby spin that shit!! I'm calling Aqua the twirling goddess from now on.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
God damn she could be a good fighter for Dissidia with those twirling tricks. And now the kid's Holding up The Game.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Now we know a few points after this epic battle
how Xemnas/Xehanort got so obsessed with Aqua's armour and how he acquired the armour + her keyblade. And how Aqua banished herself to the world of darkness in the first place

How ven is connected to roxas + sora at last too
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The Wanderer of Time
Okay, for those who missed the feed, this clears up A LOT.
Aqua goes to the ruins of the Land of Departure with Ven's unconscious body and uses Master Eraqus' Keyblade to seal a Keyhole behind his throne. After taking Ven to Castle Oblivion, she finds Terra possessed by Xehanort back at the Land of Departure, and they battle. Defeated, Xehanort conjures the Guardian Heartless and keeps fighting. Beaten again, he stabs himself with his Keyblade (MX's that is), and falls into a dark portal. Aqua hops on her spaceship-thingie and chases after him. She catches Terra, but they can't get back to the portal in time. She gives her armor and Keyblade to Xehanort and sends him back alone.

Ansem, Braig and Dilan enter the Radiant Garden's garden and find Terra lying on the ground with Aqua's armor and Keyblade nearby. He murmurs his name to Ansem and passes out, and Braig and Dilan carry him and the armor away. Aqua is wandering around the world of Darkness when Darkside loom around her. She conjures Eraqus' Keyblade to fight them, when Terra and Ven's Keyblades fly out of the darkness and destroy them. Aqua looks at the good luck charm in her hand and remembers everyone, and we cut to the ending.

Gotta say, with Ven-Roxas and Terra-Xehanort speculation abundant, I don't think anyone expected Aqua to be so important to the plot. But depending on what coded tells us, it seems she may be the most important of all.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

Vanitas is the bonus boss! combo with nobody symbols! With a low HP but a LARGE FUCKING AMOUNT OF ATTACK! 1 HIT KO!!!

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Aqua takes the cake for best Action Girl and hot girl guys. No competition with Xion
who is a Futanari btw
or with larxene. Compete with Elizabeth, Cinderella and Aurora though and shit just got real.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Chillax, I was just joking. But to some untrained eyes, they alway ALWAYS think that Xion is one. given her... mysterious background and disturbing connection to The Hero.

edit: most fandumb also sometimes conclude that Xion is one. So Yeah.


The Wanderer of Time
I just found an interesting KH game - Read Roxas' diary in 358/2 Days and change "ice cream" to "sex". For example:

"Me and Axel went on a mission to Twilight Town. Afterwards, we went and had sex again up on the clock tower. He said friends do stuff like that."

"I was partnered up with No. XIV for today's mission. Xion wore a hood the whole time and wouldn't say a word to me. Come to think of it, I didn't have a whole lot to say, either. Afterwards I went and had sex by myself."

"I went up to the clock tower to have sex, but nobody else showed up."

"Me and Axel went to Agrabah. He seems different now that he's back from C.O. Sex was just the two of us today. I wonder when me and Axel and Xion will all get to have sex together"

"After I finished my mission I wanted all three of us to have sex, but I couldn't find Xion."

"My job today was to help Axel find Xion. It turns out she had gone missing, but we managed to find her. We finally got to all have sex together, which was nice."

"It's hard spending time with Xion, and Axel seems busy, too. I've been having sex alone, but it's just not the same. All I taste is the salt, and my hands get all sticky."
Wow, Roxas is insatiable! All he ever thinks about is having threesomes!

EDIT - Caption idea: Roxas - "That is one girl I'd like to eat ice cream with, and by eat ice cream I mean have sex".
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
So... At least Sora's dealt with being an apartment complex for aspects of himself as of one year post KH2.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Can someone summary for me whether or not I should I should still be anticipating the release of this game? :' I feel so lost and confused by the homoerotic overtones of this topic.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Basically someone in The Game committed a Grand Theft Me on one of the players.

Celes Chere

GOGOGO WINTER! I totally agree with you. I mean, I like some of the new(er) characters, but that doesn't make the game GOOD. =/ 358/2 days or w/e, sucked totally ass. The only part that amused me was making
Saix fight with a giant banana
. Do you know how sad that is? Wait, scratch that, the part where
Xion fades away
is also good... definitely got the tears flowing. xD The game-play was such shit though. It was like a chore and an eyesore to play. KH should have ended at KH2. He found Riku and Kairi and is safe on the island. We don't need all of these other plot-holes filled in (badly). Sure, I was curious about the Orgy, but I liked being curious. I like when things are up to interpretation or your imagination sometimes. And if they aren't- don't fuck them up when you fit the pieces together. I can't believe Saix is in actuality, a fucking douche. They randomly make him this thuper speshul character that is the REAL reason why Axel did any of the douchey things that he did. FUCKING LAME! I thought Axel was being manipulative and sly on all on his own- nope, turns out he's too much of a pussy to stand up to Saix . (I don't blame him, but fail)

than sparkly men

Ya rly. One Edward Cullen is enough.

and over 9000 new characters.

LOL how many parts of Sora are there floating around now? :lol:

this whole entire game was centered around a dude that we hadn't even HEARD of in the original game.

I don't know anything about Ven, besides that he looks like Roxy. So... very creative? /not really/. How many clones and parts of people, and time warping, and replaying the same areas, as basically the same people do you need before it finally ends? Lol. Roxas was good as the new character, and CoM was fine the way it was too. Because you're introduced to Namine and the Orgy- the cards sucked, but the story was in tact at least.

butthurt being the key word here, in my case. VOICING MY OPINIONS AND STUFF

Yep, I'm butthurt too. This SUCKS! :lol:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Yes, because he definitely didn't spent all of KH1 traveling worlds looking for Kairi, he definitely didn't sacrifice his own heart to save her, or embrace her upon reuniting with her. And Sora's memories DEFINITELY didn't revolve around Kairi to the point his mind couldn't restored without his memories of Kairi from Roxas and Xion. Or when Roxas addresses Kairi in KH2 as "You're that girl he likes." Oh yeah, and he gets on his knees and begs Saix to let him see her.

Yeah, KairixSora, total fanon. Hmmm, gotta debute a new caption now, gimme a few minutes.
There was some chick I talked to who said Sora was looking for Kairi because he thought he was Riku's girlfriend and his one true love was actually Namine. I'll leave that there for you to sort out. :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
"It's hard spending time with Xion, and Axel seems busy, too. I've been having sex alone, but it's just not the same. All I taste is the salt, and my hands get all sticky."
This is the funniest thing ever.
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