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Harbinger O Great Justice
So it's just the page size changing after it's scrolled down to the newest post? That's annoying, probably also an issue for e.g. slow loading images and shit. I'm not sure how I'd fix that if I had to build something like that tbh.

Yeah, the only "solution" would probably be something like delaying jumping to the anchor for a set period of time, but that's not really ideal since in every other instance, it'd load the page, wait, and then jump. *shrug*



Yup, I think I've tried to make something like that sometime. I think it was for a single page application where the question was whether you could restore scroll position on history.back, or to scroll to the top when opening a new page. Make a website more like an app, basically.

I'd rather build native apps myself but hey.


CSS :closedmonster:

Remind me tomorrow, maybe I can take a look at it at work tomorrow (slow days lately). Also yes I know I should have a list of tasks and work from those but... reasons.


Great Old One
^ Yeah you're over 15 too. This brings up a feature from the old forums I miss: Being able to look up a person's post count. I see the point of hiding it/ not making a thing of it, there are several good reasons not to. But in case of 'you need x posts to edit' it would have been nice to be able to view it on your profile (and not just being visible to mods, as the case is probably now.)

Ghost X

It is visible, I just don't think it is called "posts" on this forum. I think it comes under the label "messages".


‪‫‬‭ ‮
You can also see the same post count on your profile page, to the right of your avatar. Also entitled "Messages" which is an odd choice by XenForo but there you go.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm still not able to edit my posts, even though I am 90% sure I have posted more than 10 times.

If I had to venture a guess, I know that "The Love Triangle Debate: Another Turn in the Cycle" has a bunch of custom stuff going on with it. It looks like you have exactly 8 posts made outside of that thread. I'd be willing to bet that once you hit >10 posts outside of that thread that it'll let you edit posts. Let us know if you make a couple more non-LTD posts and if you are/aren't able to edit your posts after that.

X :neo:


I've just checked stuff and apparently the promotion from n00b to registered user was set to 50 posts - @Lex did you set this on purpose or was it a default? I've set it down to 10 for now like how it was on the old forums (iirc).


This is superdeedoopadee random and like ... not something that bothers me or anything, I just wondered if I should mention it in case it Means Something??? Anyway, I got @d in a post today but didn't get a notification for it. I've gone and had a look in my preferences (cos I know I've definitely got notifs for it before) and the option to receive notifications for mentions is still ticked SO I dunno why I didn't get one. Random, huh? Anywhoooo, I'm sure it doesn't matter and have a nice day :D


Couldn't tell you! It was a post of Vanuria's and I'm not sure she has editing abilities yet? But I'll be honest I didn't check. Weird!


Consumed By Darkness
I've just been on my account page to edit my avatar and even thought is worked I'm getting this message.


it was doing that also when I went and changed some info the other week but completely forgot to mention it. As far as I know all my details have changed when I edit them but still get this message.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yup. It's the fact that "My brain trembles" is more than 15 characters. I'm not sure if that's set as a hard limit somewhere, since when @Cthulhu and I looked at it last time, I don't think that there wasn't an account-level option to change it.

X :neo:


Consumed By Darkness
I've just went and deleted it and clicked save and it's still saying it, tried changing to to something smaller as well and tried editing a few other things but it's still showing up when I click on save and it's not actually letting me change anything now.

EDIT: Turns out it was my AKA field.... ah well, problem sorted. Thanks guys :monster:


There's a 15 character limit on the AKA field yeah, this is the case even if admin are editing profiles (i.e. if we need to change someone's username and they have more than 15 characters in their AKA field it won't let us change it).

The AKA field is now supposed to contain your most used name or the name you're most known by (if it's different from your username), and it should stay the same. In your case Marcus since your username IS your most used name, I'd either change your AKA field to Marcus or delete it.
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