SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
In the OG, the reactor bombings, as far as we knew, were a genuine achievement of AVALANCHE, not part of some Shinra plan. We had some time at the start where the crew were achieving things in spite of their opposition rather than because of them or because they were getting unforeseen help before Cloud ended up on Sephiroth's strings. They were a legitimate thorn in Shinra's side, such that they resorted to Sector 7 to get rid of them. That's all gone.

The first reactor mission was apparently all them, sure, but the second was a trap, same as in VIIR, though?

Clem said:
They survive the Roche mission because AVALANCHE HQ intervened.

Sure, but that's not really being on anyone's strings. That's also a brand new scenario.

Clem said:
They foil the Airbuster plan because it wasn't ready on time, which makes it about Heidegger's failure rather than their success.

Wasn't it more that they just acted quickly? So that's their success.

Clem said:
They escape from Shinra HQ because Hojo decides to let them out...

Well, it is Hojo. :monster:

But in the original they escape because Sephiroth lets them out, so ...

Clem said:
... and then the Whispers intervene to keep Barret alive and then from them being crushed twice on the highway.

Whisper Harbinger is implied to be all part of Sephiroth's plan to break free of his fate.

Oh, now if you're going to bring the Time Dementors into this, I can't help you. =P

Clem said:
The evacuation happens anyway, not because of them.


Clem said:
It's not really about OG v Remake, it's about the themes of the game being about breaking free of their fate. If they move from that to being on someone else's strings, well...

They still have a lot of strings to cut as long as Sephiroth is involved. Hell, if everything suddenly started following the original game to the letter, they would just be dancing puppets.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
^ I actually shared some of your frustrations on my first playthrough, and that was one thing I didn't like about the Whispers of Fate. It seemed as though success or failure in something was independent of my own actions, so doing anything would be vain.
You could argue that being robbed of your own sense of achievement is "kind of the point" of the presentation of the Whispers of Fate, but that doesn't remove the sentiment of frustration.

And breaking free of that is the point of the final battle, so if they end up not actually breaking free in part 2, then...what was that whole thing about?

They still have a lot of strings to cut as long as Sephiroth is involved. Hell, if everything suddenly started following the original game to the letter, they would just be dancing puppets.

Which is my point. They've just gone to enormous effort to free themselves of that future., and the parts where they were not puppets in the original got taken out. So if they end up puppets again...

Brand new scenario doesn't matter, it's the leads having to be saved by third parties again (not that this is a bad thing in itself, but when it happens in every mission it takes away from the leads' accomplishments.)

Well, it is Hojo. :monster:

But in the original they escape because Sephiroth lets them out, so ...

You cited escaping the Shinra building as their own accomplishment, which it wasn't. They had to be let out.
And here they had to be let in as well. And then saved again on the highway, and saved again from Barret being killed.

The team directly weakens Airbuster, how is that not their own accomplishment?

Because they only had the chance because someone else screwed up. It's not quite the same.

Aerith...is dicey, I'll admit... She does get Marlene somewhere else... with the help of Tseng.

Then there's those gate guards... in which Aerith motivates Wedge to motivate that other guy to open the gate. So... maybe, sort of?

OG Reactor 5 was a trap, but the destruction of the reactor was more of an 'acceptable loss' than a 'desired outcome' as far as we knew. And they broke through a trap that wasn't weakened because Shinra didn't finish it on time.

There's a distinct upsurge in 'things AVALANCHE achieves because they're allowed/assisted to' v ' things AVALANCHE achieves by itself' in the Remake. It's not so much about the OG, it's about whether the efforts they put into breaking free of fate mean anything, given how hard they're striving to change it, and how little they've been allowed to achieve so far.


Double Growth
Because they only had the chance because someone else screwed up. It's not quite the same.

I don't mean to harp on one element as though without the rest of your point unravels, because that's not true. But I still think this is not an example. Taking advantage of an opponent's misstep is how games/battles/wars are won. Besides, you can choose to not weaken Airbuster at all and still defeat it.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
They've been building towards this confrontation for two chapters, Heidegger apparently 'knew exactly where they were going', and had all that time, but still couldn't get his machine ready. It makes him look bad, rather than AVALANCHE look good. It means something different when you survive because your enemies messed up than because you were better than them where they were at their best.

You can fight it at full strength, but there's no reason the characters would do that.

On its own, not a big deal, but this crew is so starved of victories that aren't handed to them by someone else that it bothers me that this one had to come with a caveat.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You cited escaping the Shinra building as their own accomplishment, which it wasn't. They had to be let out.

