NEW TRAILER: State of Play May 2019


Pro Adventurer
I'm under the impression that they're going to play-up Cloud's "mental episodes" more than the original game did, if this trailer and the previous one are anything to go by, so I'm fairly certain that Sephiroth's appearance here is related to those. Judging from cloud's surroundings in the trailer, it looks like he's still in the Mako reactor, maybe after the guard scorpion fight of after the bomb has gone off. I'm guessing being surrounded in flames triggered a flash-back. The whole "Can you bear to see the Planet suffer, Cloud?" could relate to Barret's insistence on AVALANCHE's goals being met with Cloud's disinterest, "Not interested." It might be to show that Cloud does care more than he's letting on, and his subconscious is reflecting his guilt back at him with the visage of his enemy. As for why Sephiroth is being shoehorned in this early, I'm really thinking at this point that part 1 of the remake will JUST be Midgar, which by the original game would leave Sephiroth's reveal for part 2, so they probably wanted to include him in part 1 in some capacity. I'm hoping we don't see his face full-on until the Niblehiem flashback.

Alternatively if the game does go beyond Midgar, Kalm will still be a loooong ways in. I can see Nomura or staff members being worried about people being impatient to see Sephiroth, and opting to use the Mental Glitches to drop tidbits earlier than expected to satisfy the craving at least a little bit.

I still have trouble imagining the first part JUST being Midgar, especially since we have no evidence of the game going off the original's canon. Things are embelished and some gaps are filled, but nothing feels out of sequence or completely new yet.
@Nandemoyasan I'd say it looks more like Fringed Loosestrife, but great catch!

My numbness at this new trailer is slowly being replaced by curiosity and moderate hype, now that I'm going over the trailer frame by frame (thanks Cloud_S for the link!). Let's just say I'm getting old and my brain is rotting away but because of how quick the edits are in this trailer it is difficult for me to enjoy in normal speed. To have any chance of enjoying the detail of the battle scenes you really need to do a frame-by-frame check of this teaser trailer.

Going by the frame count based on the link provided by Cloud_S.

Aerith looks way more meditative and dreaming in this iconic sequence compared to previous iterations of it. In the OG and in CC she looked more temporarily distracted by the leaking mako/lifestream, while here it looks like her spirit is very much riding the thoughts from the lifestream, despite the rumbling noises of Midgar.

340 & 650:
Appreciating the new designs for the Shinra grunts/infantrymen. At normal speed I definitely missed the military-green style grunt at frame 650.

Kinda hoping that the way these two grunts are ignoring Barret and running straight towards Cloud is a reference to what happens in the original game if you follow Barret quickly enough. This would be a low-key humorous moment that shows Square isn't afraid of being various degrees of silly.

387 - 457:
One of the defining aspects of the OG was how cutscenes and gameplay would blend together, sometimes with low-poly characters being imposed over the pre-rendered movie that was playing. The way that the battle HUD remains even during this cinematic firing of missiles from Guard Scorpion reminds me of that marriage between cinematics and gameplay. Sure, button inputs are locked during this battle cinematic but I still appreciate this aesthetic choice.

It's interesting how minimalistic the HUD is. It doesn't spell out "HP", "MP" and "LIMIT" for the character stats/gauges. Simply spells out the numbers and assumes (correctly) that you always know which is what.

533 - 588:
As has been mentioned, the attention to detail with the countdown is wonderful. Great reference to looks of the timer in the original game. Seeing Cloud climb at 561 - 588 is a nice reminder that the same environmental interactivity from the OG is still being preserved here.

589 - 674:
Looks this is the winding tunnels on your way to Mako Reactor #5, as also hinted by Tifa's presence in the party. The hovering robot foes appear to be new designs. They look a bit like the red saucers if those could fly. These hovering robots also remind me of the hovering enemy "Mono Drive" from Mako Reactor #1 by virtue of, well, hovering. Mono Drive always looked weirdly organic to me for what is supposed to be a mechanical foe. I can imagine the thought process behind the creation of the new hovering robots: "Those Mono Drive thingies look a bit out of place. What should we use instead for hovering robots? I know, let's take the red saucers from the Compilation of FFVII and make them fly!"

