Pokémon Go!


Harbinger O Great Justice
Man we've got Ponytas for DAYS out here in Utah, but finding ANY type of Water Pokémon is a struggle, and I've never even seen a Dodou (which are apparently Pidgey-level common some places?). It's so interesting how regional differences really do change your experience.

Also, @Tres: To get that you'd have to be REALLY on the ball, but depending on how much time you have and how tough your top 10 Pokémon are, it's not inconceivable to do, but it'd be much easier to manage about half that, since Gyms in urban areas are way easier to flip, whereas more obscure ones tend to stay in place longer (again, same as Portals in Ingress).

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I went to Central Park today and caught ALL THE THINGS

A Rapidash, Ponytas, Slowpokes, a Jynx, a Persian, Voltorbs, Magnemites, a Diglett, a Sandshrew, an Omanyte,a (my first!!!) Charmander, Eevees,a Machop, and then a bunch of normal trash Pokemon, haha.

Damn... and I was thrilled when I finally caught the Meowth that kept popping up in my sightings panel but never seemed to spawn...


Harbinger O Great Justice
Also, I hit Level 23 last night when evolving my first Nidoqueen, Haunter, & Ninetails. My Pokédex is at 107/107, and I was thinking about maybe compiling a full, very tl;dr list of all the things I've seen/caught/missed so far & posting it, so that you can see what kind of things do and don't show up whereabouts I live (if anyone thinks that'd be cool).

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
:monster: (I decided to do it regardless, because I had some free time just now). :awesomonster:

X’s POKÉDEX: (8/18/16)
Level 23: (5932/125000)
Unique: 107/107
Caught: 1,440
Hatched: 88

• #/# = Number caught, hatched, & evolved / number seen
• (___ Only) = Global Region-specific Pokémon
• N/A = Not currently catchable
• — = I’ve never caught or seen it
• *** = I’ve seen on my nearby once
• (hatched) = Only hatched, never caught/evolved
• (evolved) = Only evolved, never caught
Note: If I’ve ever caught any Pokémon in my normal area even once, I won’t list it with any of these specifiers
• [C] = Caught around City Creek (downtown area with very different spawns)
• [D] = Caught Downtown
• [R] = Caught at an actual River
• [W] = Caught by my Work (has a nearby river and slightly different spawns)
• {N} = Caught at a Nest (specifically spawns X type frequently)

