New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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Celes Chere

I see Zack's death on equal level with Aerith's death. They were both very special and important people to him, both deaths affected him heavily. . . And he shows this in multiple ways. How do people expect Cloud to act when Aerith dies? Jump for joy, or cry? Of course he's going to mourn her, and of course he loved her. Not romantically, but as the kind woman and true friend that she was. Not just to him, but to everyone.

I cannot take Cloud reacting to Aerith's death as evidence. It's a typical reaction to mourn a lost one. Even more so when they're murdered right in front of you. That stuff would traumatize the hell out of anyone, so 'longing' for Aerith's forgiveness does not surprise me. I think that mistaking pain and loss for romantic feelings is quite silly.

What makes me even more annoyed is when some, not all, Cleriths say:
"Clotis think Cloud saving Tifa is romantic, how is holding a wounded person romantic" when they believe that Cloud cradling Aerith's body and going off to rescue her, ARE romantic. =I So it's romantic... when it's not Tifa? I wish some people could just stick to what they are trying to convey, and realize the reason people get so frustrated in debates sometimes are because of contradictions in their beliefs.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
"Clotis think Cloud saving Tifa is romantic, how is holding a wounded person romantic" when they believe that Cloud cradling Aerith's body and going off to rescue her, ARE romantic. =I So it's romantic... when it's not Tifa? I wish some people could just stick to what they are trying to convey, and realize the reason people get so frustrated in debates sometimes are because of contradictions in their beliefs.
And here's some images of dead bodies to prove it's not romantic:


Elisa Maza

I responded to that quote you posted, but I don't know if you ever saw it.

I did see it, but the feeling still remains. If there was a rumor and this is from Tifa's POV, then they knew it. Heck, it says that it was just a part of the plate ready to fall. How about they sleep under a part that is not rumored to fall? It looked to me that they slept under that part deliberately. :no:

Rufus x Tifa is hot. Just sayin'. BD

Is this... another RufusxTifa fan who realizes she deserves someone way better than Cloud? :awesome:


And your definition of "way better" is an arrogant asshole who wants to rule the world through fear?? And he is better because he is more confident?????? Yeah, such a better guy than the man who may he be a dork and makes mistakes, but he'll do anything to help the ones he cares about, is in fact a sweetheart and has morals...

... the hell?

I know you're joking. :P
Or are you? >.>;
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I've seen the counter argument to people saying Cloud and Tifa in the flowerfield lying next to each other is romantic to be posting images of dead bodies from the Holocaust lying together "well is THIS romantic?"

I actually went looking for images just now for people holding dead bodies in their arms to say, "Well is THIS romantic?" if a Clerith ever brought that up to me... but all I could find was really sad photos of Arabian women holding their dead children. :(

I just realized you guys weren't even talking about that... WTF Quex?
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I know I wasn't joking, lol.



Nope, not joking. Pairing is too hot to handle jfkdhgkdfjg. :awesome:

Also, serious not joking that I'd prefer Tifa with someone like this. She deserves way better than Cloud. just sayin

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I think as far as Cloud and Aerith go in-game, that seems to be entirely up to an individual's interpretation. Yes, certainly, Cloud ends up with Tifa. But there wasn't anything that said Cloud NEVAR had romantic feelings for Aerith, and Aerith seems to have moved past liking Cloud for Zack by the time we get to her date. So I do think it's possible that there may have been something there as we've never been told definitively one way or another (but seriously, I doubt they had sex in the gondola, I mean really)

So if you think Cloud and Aerith had romantic feelings for each other while she was alive, that's fine. If you don't, that's also fine. I think either way, we get the point that Cloud either moved past that or remembered his former feelings for Tifa, and we ended up with them living together after the game.

ALSO i leik tifa with vincent bettar, it's pretty


Pro Adventurer
I think as far as Cloud and Aerith go in-game, that seems to be entirely up to an individual's interpretation. Yes, certainly, Cloud ends up with Tifa. But there wasn't anything that said Cloud NEVAR had romantic feelings for Aerith, and Aerith seems to have moved past liking Cloud for Zack by the time we get to her date. So I do think it's possible that there may have been something there as we've never been told definitively one way or another (but seriously, I doubt they had sex in the gondola, I mean really)

Way more simple than that. The game lets you choose how much meaning you give to various events in the game. For example the first meeting between Cloud and Aerith is often given romantic meaning. But if you flirt with Tifa (which you can do quiet explicitly) and if you tell Aerith she's your girlfriend after the supposed romantic encounter, then what?

