New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Well, if you'd like to stop discussing it (it is not the right thread for it afterall), then I will stop as well. xD But actually it was nice to have a discussion where I got to see a different view, and maybe I can take something out of it so cool.

I'll just take it to your profile from here then. :monster:

And, yes, it's been a nice discussion thus far.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Since there's people asking for it, I'll go ahead and split the most recent posts from here and make a separate thread for this discussion. It'll be under the "General Discussion" category.

EDIT: And here it is.
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Wow, off topic in one post, that has to be a record :monster:

I found a monologue in Dismantled that I haven't fully translated yet where Cloud remembers the promise, the star and the beautiful night. Makes me rethink what I said about Cloud saying that "Wishing on a star" line in Dissidia wasn't about the Promise. ...

that's all I gots :awesome:

I'm really late in the game to join this convo, lol. And probably those were old posts, but what? What is this un-transalated 'Dismantled'? I want to see it . . . now. @_@ Lol. I've been recently playing Dissidia 012.

Cloud loves and has always loved Tifa.

You may close the thread now.

In 13 minutes no less.

You know, it's funny. I never considered that line in relation to Tifa. It wasn't until I really thought about it that I thought it could be possible. There was a shooting star on the night of the promise, but it's kind of a stretch to just assume. If you have the quote, can you post it? I forget what it was (if I ever knew to begin with).

Haha~ yeah. Exactly. That's the end line. Cloud Loves Tifa. Tifa Loves Cloud. End of Story. That's it. Point done. Over. Yep.


They had a tramautic event happen between each other at age 6 and ever since then who knows what might've happened between them between her waking up from coma to age 13 when Cloud left. They have alot of history compared to any other pairing in the compilation. I sincerely love CloTi with all my heart.

So yeah.



^^ @_@ I didn't realize this thread had 122 posts. SOOO late in the game! I'm soooo sorry. Um~ forgive me (I seem to be apologizing alot here, lol)


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I don't know about Dissidia and promises and what shit, but I remember stars and wishes being tied to Cloud and Tifa. So I dunno why anyone would think that's a stretch.

Aerith's star and Cloud's star are perfect for each other... :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I decided to be Clerith on alternating Fridays :monster:

and you know that "For the One I Love page" yeah well the reason it says what it does under the Gold Saucer date is because Cloud has the choice to go out with 4 people. Did you honestly expect them to detail each and every date right there? No, that's why they give you a page number in the upper right corner. To read more about it. You go to that page to see all the details about the date, and of course, Aerith's is the one in the main storyline, just like it's the default. The reason the Highwind scene talks about Cloud and Tifa is because they're the only ones involved.

Silly ol Clotis :monster:

(ttly made this argument up BTW)
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Whatever, mang. Even though Aerith's date is default, I don't see how this will ever affect Cloti in any way or form. Because, you know, one date isn't the determining factor for every canon couple. :monster:

I'll just let Cleriths argue their little 'Aerith date is default' bit, because I could care less about one measley date that pales in comparison to the Lifestream sequence and the HA Highwind scene.



Whatever, mang. Even though Aerith's date is default, I don't see how this will ever affect Cloti in any way or form. Because, you know, one date isn't the determining factor for every canon couple. :monster:

I'll just let Cleriths argue their little 'Aerith date is default' bit, because I could care less about one measley date that pales in comparison to the Lifestream sequence and the HA Highwind scene.


Default does not equal canon. Even though our pink friends want to think so.

And of course the LS sequence is about Cloud's painful memories. And the HW scene is OPTIONAL.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Didn't one of those silly shit official booklets say Aerith's date is the canon one?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Default does not equal canon. Even though our pink friends want to think so.
I always found this strange since in most cases default means it's NOT canon. Like in Sonic the Hedgehog, default ending is without chaos emeralds but canon ending is WITH the chaos emeralds.

Didn't one of those silly shit official booklets say Aerith's date is the canon one?
I think it's canon, but not because it's "default." I think the date is canon for the same reasons I think the HA version of the Highwind Scene is canon.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Well, my point is whether or not the Aerith date is canon or default, it does not matter. The only thing it proves is that the date happened/did not happen. That's it. This default =/= canon discussion means nothing for the LTD, because even if the date was deemed canon, all that happened there is Aerith saying she wants to meet Cloud, which proves Aerith likes Cloud (LIKE WE DIDNT ALREADY KNOW), but does not prove Cloud loves Aerith over Tifa.

They can fight that point all they want, but end question will always be "So what if it's default/canon? This proves Clerith how?"

Most Clotis don't even bother with the point of the date, or even argue against it, because it's irrelevant to Cloud's feelings. It's only relevant to Aerith's.

Cleriths, however, argue against the Highwind scene as being optional. Which is stupid. Which also proves that they didn't play the game. LOL

The Lifestream sequence at least tells us Cloud actually did like Tifa, at least once in his life. Does Aerith have that? Newp.


None of that answers my question.

IIRC, it was mentioned in some cards... or something. I don't even know. Ask the Cleriths.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ignoring the idiocy, wasn't it one of the books? Disassembled or something like that?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Ignoring the idiocy, wasn't it one of the books? Disassembled or something like that?

Dismantled features Aerith's date, yes. So that would make it canon but people question whether or not the book is canon

And look what I found :awesome:
this is in the story playback of the 20th AU about the Lifestream Sequence:

In his inner mind, Cloud reveals his feelings to Tifa

(I think it's of, is への of or to? Anyone? I'll stick with of for now :monster:)

Anyway, present tense... non optional... :joy:

Yeah it is "To Tifa"
so... anyone have this page handy? This guy was really going on like it was great Cloti proofs so I'm wondering if it says more.


This guy here is talking about it: @955
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
In the story section it talks about it, just like it talks about getting Yuffie and Vincent and has a HA highwind scene reference.
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