New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Omega's comment was either an attempt at intelligent conversation or an attempt at a quip. Either fails.

I guess I'm missing something. Is this a problem between members who don't like each other or just the topic or the nature of the topic? There are plenty of threads about basically nothing at this board.

It's the topic. For some reason, the thread's mere existence bothers some people.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
You may have valid complaints about the thread. I haven't been here long so I don't know how it usually goes.

But is "this thread is dumb" *people thank post* or "someone thinks this thread is intelligent, HA HA" *people thank post* gonna help? Or why not just post it on Ryu's profile if you're aiming it at him?
it's just TROLOLOLO for the fun of it

I'm pretty drunk anyways, making fun of the LTD thread is my favorite hobby.

mostly because I've actually made lots of legitimate posts and had serious discussions in past LTD threads. I just like to recognize the fact that at the end of the day none of this matters.


Joe, Arcana
Ryu said:
No. Faith is about liking. Debates and intellectual discussions are not about 'liking' things but attempting to establish them through discourse, evidence, and reason.
Now either Ryu is referring to this as an Intellectual Discussion or not. One of you can decide.

Yula said:
But is "this thread is dumb" *people thank post* or "someone thinks this thread is intelligent, HA HA" *people thank post* gonna help? Or why not just post it on Ryu's profile if you're aiming it at him?
I have used Ryu as a reference once, but am not aiming anything against him, nor have I yet announced that I disagree with what he has said. I thank posts that I agree with, which is what i've seen pretty much everybody here and elsewhere on the forum do.

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
I agree. It doesn't matter. It's just a topic about a particular part of the Compilation. :/

I can understand making fun of it, since it can and does get ridiculous pretty often... It just seems like there's a lot of negativity between some people posting now.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Now either Ryu is referring to this as an Intellectual Discussion or not. One of you can decide.

So you're suggesting that Omega's comment was intended to be part of an intellectual discussion? Please review. It was hardly intelligent if that's the case.

There is a difference between liking a pair. And discussing said pair in relation to the storyline and other characters, including Aerith and/or Zack. Or does the comment actually have nothing to do with that?


Joe, Arcana
You would have to ask Omega for his intent with the comment, I unfortunately am not a mind-reader.
If his post was made in an 'intellectual discussion' or a 'debate' as it were, then it is a part of it yes. Just as much as this post, and the one that preceded it.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Now either Ryu is referring to this as an Intellectual Discussion or not. One of you can decide.
I'm more than one person?

And okay I guess Ryu did say that, I didn't go back far enough in the thread I guess, but you also echoed it. And no matter what way you look at it, someone having to explain to someone else what the purpose of a fan club is is NOT intelligent discussion.

Celes Chere

And yet it still sounds clever compared to half the stuff written in here

There's the door. *points* How'd you like it if a handful of us came into the Dessie's thread and constantly tried to close it down? We don't go in there and say:
"This is a really boring RP. This should be closed down because I don't see the point in it. It doesn't matter if you enjoy it, I want it closed now because it's stupid."
Is there no sense of decency anymore? Can we NOT be civil to one another? And quite frankly, I consider a lot of people on this Forum my friend including Ryu. It's really annoying to see people insulting him for NO reason. Has Ryu even done anything to anyone without another person instigating? If so, well it's your OWN drama can you please take it somewhere else? Every thread now, is bitching about Ryu and I can't be the only one whose nerves it gets on.

Some of us do like to talk about the love triangle sometimes, and if you don't like it don't post. We were all JUST FINE until people starting making a big deal about a whole lot of nothing. Seriously, I'm fed up with it. =/


Joe, Arcana
I'm more than one person?
I was referring to the participants of this discussion.

Quexinos said:
And okay I guess Ryu did say that, I didn't go back far enough in the thread I guess, but you also echoed it. And no matter what way you look at it, someone having to explain to someone else what the purpose of a fan club is is NOT intelligent discussion.
No matter what way you look at it, it is debatable and that is YOUR opinion.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
No, the definition of fan club is not debatable dude. Just like certain people couldn't redefine koibito, you can't redefine "fan club."


