That's what commitment entails, and why it can be difficult for many.
Yeah, picking one person to live with start a family with... finding the person you love and sticking with them, that is commitment to me. If you love them and are dedicated to make them the happiest you can, and helping them through anything... That doesn't mean you should have to care about them more than your friends. It's definitely not impossible to be committed to someone, and care about your friends with an intensity.
A friend should understand if you put a partner first in most situations, and, if not, there's a problem with them.
For me, I believe just the opposite. If the person you love cannot see that your friends are important, there is something wrong with them. Well, not something *wrong* it's just something that you're going to clash about. It's a difference of opinion, difference in feeling/beliefs. And well, actually, I don't believe the exact opposite. I think both friends and lover should understand the importance of one another. xD Shouldn't you try and understand your partners feelings? That's what partners do, in my opinion. So if they have friends or even family close to them and they want to spend a lot of time with them I would try and understand that. I certainly wouldn't tell them that they need to grow up and start putting me above all else. And I definitely wouldn't suggest "Oh, well you care about your friends and family a lot. I guess you're not the right person for me."
Well, if you'd like to stop discussing it (it is not the right thread for it afterall), then I will stop as well. xD But actually it was nice to have a discussion where I got to see a different view, and maybe I can take something out of it so cool.
Oh, and just for the record yeah I believe love is about making sacrifices for that person. Cancelling a plan with some friends to spend time with your loved one is perfectly fine. Or setting up a whole week of just each other. Or just going out of your way for them. I think that is what you should do. I'm just saying that ... I couldn't choose between the two if given the choice that I had to make. My feeling simply won't allow me to care about one more than the other, for all eternity, and to leave the others behind. (probably never would be in that situation, but if I was couldn't do it) Like if my boyfriend or girlfriend told me "Choose, me or your friends?" I wouldn't be able to do it.
So uh yeah... back to uh, Cloti being canon and stuff.