New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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no really though there is no legit proof that cloud didn't at least have a crush on aerith, come at me bro

No legit proof he did.

If you play that game you can make up all kinds of random bullshit.

Edit: Also while I am at it.
Cloud's profile 10th Anv Ult said:
[FFVII] Both Aerith, who is forthright, and Tifa, who is demure, have feelings for Cloud but he is none the wiser to them.
So if Cloud was in the lovn' mood on disk one he must be dense on epic levels. Not knowing two gals want your dick.

Of course maybe what he really wanted was Sephy Poo to force him down and have his way with him. No legit proof he didn't.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Although that quote doesn't really say what Cloud feels, just that he's none the wiser to their feelings ... also

Of course maybe what he really wanted was Sephy Poo to force him down and have his way with him. No legit proof he didn't.
Quoted before Vendel deletes it :awesome:

Celes Chere

what he really wanted was Sephy Poo to force him down and have his way with him.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I could have sworn "A love that can never be" came from Romeo and Juliet. They were very much in love but their relationship could not further because of their families and ultimately because of death.

It's been called that, but never by the bard. He used the phrase 'Star Crossed Lovers,' meaning that destiny was allied against the couple.

Again I'm pretty sure that's where the phrase came from. But maybe I'll check up on that. So far all I've found was an answer on it who said that's where the phrase came from :awesome:.

looking it up now, I also see another expert say Romeo and Juliet was never called that officially. I assumed it was...

It was not.

My bad XD
And yes I know she was on her own disc but my point still stands.

And so does mine.

Well it WAS Supervised by Nomura. There's a lot of scenes left out though. So I'm not sure how far "The High affection scene is the only one shown" would get you. Lucrecia's cave isn't in there, Barret's date isn't in there, Tifa is chosen from the Don's date and so on...

And THAT is the tack you should be taking when arguing against the MA, not that Engrish was misspelled. Of course, that would indicate A: The events listed are incomplete, or B: the omitted events didn't happen, not that Memorial Album is "unreliable." Not useful in declaring one or the other Highwind version, certainly, under scenario A, but not 'unreliable.'

It's not just that they're about Aerith it's what he says. Stuff like "If this smile costs only one gil, then it's a good purchase." I honestly don't think it's so far fetched to say that sounds Clerithy. I can tell you right now if he said something like that about Tifa's smile, I'd be happy ^_^

The thing you have to ask is 'Would it sound weird coming out of, say, Tifa or Barret's mouth' or 'Do other people express greater sentiments towards Aerith?' In the case of the former, I don't think it would, and I do think that Tifa's monologue about Aerith's death does express something a lot more than 'Wow, she has a great smile.'

Actually we WERE discussing LTD related topics just one page ago :monster:

but thank you for distracting everyone from the fact that I don't know what I'm talking about with Romeo and Juliet :awesome:

There is no escaping your correction.

ltdebate implies there'd be some level of

you know


going on here.

There, Y'know. Is.
Even though evolution is established as the mechanism by which variation arose, there's still a lot to analyze and discuss in the finer details.




And variations in allele frequencies in populations over time leads to multitudes of new and interesting creatures. That does not mean there is no longer anything to discuss about evolution, nor that one should simply rest on one's laurels.

a love that could never be seems pretty straightforward to me

Cloud and Aerith had the hots for each other. then she died. they moved on to greener pastures.

It's far less so than that, largely because of the inherent vagueness of the wording. Treating commercials as anything other than lying tools of the marketing arm for a moment, the commercial never says whose love. It could be Aerith's love alone, it could be Cloud's, it could be both of their love. The commercial doesn't say anything. Of course, the commercial does have its other problems, there is no hate that always was, for example, and namely, being a commercial and thus pure marketing shill and can be trusted as far as I can throw the state of Minnesota.
Your explanation is certainly one way of looking at it, but it's far from the only one.

boy was i wrong

suddenly this entire thread is justified!

get your delusional cleris shit out of this thread unless you have your thesis prepared

You don't like having to fulfill a burden of proof in a debate/ discussion thread? Yeah, claims are made, compelling evidence and or reasoning must be offered. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's how it fucking works.

no really though there is no legit proof that cloud didn't at least have a crush on aerith, come at me bro

I think I'll let you respond to your own statement, here.
evidence and proof please

that's a nice idea in theory but i can also see how that'd go wrong pretty fast

i mean tbh most of the posters in here are cloti anyway, wouldn't the majority of this discussion be suited to faith?