The hotkey/shortcuts HUD at 637 - 674 looks juicy and reminds me that I am looking forward to this modernization of FFVII.

Chest hair. Good choice.

808 - 937:
There are moments here where I think Cloud's face looks especially Japanese. This is neither good nor bad, it's just a thing I like to notice with Final Fantasy cutscenes: When characters, even if ever so briefly, change from looking vaguely asian to very outright Japanese. For a moment I actually felt like I was looking at the love child between Tetsuya Nomura and Gackt. :wacky:

When I was pondering the trailer while at work today, this particular region of frames stood out in my mind as a sore spot. Why? Because the sheen of Aerith's face reminded me of the constant sheen from the 3D models in Mobius. Retroactively my memory was rewritten to think that the entire trailer looked like a Mobius crossover event. I certainly did not like that thought! Upon revisiting the trailer I'm glad to see I was wrong. While the lighting on Aerith's face does look somewhat unnatural, I think it also works to a positive end: It makes Aerith look otherworldly, like a subtle reminder of her angelic/holy status. No, I'm not talking about the misperception of Aerith as "pure", but rather the fact that she is the last living Cetran and that Zack referred to Aerith as an angel when they first met.

Loving the design choice to have Aps's back horns glowing mako(?) green. It makes me speculate on Aps's possible origins as a mako experiment. Perhaps one of Hojo's discarded experiments, acquired by Don Corneo via his ties to Shinra?

1079 - 1113:
These frames make me gush. You think back to how this moment before you face Aps plays out in the original game. While the situation felt moderately spooky, I for one never felt threatened or like the characters themselves felt particularly endangered. But in this Remake sequence things are different. The seriousness of the situation is reflected in the facial expressions and body language of both Cloud and Aerith. Maybe it's because of my limited visual imagination, but rather than stripping away the power of "imagination" that limited graphical fidelity may promote, this Remake sequence enhances the scene with colors of expression. Beautiful.

Also the thought that Cloud was in drag only minutes before this scene makes me squee with delight. He is so goddamn pretty here I hardly dare imagine how pretty he'll be in a dress.

1114 - 1171:
More gushing. The way that Cloud launches towards the enemy after the attack button has been pressed is so reminiscent of the original game. While the OG accompanied Cloud's "launching" animation with the sound of quick footsteps, I believe that the animation itself was very minimal with Cloud essentially gliding over to his foe like he does in this here Remake footage.

True to form Aerith has the highest max MP of all three characters. I wonder what Aerith's AI is up to though. Her staff is glowing but is she charging up for a magic spell or is she attacking with her magic-boosted staff? I certainly hope she isn't just flailing in the air uselessly.

1262 - 1367:
Now this is fascinating. The enemy looks like a mutated, overgrown Head Hunter. There is also suspicious biological fauna littering the environment. Is this the Shinra HQ after Jenova has broken free? If so it's a wonderful re-imagining of that sequence.

1368 - 1474:
Idiots attacked while its tail was up. Amateurs.

I was expecting Sephiroth to sport the Amano-inspired pauldrons, as seen in the "key visual art" for FFVIIR from years ago, but here it's back to OG form. Thankfully the OG pauldrons fit my preference. I dislike the idea of Sephiroth showing up as a visual hallucination in any of the reactors even if we as the player only gets to see Sephiroth's back at this point. Before you leave Midgar it is important that Sephiroth remains a name (or shall we say, remains a memory? :awesome:) and not a visual figure. Sadly I don't think that the developers of FFVIIR will trust to player patience in this regard. They may be irrationally afraid that some players may not want to play through the game unless they see Sephiroth within the first half hour.

Cloud's sweat. Cloud's beautiful sweat. ...My sexuality is a Clouded mess right now. :wacky:
Last edited:


Pro Adventurer
@Nandemoyasan I'd say it looks more like Fringed Loosestrife, but great catch!