Likewise you can choose for Cloud to get jealous of Zack and Aerith, or you can choose to be jealous of Johnny and Tifa. Or both, or none.

Doesn't change the whole story, especially given the compilation, but there you are.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
There wasn't anything that said Cloud did not have them for Sephiroth, Zack, Mukki, dolphin girl either.
1. Sephiroth is a gross momma's boy, obviously not.
2. True.
3. Rape Is Love?
4. Cloud is no pedobear!


Pro Adventurer
Rufus x Tifa is hot. Just sayin'. BD

I'm not the only Rufus x Tifa fan !!

Way more simple than that. The game lets you choose how much meaning you give to various events in the game. For example the first meeting between Cloud and Aerith is often given romantic meaning. But if you flirt with Tifa (which you can do quiet explicitly) and if you tell Aerith she's your girlfriend after the supposed romantic encounter, then what?

Likewise you can choose for Cloud to get jealous of Zack and Aerith, or you can choose to be jealous of Johnny and Tifa. Or both, or none.

Doesn't change the whole story, especially given the compilation, but there you are.

I have to agree with this. SE made it originally to be optional.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I've seen some Cleriths say that all the evidence before the Compilation pointed toward Clerith being the intended couple... I'm curious. Do the Clotis here feel all the evidence pointed toward Cloti before the Compilation?

Celes Chere

A lot of Clotis do. I thought that way, but now that I look at it as of late, perhaps it was meant to be optional originally. However, I think they focused more heavily on CT obviously and so it's no surprise to me that everything after FFVII has been pointing to Cloti. (imo of course)


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I guess what I mean is, is there any specific evidence in general that makes you think it was very Cloti in the beginning? Was it the Memorial Album or... just the way the game played out?


I've seen some Cleriths say that all the evidence before the Compilation pointed toward Clerith being the intended couple... I'm curious. Do the Clotis here feel all the evidence pointed toward Cloti before the Compilation?

If SE wanted to show that Cloud wasn't with Tifa in the Compilation then it would have been as simple as not having Cloud with Tifa. Why would they "contradict" themselves with the comp? What purpose would that serve?

And if C/A was ever "intended" it was only in the pre-production stages when C/A and B were the only characters. At the point they decided to Kill Aerith and give her role to Tifa she was the intended love interest.

And honestly if they wanted to show that C/A was intended in FFVII they did a rather lousy job of it. For the first third of the game if you play it a certain way you can get the impression that Cloud might like Aerith. But you can just as easily play towards Tifa. Then Aerith fucking dies. And after that you get some rather large revelations about C and T's past and their feelings for each other. Cloud's mental issues on the first disk. You also learn some about this Zack guy that Aerith could never shut the fuck up about.

And did I mention this all happens AFTER the INTENDED lover dies?

Intended couple my ass. All that talk is, is people crying that the Compilation took away any and all wiggle room they might have had for their C/A fantasies by shoving rather large heaps of C/T and Z/A down their throats.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Whatever choice there may have been was an illusion. The game makes that quite clear. You don't need the compilation or supplemental materials to know. You have to observe the game as a whole, not just disc 1. That makes no sense. It's like taking into account the first chapter of a book, and not the rest of it. It's an entire work, not just bits and pieces.


Pro Adventurer
I've seen some Cleriths say that all the evidence before the Compilation pointed toward Clerith being the intended couple...

Well there's all this.


- Coke Advertisement
- Final Fantasy VII Potions
- Final Fantasy VII commercial
- FFVII: International disks
- Final Fantasy S Generation Official Best Collection Soundtrack
- Final Fantasy Canon Couples are similar to Cloud X Aerith
- The Final Fantasy Art Collection

I found it on a Clerith site.


