So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
My guess is that the more extreme Cleriths are a small minority, but the rest just don't post as much/have other interests. I don't really know any of them, except the few that post here, but there are times I'm dying to ask: Do they ever raise their eyebrows at some of the things some Cleriths say? Or is it just us?

Well, isn't it the extremists a minority when you consider the whole group? Not just with Cleriths, but we could name a few religions, social groups, etc. And what they do makes the whole group look plain bad, especially if they are extremely loud about it.

And as for whether there were eyebrow raising: well, of course. We share a love of Clerith, and sometimes, with some members... that's just it. For me, why have an anti-pairing club when you could spend more time in a club about the pairing you like? And shouldn't you just open a topic in the venting section instead of making a club about it?

Now, if you're talking about forum rules. I don't particularly care. A guest at someone's place has an obligation to follow their rules and if they aren't agreeable, there's always a better place out there. Freedom of choice. So I just choose not to join or read those clubs. Spam section is superior anyway. :neo:
For me, why have an anti-pairing club when you could spend more time in a club about the pairing you like?
This is a question I ask too. To me, it seems like it's insecurity.

To like Clerith, you can't simply ship it like any other pairing. You have to hate the opposing pairing. No, not any other pairing with Cloud or Aerith, just Cloud and Tifa, because it's canon. And you must hate Tifa. She must be a terrible person Cloud could never love.

Only then are you allowed to like Clerith.


I seem to make more and more Clerith friends all the time who still don't understand all that. They play the game, they like their pairing, they read fanfiction and look at fanarts. Just like me. And we laugh at the people who can't seem to be satisfied with that.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
This is a question I ask too. To me, it seems like it's insecurity.

To like Clerith, you can't simply ship it like any other pairing. You have to hate the opposing pairing. No, not any other pairing with Cloud or Aerith, just Cloud and Tifa, because it's canon. And you must hate Tifa. She must be a terrible person Cloud could never love.

Only then are you allowed to like Clerith.


I seem to make more and more Clerith friends all the time who still don't understand all that. They play the game, they like their pairing, they read fanfiction and look at fanarts. Just like me. And we laugh at the people who can't seem to be satisfied with that.

I think hating me is somewhere in those bylaws as well.
But yeah, when some of the main headbangers of a community are also considered by that community as its central figures, one does have to cock an eyebrow. Y'know, like Spock.


But yeah, when some of the main headbangers of a community are also considered by that community as its central figures, one does have to cock an eyebrow. Y'know, like Spock.
Your words intrigue Mr. Spock.

I think he will take a look at this Clerith.

Clerith goggles on!

Spock has spoken.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I wander here and there across the internet. Like a wandering Samurai of rational empiricism and narrative and thematic consistency.
Which forums, BTW?

Honestly can't remember which. Just run some of Nomura and Nojima's quotes through Google, though, and you'll find you.

But you see C/T as canon. That Automatically makes you a rabid frothing Cloti.[/snark]

Ah, right. My mistake.

Well, let me get in character:

I'm glad Aerith died. Bitch deserved it for looking at Tifa's man.

How am I doing?

Well...epic post is epic yes?

Nice rundown on the entire "who does Cloud love" question.


Although I found the rant about continuity, canon and contradictions a bit amusing. If they ever did remake FFVII all that stuff you are leaving out would be included.

More than likely, allusions would be made to all of them, and some of the errors would be "fixed." Still, that would leave the contradictions that exist between new titles, so one consistent narrative would remain elusive.

Unless they went back and remade all of those too, of course.

Then you go on to say that Maiden would be included.

Oh, I'm quite certain it wouldn't be. I count it since it can fit, but there's no doubt that SE doesn't. I don't believe it's gotten any mention since the Ultimania Omega guide was published.

One note. Isn't it basically the same people in charge of the entire compilation from the beginning? I mean it's not like a comic book with many different writers over the years,

Yeah. It makes it all the more baffling how so many inconsistencies have emerged.

To a certain degree, it's inevitable that comics will have them. They even require them if they're going to be published indefinitely. Iron Man can't have gotten his start in the Vietnam War, after all, when the comic is still being published in 2009 and is set in 2009.

But FFVII isn't serialized. It doesn't require a sliding timeline or have the concerns of staying current with modern features of the real world. It also doesn't have more than 40 years of published material to look through in an effort to ensure errors don't emerge.

If a bunch of fans on a random message board in cyberspace can keep up with which details belong and which don't, one has to wonder why the people who made the game can't.

Either they're lazy or don't care. Either way, that sounds like poor quality. Which is a shame, because -- taken on their own merits -- the new titles usually have some great elements.

There's still times where things don't seem to make sense -- Deepground seemingly leaving WRO headquarters when they were winning, or Genesis not just grabbing some J-cells from the original source -- and some of the moments of "history repeating itself" are way too forced, but on the whole, they're decent stories.

Welcome, TresDias, and awesome job. I think you did what some of us have occasionally thought about doing, but were just too lazy.