• Bulbasaur: 1/1 (hatched)
• Ivysaur: 1/1
• Venusaur:
• Charmander: 14/16
• Charmeleon: 1/1 (evolved)
• Charizard:
• Squirtle: 4/4
• Wartortle:
• Blastoise:
• Caterpie: 25/29
• Metapod: 5/6
• Butterfree: 2/2 (evolved)
• Weedle: 24/27
• Kakuna: 2/2
• Beedrill: 1/1 (evolved)
• Pidgey: 121/144
• Pidgeotto: 36/38
• Pidgeot: 10/10 [D]
• Rattata: 180/193
• Raticate: 35/38
• Spearow: 43/52
• Fearow: 4/5
• Ekans: 13/13 [D/W]
• Arbok: 1/1 (evolved)
• Pikachu: 12/15
• Raichu:
• Sandshrew: 5/5
• Sandslash:
• Nidoran(F): 43/50
• Nidorina: 5/5
• Nidoqueen: 1/1 (evolved)
• Nidoran(M): 43/51
• Nidorino: 8/8
• Nidoking: 1/1 (evolved)
• Clefairy: 13/13 [D/W]
• Clefable: 1/2 (evolved*)
• Vulpix: 12/12
• Ninetales: 1/1 (evolved)
• Jigglypuff: 17/18 [D/W]
• Wigglytuff: 1/1 (evolved)
• Zubat: 54/65
• Golbat: 5/6
• Oddish: 4/4
• Gloom: 1/1 (evolved)
• Vileplume:
• Paras: 88/100
• Parasect: 10/11
• Venonat: 51/55
• Venomoth: 7/9
• Diglett: 49/52
• Dugtrio: 5/7
• Meowth: 43/46
• Persian: 4/4 (evolved)
• Psyduck: 5/5 [R]
• Golduck: 1/1 (evolved)
• Mankey: 50/54
• Primeape: 9/9
• Growlithe: 25/30
• Arcanine: 3/3
• Poliwag: 5/5 [C]/{N}
• Poliwhirl: 1/1 (evolved)
• Poliwrath:
• Abra: 35/52
• Kadabra: 6/6
• Alakazam: 1/1 (evolved)
• Machop: 24/27
• Machoke: 1/1 [D]
• Machamp:
• Bellsprout: 6/6
• Weepinbell: 1/1 (evolved)
• Victreebel:
• Tentacool: 1/1 [C]
• Tentacruel: *** [R]
• Geodude: 59/69
• Graveler: 12/12
• Golem: 1/1 (evolved)
• Ponyta: 69/72
• Rapidash: 6/7
• Slowpoke: 4/4 [R]
• Slowbro:
• Magnemite: 36/38 [D]
• Magneton: 5/5 [D]
• Farfetch'd: — (Asia Only)
• Doduo: ***
• Dodrio:
• Seel: 1/1
• Dewgong:
• Grimer: 1/1 (hatched)
• Muk:
• Shellder: 2/2 [C]
• Cloyster:
• Gastly: 3/4
• Haunter: 1/1 (evolved)
• Gengar:
• Onix: 3/4
• Drowzee: 43/44
• Hypno: 5/5 (evolved)
• Krabby: 9/10 [C]
• Kingler: 1/1 (evolved)
• Voltorb: 9/9
• Electrode:
• Exeggcute: 7/7
• Exeggutor:
• Cubone: 21/23
• Marowak: 1/1 (evolved)
• Hitmonlee: 3/3
• Hitmonchan: 3/3
• Lickitung: *** [W]
• Koffing: 3/4
• Weezing:
• Rhyhorn: 32/38
• Rhydon: 3/3
• Chansey: 3/3 [W]
• Tangela:
• Kangaskhan: — (Australia Only)
• Horsea:
• Seadra:
• Goldeen: 6/6
• Seaking: 1/1 (evolved)
• Staryu: 3/4 [R]
• Starmie:
• Mr. Mime: — (Europe Only)
• Scyther:
• Jynx: 3/3 [D]
• Electabuzz: 8/8
• Magmar:
• Pinsir: ***
• Tauros: 3/3 (America Only)
• Magikarp: 8/8 [R]
• Gyarados:
• Lapras:
• Ditto: N/A
• Eevee: 83/90
• Vaporeon: 2/2 (evolved)
• Jolteon: 4/4 (evolved)
• Flareon: 3/3 (evolved)
• Porygon:
• Omanyte: 6/6
• Omastar: 2/2 [C/R]
• Kabuto: 6/6
• Kabutops:
• Aerodactyl: 1/1 [C/D]
• Snorlax: 2/3
• Articuno: N/A
• Zapdos: N/A
• Moltres: N/A
• Dratini: 1/1 [R&W]
• Dragonair:
• Dragonite:
• Mewtwo: N/A
• Mew: N/A

There are a few of my Pokémon that I remember more details about, but it didn’t make sense to attempt to write out in full detail with only a Key:

• Of my 4 Squirtle, one was my starter, I caught one at the river by my work, hatched another one, and then found one in the middle of an apartment complex yesterday.
• I evolved all but one Pidgeot, that I caught downtown.
• I caught one Chansey by my work and hatched the other two.
• All of the Electabuzz that I’ve ever caught have been within a few blocks of my apartment, and most of them have been in the parking lot right outside.
• I caught a Goldeen with incense, hatched the rest of them, and caught one more by a river.
• All my Bellsprout were either hatched or caught a fair distance away from my house, but not anywhere I frequently go.
• I’ve never hatched a Pokémon that I didn’t already have from a 10k Egg (but I have one going right now, so fingers crossed).

Anyhow, hopefully that was somewhat interesting. :awesomonster:

If you have questions or whatever about what I see, or what any of that stuff means feel free ta ask!

X :neo:


The Pixie King
Im level 25. Hoping to hit 26 today. I have a day off so im going into town to 2 good places fore catching stuff, one being down where the titanic was built. Im going armed with a twitter account that alerts for dratinis and starters in belfast, so hopefully i'll get a good haul today.

