New High Quality Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Screenshots!


The Wanderer of Time

But I really didn't need THAT big of a close-up on their faces, ew. I could see the sweat.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I can't wait to obliterate that damn elephant and defeat the demonic tiny children and go toe to toe with the monstars! DISNEYSQUAREENIX VS. WARNER BROS BABY! Aqua better be part of my team or shit's gonna get real.


The Wanderer of Time
A friend brought up an interesting idea - RoxasXSoraxXionxVenxVanitas. And it's all technically the same person! Narcissism taken to the extreme.

Celes Chere

Yeah, I was going to be XionxRoxas, but then Ryu crushed my dreams saying that would be masturbation. But now this, this is perfect.

For a crazy shipper like me, bahahahahahahahaha.


The Wanderer of Time
Cute vid, don't watch though it gives spoilers. The uploader says that
BBS' story is basically Star Wars Episode 3. If what I know of Ep 3 is true, he's not wrong.


Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
YOUR Worlds??? Terra my allegiance is to The Light TO DEMOCRACY!!

This is as close to Star Wars SE has been, with biggs and wedge, the bounty hunter concept in FFXII etc etc. lol


The Wanderer of Time
The Xehanort reports from BBS. Direct facts, and direct C&P of the translations from GameFaqs.

Facts (paraphrased by me, my interpretation of the spotty translation may be wrong).

Master Xehanort began training under an unnamed master with Eraqus. Eraqus believed light was absolute, but MX thinks light and darkness should be held in balance. Their feud lead to MX leaving to travel the worlds and understand them. MX's desire came to be Kingdom Hearts. As the universe was currently unbalanced and had too much light, he would flood the universe with darkness, and from there use KH to reforge it in his image of an ideal universe, one with light and darkness in perfect balance with each other. But he began to notice his body was aging, and so decided to find a new vessel to use to see his plan to fruition. When he met Terra training under Eraqus, and sensed Terra's ambition, stubbornness and desire for power, he decided to make Terra that vessel.

The armor is needed to protect the wearer from the darkness between worlds as they travel. MX's fascination partially stems from this: if he learned to control darkness, he wouldn't be in danger from it.

At one time, the worlds weren't separated, and there were many Keyblade masters. Then they began fighting for the power of Kingdom Hearts. Many worlds fell to darkness, and the hearts of the surviving worlds raised the barriers of light separating the worlds to defend themselves.

There are three types of Keyblade - Keyblades of light, Keyblades of darkness, and Keyblades born of a person's heart. The latter is a product of the Keyblade war, needed to unlock the door to Kingdom Hearts. The report gets spotty here, it mentions a Keyblade formed of seven hearts of pure light (sound familiar?) would be needed to open Kingdom Hearts, but this directly contradicts the next point, so....

The "X-Blade" ( is born from a combination of a heart of light and a heart of darkness. It is the weapon that can open the way to Kingdom Hearts, and so was the subject of the Keyblade War. To form the weapon, MX extracted the darkness of Ven's heart, and in fact split Ven's heart in two, to create Vanitas. As his darkness is gone, Ven's heart was now pure light, and Vanitas' heart was pure darkness. Combining their powers would conjure the X-Blade. However, Ven needed training, so MX began to train Vanitas and arranged for Ven to become an apprentice to Eraqus. Because Ven came to look up to Terra as a brother, MX orchestrated Terra going off alone, figuring that Terra's darkness would make Ven's light brighter, and vice-versa.

The innate ability of a Keyblade master is the power to extract their own heart, and the hearts of others. This way, they could potentially live forever.

And I saved the best for last (IMO). Ven was too weak when MX extracted half his heart to form Vanitas. So Ven could recover his light, MX put him to sleep and sent him off to his own home, a peaceful place where Ven could rest. Ven was sent to the very same beach Master Xehanort himself departed from years before when he left his home. This is important, because in the intro to BBS, you see Ven as a streak of light shooting into the waters around Destiny Island with Sora and Riku watching. So if this is true, Master Xehanort was born and lived on Destiny Island.

Direct copy and paste. Warning, the translations are quite spotty.

Report 1, been a long time since Xehanort left his hometown (Destiny Islands, hinted at Report 10) and traveled to various worlds. He destiny was changed when he met his Master and the other apprentice Eraqus, at Land Of Departure which became his 2nd home. During his training, he often wonders about the Keyblade and its real purpose beyond the fact it's used to protect the world from darkness. Out of curiosity, he would often sneak out to other worlds for more knowledge

Report 2, it is told that when traveling around worlds, you need the armor in order to protect yourself from the darkness around. Xehanort decided not, he thinks that if he can control darkness then darkness would no longer be a threat

Report 3, in ancient times, the world werent separated nor protected by light walls. In those time, the world was filled with Light, there are many Keyblade Wielders around, but then people started fighting for Light. Keyblade was originally used to summon Kingdom Hearts, the wielders all wanted to obtain that heart of light, the War was then started. Kingdom Hearts is the unification of hearts, like human and their heart, the world itself has its own heart. In each world, there is a door to that world's heart, if you gather the hearts of all world, you can then complete Kingdom Hearts

