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It all sounds really rumor-mill heavy, but that there're bits of potential truth to a WIP for a deal (whether or not it actually pans out), but the whole 80% done doesn't quite seem fully in line with the way that Norman Reedus & Guillermo Del Toro have talked about it. Also, I'm assuming billions of Yen & not dollars because that's ridiculous. Additionally, as a PS4-exclusive demo, I wanna know how this platform flip-flop would've gone down (i.e. did Sony drop the ball on keeping the game as an exclusive?) Because given how social network savy they've been in the past, I can't assume they'd've fucked this one up.
I've no doubt Microsoft is making eager grabby hands at Silent Hills now that it's in the aether, but I'm curious about a lot of how this all went down and what's up with Sony if any of this is the case.