Joe, Arcana
There's the door. *points* How'd you like it if a handful of us came into the Dessie's thread and constantly tried to close it down? We don't go in there and say:
"This is a really boring RP. This should be closed down because I don't see the point in it. It doesn't matter if you enjoy it, I want it closed now because it's stupid."
Is there no sense of decency anymore? Can we NOT be civil to one another? And quite frankly, I consider a lot of people on this Forum my friend including Ryu. It's really annoying to see people insulting him for NO reason. Has Ryu even done anything to anyone without another person instigating? If so, well it's your OWN drama can you please take it somewhere else? Every thread now, is bitching about Ryu and I can't be the only one whose nerves it gets on.

Some of us do like to talk about the love triangle sometimes, and if you don't like it don't post. We were all JUST FINE until people starting making a big deal about a whole lot of nothing. Seriously, I'm fed up with it. =/

I simply stated my opinion. In no way have I directly attacked or insulted anyone, nor have I asked for this thread to be closed. I come in here to read what people write, and then I look at the next thread along to read what people write. I can't help but feel that this is civil. I apologize if Ryu or anyone else feels like I have insulted them on a personal level, because that is not what I have done.
I too consider a lot of people on this forum my friend. This would go to explain as to why I have come into this thread and posted, when somebody has insulted one of them.
Again I've nothing against Ryu, I've no reason to.

I feel like you're aiming your comment at the wrong person here.


Joe, Arcana
No, the definition of fan club is not debatable dude. Just like certain people couldn't redefine koibito, you can't redefine "fan club."
The definition you are referring to, was 'faith' and not 'fan club'.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Faith is a fan club for CxT... what's debatable about that? Is what conversation about what goes on in there debatable? IS that what you mean?

Zelda: Isn't this discussion more suited for faith?
Ryu: No Faith is a about expressing your liking for the couple
Omega: HERP DERP I thought Faith was a fan club!

Celes Chere

That wasn't entirely aimed at you. Mostly the there's the door part, and the bit about Dessies. (Just used an example of what you like)

My point is that some of us like this thread, so why can't people just let it be? If you don't like a thread, why bother posting or reading it for that matter? There are some things here that I do not like. Therefore, I stay away from them. Problem... SOLVED!

In any case, I know .... Omega seems to have a problem with Ryu as well as other members and are very vocal about it. I find it irritating, and now it's slowly migrating into this thread as well. I'm putting it out there to please stop, it's not funny. It's annoying, whether I liked Ryu or not, it'd still be fucking irritating. No one wants to hear about your bad blood with another member, so get over it.

As far as hating this thread goes, and Omega or anyone else wanting to mock it haha, funny, take your leave now because it's getting old.


wangxian married
oh jesus christ

there is no reason you can't have most of these discussions in faith/hope respectively. you can discuss aspect of those couples in the compilation without bringing up cleris. if you wanted to do a pairing analysis type thread then start one up and write something for cloti/cleris/clack whatever and then it'd actually be a discussion type thread

idk just an idea there, however

this thread sucks now for the following reasons:

- this thread is generally devoid of light and humor now
- this thread is in no way an intellectual debate, don't make me laugh
- no lesbian fanart
- no mass effect talk, i mean come on

edit: what the fuck, suddenly a flood of posts

Celes Chere

Okay. I didn't complain when Mass Effect was spammed all over the board, and I know nothing about ME. Fans of that game even made a thread for it, and yet ME is referenced all over the boards. I don't get in anyone's face and go...

1. Because FFS, you're all just having fun so why should I care?
2. See number 1.

I really don't see the logic in that post Zee. :c Well I do, I just think you should apply it to the entire board, not just here if you're going to say that.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
there is no reason you can't have most of these discussions in faith/hope respectively.

