- Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
When? And I don't want to hear anything about interpretations.But CC and somewhat of a chunk of AC is on their side.
plz, kthx

When? And I don't want to hear anything about interpretations.But CC and somewhat of a chunk of AC is on their side.
Yes they have rebuttals for every point. But they tend to ignore the narrative as a whole. And worse yet they contradict established facts that can't simply brushed aside.
Sure as has been said. Talking about Cloud and Tifa being together could be talking about location. But when combined with the larger context of wearing of pants and such. It begins to stretch the bounds of logic (or breaks them unceremoniously).
A question, why can't we make a "Cloti Book" with all the evidence they got? Then we can just send all the misleaded Cleriths to that Book/Website and they can read it.![]()
Edit: I told a Clerith to look at this site, on the Ultimania. And she did, and all she said was:
"This site is clearly fanmade."
And Clerith.com isn't?
Do you really think they're gonna read it? I have a feeling they'll just look at the URL, claim to have read it, and say "This is all wrong. STFU."![]()
Fans and worshipers are two different things, Daddy.![]()
A question, why can't we make a "Cloti Book" with all the evidence they got? Then we can just send all the misleaded Cleriths to that Book/Website and they can read it.
Edit: I told a Clerith to look at this site, on the Ultimania. And she did, and all she said was:
"This site is clearly fanmade."
Aerith had a desire to meet the real Cloud, but I don't find that to be in a romantic sense. Aerith makes it very clear that she separates the two, but does that mean she's giving Zack up for Cloud, just because she cares for Cloud and wants to meet him? Of course not, in fact, I find that that idea is a bit silly. She doesn't even know this man and yet, people insist that her wanting to meet him is out of a romantic desire. Shouldn't a friendship be formed first? I believe that some of the real Cloud was there, trapped- but there. This Cloud however, could rarely respond. (Notice that the real Cloud tries communicating with the fake- "What are you doing at a place like this?" etc) I think like Zee said a long time ago- it's like Cloud is watching his world go by but can't say or do anything about it. I think he remembers Aerith for the kind and loving person she was, and I do think she reached the real Cloud. Just not enough for it to form a stable, solid relationship.
Haha, I love the KH games myself, actually.
So M-Mira, are you saying that you prefer Cloud/Aerith, but accept the fact that Cloud/Tifa maybe canon as stated by the creators?
Haven't read an Ultimania, and I didn't play Crisis Core so I can't provide an adequate response. I don't ever recall referring to the whole, "I want to meet you." To me, it's not so much as a love confession, but a relationship upgrade in a way, because they sort things out and that she was ready to try and love the other sides of him that she doesn't know of yet.
Just curious though, a question for all you guys who prefer CloTi, what moment in game or in the compilation, when did you think they shared a reciprocated love? Childhood, highwind scene, AC, etc.etc.etc.? I'm interested in knowing.
Haven't read an Ultimania, and I didn't play Crisis Core so I can't provide an adequate response. I don't ever recall referring to the whole, "I want to meet you." To me, it's not so much as a love confession, but a relationship upgrade in a way, because they sort things out and that she was ready to try and love the other sides of him that she doesn't know of yet. And about friendship forming, I think they already were at friendship status at that point, but in the stages of moving to something more. It's not hard to believe, since AVALANCHE clicked pretty well in a short amount of time. Well, from what I saw anyway. And I didn't think of it that possibility, that the real Cloud being trapped like that. Its an interesting perspective, but somehow it just visualizes in my head as possession. Y'know, like a ghost possessing someone else's body and doing whatever they want. But it wasn't like it was a completely different person, still some of the old Cloud in there with muddled memories. Then again... as to the extent of how much he acted like Zack, I'll reserve that for when I get a console and the game...
Well, I'm a sucker for tragic relationships, so my OTP is ZxAxC. 8D
I think CxA was canon in FF7. As much as Lulu and Chappu were canon prior to FFX before y'know, he died. It seems from what you guys are saying, that the creators of FF7 have stated in Ultimanias, w/e they are, (I'm assume it is a magazine section?) that the compilation ends with CxT as the ending canon couple? Kind of like how Lulu and Wakka marry in FFX-2, as much as I detest that pairing. Or when J.K. Rowling straight up tells people who have interviewed her, the canon in her books, is HG and HrR. And if that's true, then yeah, I can accept that. It isn't the first time my preferred couple didn't end canon. So I won't boohoo or suddenly hate FF7, I've grown up past that, imo. (I think Tidus with Lulu or Rikku is more interesting than Yuna anyway. 8D)
Nojima said:Perhaps things would have gone well with Aerith, but Aerith's burden is big, I think.
Just curious though, a question for all you guys who prefer CloTi, what moment in game or in the compilation, when did you think they shared a reciprocated love? Childhood, highwind scene, AC, etc.etc.etc.? I'm interested in knowing.
To be fair, you don't have to play a game to "get it", thanks to the internet you can still know a lot about it without playing it yourself.
When I started my Dissidia fanfic I hadn't played FFX, but I had read the game script and watched YouTube clips of the cutscenes to get a sense of what type of characters Jecht and Tidus were. And my impression just from watching and reading about the game turned out more or less accurate once I played the game myself.
Just curious though, a question for all you guys who prefer CloTi, what moment in game or in the compilation, when did you think they shared a reciprocated love? Childhood, highwind scene, AC, etc.etc.etc.? I'm interested in knowing.
why can't we make a "Cloti Book" with all the evidence they got?
Haven't read an Ultimania, and I didn't play Crisis Core so I can't provide an adequate response. I don't ever recall referring to the whole, "I want to meet you." To me, it's not so much as a love confession, but a relationship upgrade in a way, because they sort things out and that she was ready to try and love the other sides of him that she doesn't know of yet.
Y'know, like a ghost possessing someone else's body and doing whatever they want. But it wasn't like it was a completely different person, still some of the old Cloud in there with muddled memories. Then again... as to the extent of how much he acted like Zack, I'll reserve that for when I get a console and the game...
Cool, so what do you think of Birth by Sleep?
What? I want spoilers! Someone PM and tell me!
She's secretly a man, isn't she? I KNEW IT.
'Prefer' has a particular ring to it I don't care for. Only 'A' pairing I prefer is Cec/Ros. All the others I just observe as being canon or not even if I like them. It's the story not the expectations, natch.
I must be missing something about Xion, because I heard....and I thought it was stupid... is there more to her than that?she's like a copy of Sora