My numbness at this new trailer is slowly being replaced by curiosity and moderate hype, now that I'm going over the trailer frame by frame (thanks Cloud_S for the link!). Let's just say I'm getting old and my brain is rotting away but because of how quick the edits are in this trailer it is difficult for me to enjoy in normal speed. To have any chance of enjoying the detail of the battle scenes you really need to do a frame-by-frame check of this teaser trailer.

Going by the frame count based on the link provided by Cloud_S.

Aerith looks way more meditative and dreaming in this iconic sequence compared to previous iterations of it. In the OG and in CC she looked more temporarily distracted by the leaking mako/lifestream, while here it looks like her spirit is very much riding the thoughts from the lifestream, despite the rumbling noises of Midgar.

340 & 650:
Appreciating the new designs for the Shinra grunts/infantrymen. At normal speed I definitely missed the military-green style grunt at frame 650.

Kinda hoping that the way these two grunts are ignoring Barret and running straight towards Cloud is a reference to what happens in the original game if you follow Barret quickly enough. This would be a low-key humorous moment that shows Square isn't afraid of being various degrees of silly.

387 - 457:
One of the defining aspects of the OG was how cutscenes and gameplay would blend together, sometimes with low-poly characters being imposed over the pre-rendered movie that was playing. The way that the battle HUD remains even during this cinematic firing of missiles from Guard Scorpion reminds me of that marriage between cinematics and gameplay. Sure, button inputs are locked during this battle cinematic but I still appreciate this aesthetic choice.

It's interesting how minimalistic the HUD is. It doesn't spell out "HP", "MP" and "LIMIT" for the character stats/gauges. Simply spells out the numbers and assumes (correctly) that you always know which is what.

533 - 588:
As has been mentioned, the attention to detail with the countdown is wonderful. Great reference to looks of the timer in the original game. Seeing Cloud climb at 561 - 588 is a nice reminder that the same environmental interactivity from the OG is still being preserved here.

589 - 674:
Looks this is the winding tunnels on your way to Mako Reactor #5, as also hinted by Tifa's presence in the party. The hovering robot foes appear to be new designs. They look a bit like the red saucers if those could fly. These hovering robots also remind me of the hovering enemy "Mono Drive" from Mako Reactor #1 by virtue of, well, hovering. Mono Drive always looked weirdly organic to me for what is supposed to be a mechanical foe. I can imagine the thought process behind the creation of the new hovering robots: "Those Mono Drive thingies look a bit out of place. What should we use instead for hovering robots? I know, let's take the red saucers from the Compilation of FFVII and make them fly!"

The hotkey/shortcuts HUD at 637 - 674 looks juicy and reminds me that I am looking forward to this modernization of FFVII.

Chest hair. Good choice.

808 - 937:
There are moments here where I think Cloud's face looks especially Japanese. This is neither good nor bad, it's just a thing I like to notice with Final Fantasy cutscenes: When characters, even if ever so briefly, change from looking vaguely asian to very outright Japanese. For a moment I actually felt like I was looking at the love child between Tetsuya Nomura and Gackt. :wacky:

When I was pondering the trailer while at work today, this particular region of frames stood out in my mind as a sore spot. Why? Because the sheen of Aerith's face reminded me of the constant sheen from the 3D models in Mobius. Retroactively my memory was rewritten to think that the entire trailer looked like a Mobius crossover event. I certainly did not like that thought! Upon revisiting the trailer I'm glad to see I was wrong. While the lighting on Aerith's face does look somewhat unnatural, I think it also works to a positive end: It makes Aerith look otherworldly, like a subtle reminder of her angelic/holy status. No, I'm not talking about the misperception of Aerith as "pure", but rather the fact that she is the last living Cetran and that Zack referred to Aerith as an angel when they first met.

Loving the design choice to have Aps's back horns glowing mako(?) green. It makes me speculate on Aps's possible origins as a mako experiment. Perhaps one of Hojo's discarded experiments, acquired by Don Corneo via his ties to Shinra?

