Huh, I actually hadn’t thought about how they’ll do the underwater fighting with Emerald Weapon for the Remake until now. Since its more ARPG gameplay now there won’t be a “floating” fighting zone to just stand in like the OG. I wonder how much the engine physics will be modified to reflect fighting while swimming?
Are we really arguing whether or not making a character pretty is unrealistic when the game takes place in a fantasy world where people can equip magical little orbs to set everything on fire, wield weapons that physically impossible to wield, powerbomb a kaijuu with their bare hands, summon magical creatures to fight said kaijuu, jump 50 feet in the air and do triple backflips with no problems, have naturally impossibly cool hair, etc, etc?
When people say "realistic" in the context of fantasy, they generally mean realistic (given the rules and logic of this world).
'Internally consistent' is probably a better term, to avoid this confusion.
A lot of people do generally like fantasy to be internally consistent, because it creates a stronger sense of immersion, as if you're seeing something that might really exist somewhere.
While that may have been true in the 90s (and even then there are opposing arguments to that notion), I don’t that can be said to be true today. Being stereotypically pretty/feminine while kicking ass are the standard default for action heroines today.
This is super difficult. On the one hand, representation is important in feminism, and women-who-kick-ass-while-wearing-Mabelline is a perfectly valid choice for a human person to make, the media seems to make a point of lifting women who “do it all” onto a pedestal. Wearing makeup while kicking ass isn’t really representing female empowerment, because the question is never about whether she wants to do it, it’s about whether she’s ABLE to. Of *course* she should want to, she’s not some BUTCH FREAK. Right?
I wonder what the WEAPONS would look in the Remake. They had to be at least as big as the Diamond WEAPON in Final Fantasy XV despite that it was based on the same WEAPON and name as Final Fantasy VII original game...and a lot more uglier too. Not to mention twice as terrifying.
Huh, I actually hadn’t thought about how they’ll do the underwater fighting with Emerald Weapon for the Remake until now. Since its more ARPG gameplay now there won’t be a “floating” fighting zone to just stand in like the OG. I wonder how much the engine physics will be modified to reflect fighting while swimming?
The easiest way would probably be to make the Underwater materia mandatory for the fight and make its actual effect be that it both generates a giant air bubble and a platform for the players to stand on. Because magic.
I actually hope they go with this. Don't want to go some convoluted path like having to find Emerald Weapon in an underwater cave that happens to have a giant air pocket.
I'm really excited about how it looks. The voice acting... I'm not sure if anyone else feels the same way, but I'm not so thrilled about it (I'm not one of those dub bashers, but I haven't been a fan of the FF7 compilation dubbing).
The obvious question this begs, which is one that’s been asked many times for many years though now the answer would appear to be imminent, is what have they done to/with Tifa’s miniskirt?
I find my lack of basic flower knowledge amusing. Thanks everyone for clearing this up. EDIT: Wow Lic, I was wondering about Aerith's necklace! Great observation!
Observing the max HP & MP of the characters is a speculative practice but I shall do so anyway. Using time tags that fit the JP version of the trailer.
0:12 (Mako Reactor #1, during Guard Scorpion battle)
HP 966
MP 29
HP 1211
MP 25
0:18 (Mako Reactor #1, post-Guard Scorpion)
HP 966
MP 29
0:19 (Winding Tunnels)
HP 1595
MP 45
HP 1711
MP 35
HP 1305
MP 37
0:37 (Sewers)
HP 2074
MP 59
HP 1697
MP 53
HP 1546
MP 66
0:39 (Battle against the Chain/Cutter/Break Machine)
HP 2007
MP 49
HP 2152
MP 38
HP 1642
MP 42
0:42 (Battle against Grashtrike)
HP 1727
MP 45
HP 1853
MP 35
HP 1413
MP 38
It appears that everybody's MP is always at max, if I'm reading everything correctly. Aerith's MP isn't depleting when she is throwing those ice/blizzard spells at the Sahagin. I imagine this is either because Aerith is performing an AI-only attack or because she has a "No MP Consumption" status activated. If it's a status effect this may be a normal in-game thing or the developers granted her infinite MP for easy battle-tests. Personally leaning towards the AI-only attack thing.
