Quite possibly the most important discussion TLS will ever play host to.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Don't count on dig being too useful against Elesa. Remember, this gen's electric rodent flies. Which filled me with hate the entire time I was up against her (luckily my pig had Roll-out at the time). Love the name Gamera for the turtle, though it suits Torkoal somewhat better. Had I gotten a Tirtouga I'd have named it Kamoebas. :monster:
...CRAP. Well, I've picked up at least one TM that teaches a rock-type move, I'll see if Pansage or Scraggy can learn it. ;)

Well, I've seen Tirtouga's evo, so I think Gamera suits it quite well. :awesome: Don't recognise Kamoebas though, TBH.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Kamoebas was from a much more obscure Kaiju film that I cba to remember atm. It did get a cameo in one of the 2000's era Godzilla films (as a corpse with its throat torn out). Think it was Godzilla X Megaguiras. It was basically a giant sea turtle with a rocky back.

And yeah, I got through Elesa mostly on Roll-out and neutral damage moves. Went through quite a few Paralz-heals before she went down though.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
And yeah, I got through Elesa mostly on Roll-out and neutral damage moves. Went through quite a few Paralz-heals before she went down though.
Well, I've fought a few of her minions so far, and decided I need to level my Pokes up a bit more... but yeah. Totally needing more Paralyze-Heals. Went through five in one batle. O.o

And since you said that, I'm totally regretting not teaching Roll-out to Ganon...


We have come to terms

Clay was the first and ONLY person in the entire game so far (and I have all the badges now) to ever KO all my Pokemon, and his Excadrill is the one that did it. Fucker wiped my entire team single-handedly twice before I got lucky on the third try - my Dewott's Scald landed a crit and OHKO'd it. But his Excadrill + Hone Claws + any attack totally fuuuuuucked me up the other times. goddamn

Protip: Blitzle/Zebstrika pwns Elesa, what with it being immune to Electric attacks and all. Teach it Pursuit and something else and you're off to the races.

That said, Elesa was annoying as shit for me because she kept Volt Switching between her two Emolga and wouldn't fucking stop long enough for me to get any real damage in. Srsly took like 20 attacks to kill them (she kept healing them too, the bitch).


Joe, Arcana
That Excadrill got raped on mine, mainly because I started the fight with a pre-emptive Leech Seed and then used my lovely bird to fight it till it dead. Eassssy.


Joe, Arcana
Using fly to avoid the bulk of the damage alongside leech seed killing it anyway. :huh:


We have come to terms


holy shit the fight against that one guy is by far the hardest in the game

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
The fight right after N? Can't remember his name... Setsis? Yeah he was pretty tough. Even my pig had some trouble with his Hydreigon.


We have come to terms
No, I meant N :monster:

Ghetsis was a little bitch. Wiped out four of his pokes with just my Excadrill :oscar:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
N was pretty badass, but I had a tougher time with Ghetsis myself. I loved that part though.
I was honestly a bit scared when he called Zekrom and it smashes clean through the wall, then fires up its powers and evaporates all the water. Shit was awesome.
The whole endgame of the story was kickass in general.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Unova League Champion! Alder is now officially my bitch! (thank god I decided to give my pig Rock Slide though
fucker has a level 77 Volcarona

Edit: To give credit to my badass Pokemon for their conquest of the league, here is a team update:

Lawler, Level 65 Emboar
Baragon, Level 61 Krookodile
Ghidorah, Level 65 Hydreigon
Kermit, Level 61 Seismitoad
Souten, Level 60 Zebstrika
Jet, Level 66 Unfezant

Everyone did their part (Jet in particular just about soloed the Fighting type specialist), even if Souten was primarily a meat shield for that whole set of battles.
Last edited:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Finally bitch-slapped Elesa. EAT IT, you skinny munchkin bitch! I managed to beat her by stealing one of Lenora's tactics. Not so easy to spam Volt Tackle when your Pokemon is asleep now, is it? HAH. That, combined with Gamera's Quick Claw actually doing something for once (other than ensuring that an always hits first move attacks before regular attacks), enabled me to claim victory.

Watchog, Pansage and Gamera the Tirtouga teamed up to take down the two Emolgas, while Scraggy took on the Zebstrika. I really want to know how Cheren's getting his badges, though, as he only has four Pokemon, and his strongest Pokemon is only as strong as my weakest.

And I don't know how you guys were fighting Clay, he was easy compared to Elesa. One casualty: Ganon the Pignite was KO'd by Excadrill. He managed to take it down to less than half-HP (with one attack!) before he fell, though. Gamera was the one to KO it in return, using Aqua Jet. Gamera also took down Krokorok with Scald, while Pansage took care of PolypPalpitoad with a Seed Bomb.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I had no problems with Clay the first time, except for his Palpitoad. We rocked everything else to death with ease, but that Ground/Water dual type has always been an issue for me. My team dynamic just isn't very good at taking those out, ya know? Except my Johto team of course, over there my Victreebel just laughs as it tears them apart.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Yes! I did it! Finally beat
that bitch Cynthia!
! I'm the best... around! And no ones ever gonna keep me down!
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