1079 - 1113:
These frames make me gush. You think back to how this moment before you face Aps plays out in the original game. While the situation felt moderately spooky, I for one never felt threatened or like the characters themselves felt particularly endangered. But in this Remake sequence things are different. The seriousness of the situation is reflected in the facial expressions and body language of both Cloud and Aerith. Maybe it's because of my limited visual imagination, but rather than stripping away the power of "imagination" that limited graphical fidelity may promote, this Remake sequence enhances the scene with colors of expression. Beautiful.

Also the thought that Cloud was in drag only minutes before this scene makes me squee with delight. He is so goddamn pretty here I hardly dare imagine how pretty he'll be in a dress.

1114 - 1171:
More gushing. The way that Cloud launches towards the enemy after the attack button has been pressed is so reminiscent of the original game. While the OG accompanied Cloud's "launching" animation with the sound of quick footsteps, I believe that the animation itself was very minimal with Cloud essentially gliding over to his foe like he does in this here Remake footage.

True to form Aerith has the highest max MP of all three characters. I wonder what Aerith's AI is up to though. Her staff is glowing but is she charging up for a magic spell or is she attacking with her magic-boosted staff? I certainly hope she isn't just flailing in the air uselessly.

1262 - 1367:
Now this is fascinating. The enemy looks like a mutated, overgrown Head Hunter. There is also suspicious biological fauna littering the environment. Is this the Shinra HQ after Jenova has broken free? If so it's a wonderful re-imagining of that sequence.

1368 - 1474:
Idiots attacked while its tail was up. Amateurs.

I was expecting Sephiroth to sport the Amano-inspired pauldrons, as seen in the "key visual art" for FFVIIR from years ago, but here it's back to OG form. Thankfully the OG pauldrons fit my preference. I dislike the idea of Sephiroth showing up as a visual hallucination in any of the reactors even if we as the player only gets to see Sephiroth's back at this point. Before you leave Midgar it is important that Sephiroth remains a name (or shall we say, remains a memory? :awesome:) and not a visual figure. Sadly I don't think that the developers of FFVIIR will trust to player patience in this regard. They may be irrationally afraid that some players may not want to play through the game unless they see Sephiroth within the first half hour.

Cloud's sweat. Cloud's beautiful sweat. ...My sexuality is a Clouded mess right now. :wacky:
Where's the link for these frames if you don't mind? Must've missed it.

Edit: Nevermind, found!

trash panda

Regarding the potential for episode 1 taking place entirely in Midgar...

IIRC, in the OG game, wasn't disc three *mostly* sidequests and exploration? In terms of storyline, wasn't the Northern Crater the only really big plot point on the final disc? I'm asking because, as I recall, disc 3 was really just about wrapping up the game and the vast majority of storyline content was actually on discs 1-2. Meaning it makes sense for the episodes to be broken up quite differently, especially if we get three or so installments.

My average storyline playthrough (no real grinding) is probably around 30 hours. In every playthrough I've ever done, Midgar takes several hours to complete and that's without fiddle-farting around. So I wouldn't be surprised if the first episode of the remake was all about Midgar and possibly, maybe even Kalm.

Has it been stated exactly how many episodes the remake will have? If we get the game in, say, three chunks, it makes sense for Midgar to encompass an entire episode. Midgar is freaking huge. You've got reactors to crawl around in, multiple sectors in the slums, wall market, Don Corneo's trousers, the sewers, the train graveyard, and ShinRa HQ. IMO, I can easily see the end of episode 1 being the exit of Midgar, the end of episode 2 being Aerith's death, and the end of episode 3 being the Northern Crater...?

Can we get a math wizard in here to do a breakdown of content so we can divide it into sections and make a better guestimate? :lol:


Pro Adventurer
Regarding the potential for episode 1 taking place entirely in Midgar...

