Should we include Teams on our forum?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 41 65.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 22 34.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
What we really need to cast the final vote is a gender swapping whale who has copious amounts of e-sex with weirdo's!


Pro Adventurer
Right so i cba to read the from like page 3-11 any developements occur over the weekend?

I was thinking to make these teams as different from acf as possible we could make them like an infinete amount of members (so no ones left out) and mayhaps not private?


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
But we have the majority. Majority of votes must prevail!

Also, no one has still rly answered my questions. >;


Beacause I am a puppet
I'm sorry, but how is banning one or two drama ridden individuals going to hurt the rest of the forum? If I was causing drama in the teams say with... L (because it's happened before :wacky: ) and it proved to the staff that the teams couldn't work because the drama was too much. So they delete the teams and the drama. Okay. But Me and L being mortal enemies take it to other places on the forum, and we're warned that if we continue that we'll get banned. We continue. We get banned.

We only hurt ourselves because we're not dragging anyone else into the drama, just ourselves for our own petty reasons. WE'RE the ones ruining it for other people with OUR drama. So I really don't understand how it hurts anyone else just because staff follow through with their warnings and ban some dramawhores.

Where was it said that it would be one or two individuals? If I thought the potential problems with teams would affect so few people, then I'd fully agree with you.

But realistically, true drama never affects just one or two people. I don't think the problems we might see will be just Person A versus Person B, but more like Team A versus Team B, since who knows how many members in each one will openly or quietly back their embroiled teammate. Could be worse, with Team C who had friends in Team A starting to resent Team B as well. The waves that are made ripple through the friends and allies of those involved. In fact, we may not even know shit is happening/building until it reaches critical mass. You don't need to poast on an open forum to talk shit about someone(s).

The staff here can certainly do their best to sweep something like that under the rug, but in no way can you simply delete and ban that cat back into the bag. Because you know, people remember stuff, and will probably form strong opinions depending on how the problems are handled. Though you could say that this is all irrelevant if people restrain themselves from ever publicly airing their laundry.

But...arguing about it seems rather moot as of now, since the poll is tilting toward "Yes," backed with assurances that the implementation of teams will be open and carefully planned. I'm also starting to feel like a buzzkilling negative nancy, and I haven't had nearly enough cookies this evening to make me feel better about it. :cookie::awesomonster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Where was it said that it would be one or two individuals? If I thought the potential problems with teams would affect so few people, then I'd fully agree with you.

Nobody, but it was my interpretation that it's usually just a couple individuals who will cause drama with each other considering a lot of people cba with drama.

But realistically, true drama never affects just one or two people. I don't think the problems we might see will be just Person A versus Person B, but more like Team A versus Team B, since who knows how many members in each one will openly or quietly back their embroiled teammate. Could be worse, with Team C who had friends in Team A starting to resent Team B as well. The waves that are made ripple through the friends and allies of those involved. In fact, we may not even know shit is happening/building until it reaches critical mass. You don't need to poast on an open forum to talk shit about someone(s).

Yes, but stuff that happens off of a forum shouldn't affect what happens going on on the forum. If Person A doesn't like Person B and made it evidently clear in the teams that that was so, and Person B retaliates with some drama shit, then the two individuals should be banned/warned/whatever. If Person A hates Person B so much that they're calling Person B names on msn/aim then whatever. As long as drama isn't happening on the forums, because that's what we're against, right? And if they're so immature as to take their drama back to the forums to try and continue making the point that they don't like eachother, then they should definitely be banned.

The staff here can certainly do their best to sweep something like that under the rug, but in no way can you simply delete and ban that cat back into the bag. Because you know, people remember stuff, and will probably form strong opinions depending on how the problems are handled. Though you could say that this is all irrelevant if people restrain themselves from ever publicly airing their laundry.