Pro Adventurer
I've seen some Cleriths say that all the evidence before the Compilation pointed toward Clerith being the intended couple... I'm curious. Do the Clotis here feel all the evidence pointed toward Cloti before the Compilation?

I believe the compilation makes the obvious choices. The ones that provide the fullest experience. Like for example assuming you met Vincent and Yuffie even though they were optional, because they make for a fuller story. And likewise assuming the HA Highwind scene which is a fuller and a more resolved arc compared to the other option which is frankly just incomplete as opposed to being a parallel branch.

I think its obvious what the 'default' story was.

Well there's all this.


- Coke Advertisement
- Final Fantasy VII Potions
- Final Fantasy VII commercial
- FFVII: International disks
- Final Fantasy S Generation Official Best Collection Soundtrack
- Final Fantasy Canon Couples are similar to Cloud X Aerith
- The Final Fantasy Art Collection

I found it on a Clerith site.

There are many C/T things like that. In and of themselves they don't mean anything.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
- Coke Advertisement
- Final Fantasy VII Potions
- FFVII: International disks
- Final Fantasy S Generation Official Best Collection Soundtrack
Did they say HOW by chance? I honestly don't know how any of those supported Clerith. Not saying they support C/T but I'm unfamiliar with them.

- The Final Fantasy Art Collection
This seems to support C/T to me. There are some Clerithy things in there, but Tifa's card talks about her and Cloud's future. I'll c/p what I said in Faith.

&#12486;&#12451;&#12501;&#12449;&#12399;&#22266;&#12367;&#21475;&#12434;&#38281;&#12374;&#12377;&#8230; &#12450;&#12496;&#12521;&#12531;&#12481;&#12398;&#12513;&#12531;&#12496;&#12540;&#12392;&#12375;&#12390;&#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12392;&#20877;&#20250;&#12375;&#12383;&#24444;&#22899;&#12399;&#12289; &#65301;&#24180;&#21069;&#12398;&#12491;&#12502;&#12523;&#12408;&#12452;&#12512;&#20107;&#20214;&#12398;&#26178;&#12363;&#12425;&#12398;&#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12398;&#22793;&#35980;&#12395;&#30097;&#21839;&#12434;&#25265;&#12367;&#12290; &#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12408;&#12398;&#24188;&#12394;&#12376;&#12415;&#12434;&#36229;&#12360;&#12383;&#35079;&#38609;&#12394;&#24819;&#12356;&#12399;&#12289; &#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12398;&#25345;&#12388;&#20869;&#38754;&#30340;&#12394;&#12488;&#12521;&#12454;&#12510;&#12434;&#35299;&#12365;&#12411;&#12368;&#12375;&#12390;&#12356;&#12367;&#8230;&#12290; &#12381;&#12428;&#12399;&#12289; &#25912;&#22899;&#33258;&#36523;&#12398;&#36942;&#21435;&#12408;&#12398;&#26053;&#12391;&#12418;&#12354;&#12387;&#12383;&#8230;

Tifa keeps her mouth shut tight. As a member of AVALANCHE she was reunited with Cloud. She holds doubts about his transformation after the Nibelhiem incident 5 years ago. Her complicated feelings for Cloud that exceeded childhood friendship unravel the internal trauma Cloud possesses. That was also a journey into her own past...

I wanna point something out here. &#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12398;&#25345;&#12388;&#20869;&#38754;&#30340;&#12394;&#12488;&#12521;&#12454;&#12510;&#12434;&#35299;&#12365;&#12411;&#12368;&#12375;&#12390;&#12356;&#12367;

&#35299;&#12365;&#12411;&#12368;&#12375;&#12390; - that whole thing is the unravel part of the verb (which can also mean to relax someone). It ends in &#12390; which is te. And the next part is &#12356;&#12367; which is iku. When a verb ends in its te forum and iku follows it takes off from the present or another point in time and goes into the future. (SOURCE) In other words, her complicated feelings that exceed childhood friendship not only helped Cloud in the lifestream but also go into the future and unravel his trauma there.

