I want that t-rex in my team.
This probably won't make my main team at first, it'll get a spot on the bench until post Elite Four like my other six fossil mons did, THEN get trained into a nigh-unstoppable murderbeast. But oh yes, I do want it. The Aurorus too, that is a gorgeous, majestic Ice-type right there. Love that signature attack too.
Dragons x Dinosaurs theme man. Finally something legitimate
What's illegitimate about the other fossil Pokemon? Let's see the list here...
and not some silly fossil bird,
Which is a dinosaur, of course
Also incredibly potent battlers if you keep them in good health (damn Defeatist). I just bred an Adamant, Quick Tempered one to train today
Cradilly is awesome. Clicky's Cradilly, Thorn, is one of the mainstays of her Grass-type team.
I'll admit, this one is sorta lame except for being an amusingly obscure reference (even paleontology students don't often know what an Anomalocaris is for a fair bit of time).
S'abit vague, innit? Lileep/Cradilly, Anorith/Armaldo, Tirtouga/Caracosta, and the OGs Kabuto/Kabutops and Omanyte/Omastar are all underwater dwelling monsters. All pretty awesome in one way or another (still not too fond of Anorith and Armaldo though) as well, and based on legit prehistoric critters. Most of which pre-date dinosaurs by a long shot.
The aforementioned Archen/Archeops, plus Cranidos/Rampardos and Shieldon/Bastiodon all say hello
That's a probable dromaeosaur (not to mention all birds are technically theropod dinosaurs), a pachycephalosaurus, and a ceratopsian of some sort (Shieldon in particular resembles a protoceratops) right there.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some dinosaurs. Have since I was like three years old. I love Tyrunt/Tyrantrum, and I'm really pleased to see a sauropod get some love in Amaura/Auroros. Just don't see why we gotta look down on the non-dinosaurs in the process. After all, dinosaurs make up a tiny fraction of the totality of prehistoric life, and thus of the fossil record