Report 4, opening Kingdom Hearts is like creating a new world, this is all beyond human. In short, whoever opens Kingdom Hearts is no longer a Human. All sorts of people fought for the Kingdom Hearts, even unrelated worlds got involved and in the world, the worlds were covered in darkness. The remaining lights from hearts created the present world and to prevent another war, the worlds are all covered by light walls

Report 5, us wielders' duty is to watch over and protect the world, but then, there are little of us left. Besides the world of light, there is also the world of darkness and the layer between the two. The world of darkness is forbidden and it is said that no one has made it out once they are in there

Report 6, there are three types of keyblade, keyblade of the world of light, of the world of darkness, and of one's heart. The keyblade of one's heart is a by product of the war, without it, you cant reach Kingdom Hearts. If to collect 7 hearts of pure light, you can complete the Keyblade of One's Heart, to open Kingdom Hearts. if one could open Kingdom Hearts, it means one can obtain all worlds and people in their hands

Report 7, biggest mystery of Keyblade that is beyond those 3 types, the X(read: Chi) Blade. while The Keyblade corresponds with the Kingdom Hearts, it is a product of human. X Blade, however, co-exists with Kingdom hearts. X Blade is the crossover of a heart of Pure light and a heart of pure darkness. When that happens, Kingdom Hearts will appear. This is not man-gathered Kingdom hearts, it is the Kingdom Hearts with all the hearts of the worlds gathered. This was the cause of the war. Even though the worlds now are all separated, if you can obtain the X Blade, you can gather the hearts of the worlds together to complete Kingdom Hearts, to bring forth the war again

Report 8, Eraqus thinks Light is absolute but Xehanort thinks light and darkness should be at a balance, to maintain the balance of the world. The world now is losing its balance due to the rejections of darkness. Once the light breaks, the darkness will come forth, then the world will need to be reconstructed. Due to the obvious differrenece in opinions, Xehanort and Eraqus had a quarrel and Xehanort departed, drifting to other worlds, his new freedom since he departed from home when he was young. Already being a keyblade master, Xehanort thought of his duty, a successor. However, Xehanort doesnt seem to want to end his life at there, he still has things he wants to see and confirm, but his body is aging as he notices

Report 9, a Keyblade Master has a special ability, it is to extract self's heart or other's heart. Repeat the process and one can live on forever. When Xehanort was young, he dreamt the world's boundary, a world no one has been to, a world no one has seem. If he were to open Kingdom Hearts and create the new world, then a world with equal light and dakrness can be completed. After gathering enough knowledge, Xehanort got a new goal but first up, a new vessel/body. It was then, Xehanort met with Ventus and took him in as his apprentice. It was destiny, Ventus has the potential but at the same time, he is too gentle. Hence, Ventus can not be his new vessel but Xehanort plans to use him for his other goal (ie, X Blade). Xehanort divided Ventus' heart into two, it was then a Pure Heart of Light and a Pure Heart of Darkness were completed

Report 10, as expected, Ventus couldnt take the separation of his heart, Vanitas was successeful born, but Ventus went into sleep. Heart of Pure Light, Ventus, Heart of Pure Darkness, Vanitas, combine the two hearts and the X Blade will be completed. However, Vanitas' Heart is way too strong and Ventus has nearly no light left when his heart broke into two. Xehanort wanted to take him to a peaceful place to sleep, the place that's Xehanort's hometown. Without noticing, Xehanort already at the beach, the same beach where he decided to departs. Ventus can rest here but then, he pulls out a Keyblade, looks like the heart of light is still not diminished

Report 11, Ventus and Vanitas, Light and Darkness are yet at a balance, Xehanort cant train both of them at the same place, Vanitas' darkness will just consume over Ventus. What better place to train Ventus for Light? Under Eraqus, the one that thinks Light is absolute. Eraqus didnt mind the quarrel and Xehanort's departure from way back, instead, Eraqus was happy to see Xehanort again. Eraqus gladly accepted Ventus as his apprentice. Remaining is to wait for Ventus to get his light grow stronger. At LoD, Eraqus also got two other apprentice, one of them, Terra, has the potential and gentle, at the same time he seeks power. The stubbornness to have more power will make Terra to grow darkness, Xehanort decided on Terra as his vessel.

Report 12, The time is here, the Eraqus' Master Exam for Terra and Aqua. Xehanort plans to lure those two away to other worlds which should be easy, but Ventus...... Vanitas can sense Ventus' heart, through Vanitas, Xehanort found out the key to control Ventus, it is, Terra. Ventus looks up to Terra like a big brother, Terra is the one that can move his heart. Therefor, Xehanort decided to separate others and have Terra lone, have the small light (Ventus) to chase after Terra with growing darkness. Because, Strong Darkness makes Light stronger, Stronger Light makes Darkness stronger......With that, everything will interwines and soon the legend/war will appear again...

