PlayStation 4


^ I've been thinking about getting Rocket League since it came out, I finally decided to buy it and it says I'll need 'Playstation Membership Plus' in order to play it online.

? I've always been fuzzy on this. What is 'Playstation Membership Plus'?
I'm not getting it just to play one game online, what else does it do?

I'm suspicious & paranoid that it's some kinda of social media thing. :closedmonster:

It's just an expansion of privileges to your ordinary PSN account, which affords you discounts on games and DLC, free games (which can only be played while your pluss account is active), and like in this instance, access to multiplayer.


It's basically Sony telling you to give them money, basically xbox live gold or whatever it was you needed to play online on the xbox which everyone hated, :monster:

On the plus side, it's a replacement of online passes that you had to buy for secondhand games. But, it's probably (eventually) more expensive.


That is assuming you're interested in said games though and are the type that games enough (i.e. buys enough games) to warrant it and not, for example, someone that spent a year playing through GTA V.

Ghost X

So... uh... the "rumoured" / seemingly likely Playstation Neo / PS4.5. Have you folks talked about that yet? :p. If so, do go on with whatever, but I just want to say it must be annoying for folks who just got the ps4 to have to buy another console so soon.


Higher Further Faster
Isn't it just basicall a PS4 Slim version? It might be more powerful but it doesn't mean we suddenly can't play future games, does it?

Ghost X

I've read that normal PS4s may need to buy an adaptor or something to play some VR stuff, where as Neo folks won't. I'm just parroting stuff that is easily googleable though.


Chloe Frazer
I'm waiting to see if it's real or not, I'm guessing if it is we'll hear about it at E3.


It'd make sense if they made a stronger version for VR purposes, it requires a bit more oomph because reasons.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I don't think it's a requirement so much as it is an iterative upgrade, so that games can have better performance/graphics that keep up with PCs more (which is a preferable option to making a whole new console if that helps expand the lifetime of the PS4), in addition to the VR-support stuff.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I'm with Yop on this one.

I think early on PS4VR will work on Vanilla PS4 to help build the brand and have a larger customer reach.

But honestly as we talked about in the PS5 thread Tashasaurus made , I don't think the PS4 vanilla will be able to play later iterations of VR games for long.

VR in it's current state is really performance intensive. It needs good hardware to do right and it's really honestly a miracle the PS4 will be able to have some VR on it at all.

I really think early PS4VR games on vanilla will have to sacrifice graphics greatly because it NEEDS good framerate. Otherwise everyone's going to be puking in 5 minutes or less.

As it stands the PS4 with current dev knowledge on how to optimize for the hardware struggled to do 1080p/30fps. 60fps is out of the question especially in a VR environment where it's highly recommended that the game renders in stereoscopic vision. i.e. It's gotta be rendered for each eye separately.

Then you factor in that 60fps is considered the bare minimum and many believe 90fps to be the sweet spot for VR and things start to get really dim for the PS4.

I think we might be lucky if we get 720p/60fps on the PS4 to be quite honest.
I think Sony will be stuck in a position where on one hand they can have VR for everyone but it looks really out dated , or they can release a new iteration of the PS4 to hopefully entice VR users who want better visuals at an affordable price.

Additionally Sony is investing in 4k heavily. They have always been a leader in bringing new tech into households in a generally affordable way via the Playstation brand in one way or another.

IIRC a lot of people speculate that the PS4 vanilla can't handle 4k on two fronts. First being it's unsure whether or not the HDMI ports are 4k capable and some believe the PS4 doesn't have the hardware to use the HEVC codec necessary for 4k content.

If true it would make sense that Sony would be releasing shiny new PS4k's to roll out with their shiny new 4k TV's.

Also I think X is right.

With news of the PS4k/Neo and Microsoft reportedly working on a Xbox 1.5 I think this might be the last real "generation" and consoles will become iterative like Phones etc.


Maybe another factor: nVidia's GTX 1080 and 1070 boast a VR performance that is much higher in comparison with the previous generation of graphics cards, a factor 2-3 more than even the base (non-VR) performance. They've basically added hardware thingies that help with rendering a scene stereoscopically - makes sense, since most operations in one render pass would be the same for both eyes, it's just the camera angle that would be slightly different. Might be that Sony's either switching to that hardware (although I doubt it'd be the 1070/1080, those things cost the same or twice as much as a PS4 :monster: ), or waiting for AMD to do something similar for playstation VR.


Pro Adventurer
Linking to the gaf page because apparently the source can get paywalled after so many hits. Apparently Sony officially confirmed the Neo is coming

Andrew House, president and global chief executive of Sony Interactive Entertainment, told the Financial Times that the “high-end PS4” would be more expensive than the current $350 version.
“It is intended to sit alongside and complement the standard PS4,” he said. “We will be selling both [versions] through the life cycle.”
The new console, which is codenamed “Neo”, will target hardcore gamers, he said, as well as consumers with a 4K television set looking for more high-resolution content.


Eyes of the Lord
I hope the powergap between vanilla PS4 and Neo is just at most PS4*2.

EDIT: Extra thoughts:

One of my maybe (probaly unreasonable) fears is that Neo games might play differently than vanilla PS4 versions of the same games. I´m not talking about one version having better SFX, FPS or xxxxp resolution, I´m talking about somthing along the lines of like PS4 Shadow of Mordor vs PS3 Shadow of Mordor situation, of course that was an extreme case but still something similar could still happen.

Another fear that I was having was developers leaving PS4 overtime and do Neo only at some point. On the other side of the spectrune I´m hopeful this will be nothing and just devs will have to operate how a PC games is develop for high-end specs and low-end specs.
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Just a wee question storage, I suppose? (Hope this is an appropriate thread for it :))

So, I've completed FFXV: Platinum Demo, and have been told I'll get the Carbuncle in it when I play FFXV when it's out (but this was completed on a friend's console, who will be taking it back when he returns from studying abroad).
Is stuff like this linked to my PSN account or the actual PS4 I played on? I.E., Do I have to play on the same PS4 console to get the Carbuncle or is the fact I completed the Platinum Demo something my PSN account will recognise when I go to play FFXV (and thus won't matter what PS4 I use)?


I'm not sure about that one. It's probably the save data like Tets said, but remember your saves can be stored in the cloud so even if you change systems it shouldn't matter either way (as long as you upload the save).


Thanks for the replies, guys :)

That's good to know about the cloud saving (I've literally switched on the PS4 once, made a profile, played the Demo, and haven't touched it since - so I know nothing :lol:)
I'll do that and that'll keep me safe regardless of how the bonus content works. Cheers!


Higher Further Faster
Flash sale going on this weekend until the 18th. $25 for Destiny and all of the expansions. Should I get it? I've been curious.


Pro Adventurer
I only played Vanilla which was horribly flawed lore wise and content wise and it was still fun.

Allegedly the DLC "The Taken King" fixed a lot of issues with the game and completely revamped problematic portions of the lore and game world and it's a lot better for it.

The core gameplay is just solid good fun though. The gun mechanics are tight and the levels weren't half bad to play through in vanilla. As long as they kept those mechanics tight in the revamp it should be worth the 25$


I've played the demo and was interested in getting the full version, but not at full price; $25 sounds like a good deal. ish. Let me see if it's the same on my side of the pond, I might pick it up - I needs me a new ps4 game and shit.
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