Assuming complete linearity with the HP- and MP growth of characters as they level up, this is the timeline I see in the trailer:
Mako Reactor #1:
HP 966
MP 29
HP 1211
MP 25
Winding Tunnels (on your way to Mako Reactor #5):
HP 1595
MP 45
HP 1711
MP 35
HP 1305
MP 37
Grashtrike battle:
HP 1727
MP 45
HP 1853
MP 35
HP 1413
MP 38
Battle against the Chain/Cutter/Break Machine:
HP 2007
MP 49
HP 2152
MP 38
HP 1642
MP 42
HP 2074
MP 59
HP 1697
MP 53
HP 1546
MP 66
Teioh's great observation about the silk web already hinted me towards this, but I'm throwing out my theory that the Grashtrike is in Shinra HQ. The HP- and MP growth of the characters place the Grashtrike battle during- or shortly after the Winding Tunnels. In the original game you progress from the Winding Tunnels to "Lower Sector 4 Plate" and then to Mako Reactor #5. According to the wiki you fight the Grashtrike both in the Winding Tunnels and in the Lower Sector 4 Plate.
What surprises me is the great leap in character stats going from the Grashtrike battle to the Chain/Cutter/Break Machine battle. Did the battle-tester do some serious grinding, gain EXP from a tough boss and/or just cheated themselves to higher stats?
Meanwhile, Cloud's HP barely progresses between the Chain/Cutter/Break Machine battle on your way to Mako Reactor #5 versus what his HP is in the sewers. This seems odd because at that point you'd think he'd have gained a lot more stat growth from having fought Air Buster and later on Aps.
EDIT: Noticing now though that while Cloud's HP hasn't progressed much when in the Sewers, his MP made a serious leap. Must be the effect of the Materia he has equipped.
Again, this analysis only works under assumptions of very hard linearity. Still, it makes me confident as to where the Grashtrike and the Cutter Machine battle takes place: The lower section of the Sector 4 plate, on your way to Mako Reactor #5.
I wonder though if the size of this Grashtrike is normal or if it's some sort King/Queen Grashtrike. Either way, I love how they incorporate these monsters into the environment by having their silk all over the place. Really emphasizes the common problem in the FFVII world of monster infesting places where humans dwell.
I actually don't think she's tossing magic, but using her default physical attack.
Someone in a video pointed out that the blue energy orb matches the special effect that happens when Aerith uses a physical strike in the original. Plus besides being blue, it doesn't actually look like an ice spell: It's a translucent orb with strange rune-like script inside it.
If anything this reminds me those strange orbs in City of Ancients with the writing that Cloud can't read and makes his brain hurt.
I don't know where to expect it to end, but not there.
That also being said, I don't expect the entire first installment to only be in Midgar either. How much could they really expand a segment of the original game that typically takes even first-time players less than 10 hours? Would even doubling it be enough to amount to a full game by itself?
[...] even though Yuffie is a mandatory character the window that you obtain her optional
Plausible and identical with my theory. It would be the same as in the original with the only difference that around Rocket Town, the encounter with her and her recruitment becomes mandatory. And I also think that Wutai should remain optional for reasons I don't want to go into just now as this post will already be quite lengthy
I’d be interested to hear the wutai as staying optional theory. For yuffie, it’d just be a simple flag. “Mystery Ninja side quest complete?” If yes then allow into Rocket Town, if no make sure it’s done before going in
Huh, I actually hadn’t thought about how they’ll do the underwater fighting with Emerald Weapon for the Remake until now. Since its more ARPG gameplay now there won’t be a “floating” fighting zone to just stand in like the OG. I wonder how much the engine physics will be modified to reflect fighting while swimming?
The easiest way would probably be to make the Underwater materia mandatory for the fight and make its actual effect be that it both generates a giant air bubble and a platform for the players to stand on. Because magic.
I actually hope they go with this. Don't want to go some convoluted path like having to find Emerald Weapon in an underwater cave that happens to have a giant air pocket.