So these feelings are pretty damn important to Cloud then AND in the future to unravel all his trauma :monster: (So perhaps I should have translated it as will unravel but I wasn't sure)
Now anyone who's more well versed in Japanese is free to tell me if I'm wrong about that and please do before I use it elsewhere :P

Plus the memorial album is heavily C/T and although I'm not really sure if it should be used or not because it does contain errors it WAS supervised by Nomura. I'm kind of on the fence about it tbh. The Cloti in me wants to support it but on the other hand I realize it contains a lot of incorrect information. There's some C/T stuff in Dismantled as well. I think that one is a tad more Clerithy though... I'll give them that, but it's not completely devoid of C/T.

There are many C/T things like that. In and of themselves they don't mean anything.
I would also like to see a list of these. Just for my own education :awesome:
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Pro Adventurer
Will it be okay to copy and paste here what they are. Because I'm just like.. whoa. :huh:

Back in the day we had big post with screenshots and stuff of that sort of thing. I don't know if I can find it now, but we'll see. I remember OWD used to post pictures. *hint* :awesome:

But for now:
- Final Fantasy Canon Couples are similar to Cloud X Aerith

Not only is that not relevant but what are the examples?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm not the only Rufus x Tifa fan !!

Y'know, people say Rufus/Tifa would be better for her, but other than his money, this is entirely a Draco in Leather pants thing.

I have to agree with this. SE made it originally to be optional.

I disagree. They made it originally to LOOK optional, but mean nothing. FF7's early plot is all based around the lies we tell ourselves, the illusion of choices, etc. and that extends to we, the player, too. Sephiroth's puppet line isn't just to Cloud, it's to us. Whatever choice we have, we too, must follow the plot.

I've seen some Cleriths say that all the evidence before the Compilation pointed toward Clerith being the intended couple... I'm curious. Do the Clotis here feel all the evidence pointed toward Cloti before the Compilation?

Not to be gauche, but yes. Because they killed one of the choices and hit us over the head with the connection to the other one and how that choice is the only person the hero actually has and they're actually fighting for each other and implied sex.

A lot of Clotis do. I thought that way, but now that I look at it as of late, perhaps it was meant to be optional originally. However, I think they focused more heavily on CT obviously and so it's no surprise to me that everything after FFVII has been pointing to Cloti. (imo of course)

Even the options in FFVII are short lived, and IMO, meant to be reconsidered in light of the big reveal of the big lie.

I guess what I mean is, is there any specific evidence in general that makes you think it was very Cloti in the beginning? Was it the Memorial Album or... just the way the game played out?

Yes. The game. To be brusque- killing Option A of a triangle does not narratively favor A as the selected member of that triangle, especially not when how much B means to the point of said triangle is emphasized shortly after, especially not at said point's lowest points.

Whatever choice there may have been was an illusion. The game makes that quite clear. You don't need the compilation or supplemental materials to know. You have to observe the game as a whole, not just disc 1. That makes no sense. It's like taking into account the first chapter of a book, and not the rest of it. It's an entire work, not just bits and pieces.

Hear Hear! Full contextual narrative analysis means the full context of the narrative!

Well there's all this.


- Coke Advertisement
- Final Fantasy VII Potions
- Final Fantasy VII commercial
- FFVII: International disks
- Final Fantasy S Generation Official Best Collection Soundtrack
- Final Fantasy Canon Couples are similar to Cloud X Aerith
- The Final Fantasy Art Collection

I found it on a Clerith site.

The 'Coke Ads' were a Coke bag with Cloud, Squall, Rinoa and Aerith on it.
The Potions- wasn't their argument supposed to be something about how the cans were positioned? And wasn't it shown that the cans were arranged with Tifa next to Cloud too? I forget.
The commercial is A: A commercial, B: is wrong about other things like the 'hate that always was', and even if it wasn't C: A love that could never be DOESN'T HELP THEIR POSITION. IT MEANS IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
FFVII International discs had Cloud, Sephiroth, and Aerith on the first three discs. The C/A argument for this is that she's on there as the love interest, which I find rather insulting, since it ignores her role as, y'know, an icon of the game for the more obvious reason.
Plus, you can also use this to argu Clephiroth.
The collection soundtrack uses an Old Amano art of Cloud and Aerith sitting back to back. And it's pretty art. But it's not romantic except under the standard 'Amano art pairings = Canon' canard.
Final Fantasy Couples aren't similar to Cloud and Aerith at all. The closest you're going to get to a FF hero who's like Cloud is Cecil, and Rosa really isn't Aerith like, nor does their relationship at all mirror the supposed CXA dynamic. I'll save everyone before I get into looking at every FF couple out there, but, yeah, no. Not happening.

