PlayStation 4


Double Growth
Love it. Figures i just got the white one :P

Love dat colored PS logo. I've heard Sony uploaded a theme for PS3, PS4 and Vita that institutes the ps1 startup sound. In which case I will be downloading that immediately.


^ *clamps hands over ears* LALALALALALALA

Anyway I just downloaded the theme, it's win :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Why must you come out after I've done christmas shopping 20th edition PS4!!!

Sony you evil evil people :<


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
The 20 years thing makes me feel old, but also makes me feel glad to have been part of it. It was pretty much this Christmas 20 years ago (when my parents were still together, wait wut) I received my first PlayStation and I've never looked back.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I never had a ps1, so I will hunt this down.

EDIT: Wait, it's $100 more, there's only 12,000 of them worldwide, and you will have to pre-order at select places that won't be revealed until Dec 6. I may not stand a chance.

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The higher price is likely due to the inclusion of the PS Eye as well as the special edition-ness :D


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Oh I like it, and the eye toy, but the way Sony's doing this...making everyone wait until their conference announcement on the 6th, with only 12,000 units--nobody except the scalpers and gougers are going to get this and then they'll skyrocket the prices on amazon.

If I were them I'd just give it a few months window or something.


Tip (important): Lay the console flat unless you have a vertical stand.

I was having issues with my signal flickering like in this video. At first I thought it was electrical interference because of a fan heater - when that was on and the screen went black or dark (such as loading) it would flicker. The fix mentioned on the video might work if you guys have this problem (disable deep colour in settings) however it didn't work for me.

There are vents on the bottom of the PS4 if it's standing vertically, so that can't be good for the heating. If you have the official stand or prop it up I'm sure it's fine, but since the vents are there I don't want to risk it. Laying the console horizontally has solved my issues, although now I need to move my setup around significantly (my PS3 is also horizontal so now I'm having space issues).


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Consider getting server racks or wired shelving. Helps immensely by not letting heat collect at the bottom of the console, and you can stack consoles in a tower.

Doing this saved my PS2 slim, which is the worst heat builder. I thought I was going to have to junk it for awhile.


I still have a release day PS2 phat going on, I'm proud it still works :monster:

It's modded though. It was my first proper tech project back in 2005/6 ish when it stopped reading games properly (on occasion). I took the laser out, cleaned it and replaced it. Then when I realised it was quite easy to take the console apart I got the swap magic cover for it so that I could just play "backup" games. Using this I managed to play FFXII early because the game was released in the US 6 months before it was released here. Awesome times.

Also I tried that console faceplate thing just to see if it works, it does and it comes off really easy. I'm not waiting for the day someone makes a steelbook style mass effect faceplate, that's getting bought and shoved on my PS4 asap.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I hope they minimize that PS4 tear graphic on the bottom corner of those faceplates. I don't mind the logo but that black tear takes up waaaay too much of the graphic.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
London can eat a dick. Like they don't get everything else already :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
$31 for the first 90 customers

Why is Sony trying so desperately to incite a riot lately


I like that the price was £19.94 and there were 94 consoles for that price and the catchphrase was "You crashed my bandicoot". Also I would love love love to visit that store but I'll have to settle for YouTube videos. Americans must think that England being far away from Scotland is cray because of the distances you guys deal with on a near daily basis, but we don't move much here XD. Travel is very expensive compared to elsewhere.

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