IIRC, in the OG game, wasn't disc three *mostly* sidequests and exploration? In terms of storyline, wasn't the Northern Crater the only really big plot point on the final disc? I'm asking because, as I recall, disc 3 was really just about wrapping up the game and the vast majority of storyline content was actually on discs 1-2. Meaning it makes sense for the episodes to be broken up quite differently, especially if we get three or so installments.

My average storyline playthrough (no real grinding) is probably around 30 hours. In every playthrough I've ever done, Midgar takes several hours to complete and that's without fiddle-farting around. So I wouldn't be surprised if the first episode of the remake was all about Midgar and possibly, maybe even Kalm.

Has it been stated exactly how many episodes the remake will have? If we get the game in, say, three chunks, it makes sense for Midgar to encompass an entire episode. Midgar is freaking huge. You've got reactors to crawl around in, multiple sectors in the slums, wall market, Don Corneo's trousers, the sewers, the train graveyard, and ShinRa HQ. IMO, I can easily see the end of episode 1 being the exit of Midgar, the end of episode 2 being Aerith's death, and the end of episode 3 being the Northern Crater...?

Can we get a math wizard in here to do a breakdown of content so we can divide it into sections and make a better guestimate? :lol:
Watch this:


Basically (assuming a trilogy):

1) Midgar (Shinra vs Avalanche Arc)
2) Kalm --> Northern Crater/Meteor Call/Catastrophe (Reunion Arc)
3) Searching for Cloud --> Endgame/Eucatastrophe (Meteor Fall Arc)

Though do watch it. It's great.


Yazzavedth Zayann
@pxp Thanks for linking my work ^^

For some reason, I thought that the 9th was on Friday (today), so it caught me by surprise seeing YouTube notifications of FFVIIR trailer reactions on my device this morning. Then I watched the State of Play stream archive during breakfast and actually teared up a little from pure joy. ^^

I was hoping for a no-show so I could finish my current video before the concert and E3 in June, but nope! Now I have to put that one on hold as well and work on my analysis to be ready for more analysis in June. Holy heck xD

Gonna withhold any comment on content of the trailer and save that for the video. I hope 1 month is enough for a thorough analysis.


Pro Adventurer
@pxp Thanks for linking my work ^^

For some reason, I thought that the 9th was on Friday (today), so it caught me by surprise seeing YouTube notifications of FFVIIR trailer reactions on my device this morning. Then I watched the State of Play stream archive during breakfast and actually teared up a little from pure joy. ^^

I was hoping for a no-show so I could finish my current video before the concert and E3 in June, but nope! Now I have to put that one on hold as well and work on my analysis to be ready for more analysis in June. Holy heck xD

Gonna withhold any comment on content of the trailer and save that for the video. I hope 1 month is enough for a thorough analysis.
No prob, I always link to your vids where appropriate. You're gonna be hella busy these new few weeks! LMAO :D!!


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm thinking that they're just going to seamlessly integrate the Sephiroth hallucinations into the game, and then before Cloud can actually _see_ Sephiroth head on, everything will snap back to where it really is with everyone just standing there looking concerned & asking Cloud if he's ok.

Then, when we see the little glitchy moments like in the first trailer, we'll know that Cloud is experiencing full-blown hallucinations with his memory, but that they're always intersecting reality. If they take that route with it, the Shinra HQ with Jenova where you encounter the "Sephiroth" having killed the president, there will be this sense of not knowing when to be able to trust Cloud's perception of what's happening or what he's imagining. Is Sephiroth this weird memory of Cloud's, or is there a connection of some kind? Laying groundwork for the Jenova/Cloud/Sephiroth connection a bit more deeply is likely to be one of the good things that they can adjust in the storytelling.

In the clip where Aerith offers him a flower, you can tell that he's not actually all there or ok.