They had to fight off a lot of enemies who were sincerely trying to stop them in both versions, though. And yes, someone let them out of a point of confinement both times too.

I just don't know how one can see the HQ mission as less than an achievement when they go in as a team of three and come out as a team of five after defeating many opponents along the way. Getting an assist from a villain with a long-term plan still unfolding doesn't undermine that for me, but that's just me.

Which is my point. They've just gone to enormous effort to free themselves of that future., and the parts where they were not puppets in the original got taken out. So if they end up puppets again...

Well, not being puppets requires a fundamental change in at least Sephiroth's powers or his motivations and plan, if not all of it. I don't see how to avoid the team being puppeted while the plot still resembles the original.
I'm afraid Heidegger is meant to look bad. As is Scarlet. Whatever their portrayals in the OG, in the Remake they are portrayed as people whose arrogance and cruelty will eventually contribute to their own downfall. Shinra looks all-powerful from the outside, but on the inside it is rotten, like its city, which Shinra doesn't even have the will or capacity to properly maintain. Shinra is weak because it relies on people like Heidegger and Scarlet, people who don't listen to their underlings, and who make unreasonable demands that can't be fulfilled. (We've all had at least one boss like that.) Heidegger's underlings don't obey him because they respect him; they obey him because they fear him, and therefore they are focused on covering their own asses rather than doing the job right. Heidegger's already made it plain that he doesn't want to hear about problems. One can easily imagine the men in the Airbuster prep facility lying to him, assuring him the weapon will be ready on time, only to find themselves caught out in the lie when Avalanche break in to their facility. One can easily also imagine them choosing not to tell him that Avalanche had tampered with the preparation process.

To some extent, Heidegger and Scarlet are now presented as foils to Reeve, especially in the way their relationships with their underlings are portrayed. Reeve's PA actually likes, cares for, and respects him. They have a relation of mutual trust and understanding.


Yeah, but this whole game is built around breaking free of the strings of fate, carving out their own destiny. If they just move from fate's strings onto Sephiroth's or Rufus', then all that was just swapping out one master for another.

In the OG, the reactor bombings, as far as we knew, were a genuine achievement of AVALANCHE, not part of some Shinra plan. We had some time at the start where the crew were achieving things in spite of their opposition rather than because of them or because they were getting unforeseen
help, before Cloud ended up on Sephiroth's strings. They were a legitimate thorn in Shinra's side, such that they resorted to Sector 7 to get rid of them. That's all gone.

OG Reactor 5 was a trap, but the destruction of the reactor was more of an 'acceptable loss' than a 'desired outcome' as far as we knew.

Not being able to be bothered with trying to stop the reactor bombing and having no better way to deal with 5 hostiles then the obliterate a massive part of the city and then be saved from having to deal with the repair cost by blind dumb luck because the Ancient had come back into their custody through unforeseen circumstances makes them look far worse then them having alterior motives from the start.

Sector 7... sort of. Their resistance in the pillar is all part of the plan now too, rather than a problem. Reno would have killed Cloud and Tifa if Rude hadn't saved them. The evacuation happens anyway, not because of them.

In the Remake Reno would be dead at Cloud's hands without the Whispers interfering at the church, you can't go around ignoring Whisper interference here and acknowledging it there.

I'm afraid Heidegger is meant to look bad. As is Scarlet. Whatever their portrayals in the OG.

Is their portrayal in the OG really that much of point of debate? They are cartoony here sure, I still very much think they will and are treated with more respect then Kya-ha-ha and Gya-ha-ha as they are actually referred too in the OG. The only time Scarlet wasn't shown to be incompetent was when she hadn't done anything yet. They didn't wait to show her cruelty here, that's all.
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Pro Adventurer
We will see the return of Deepground and the Tsviets, and it will be tie into Zack's story. Just a crazy thought.
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Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
In the Remake Reno would be dead at Cloud's hands without the Whispers interfering at the church, you can't go around ignoring Whisper interference here and acknowledging it there.

That was a win. Sure.

They had to fight off a lot of enemies who were sincerely trying to stop them in both versions, though. And yes, someone let them out of a point of confinement both times too.

I just don't know how one can see the HQ mission as less than an achievement when they go in as a team of three and come out as a team of five after defeating many opponents along the way. Getting an assist from a villain with a long-term plan still unfolding doesn't undermine that for me, but that's just me.