Btw, if anyone is interested in a pokemon go podcast, Laina Morris (Overly Attached Girlfriend) and her sister, Sarah have a weekly show talking about it.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm saddened to say it, but I'm probably done with this game.

A few reasons:

•The infuriating difference in playing experience -- and opportunities to enjoy the game's basic features -- between living in a town like mine (population 32,711 at the 2010 Census) and living somewhere a bit larger

Niantic shutting down sites like PokéVision. Treating them like criminals rather than dedicated fans would have already been embarrassment enough, but given that Niantic was also shutting these fans down when they had offered a solution to a bugged vital feature of the game Niantic had shown no signs of fixing -- and still has yet to offer an equally useful resolution to -- is plain stupid

•Niantic taking Legendary Pokémon away from players they'd legitimately given them to -- but only after initially denying that any such gifting had occurred. Rather than clarifying things for the reputation and safety of some players who were receiving harassment, even threats of violence, Niantic instead added their own name to the list of those accusing these players of cheating and/or hacking. Only to admit the very next day that, yes, they had actually handed out some legendaries, and so these players acquired them through honest means

The fact that the stories in my second and third bulletpoints are a couple of weeks old really just underscores for me the reality spoken to in my first bulletpoint. How little am I paying attention to the game already (i.e. how little do I feel encouraged to keep playing?) if it took me a couple of weeks to notice PokéVision was gone?

The game could be a lot more fun, and I have had some fun playing it. I've even spent a few real dollars to play it. I'm just not feeling like I'm wanted as a player, and I'm not sure I want to support these guys anyway when they don't seem to believe the fans are their friends.


Harbinger O Great Justice
•The infuriating difference in playing experience -- and opportunities to enjoy the game's basic features -- between living in a town like mine (population 32,711 at the 2010 Census) and living somewhere a bit larger

This, I absolutely don't blame you for in the least.

Niantic shutting down sites like PokéVision. Treating them like criminals rather than dedicated fans would have already been embarrassment enough, but given that Niantic was also shutting these fans down when they had offered a solution to a bugged vital feature of the game Niantic had shown no signs of fixing -- and still has yet to offer an equally useful resolution to -- is plain stupid

A few things on this.

1) The new in-game tracker is being used by a sub-set of players and it seems to be pretty damn awesome. More on that in #4.

2) They shut down the sites and other ones like it to cut down on server strain (even though they released the world's least context-useful graph ever to prove it), and I think that you're going a LITTLE hard on them being treated like criminals. Yes their PR sucked at the time, but they've also worked pretty hard to open communication since that happened.

3) Yes, it means that it sucks not being able to track as easily, especially in more rural areas, but even the Grass sightings that everyone has now is better than the old Nearby system (I can fairly reliably find Pokemon I'm looking for again just by seeing which is in the top left), and it's VERY clear that this is just a stop-gap before they roll out the proper tracker for everyone.

4) The reason for killing those sites BEFORE releasing a tracker and also not giving everyone a new one is one that kinda sucks, but makes complete sense from a technical perspective. What they're probably doing now is taking the data from the groupset that has the new tracker, and looking at the increase in server load from that group compared to users without it over a set period of time to make a model. Then, with that model, they'd be looking at their overall server load for all active users (which is VASTLY more accurate now that all of the tracking sites and whatnot have been shut down and aren't bombarding their server with custom API calls). Then, with that data and the model of what the changes will be for all users with the new tracker, they'd have to set about ramping up their server capacity accordingly to scale up their capacity to handle the increased data load before rolling it out to all users, so that their server stability maintains its uptime (note that there haven't been any login or server-related issues since they did all this).

•Niantic taking Legendary Pokémon away from players they'd legitimately given them to -- but only after initially denying that any such gifting had occurred. Rather than clarifying things for the reputation and safety of some players who were receiving harassment, even threats of violence, Niantic instead added their own name to the list of those accusing these players of cheating and/or hacking. Only to admit the very next day that, yes, they had actually handed out some legendaries, and so these players acquired them through honest means.