A couple of minor points that jumped out at me.

It's not just the context anymore that indicates this. In the revised CoT, he literally says, "in a way that's different from before." And to be nitpicky, I believe it's the very next day.

Thanks for the welcome, and thanks for that point about the revised Case of Tifa. I had forgotten, so I'll be adding that in.

As for when that comment came, I think it had to be at least six days later. Before the night under the Highwind, Red XIII said there was a week until Meteor came down, and it was while watching Meteor be defeated that Cloud said that comment to Tifa.

Did I understand correctly that you read Japanese? Isn't it the case that a) "like a" only applies to the mother part, and b) that the word "role" is actually in the sentence? I see your point on why it probably doesn't matter, but I just thought I'd throw that out there. :)

I read it a little, yeah. Let me check that.


Dammit. I'm going to have to edit the article some more. You're right.

The line is, "母のようでもあり、恋人でもあり、一緒に戦ってきた戦友でもある."

母のようでもあり would be "is also like a mother," and 恋人でもあり would be "is also a koibito." In order for that to read "is also like a koibito," it would have needed to be written "恋人のようでもあり."

The "no you" is where you get "like" from, and since each "demo ari" could act as the end of the sentence on their own, each comma break is the beginning of a new thought.

So, "She's also like a mother, is also a koibito, is also a close ally in battle." If I'm wrong on this, someone feel free to correct me, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

Wonder why I never looked at that before. Shit.

As for the word that could be "role" or "trait," what's used is "tachiba." It means "position," "situation," "standpoint." Stuff like that. Since it means someone's actual position -- meaning it has a concrete actualization -- then, yeah, I think "role" would be a better word than "trait."

The "like a" part of the next sentence, then, just means an actualized role for Tifa is that she's like a mother.

Damn, no wonder CloudxTifa-as-canon detractors started throwing in the suggestion that "koibito" meant "someone who desires someone else" or something like that. If anything, it would imply the opposite.

Of course, as I recall, they had a response to that one too: she's been the object of Johnny's desire and the boys from Nibelheim, and Johnny still likes her, so, etc.

Of course, given that Johnny's completely irrelevant to AC, that'd hardly be worth mentioning in Reunion Files.

First of all
TresDias you. Are... GOD!

Okay maybe not god but... wow you summed it up so nicely. Good job. BUT.. you do realize that Cleriths have a rebuttal and response to every single thing you posted right? I'd be happy to share those with you if you're curious,but I'm just letting you know in case you think your essay will change any minds.

Thanks on all counts, Quexinos. I am aware of the refutations, such as they are, but they seem to be beyond the realm of reasonable.

Especially what I've seen in response to Nojima's forthright comments on the two of them being in a romantic relationship. If him saying they may not make it as a couple espouses responses like "this proves they won't make it, so hope isn't lost for CloudxAerith" (feel free to disable this link if you guys have some kind of peace treaty where you agree not to link to one another) then I have to wonder if sight has been lost of what the LTD was always about: Who is Cloud interested in pursuing a relationship with?

But everything you said was good... I uh didn't read the contradictions part but maybe I'll get to that later. Good on you for the "It's not who Cloud will have a fairy tale romance with, it's who he's with." thing too. I get so sick of Cleriths throwing that one quote around like it completely damns Cloti.

No prob. That's what boggles my mind. Who cares if it did condemn Cloti? It settles the LTD either way. Even if they break up, the matter is dust in the wind. It's over.

I like you, hope you stick around ^_^

Thanks. I'll be around.

I can answer this. Every person who I know that spoke Japanese that I showed that page to mentioned the word roles. So yes it's in there. There's not a doubt in my mind.

For good reason.
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Higher Further Faster
[offtopic]I don't think Jenova cells straight from Jenny herself would have been what would save Genesis. I think he needed to get them from Sephiroth. Or, at the very least, that's what he believed, correct or not.

I mean, he and Hollander refer to them as S-cells, which gives me the impression that they were after something different.[/offtopic]

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
[offtopic]I don't think Jenova cells straight from Jenny herself would have been what would save Genesis. I think he needed to get them from Sephiroth. Or, at the very least, that's what he believed, correct or not.

I mean, he and Hollander refer to them as S-cells, which gives me the impression that they were after something different.[/offtopic]

Maybe. I do remember that they were looking for JENOVA initially, though.

Perhaps you're right.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Especially what I've seen in response to Nojima's forthright comments on the two of them being in a romantic relationship. If him saying they may not make it as a couple espouses responses like "this proves they won't make it, so hope isn't lost for CloudxAerith" (feel free to disable this link if you guys have some kind of peace treaty where you agree not to link to one another) then I have to wonder if sight has been lost of what the LTD was always about: Who is Cloud interested in pursuing a relationship with?
You'll notice I posted there in that thread :monster:
In fact you'll notice I started the topic :awesomonster:
No prob. That's what boggles my mind. Who cares if it did condemn Cloti? It settles the LTD either way. Even if they break up, the matter is dust in the wind. It's over.
QFT, besides a relationship isn't all flowers puppies and kitties. It's bound to have some problems. As for Marlene and Denzel helping them work it out... well Cloud is still there two years later.. So make of that what you will :D

Thanks. I'll be around.
YAY :joy:
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You'll notice I posted there in that thread :monster:
In fact you'll notice I started the topic :awesomonster:

Indeed, I did. XD

Fun, fun thread.