Plus Domino cleaning up all their messes, and additional assistance from Wedge, Whispers, and AVALANCHE HQ. I dunno, seems like they mostly got through security by virtue of things outside their control.

It would be different for me if they successfully got in without having to kill the entire parking garage and Tifa shut down security herself rather than it being done for her. On its own is one thing, but when the reactors, pillar resistance, and breaking into the Shinra building are no longer AVALANCHE being players rather than puppets... I want them to have a win to call their own, you know?
But that's just me.

Well, not being puppets requires a fundamental change in at least Sephiroth's powers or his motivations and plan, if not all of it. I don't see how to avoid the team being puppeted while the plot still resembles the original.

Yes. Isn't that the point of defeating the Whispers, that we're not on the same path anymore?

I'm afraid Heidegger is meant to look bad. As is Scarlet. Whatever their portrayals in the OG, in the Remake they are portrayed as people whose arrogance and cruelty will eventually contribute to their own downfall. Shinra looks all-powerful from the outside, but on the inside it is rotten, like its city, which Shinra doesn't even have the will or capacity to properly maintain. Shinra is weak because it relies on people like Heidegger and Scarlet, people who don't listen to their underlings, and who make unreasonable demands that can't be fulfilled. (We've all had at least one boss like that.) Heidegger's underlings don't obey him because they respect him; they obey him because they fear him, and therefore they are focused on covering their own asses rather than doing the job right. Heidegger's already made it plain that he doesn't want to hear about problems. One can easily imagine the men in the Airbuster prep facility lying to him, assuring him the weapon will be ready on time, only to find themselves caught out in the lie when Avalanche break in to their facility. One can easily also imagine them choosing not to tell him that Avalanche had tampered with the preparation process.

I think you may be right. In which case, well, there goes a good chunk of my interest in this story. It's a curious choice, given everything outside Shinra is made more nuanced and complex -even the likes of Corneo's organisation, where we get perspectives from the likes of Leslie and Chocobo Sam.

Also interesting that they took out Rufus' 'I will rule the world with fear' speech, which would tie right into that perspective.

Kya ha ha and Gya ha ha are Reeve's derogatory nicknames for his colleagues (when they can't hear him) It doesn't make them not dangerous when they need to be.

Not being able to be bothered with trying to stop the reactor bombing and having no better way to deal with 5 hostiles then the obliterate a massive part of the city and then be saved from having to deal with the repair cost by blind dumb luck because the Ancient had come back into their custody through unforeseen circumstances makes them look far worse then them having alterior motives from the start.

Maybe they tried to defuse the bombs and couldn't, who knows? Were they planning to repair Sector 7 before Aeris was retrieved? Who knows?

Getting away from this conversation a bit, It's implied that Aeris and Sephiroth now have at least some knowledge of how things happened first time around. So, how do you think they would want to change it? What would they do to put their timeline further on the path they want?

Julian Kedives

Lv. 1 Adventurer
Here we go: AC Sephiroth will try to stop the OG Sephiroth killing Aerith ( killing him personally?) Marle is Marlene (at least a Marlene from the future. Marle helped Tifa and Cloud renting the apartment for free. In the end we can see Marle feels "relaxed" when she see the Seventh heaven sign .how is it possible? Well ,the actual Marlene (the child) get touched by Aerith so now she got the knowledge , same as for Red XIII after Aerith touched him. Marle remember me of Grandma Death (from Donnie Darko) and if you saw the movie you know what i mean. Seven second till the end it refers to 28 days till the end of world (in Donnie Darko). No matter what they do, the events of the OG will occur in a way or in another. In conclusion if you want to be spoilered for the most of the future ff7 remake game just watch Donnie Darko ?

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
They have to throw some new twists at us, after a whole game built around 'now we get to not follow the original path' We'll see.


astray ay-ay-ay
I've been trying to stay away from discussing predictions and theorizing about the plot development, but yesterday this video popped up among my YouTube recommendations. Well, some people have already mentioned the possibility of Zack's death nonetheless, but this content creator has an actual theory of why he is still destined to die in Part 2.

TLDW: There are no multiple timelines; SE are just messing with the players at this point; the terrier Stamp is the original which had existed before it was repurposed by Shinra; Zack finishes off all the troops while the whispers are still around, so they can't interfere and sort of "save him", moreover, the fight takes place in the daylight whereas he receives the fatal load of bullets nearer the night.

There might be some more points that I'm missing, but I can only say I HAVE NO CLUE. I have already cried over Zack a bit too much, but now I have to prepare myself mentally to cry again in case that scene happens in full HD.