Yes there is. Why would I talk about Cloud/Aerith in Faith and vice versa.

if you wanted to do a pairing analysis type thread then start one up and write something for cloti/cleris/clack whatever and then it'd actually be a discussion type thread

That's exactly what this thread is: a discussion of various relationship & story analysis. So you're problem then is the title of the thread. In so far as, you don't like the "LTD" part of it? We can change that.


wangxian married
Yes there is. Why would I talk about Cloud/Aerith in Faith and vice versa.

why would you talk about cloud/aeris at all if you're discussing cloud and tifa's relationship, or analyzing quotes, etc

i mean if you're already assured cloti is canon and some of the people here don't even consider cleris a legit option i don't understand what needs discussing


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
i mean if you're already assured cloti is canon and some of the people here don't even consider cleris a legit option i don't understand what needs discussing
As I said before there WAS a Clerith in here a few pages ago. Pretty much all quote talk I DID take to Faith recently though. The only reason I posted the FF Art collection one was because someone said the art collection supported Clerith and I disagreed.

Plus we've discussed many times if Aerith loves Zack or Cloud, and if certain books and what not support Clerith or Cloti... neither of those discussions belong in fan clubs.

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
If you're talking about what needs discussing, there wouldn't be a whole lot of VII stuff in general. It's a matter of want. If someone wants to talk about lovecrap of the Compilation, why shouldn't they be able to? If you don't want to talk about or see why anyone else would, why not just avoid it?


Joe, Arcana
Faith is a fan club for CxT... what's debatable about that? Is what conversation about what goes on in there debatable? IS that what you mean?

Zelda: Isn't this discussion more suited for faith?
Ryu: No Faith is a about expressing your liking for the couple
Omega: HERP DERP I thought Faith was a fan club!
Because he's yet to speak further on the topic, it IS debatable. That much is true and is the reason I am debating this point with you and others right now.

Tiff said:
That wasn't entirely aimed at you. Mostly the there's the door part, and the bit about Dessies. (Just used an example of what you like)

My point is that some of us like this thread, so why can't people just let it be? If you don't like a thread, why bother posting or reading it for that matter? There are some things here that I do not like. Therefore, I stay away from them. Problem... SOLVED!
I already said. I don't open or read this topic to cause problems. I read it because one way or another I enjoy reading it. That shouldn't be a crime if I don't participate in the Debate that exists. I don't come here to cause trouble, I just come to read what people write, as I'm sure people also do with Destrillians.

Tiff said:
In any case, I know .... Omega seems to have a problem with Ryu as well as other members and are very vocal about it. I find it irritating, and now it's slowly migrating into this thread as well. I'm putting it out there to please stop, it's not funny. It's annoying, whether I liked Ryu or not, it'd still be fucking irritating. No one wants to hear about your bad blood with another member, so get over it.
This isn't a point I am making/defending/denying or whatever. In fact it has nothing to do with me.

As far as hating this thread goes, and Omega or anyone else wanting to mock it haha, funny, take your leave now because it's getting old.
I didn't come on to insult it, nor do I believe Quexinos came on for the sole purpose of insulting Omega. If someone wants to direct a similar comment towards them, then yeah maybe the 'bad blood' can move elsewhere. Regardless, Quexionos' personal insult was posted in here, so why shouldn't the reply?

Yula said:
So you're posting to defend Omega, then?
My initial post was to disagree with a comment that Quexinos made.

Yula said:
I'm not directly involved I suppose, but I hope this doesn't become some drama. It doesn't seem like going on like this would turn into anything ... good, you know?
A lot of things are like that. Unfortunately they will always exist for one reason or another.

Celes Chere

I know, Zee, I was just using that as an example. xD

Some people. But other people might want to discuss it. So if other people want to discuss the LTD, let them. xD You cannot speak for every person in this thread. It doesn't work like that.

And thanks for Clarifying, Cess. ;P Like I said it wasn't directed entirely to you, so sorry about that (and I seemed to have misunderstood you as well). You have every right as any of us, to state your opinion/view.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
why would you talk about cloud/aeris at all if you're discussing cloud and tifa's relationship, or analyzing quotes, etc

We can talk about whatever we want. I don't understand. Why can't we discuss the three of them in relation to each other. Especially with Quex working on new quotes that, at least I haven't seen.

i mean if you're already assured cloti is canon and some of the people here don't even consider cleris a legit option i don't understand what needs discussing

THE GAME IS 13 YEARS OLD. WHY DISCUSS ANYTHING? Because we want to. Maybe we just enjoy talking about the game. Honestly...this thread wouldn't be a big deal if people didn't come in and make it a big deal.
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