That's what went through my mind as well. The thought of the cast being able to hold their breath underwater for 20 minutes while fighting a giant planetary defense creature doesn't sit well with me in a more realistic (relative to FFVII's world) presentation. Although, FFX pulled off underwater segments quite well, probably because not all party members were able to hold their breath for long.
The Underwater Materia could allowing underwater battles by default and get rid of the timer upon mastering it. Although, Emerald Weapon would not be able to be fought in the first place without an Underwater Materia, which defeats its whole purpose of being a constant menace while riding on the submarine. So maybe there could be a default timer for any underwater battle. This would allow for a special new underwater dungeon (with occasional air pockets), which is either only possible to finish with a very high level and well equipped group (quick battles) or by using the Underwater Materia.
Since Yuffie steals most/all Materia from the group, battles become way different. Making such a limitation mandatory should serve the main/overall plot/story/narrative, which the Wutai side quest does not. It's therefore better game design to let the players choose the point in time when to undergo those tribulations or have first-timers stumble upon that segment randomly. Furthermore, there exists one weapon for each playable character which has no Materia slots and generally better attack stats compared to other alternatives available at that time. All of those are specifically in the game for the Wutai segment.
All stories told in Wutai are optional and don't really contribute to the main plot. We learn about Yuffie's home and family, meet the Turks on their day off and engage in a side story involving Don Corneo kidnapping Yuffie and Elena while teaming up with the remaining Turks to save them. All of this screams optional content for me. They could, however, expand on the Shinra-Wutai conflict a bit more. Still, none of that is essential to the main plot/story (unlike Vincent's background story and motivations, but that's another issue).
For yuffie, it’d just be a simple flag. “Mystery Ninja side quest complete?” If yes then allow into Rocket Town, if no make sure it’s done before going in
I think it would be better if there's an unavoidable encounter with her before reaching Rocket Town if Yuffie hasn't been recruited yet. Prohibiting entrance to Rocket Town without her on the team seems arbitrary and nonsensical.
In the original game I tend to recruit Yuffie by Rocket Town because the forest near Rocket Town has almost a guaranteed chance of encountering her. It's supposed to be a 1/8 chance in Junon's forests but in the past I've spent more than long enough battling there to bother with that.
They could basically use the same Mystery Ninja encounter concept in the remake. Just make there no other way to Rocket Town besides through that forest, and ensure the party cannot avoid fighting her there.
I think it would be better if there's an unavoidable encounter with her before reaching Rocket Town if Yuffie hasn't been recruited yet. Prohibiting entrance to Rocket Town without her on the team seems arbitrary and nonsensical.
I've always felt like this version on the right is about what they should be aiming for with his build, and I'm glad that they've pushed closer to it. As for the mako glow, it shouldn't be too obvious I think. Should maybe just depend on how the light hits his eyes.
Noticed that they've updated the official remake website with the new trailer and gotten rid of the old trailer. Did anyone take screenshots of the previous version? I feel like the logo is slightly different (maybe the colours in the text?) but I also think it might be my unreliable memory.
Frankly, I didn't see that trailer coming. With SE, I've learned to keep my expectations low so I was thinking they'd release a "Please be exited" message on May 9th and not much else. I'm very pleased with what I've seen so far. In particular, I love the way the design of enemies has been carried into the remake (special mention to Aps!).
So, it comes back from the times where I was modding for Team Avalanche, since I tried to recreate the fields of Aerith's house and surrounding. I made some research regarding these flowers, way back when (around 2013/2014). I went back to Advent Children and got some screenshots from some scenes in the abandoned church, where the flowers were growing, and did identify them as lilies at first. Then I thought: ok, rather than modelling it from AC screenshot, I'm going to make 3d models of the lilies using photos of actual lilies. It turned out that AC lilies were different from "earth" lilies, not with respect to the flowers, but with respect to the stalk and the leaves. Lilies in real life have leaves growing as whorls, whereas AC lilies had leaves growing as opposite pairs. In the end I followed the AC lily model rather than real life lilies.
It's the sort of detail you would never know unless you actual try to re-create it - it was part of the fun I had in remaking those fields back then.