Again, if it doesn't work out the best way to end drama will be to just slum it. No one will have to see/access/relive it again. And then we'll know that it didn't work, but we gave it a chance because we're optimistic.

and I haven't had nearly enough cookies this evening to make me feel better about it. :cookie::awesomonster:



I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
@ The Doctor, I would have to disagree with you on this as in this is a new forum and not ACF and teams may work different here (even if I am a little apprehensive of it) and yes I know it also has to do with the people who are on this forum too, but not all the members here went to ACF, and alot of them are new from other places as well. I understand where you're coming from but I think it might work. A Test run is good, imho.

I also second the pro of not having actual leaders of each team but Mods instead and not having to be judged just to be on a team, though if a certain number of spots is needed then that is not so bad.

+ Angel-Winged Demon +


Beacause I am a puppet
Nobody, but it was my interpretation that it's usually just a couple individuals who will cause drama with each other considering a lot of people cba with drama.

Ah, well that's where our differences are, then. I don't think the issues will be contained between just a couple of rash individuals. That's never been my experience when dealing with this stuff. Yeah, the bannings and firm warnings do adequate damage control, but the truth is, you have no idea where and with who it ends, and won't know until the problems blow up again.

Again, if it doesn't work out the best way to end drama will be to just slum it. No one will have to see/access/relive it again. And then we'll know that it didn't work, but we gave it a chance because we're optimistic.

Okay, fair enough. For the record, I don't wanna shit all over anybody's parade over this. I do hope I'm wrong and the team stuff works well.

And by 'cookies' I mean uh...yeah, cookies.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Well I've had previous run ins with drama myself, believe me :awesomonster: and it was usually just a couple petty individuals who had a long running feud with each other. And feuds sometimes do have a long lasting effect, but most often than not the Mods/Admins will recognize it, and tell people to be civil with each other on forums, otherwise they'll face consequences. What the individual does from there is their choice.



Pro Adventurer
I really dont see why people think drama is going to instantly spew forth as soon as the teams are opened.
Nothings going to change , were just going to have some extra sections to post in, if theres no drama between members right now theres no reason why opening a few extra sections for teams will be some sort of drama inducing catalyst.

After the teams are made im not gonna sit there and be like "ohohohololol our teams leh shit and yours is horrible blahblahblah" , im just gonna hang out in the rest of the forum just like every one else.
I wish everyone would be less apprehensive about this and just give it a shot, who knows we may be singing happy days after there opened , and if not then they can be just as easilly (Well in fact alot easier) to close :)


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
I really dont see why people think drama is going to instantly spew forth as soon as the teams are opened.
Nothings going to change , were just going to have some extra sections to post in, if theres no drama between members right now theres no reason why opening a few extra sections for teams will be some sort of drama inducing catalyst.

After the teams are made im not gonna sit there and be like "ohohohololol our teams leh shit and yours is horrible blahblahblah" , im just gonna hang out in the rest of the forum just like every one else.
I wish everyone would be less apprehensive about this and just give it a shot, who knows we may be singing happy days after there opened , and if not then they can be just as easilly (Well in fact alot easier) to close :)

that pretty much sums up what I have in my head about this.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Let's just go with 2 teams like what they said on page 10 for a little trial, can't hurt to try. afterall, I have faith in yop and Roddy's moderating so we're covered if any drama spews. 4 teams don't need to be implemented just yet.

Also, I'd go with clan. Since it's more associated with barbarians, savages and the vikings.


'kvilt' sounds good too, :monster:. But only if it's grim and frostbitten.


Edit: also, the percentage dropped to below 60%.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
by less than half a point though, it still rounds up to 60.

also, it's 'kvlt', not 'kvilt'. :monster:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
zerg rush!


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That's because the v replaces the letter u. The word kvlt is too kvlt for petty things such as vowels :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Apparently it wasn't really for that post so much as earlier ones such as the one where you insulted Channy :monster:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
ahhhh right so thats what ryu meant for her pissing and moaning.
Can u gaiz try warning me for the proper posts then :monster:
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