No. Faith is about liking. Debates and intellectual discussions are not about 'liking' things but attempting to establish them through discourse, evidence, and reason.

fuck no, you can't talk about that dirty slut aerith in the pure and holy land of faith

stupid BITCH

Your strawman projections are hilarious and telling.

tbh people treat cloud like he's some weird space alien that has zero sexual interests outside of one predesignated love interest

he's socially stunted, not dickless

if the subplot of ff7 was good at one thing it was that love is messy as fuck and all of these characters are bad at it

And Cloud thinking it would be a great thing to get to stick his dick in both hot girls is not exactly the same as being head over heels in love with both of them. There are fucking gradations to this and being interested in Aerith is not the same as being so emotionally and romantically involved in her that he's 'pining' for her two years later or ever was or any shit like that.
NO ONE here, not even Vendel, I don't think, argues that Cloud would not be attracted to Aerith. What they are arguing is that there's nothing to suggest that Cloud was seriously considering long term romance with a girl he knew all of two weeks.
And yes, if you want to argue he was, you have to argue and establish that he was. That's actually a rather interesting area of discussion here. We know the end points of this whole shebang, but there's nitty gritty in the middle that could very well be intriguing. Just like the continuing study of evolution. Just with a narrative.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
No. Faith is about liking. Debates and intellectual discussions are not about 'liking' things but attempting to establish them through discourse, evidence, and reason.

Yeah, I just want to point out that liking a couple has nothing to do with discussion of the canon, plot, sub-plots, etc. I don't see how this works. I can like Cloud/Tifa as a couple separately from enjoying a discussion of the plot revolving around Cloud and Tifa.

I mean, people like Clerith but still recognize Cloud & Tifa as canon. And can still join in the discussion. Likewise, a lot of people don't like Squall/Rinoa but yet can still engage in an objective discussion about their relationship, and its greater impact on the storyline.

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
I guess for the most part the topic is a more than a mite tired, but if there are still people interested in discussing something related to it then what's so horrible about having it available? If you find it that vile and offensive why not just avoid it altogether?


Higher Further Faster

Seriously, I don't care how much you guys think this topic has "run its course," if you don't think the debate is worthy of your time then why bother wasting time by posting in here? Just stay out and let those who want to post in here post.

This isn't the only thread on the forum that fizzled out due lack of discussion, but wow people sure are obsessed with it for some reason. If it fizzles it fizzles, if not, well then let people have their conversation.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It's been called that, but never by the bard. He used the phrase 'Star Crossed Lovers,' meaning that destiny was allied against the couple.
Ahh "star crossed lovers" was probably what I was thinking of then.

And so does mine.
Mine stands taller :awesome:

And THAT is the tack you should be taking when arguing against the MA, not that Engrish was misspelled. Of course, that would indicate A: The events listed are incomplete, or B: the omitted events didn't happen, not that Memorial Album is "unreliable." Not useful in declaring one or the other Highwind version, certainly, under scenario A, but not 'unreliable.'
I admit it's a better argument then declaring it completely unreliable. Though tbh I was quite disappointed with it :(

The thing you have to ask is 'Would it sound weird coming out of, say, Tifa or Barret's mouth' or 'Do other people express greater sentiments towards Aerith?' In the case of the former, I don't think it would, and I do think that Tifa's monologue about Aerith's death does express something a lot more than 'Wow, she has a great smile.'
... Tifa's monologue about Aerith's death is mostly about how upset Cloud is about it. She doesn't say how upset she is, just that they all lost Aerith. And I would consider it quite odd if Barret told Aerith she had a nice smile.