I'm betting that the game will be digging in on that kind interaction and the fact that Aerith and Tifa both perceive it, but see it differently, whereas the other AVALANCHE crew sort of see the other moments where Cloud's pretending to have it together, so that his "to cool for you" attitude comes off more as a passive self defense about him not being ok. You can get the sense that there's the "cool SOLDIER Cloud" and the "so very broken Cloud" but then Aerith is trying to find the "REAL Cloud" whereas Tifa is looking for the "original Cloud" to provide some different context to their interactive relationships with him in the first part of the game.

If we have all of that set up in this game, and it isn't until later on in the Kalm section where we'll actually get the first attempt at stitching those pieces together, but rather we'll be exposed to little moments of it intermittently in more sections of Midgar than we did in the OG, it'll do better to serve as a "bringing things together and explaining those fragments we encountered last game" which I'm totally ok with, especially if they're going to expand on the whole scope of the Midgar portion of the game in any way.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I’m pretty sure the sephiroth scene is the one the cut from the original game where you get the “this isn’t an ordinary reactor” instead. It also makes the second one where he see’s tifa and her dead father make more sense.

Remember we all know the story anyway so to a new player, it’s all still a mystery.


Save your valediction (she/her)
As for why Sephiroth is being shoehorned in this early, I'm really thinking at this point that part 1 of the remake will JUST be Midgar, which by the original game would leave Sephiroth's reveal for part 2, so they probably wanted to include him in part 1 in some capacity. I'm hoping we don't see his face full-on until the Niblehiem flashback.

Shoehorned is the proper term, yes. Sephiroth is going to pop up throughout this act like the Great Gazoo, b/c the company (probably the marketing team) doesn’t feel it is safe to release a product without him. For those of us who don’t like Sephiroth, this will be grating, but for those who would rather dash their baby’s head than wait for Part 2 to see Sephy (most fans, iirc) it’s a “smart” move. I see it as motivated by outside concerns rather than what’s best for the story, but there’s just too much to love about what they’ve shown for me to actually be upset about it.

trash panda

@pxp @Vyzzuvazzadth that is a great analysis vid. Thank you.

In other not news...
I’m no doctor but our main protagonist in FFVII has a lot of mental health issues, potentially including but not limited to PTSD, amnesia, dissociative identity disorder, and possible schizophrenia. I really hope this is encompassed and executed well. IMO, poor mental health is more than just a plot point. I hope to see it incorporated in the story in a way that demonstrates how detrimental it is to Cloud and everyone he interacts with. Cloud’s journey of self-discovery (and not necessarily recovery) was one of the things that made him an interesting character to begin with.

Likewise, I’m very interested to see how Tifa interacts with Cloud’s personalities.


Ninja Potato
Shoehorned is the proper term, yes. Sephiroth is going to pop up throughout this act like the Great Gazoo, b/c the company (probably the marketing team) doesn’t feel it is safe to release a product without him. For those of us who don’t like Sephiroth, this will be grating, but for those who would rather dash their baby’s head than wait for Part 2 to see Sephy (most fans, iirc) it’s a “smart” move. I see it as motivated by outside concerns rather than what’s best for the story, but there’s just too much to love about what they’ve shown for me to actually be upset about it.

I'm withholding judgement for now. While including Sephiroth earlier is certainly at least partially done for the sake of marketing and fan-appeal, I think having this "ghost" Sephiroth taunting Cloud and playing up Cloud's mental issues could prove interesting. If X-SOLDIER's post is actually the direction they go for, I think it could be a good thing. Just depends on how Square handles it.


Harbinger O Great Justice
The more I think about it, the more I like having Sephiroth portrayed as this illusion that Cloud keeps experiencing is a good idea for how to handle the lack of Sephiroth, but also start to tease his elements in to the center of the story. I think that it's likely going to be connected to how they portray the elements of Reunion kicking off with all of the other tattooed cloaked people, so that you get a sense of what they're experiencing first-hand, maybe even as early as the guy who are very sick. Feeding all of that in to the weird science that you hit in the Shinra HQ once we start learning about Jenova and thinking that Sephiroth is actually back out there is a way to ratchet up the tension in a climactic way in Midgar that leaves enough threads for the next part to feel more natural.