So yeah, Master Xehanort is quite the evil genius, he spent years setting Ven and Terra up to help his plans reach fruition. But his ultimate goal doesn't sound so bad. Bad methods to get there, but the end result...also explains why he's so interested in Riku in KH/CoM.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So yeah, Master Xehanort is quite the evil genius, he spent years setting Ven and Terra up to help his plans reach fruition. But his ultimate goal doesn't sound so bad. Bad methods to get there, but the end result..
Kind of like Org XIII, what they want to do isn't that bad, it's just the means of doing it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Path... Good intentions... Assholes... blah blah...

So, There's definitely something screwy going on with Sora and Ventus and With Ventus resting in Destiny Islands, anyone think Sora might be a VenShard of some sort grown into independence?

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
So MX did a Xanatos Gambit to
create balance in the universe with light and darkness?
his methods are evil but his intentions are good. I'd put in the Well Intentioned Extremist trope than a supervillain or Big Bad trope, he'd just be a bit of both from his actions in KH - KH: CoM.


The Wanderer of Time
Path... Good intentions... Assholes... blah blah...

So, There's definitely something screwy going on with Sora and Ventus and With Ventus resting in Destiny Islands, anyone think Sora might be a VenShard of some sort grown into independence?

This is already known, Ryu. Although I'm not sure of the specifics, basically
when Vanitas possesses Ven and is killed, Ven goes comatose, and to heal his heart of the damage (specifics, I'm unclear) he sends his heart to sleep within Sora.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Bullshit, Master Xehanort had good intentions. The guy wants to play God and be immortal. Just like Emperor Mateus and his ilk. He's quite the fascinating evil genius though, I'll give him that. He has the patience of a saint, and the heart of a devil. What a guy... Hell, he probably isn't even dead anymore, even now that his heartless and nobody are gone. Xehanort's intentions completely explain what Xemnas was after in KH2. Same for Xehanort's Heartless.

So if I'm understanding this correctly..

Ventus is just a random kid, who had a strong light, that Xehanort took a liking to. Xehanort used him for his plan to reveal Kingdom Hearts, by manifesting the Chi-Blade. The Chi-Blade is a product of a heart of pure light, going against a heart of pure darknesss, correct? So essentially, it's like a ritual. When two keyblade masters of pure light and darkness collide, the Chi-Blade is formed, which instantly reveals Kingdom Hearts.

I'm not seeing any contradiction here, though. In KH1, Xehanort tried to manifest Kingdom Hearts the other way, by using the Keyblade of Darkness, made from the hearts of those Seven Princesses of Light. That keyblade had the ability to open up Hollow Bastion's keyhole, and reveal the entrance to the world of darkness, which is another way of reaching Kingdom Hearts.

There isn't really a contradiction. There are numerous ways to manifest or reach Kingdom Hearts. You can either travel to it through the Door to can make it come to you, by manifesting the Chi-Blade.

Now the question I have about Vanitas is...does that make him a Heartless? I'd say yes, Vanitas is, by the nature of his creation, the very first heartless. Or at least the very first artifically created heartless. Heartless are born from hearts consumed, or completely saturated in darkness. If Vanitas's heart is literally complete darkness, that has been separated from his original body/heart/soul, that makes him a heartless.

Vanitas wants to swallow Ven's light, so yeah. He sounds just like a fucking heartless. It only makes sense that he'd be the source of Unbirths and shit, since he's basically a walking, primordial heartless.

And now we finally understand the connection Ventus has to Sora. Basically, Ventus and Sora fused when Sora was a child. When Ventus was defeated/killed/whatever in the end, his light went into Sora's body.

Now the question that must be asked Sora chosen by the keyblade of the realm of light because of Ventus inside him, or was Sora pre-destined to be the wielder of the keyblade, and that's why Ventus went into Sora? Why was Sora chosen to hold Ventus's light in the first place? Can Ventus ever be a normal person again?

See, there HAS to be some sort of element of predestination involved here. Why else would Vanitas look like a black haired, yellow eyed, Sora? Sora must be some predestined avatar or reincarnation of some legendary Keyblade master. Or something. There's just no way Ventus's dark side would coincidentally look exactly like Sora.

Once again, thanks so much for this Drake. This makes understanding the plot so much simpler.
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Indeed mako, what we saw in Vanitas is true
the first heartless ever created.
But what I fail to understand is how
the unversed suddenly became extinct after bbs. they can't just simply be handwaved away like the battle droids from Episode III, I'm thinking they somehow got assimilated by Darkness, creating the heartless or something to that extent. I'm not sure, Xehanort's heartless (as Ansem) did say he created the heartless in KH, but where were the unversed??


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The Unversed didn't disappear.
They evolved. They became Heartless. I'm like 90% sure, that, that is the plot connection they have.

Vanitas is the darkness of Ven's Heart given form who wishes to devour Ven's light.

Vanitas creates and controls the Unversed.

Vanitas dies.

Unversed continue to grow and desire the hearts of other people. They multiply and become Heartless through selective breeding and evolution.

Xehanort was more than likely right about the balance of the universe being a bit off kilter. If there's too much light, the darkness grows, wanting to devour it. Thus the unversed/heartless multiply and begin wrecking havoc.

Now combine Vanitas's bullshit with the fact Xehanort and pals start experimenting on people to create heartless, and then he even creates a machine that artificially PRODUCES heartless, and you've got the makings of a perfect storm.
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