Tifa at the Faremis' House in Icicle Inn
Cloud hasn't spoken much, since then. Although he never was the type to talk much, he has only spoken about our the trip to the north and only replies when necessary.

I have no words for Cloud right now. We did not only lose Aerith, but Cloud is also losing himself...

At this house, we watched an old video.

This is the house where Aerith was born. Professor Gast, who broke ties with the ShinRa company, lived here with her mother in hiding---

We witnessed the moment when the peace of this home was torn to pieces.

Hojo of ShinRa--- He was truly mad. He was the devil of science, there is no humanity in him, and he ruins everything in the name of research...

Although he knew where Professor Gast lived, he had been waiting for the two to have a baby. He then took newborn Aerith and her mother, and killed Professor Gast... With no sense of remorse.

Aerith's destiny must have gone horribly wrong ever since that moment.

I'll never forgive Hojo. As her friend. As a human. Never.

Of course, the commercial does have its other problems, there is no hate that always was, for example, and namely, being a commercial and thus pure marketing shill and can be trusted as far as I can throw the state of Minnesota.
Yes, I am rather fond of this state so I'd appreciate no one throwing it :(

NO ONE here, not even Vendel, I don't think, argues that Cloud would not be attracted to Aerith.
Dunno about that one actually :monster:


Your Mom
Cloud would have to be asexual to not be attracted to Aerith. She was a beautiful girl who was very interested in him. What guy can resist that? Just saying.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
That reminds me of the "Cloud had sex with Tifa cause she's hot and has awesome boobs!" argument or whatever that was.

Not that I wouldn't have sex with her because of her boobs but... :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ahh "star crossed lovers" was probably what I was thinking of then.


Mine stands taller :awesome:

I'ma just cut to the chase- Penis Joke.

I admit it's a better argument then declaring it completely unreliable. Though tbh I was quite disappointed with it :(


... Tifa's monologue about Aerith's death is mostly about how upset Cloud is about it. She doesn't say how upset she is, just that they all lost Aerith. And I would consider it quite odd if Barret told Aerith she had a nice smile.

Really? I wouldn't. No more so than him telling anyone they had a nice smile, anyways. But if Barret is too weird, consider Tifa saying the same line. Consider Kunsel saying it of Zack. Consider Lightning of XIII saying it of Serah, or Sazh saying it of anyone.

Tifa at the Faremis' House in Icicle Inn
Cloud hasn't spoken much, since then. Although he never was the type to talk much, he has only spoken about our the trip to the north and only replies when necessary.

I have no words for Cloud right now. We did not only lose Aerith, but Cloud is also losing himself...

Actually, this isn't about his sadness any more than Tifa's. Just him not speaking much and he does have a lot, include 'You are a puppet' and 'Ohshit, Sephiroth can kill anyone I care about willy nilly' to mull over.
Plus, the use of 'We' lost aerith. OT3. Or OTO, depending on how big that we gets.

At this house, we watched an old video.

This is the house where Aerith was born. Professor Gast, who broke ties with the ShinRa company, lived here with her mother in hiding---

We witnessed the moment when the peace of this home was torn to pieces.

Hojo of ShinRa--- He was truly mad. He was the devil of science, there is no humanity in him, and he ruins everything in the name of research...

Although he knew where Professor Gast lived, he had been waiting for the two to have a baby. He then took newborn Aerith and her mother, and killed Professor Gast... With no sense of remorse.

Aerith's destiny must have gone horribly wrong ever since that moment.

I'll never forgive Hojo. As her friend. As a human. Never.

The bolded part conveys a lot more about Tifa's feelings about Aerith than Cloud thinking she had a great smile.

Yes, I am rather fond of this state so I'd appreciate no one throwing it :(

Not that they can, which is the point of marketing being wholly untrustworthy.

Dunno about that one actually :monster:

Hence the use of 'I don't think' as a qualifier.

Cloud would have to be asexual to not be attracted to Aerith. She was a beautiful girl who was very interested in him. What guy can resist that? Just saying.

Not that he was aware she was interested, but it's not like you need to know a girl has the hots for you to realize she's a looker.