Also, to be clear – not ALL the moments need to be about Sephiroth, but they can also just be Cloud trying to get himself together because of it. Sephiroth doesn't need to be like the Scarecrow in Arkham, but just a common enough recurring theme in the bigger hallucinations that it sticks when we're dealing with Reunion and when Cloud's dealing with his really messed up mental situation. There are plenty of other extant moments like that, my favourite one being where Cloud gets confronted by his other self (depending on the room you pick) in Wall Market.

One of the other things that I hadn't considered before this trailer is how much potential that the facial animations have when it comes to REALLY selling the moments of Cloud's struggles. There's enough detail in the facial animations that I think that the moments where Cloud is faking it, or when he's experiencing distress, or later on when he's starting to be manipulated that you'll be able to tell just by looking at him that something's up. It'll also be really interesting to see how Aerith and Tifa might respond to little visual-only cues like that that the OG couldn't really just with text boxes & lego poses.

X :neo:


Double Growth
There's enough detail in the facial animations that I think that the moments where Cloud is faking it, or when he's experiencing distress, or later on when he's starting to be manipulated that you'll be able to tell just by looking at him that something's up. It'll also be really interesting to see how Aerith and Tifa might respond to little visual-only cues like that that the OG couldn't really just with text boxes & lego poses.

I'm very curious how it will look in the Temple of the Ancients. Where Cloud and Sephiroth get those doubled images


Sephiroth's Best Friend
@Nandemoyasan I'd say it looks more like Fringed Loosestrife, but great catch!

My numbness at this new trailer is slowly being replaced by curiosity and moderate hype, now that I'm going over the trailer frame by frame (thanks Cloud_S for the link!). Let's just say I'm getting old and my brain is rotting away but because of how quick the edits are in this trailer it is difficult for me to enjoy in normal speed. To have any chance of enjoying the detail of the battle scenes you really need to do a frame-by-frame check of this teaser trailer.

Going by the frame count based on the link provided by Cloud_S.

Aerith looks way more meditative and dreaming in this iconic sequence compared to previous iterations of it. In the OG and in CC she looked more temporarily distracted by the leaking mako/lifestream, while here it looks like her spirit is very much riding the thoughts from the lifestream, despite the rumbling noises of Midgar.

340 & 650:
Appreciating the new designs for the Shinra grunts/infantrymen. At normal speed I definitely missed the military-green style grunt at frame 650.

Kinda hoping that the way these two grunts are ignoring Barret and running straight towards Cloud is a reference to what happens in the original game if you follow Barret quickly enough. This would be a low-key humorous moment that shows Square isn't afraid of being various degrees of silly.

387 - 457:
One of the defining aspects of the OG was how cutscenes and gameplay would blend together, sometimes with low-poly characters being imposed over the pre-rendered movie that was playing. The way that the battle HUD remains even during this cinematic firing of missiles from Guard Scorpion reminds me of that marriage between cinematics and gameplay. Sure, button inputs are locked during this battle cinematic but I still appreciate this aesthetic choice.

It's interesting how minimalistic the HUD is. It doesn't spell out "HP", "MP" and "LIMIT" for the character stats/gauges. Simply spells out the numbers and assumes (correctly) that you always know which is what.

533 - 588:
As has been mentioned, the attention to detail with the countdown is wonderful. Great reference to looks of the timer in the original game. Seeing Cloud climb at 561 - 588 is a nice reminder that the same environmental interactivity from the OG is still being preserved here.

589 - 674:
Looks this is the winding tunnels on your way to Mako Reactor #5, as also hinted by Tifa's presence in the party. The hovering robot foes appear to be new designs. They look a bit like the red saucers if those could fly. These hovering robots also remind me of the hovering enemy "Mono Drive" from Mako Reactor #1 by virtue of, well, hovering. Mono Drive always looked weirdly organic to me for what is supposed to be a mechanical foe. I can imagine the thought process behind the creation of the new hovering robots: "Those Mono Drive thingies look a bit out of place. What should we use instead for hovering robots? I know, let's take the red saucers from the Compilation of FFVII and make them fly!"

