Heres a list of PS4 games that have been confirmed, iirc the count is 48 confirmed games.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Basement Crawl
Battlefield 4
Blacklight: Retribution [Free-to-Play]
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Carmageddon: Reincarnation
Cyberpunk 2077
DC Universe Online [Free-to-Play]
Deep Down
Diablo III
Doki-Doki Universe [Free-to-Play]*
Dying Light
EA Sports UFC
The Evil Within
Final Fantasy (Untitled)
inFAMOUS: Second Son*
Killzone: Shadow Fall*
Lords of the Fallen
Madden NFL 25
NBA 2K14
NBA Live 14
Need for Speed Rivals
The Pinball Arcade
Planetside 2 [Free-to-Play]
Primal Carnage: Genesis
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution
Shadow Warrior
Silent Enemy
Skylanders Swap Force
Sniper Elite 3
Super Motherload
Super Stardust (Untitled)*
(Another Housemarque game in development)*
Tiny Brains
The Walking Dead: Season 2
War Thunder: Ground Forces [Free-to-Play]
Warframe [Free-to-Play]
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witness
Wolfenstein: The New Order
Will post link when I find it, had everything but the link saved to a notepad earlier ._.
*Bold font= exclusive.*
Im pretty hyped for the F2P games announced. War Thunder is in beta on PC and only features aerial combat but is an extremely fun game, im quite interested to see how its PS4 counterpart is.
WarFrame is also a great PC game and is a psuedo sequel to DarkSector, wasnt expecting to see either of these games on the PS4 list.
Also Planet side 2 for the win

I completely missed that on my first glance of the list lol.