Should we include Teams on our forum?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 41 65.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 22 34.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I approve of these team names, and shall refrain from joining one specific in favor of being able to join both. :monster:. Other than that, there's a lack of really original ideas in your post - i.e. we pretty much all know what the point of ACF's teams was, and the above is pretty much a repetition of it.

I think that earlier, someone also had a suggestion about certain 'themed'-teams - a Graphics team, Writing team, Great Old One team, and that kinda stuff. With some of them getting jobs to work on the site, off course, for the greater justice / good of the site. It would be good for both parties involved - the ones that want a team can have teams, and the ones that want the teams to be constructive get teams that are / can be constructive.

Wasn't really supposed to be a new idea(other than the game design doc thing) Just trying to condense it because when I read through the thread people kept bringing up points that didn't really apply to the suggestion. Sorry it came off different.

I'm not sure whether or not I like that way of themeing things.
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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Let the people have what they want.
Tbh the team thing was all good and dandy on acf but when it came to multi teaming etc on the basis of there being only 4 teams it got really wank.

Have a poll about teams, leaders and names etc and then let the leaders of the teams take responsibility for what happens in each one.
This goes for members/competitions/potential new skins/etc etc etc

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
the forum isn't big enough to need segregating, and tbh, segregation leads to disharmony, disharmony leads to friction and friction....leads to drama.

plus you'd inevitably get the SO-ripoff, the RoA ripoff etc. it did nothing at previous forums except give drama whores a reason to ply their trade. let *spit* ACF's demise be a lesson and strive towards some originality and inventiveness that seperates this place from *spit* ACF's rancid corpse.



Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I don't think we'd really have SO and RoA rip offs because half of the members of both those teams aren't here. And some of those that are, are hardly active. It's about a fresh start.

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
a fresh start is not taking things from old forums and regurgitating them on a forum that quite simply doesn't need it at this stage. imo.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
No, but something that was dramarific isn't always certain to happen if all the accused parties that were involved aren't here.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Have you even read the suggestions people like Rinoa have made on how things would be run? What is being proposed here isn't anything like ACF's team system. At all.

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
but it's a drama thriving ground, and while you won't have old problems you WILL have new assholes and dramacrats keen to find an excuse to kick off.

teams weren't even bought up at ACF until it was easily ten times as big as TLS. i feel you're jumping the gun, a lot. why not think of some cool new idea to get us closer to that stage instead of blatantly mugging said rancid corpse??


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Maybe it would help your cause if you did so before launching into a completely misdirected tirade then.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Nancy, Altoangel, DireChimes
I think they'd be cool, but I also think it would be kinda nice to hold off on them until the forums are slightly larger.

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
Maybe it would help your cause if you did so before launching into a completely misdirected tirade then.

my opinions are based upon the opening post of this thread, not counter ideas posted since. i posted my gut instinct, i stick by it. meh.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Maybe if we called this proposal something other than 'teams' if would stop people bursting into tears over fears that this place is going to repeat ACF's mistakes. Because afaict thats the thing the two concepts have in common. Every proposal thats been made towards implementing this idea has been taking it further and further away from what we had on ACF.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
This isn't going to be anything like ACF teams so you're a little off there @ doc not you alex.

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
maybe it would help if someone drafted up a new description of the idea and added all encompassing ideas to the first post?
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Maybe if we called this proposal something other than 'teams' if would stop people bursting into tears over fears that this place is going to repeat ACF's mistakes. Because afaict thats the thing the two concepts have in common. Every proposal thats been made towards implementing this idea has been taking it further and further away from what we had on ACF.

Tbh its not like a trial period will corrupt the place.


Doc- I already did. Well, we're still adjusting certain things, but the summation I did takes care of your concerns.

Road- I guess it just disagreed with my vision slightly, but the more I think about the more I like that idea. I didn't like it because it didn't have the competition between teams. But I think it actually has several benefits BECAUSE of that. No competition means no division of the forum. Having the teams separated by the type of competition they compete in is great because it gives a greater pool of people that we can have as 'judges' for every competition. The only thing it really takes away is team effort...but that could be helped by having competitions in which we have to work together. So as long as you can join multiple teams(which should be a given) I vote yes to that theme layout.
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The Doctor

The Definitive Article
that works for me. apologies all round for any handle-flying which i partook in.

maybe start with just 2 teams and see how it goes, that would be my advice. for what it's worth anyways.

Cookie Monster

Maybe if we called this proposal something other than 'teams' if would stop people bursting into tears over fears that this place is going to repeat ACF's mistakes. Because afaict thats the thing the two concepts have in common. Every proposal thats been made towards implementing this idea has been taking it further and further away from what we had on ACF.

Brotherhood, club, council, fellowship, fraternity, guild, institution, league, order, organization, society, commune, community, body, group, clan, crew, outfit, party, squad, chapter, confederacy, band, cartel, combine, etc.

You choose. :monster:

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
well, he should be a viking god. with a mane of long blonde hair and a muscular torso. but alas, he's dutch.

ishn't dat vierd.
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