I believe the compilation makes the obvious choices. The ones that provide the fullest experience. Like for example assuming you met Vincent and Yuffie even though they were optional, because they make for a fuller story. And likewise assuming the HA Highwind scene which is a fuller and a more resolved arc compared to the other option which is frankly just incomplete as opposed to being a parallel branch.

I think its obvious what the 'default' story was.

And even if it wasn't, it is now.

Did they say HOW by chance? I honestly don't know how any of those supported Clerith. Not saying they support C/T but I'm unfamiliar with them.

This seems to support C/T to me. There are some Clerithy things in there, but Tifa's card talks about her and Cloud's future. I'll c/p what I said in Faith.

I wanna point something out here. &#12463;&#12521;&#12454;&#12489;&#12398;&#25345;&#12388;&#20869;&#38754;&#30340;&#12394;&#12488;&#12521;&#12454;&#12510;&#12434;&#35299;&#12365;&#12411;&#12368;&#12375;&#12390;&#12356;&#12367;

&#35299;&#12365;&#12411;&#12368;&#12375;&#12390; - that whole thing is the unravel part of the verb (which can also mean to relax someone). It ends in &#12390; which is te. And the next part is &#12356;&#12367; which is iku. When a verb ends in its te forum and iku follows it takes off from the present or another point in time and goes into the future. (SOURCE) In other words, her complicated feelings that exceed childhood friendship not only helped Cloud in the lifestream but also go into the future and unravel his trauma there.

Well, the Te+verb form is generally the continuing tense of some sort ('Was holding,' 'is holding,' and 'will keep holding' for english examples) so, yeah. Tifa helped, and will continue to help, with her feelings that exceed Childhood feelings. In other words, her love.

So these feelings are pretty damn important to Cloud then AND in the future to unravel all his trauma :monster: (So perhaps I should have translated it as will unravel but I wasn't sure)
Now anyone who's more well versed in Japanese is free to tell me if I'm wrong about that and please do before I use it elsewhere :P

'will keep unravelling' since that implies a more continual process than a sudden future act.

Plus the memorial album is heavily C/T and although I'm not really sure if it should be used or not because it does contain errors it WAS supervised by Nomura. I'm kind of on the fence about it tbh. The Cloti in me wants to support it but on the other hand I realize it contains a lot of incorrect information. There's some C/T stuff in Dismantled as well. I think that one is a tad more Clerithy though... I'll give them that, but it's not completely devoid of C/T.

Wait, you include Dismantled, but want to discount Memorial Album because of 'incorrect information?' Even though Dismantled has also been made 'incorrect' in several places due to later released materials?
That's silly.
As is calling Dismantled 'Clerithy' because it really rather isn't. Cloud noting Aerith is special doesn't tell us much when everyone notices she's special. Cloud being sad about her death tells us nothing because well, we knew that already, AND everyone was sad about her death.
When Cloud's reaction to Aerith are just the same as Tifa's, then either Aeti is valid or it's not really Clerith. And Aerith's quote- be it honest comment or self affirmation as I still read it- does not mean a lick of anything because it says Cloud is utterly clueless.

I would also like to see a list of these. Just for my own education :awesome:

Toy ads, the matched based models, guardian and summoner, dumb crap like that no one actually takes seriously because there was a case to be made in the text itself that didn't rely on external meaningless nonsense.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
If anything Red/Cait Sith cause they share a can.

About the commercials. SE doesn't make the commercials, some ad people do. But SE approves them, correct? Even the English ones? Not that it makes a difference, I'm just curious how that all works.

And saying the proof is in the ads is worse than bringing up KH. Not by much though.

Locke Cole said:
I found it on a Clerith site.

At first I thought that was a joke.

Fighter said:
Not only is that not relevant but what are the examples?

I'm curious myself, too. But then I'm just like ugh no forget it, the sheer absurdity.
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