Pokémon Go!


Harbinger O Great Justice
My original Starter Squirtle is my buddy now. So happy about this. About a kajillion km from now, he'll be a Blastoise. xD

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I was tempted to have Voltorb, since I have one with Perfect IV stats and wanna evolve him into an Electrode, but I figure I oughta just go downtown and catch some more, since that IS an option.

X :neo:

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
I picked Eevee, and walked 5km today. Not sure if the distance is worth the 1 piece of candy.

So from now on, my walking buddy is going to be Magikarp , cause it's 1km. Gyarados, here I come.


AI Researcher
Do you still need the app on screen and open for it to count your steps

Come on app, shape up

I picked the ghost because Halloween is coming up and also I don't even have a pikachu

Edit: oh shit I might go for magicarp instead because I want to evolve him because then I will have what was my favourite Pokemon


The Pixie King
I buddied up with a dratini yesterday and got 1 candy. Now Im sticking with a pidgey until I hit level 30 so I can just do a long lucky egg pidgey levelling run. He sits on my shoulder. Once at level 30, you hit the max CP level cap. Thats when I'll start trying to build up the best team with good IVs. I'm about to hit level 27, but I've only really been playing on my way to and from work the last few weeks.

They need to fix the battery saver mode again. I locks the game up if you try using it.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I just did a evolution blitz yesterday and racked up 100k exp which is my best so far. Included a couple new evos to double that too. Also about to hit lv 27 which is about the most of what people in my town are at.

I heard bad things about the Go Plus but fuck em. I'm going to the city in two weeks and hopefully an EB games will still have one. ;-;


3x3 Eyes
The halloween event is live until the 1st November.

It includes a massive increase to ghost / psychic Pokemon, 4x buddy walking speed, and double catching and transferring candy.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
The halloween event is live until the 1st November.

It includes a massive increase to ghost / psychic Pokemon, 4x buddy walking speed, and double catching and transferring candy.

Okay, I'll open this app back up for a bit...

I like ghosts.



The Pixie King
I would get more use out of it if it wasn't for all of the ghost pokemon. I went out yesterday to walk around with it, but got bored. Even if I was able to catch pidgeys and caterpies, it would go toward getting lots of candies for evolving and levelling up. I like the 4x candy walk thing though.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Y'all are weak as fuck commitmentphobes. I got the Pokemon Go Plus and used an elastic to tie it to my wheel and especially with this event, I've been getting like 15K exp every day and close to 40 Pokemon caught and ready to transfer and make room for the next round.

Also hatching like 7/9 eggs because the candies that shoot out of those bastards is like whoa momma.. got 59 candies when I hatched a Dratini <3


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Thank gawd for that, fucking Eevee.

I had a blast during the Halloween event, up to lv 30 now.

..probly the only one on the board who still plays :sadpanda:


3x3 Eyes

A really good read about Go and it's future.

I am really enjoying the game at the moment. I love the new log in bonus, the adjustment to common / uncommon spawn rates has been a welcome addition to daily play, the massive increase to items from Pokestops, and the Gym improvements.

They are making progress and are listening to fans, and Halloween was a definite success (20% uprise in players says it all).

It sounds like the end of the year more features will be rolling out, and hints for Nearby in the UK very soon.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Sooo0o0o0ooo... does anyone want to maybe swap account info to catch each other Regionals? I joined a fb group recently and people seem to do it all the time but I'd rather do it with someone from TLS who I trust a bit more than a rando stranger :closedmonster:

Because I'm impatient and don't know when trading's coming in...
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