Save your valediction (she/her)
Ugh now that there’s a possibility of a FF16 I am so over 7R. If it had been actually FF7 that probably wouldn’t be the case, but now that I’ve exhausted the toy box full of my beloved toys with the handful of thumbtacks hiding inside, and I’m looking ahead at the two mystery toy boxes of FF16 and 7R2 coming down the pipes, and I can only think “Why would I continue stressing about the thumbtacks I know are going to be in the 7R2 toy box, when this other thing has a slim chance of not having any thumbtacks in it?“


Save your valediction (she/her)
You know... you saying that before knowing what XVI even is, is almost a set up straight out of a sitcom. Be careful what wish for. :monster:

Oh god I’ve doomed us all...!

Eh, at least any thumbtacks in XIV will be endemic, and not splashed like pig’s blood on an existing property in the name of the “subversion” god.

Like, if it sucks, it’s just another Final Fantasy that sucks, it’s not a tragedy.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Not to start anything here, but I've wondered if the fact that you essentially made tour own "remake" is why you have such strong feelings about the official one, Ite.

Oh definitely that’s one aspect of my bias. But there were other, perhaps more central aspects, mostly relating to my expectations and how they were set up. (I and others have ranted about the false advertising before and the counter arguments are always the same, “unconvincing” is the kindest way I can frame such arguments). Primarily, though, the enduring knife in the gut will only twist as the original FFVII becomes more dated and inaccessible, and Remake does the job that it exists to do, which is to replace it, whether we want it to or not — “we” includes the developers here, if they or anyone disagrees with me on this it just proves how misguided and unworthy 7R truly is.

I would never think that a novelization could replace FF7 if only by the virtue of being a different medium. If someone were literally averse to video games altogether, the novel may be their only avenue to the story, but that was why I strive to be faithful to the OG with the novel (despite creative decisions made for the sake of adaptation). That Square took no such consideration in regards to their audience despite 7R’s guaranteed usurpation of the OG makes me fucking. furious.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Not to start anything here, but I've wondered if the fact that you essentially made tour own "remake" is why you have such strong feelings about the official one, Ite.
I don't think it's just that. I've never made a "remake" of FF7 and I have some pretty strong feelings about it too. Which are along very similar lines in that a lot of the stuff in the Remake feels like subversion for the sake of subversion and I've seen how that has worked out before in media. You don't get... fulfilling stories out of that kind of storytelling most of the time.

I do know what Ite means though. I love FFXIV. It's been doing FF style storytelling better than any other FF game in the last... ten to fifteen years. While FF7R leaves me feeling like "that's it?", FFXIV makes me feel... really satisfied when I see where the story is going. And even FFXIV has managed to subvert a lot of the "classic" FF tropes! But they do it in such a way that feels like they have a plan for that subversion so it's not just for the sake of subversion. It is very obvious they have "a plan" for where story is going and aren't making things up as they go along.

And I really, really hope FFXVI will manage to do that kind of thing too. It doesn't have something connected with it to "live up to" or be compared to. The only thing it has to be is "a decent game". Not, "just as good as the other game that shares the same title with it while still being different enough to validate it's existence". And that's a great thing to be from a creative standpoint.

As good as FFVII was (the OG), there was plot problems and setting problems. Problems that in a lot of cases got more obvious and worse with the Compilation. And now the Remake.... isn't really helping smooth over a lot of those problems. If anything, it's now adding more problems to the point that for some poeople, the problems are detracting from what the OG and Remake were great at. And that's... kinda not a good feeling for players to have.

So to look forward to not knowing where all the problematic stuff is yet, yeah, I can very much get that.


Save your valediction (she/her)
@Mr. Ite
Possible counterpoint: the more the remake series becomes a departure from the original, though, the less of a replacement it could be. :monster:

So, you maybe should actually hope for a bucketful of those thumbtacks. :awesome:

Hah! You’re saying I should hope it completely crashes and burns? I wish that were true, but even if Part 2 is cancelled, I’m convinced that 7R will be the enduring game, outside of “1997” appearing on Hall of Fame lists. Unless nerds like us coerce ppl into it, or they’re some kind of classic fan the way my sister loves Golden Age movies, the OG has already been replaced, we’re just coming to terms with it.

No, the only thing to do is wish 7R best of luck, probably lose lots of money and hair on it over the next ten years, and then find a way to get this tattoo erased.
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