That legitimacy of the claims around that whole situation was questionable, tbqh. Personally, I don't buy it at all, but either way, it's been made abundantly clear that those Pokémon aren't supposed be out and about anywhere right now.

The game could be a lot more fun, and I have had some fun playing it. I've even spent a few real dollars to play it. I'm just not feeling like I'm wanted as a player, and I'm not sure I want to support these guys anyway when they don't seem to believe the fans are their friends.

Curious what you mean about the, "they don't seem to believe the fans are their friends" bit.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Basically everything I cited above.

As for the legendaries thing, it's unquestionable that they really handed some out. At least one Ditto as well. The evidence was overwhelming -- messages from official Niantic Labs e-mails; video proof of Articuno in someone's Poké list and Pokédex (and accessible on multiple devices if they logged into their account; remember that data for someone's Pokés is stored on Niantic's cloud, not on individual devices); an Articuno in place defending a gym somewhere; and, well, Niantic's eventual admission that some players had gotten legendaries -- which they simply removed rather than terminating the accounts they belonged to.
Last edited:


3x3 Eyes
I don't agree with the tracker comments because they really were causing so much stress on their servers, but the whole legendary scenario was unquestionably handled extremely terribly by the company and/or their PR. They flat out lied, let the people get slaughtered on social media, then finally came out of the woodwork to say it was a mistake and then ripped it from them! After what they endured, they should have been allowed to keep it, no question about it.

And that is why I understand the comments about not believing that their fans are their friends, as it all adds up, like that lack of discussion with fans about a lot of situations, including the removal of the 3 steps and others.

However, I love this game. It's a fantastic way to pass the time, I've done more walking than I've done in years, and I can see a heck of a lot of scope that they can do with it (and that's not even touching all the other gens they could add into it). I'm here to stay.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Im level 25. Hoping to hit 26 today.

You started like.. days.. almost weeks after me and I've been religious with it - how have you passed me already???

•The infuriating difference in playing experience -- and opportunities to enjoy the game's basic features -- between living in a town like mine (population 32,711 at the 2010 Census) and living somewhere a bit larger

:kermit: I live in a town of 9000.

I do okay for living in a small town... live on the outskirts of it actually, so somewhat rurally. But I live on a hill side and right next to a creek - so I'm riddled with Nidorans (both), Oddish and Eevees, as well as Magikarp, Goldeen, Poliwags and few others who stop by. This is, of course, outside the obvious birds, bugs and rats.

I just broke lv 23 but I'm hoping to do an evolution blitz with a lucky egg to put me over half that as well, or closer to lv 24 so that when I finally break the 50 candies on some Pokes I still need/am really close to, I'll be that little bit higher to hopefully catch a gooder to evolve.

The whole banning of all the Pokevision/radars - I've downloaded like.. 8 different kinds. None of them ever actually worked/synced properly, whether I was in town or not, so I have no love lost there.

And regarding the whole "Articundo" incident, it still seems rather fishy to me.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
So basically, a quick way for those of us who don't know how IV's work to have a basis of whether to keep a Pokemon or not :monster:
I saw a dragonite on my tracker, close by. Unfortunately I was on a bridge over a freeway, and by the time I got off it was gone.. :'(

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
I've been contemplating on buying a RC car and using it to hatch my eggs for me. Good idea, best idea, or waste of money idea? :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Hey, anybody older than a year or two on TLS - in that video on the link, the dude in the red shirt @ 23 seconds.. is it just me or does it look like Alex? :closedmonster:

Also, fuck yah trading maybe I'll finally get my Ninetales then <3


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm super stoked about the Buddy System that's gonna be rolling out at some point because it'll give a way for you to evolve more rare Pokémon (like Muk), and also for you to get enough candy to evolve Starters and other cool Pokémon that might not show up where you live, but that you've managed to get 1-2 of: Especially now that the IV appraisal system is in place and you might want to get Candy to boost particular Pokémon (like the perfect IV Electrode that I have).

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Official announcement of said feature: http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/buddy/






X :neo:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
So I hatched a Vulpix and got my candies and evolved my Ninetales and she's the most majestic piece of fluff I've ever loved. <3

also relevant

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