The hotkey/shortcuts HUD at 637 - 674 looks juicy and reminds me that I am looking forward to this modernization of FFVII.

Chest hair. Good choice.

808 - 937:
There are moments here where I think Cloud's face looks especially Japanese. This is neither good nor bad, it's just a thing I like to notice with Final Fantasy cutscenes: When characters, even if ever so briefly, change from looking vaguely asian to very outright Japanese. For a moment I actually felt like I was looking at the love child between Tetsuya Nomura and Gackt. :wacky:

When I was pondering the trailer while at work today, this particular region of frames stood out in my mind as a sore spot. Why? Because the sheen of Aerith's face reminded me of the constant sheen from the 3D models in Mobius. Retroactively my memory was rewritten to think that the entire trailer looked like a Mobius crossover event. I certainly did not like that thought! Upon revisiting the trailer I'm glad to see I was wrong. While the lighting on Aerith's face does look somewhat unnatural, I think it also works to a positive end: It makes Aerith look otherworldly, like a subtle reminder of her angelic/holy status. No, I'm not talking about the misperception of Aerith as "pure", but rather the fact that she is the last living Cetran and that Zack referred to Aerith as an angel when they first met.

Loving the design choice to have Aps's back horns glowing mako(?) green. It makes me speculate on Aps's possible origins as a mako experiment. Perhaps one of Hojo's discarded experiments, acquired by Don Corneo via his ties to Shinra?

1079 - 1113:
These frames make me gush. You think back to how this moment before you face Aps plays out in the original game. While the situation felt moderately spooky, I for one never felt threatened or like the characters themselves felt particularly endangered. But in this Remake sequence things are different. The seriousness of the situation is reflected in the facial expressions and body language of both Cloud and Aerith. Maybe it's because of my limited visual imagination, but rather than stripping away the power of "imagination" that limited graphical fidelity may promote, this Remake sequence enhances the scene with colors of expression. Beautiful.

Also the thought that Cloud was in drag only minutes before this scene makes me squee with delight. He is so goddamn pretty here I hardly dare imagine how pretty he'll be in a dress.

1114 - 1171:
More gushing. The way that Cloud launches towards the enemy after the attack button has been pressed is so reminiscent of the original game. While the OG accompanied Cloud's "launching" animation with the sound of quick footsteps, I believe that the animation itself was very minimal with Cloud essentially gliding over to his foe like he does in this here Remake footage.

True to form Aerith has the highest max MP of all three characters. I wonder what Aerith's AI is up to though. Her staff is glowing but is she charging up for a magic spell or is she attacking with her magic-boosted staff? I certainly hope she isn't just flailing in the air uselessly.

1262 - 1367:
Now this is fascinating. The enemy looks like a mutated, overgrown Head Hunter. There is also suspicious biological fauna littering the environment. Is this the Shinra HQ after Jenova has broken free? If so it's a wonderful re-imagining of that sequence.

1368 - 1474:
Idiots attacked while its tail was up. Amateurs.

I was expecting Sephiroth to sport the Amano-inspired pauldrons, as seen in the "key visual art" for FFVIIR from years ago, but here it's back to OG form. Thankfully the OG pauldrons fit my preference. I dislike the idea of Sephiroth showing up as a visual hallucination in any of the reactors even if we as the player only gets to see Sephiroth's back at this point. Before you leave Midgar it is important that Sephiroth remains a name (or shall we say, remains a memory? :awesome:) and not a visual figure. Sadly I don't think that the developers of FFVIIR will trust to player patience in this regard. They may be irrationally afraid that some players may not want to play through the game unless they see Sephiroth within the first half hour.

Cloud's sweat. Cloud's beautiful sweat. ...My sexuality is a Clouded mess right now. :wacky:

All I thought when you said about Barret's chest hair being a good choice was "Please don't give Sephiroth chest hair, Square Enix."

Good analysis, though.
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