That reminds me of the "Cloud had sex with Tifa cause she's hot and has awesome boobs!" argument or whatever that was.

Not that I wouldn't have sex with her because of her boobs but... :awesome:

Yes yes, everyone's gay for Tifa. Even men, somehow. We're still looking into that one.


We have come to terms
Ryu said:
No. Faith is about liking. Debates and intellectual discussions are not about 'liking' things but attempting to establish them through discourse, evidence, and reason.
And here I thought it was a Cloud x Tifa fan club.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
A fan club IS about liking, dear....
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We have come to terms
i mean tbh most of the posters in here are cloti anyway, wouldn't the majority of this discussion be suited to faith?
Ryu said:
No. Faith is about liking. Debates and intellectual discussions are not about 'liking' things but attempting to establish them through discourse, evidence, and reason.
And here I thought it was a Cloud x Tifa fan club.


your head

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Tir McDohl

rune bearer
Then it should be called a discussion, rather than a arguedebate, thread then. And talk about Aerith and Zack and whoever else who might pop up or anything related to the love stuff in the Compilation but not directly to Cloud/Tifa wouldn't be on topic in Faith.

I myself don't think I'm engaging in any mind-blowing conversation here. It's just an aspect of the game I enjoy discussing from time to time.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Omega, I don't see what I'm not getting besides your usual butthurt over this topic existing and your desperate attempt to try to act clever around Ryu which, again as usual, falls flat on its face.

Faith: Fan club about liking CxT where we share CxT related content.
LTD thread: Discussion of LTD related content.

What are you not getting here? Are you just really fucking stupid or are you playing semantics. Because honestly, it's really hard to tell with you.
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Joe, Arcana
Omega, I don't see what I'm not getting besides your usual butthurt over this topic existing and your desperate attempt to try to act clever around Ryu which, again as usual, falls flat on its face.
And yet it still sounds clever compared to half the stuff written in here

What are you not getting here? Are you just really fucking stupid or are you playing semantics. Because honestly, it's really hard to tell with you.
From where I stand Omega is engaging in intellectual discussion, which according to Ryu would be what this topic is about. Apologies though if someone dare disagree with him.

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
I guess I'm missing something. Is this a problem between members who don't like each other or just the topic or the nature of the topic? There are plenty of threads about basically nothing at this board.

Well, whatever.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And yet it still sounds clever compared to half the stuff written in here

Zelda: Isn't this discussion more suited for faith?
Ryu: No Faith is a about expressing your liking for the couple
Omega: HERP DERP I thought Faith was a fan club!

The fact that I have to explain to you guys what goes on in a Fan Club (IE liking what the club is about) makes you not so clever.

From where I stand Omega is engaging in intellectual discussion, which according to Ryu would be what this topic is about. Apologies though if someone dare disagree with him.
You just said what goes on in here isn't very clever and even implied that someone NOT knowing what a fan club is for is more clever than this topic... yet now it's intelligent discussion? Which is it dude?

I guess I'm missing something. Is this a problem between members who don't like each other or just the topic or the nature of the topic? There are plenty of threads about basically nothing at this board.

Well, whatever.
I'm just bored actually.


Joe, Arcana
You just said what goes on in here isn't very clever and even implied that someone NOT knowing what a fan club is for is more clever than this topic... yet now it's intelligent discussion? Which is it dude?
I also said 'according to Ryu'.
Thank you for proving my point though.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I also said 'according to Ryu'.
Thank you for proving my point though.

You said from where you stand, Omega is engaging in intelligent discussion:

you about 3 minutes ago said:
From where I stand Omega is engaging in intellectual discussion, which according to Ryu would be what this topic is about. Apologies though if someone dare disagree with him.

And Ryu never said this topic was about intelligent discussion. That was something you made up. Wanna try again?

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
You may have valid complaints about the thread. I haven't been here long so I don't know how it usually goes.

But is "this thread is dumb" *people thank post* or "someone thinks this thread is intelligent, HA HA" *people thank post* gonna help? Or why not just post it on Ryu's profile if you're aiming it at him?
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