QFT, besides a relationship isn't all flowers puppies and kitties. It's bound to have some problems.

Agreed. Anything less than that wouldn't jibe with the tone of FFVII, I think. It's always been the more brutally honest of the series.

Just look how it deconstructed the typical, badass anime anti-hero with Cloud, and the treatment it gave the selfless, noble anime hero with Zack.

The first turned out to be a complete mental wreck with at least one psychosis; an aloof bastard who couldn't have had less reason to be full of himself in reality, and was only strong in the end by accepting how weak he actually was.

The second was a noble hero. Who got shot full of many, many holes. While protecting the first guy. Who survived and went on to be a dick for a good chunk of the game.

That's part of what makes it a great story, though.
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
That link to the pink just made me head spin from all the twisting being done. Holy shit. If the pairing is INTENDED it's NOT that hard to find solid basis for it, but instead so much of that shit is them trying to DISPROVE the "other" pairing so that "maybe" theirs could be. WTF?!?

Is it petty of me to find it amusing that their arguments have gone from "Cloud clearly loves Aerith and they are soul-mates twu wub forever!!111!" to: "Yeah, well, it says 'maybe' he and Tifa won't work, so that's not confirmation, and if they don't then there's a chance for Aerith...if we ignore the fact that she's dead." ?

Cloud is actively being ignored now. His preference is irrelevant, apparently. lol.

I've seen politicians manipulate quotes less than that shit. It's beautiful in a spasmodic desperate death throes kind of way. /petty

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Was Cloud ever really part of the LT in the first place? :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Was Cloud ever really part of the LT in the first place? :monster:

Actually, I've always had this impression that the LT was generally all about which woman is better, the realistic human or the ethereal goddess.

It's like... Twilight versus Humanity.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Honestly can't remember which. Just run some of Nomura and Nojima's quotes through Google, though, and you'll find you.

Sounds workable.

Ah, right. My mistake.

Well, let me get in character:

I'm glad Aerith died. Bitch deserved it for looking at Tifa's man.

How am I doing?

Not quite self strawmanny enough, but you're getting there.

If a bunch of fans on a random message board in cyberspace can keep up with which details belong and which don't, one has to wonder why the people who made the game can't.

Either they're lazy or don't care. Either way, that sounds like poor quality. Which is a shame, because -- taken on their own merits -- the new titles usually have some great elements.

Now you know how SW fans have felt for ages.

There's still times where things don't seem to make sense -- Deepground seemingly leaving WRO headquarters when they were winning, or Genesis not just grabbing some J-cells from the original source -- and some of the moments of "history repeating itself" are way too forced, but on the whole, they're decent stories.

The Deepground left because reinforcements were coming and they'd gotten what info they'd needed. The defeat of the WRO was not considered worth delaying their plan, I think. Turns out that was STUPID of them, but it's a believably fuckup.

As for when that comment came, I think it had to be at least six days later. Before the night under the Highwind, Red XIII said there was a week until Meteor came down, and it was while watching Meteor be defeated that Cloud said that comment to Tifa.

As there was one week left til Meteorfall, and the game ends in the earlier morning as Meteorfall descends, it would be about six days from 'just a little longer' to 'This time it's different.'

I read it a little, yeah. Let me check that.


Dammit. I'm going to have to edit the article some more. You're right.

The line is, "母のようでもあり、恋人でもあり、一緒に戦ってきた戦友でもある."

母のようでもあり would be "is also like a mother," and 恋人でもあり would be "is also a koibito." In order for that to read "is also like a koibito," it would have needed to be written "恋人のようでもあり."

The "no you" is where you get "like" from, and since each "demo ari" could act as the end of the sentence on their own, each comma break is the beginning of a new thought.

So, "She's also like a mother, is also a koibito, is also a close ally in battle." If I'm wrong on this, someone feel free to correct me, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

Wonder why I never looked at that before. Shit.

As for the word that could be "role" or "trait," what's used is "tachiba." It means "position," "situation," "standpoint." Stuff like that. Since it means someone's actual position -- meaning it has a concrete actualization -- then, yeah, I think "role" would be a better word than "trait."

The "like a" part of the next sentence, then, just means an actualized role for Tifa is that she's like a mother.

Damn, no wonder CloudxTifa-as-canon detractors started throwing in the suggestion that "koibito" meant "someone who desires someone else" or something like that. If anything, it would imply the opposite.

Of course, as I recall, they had a response to that one too: she's been the object of Johnny's desire and the boys from Nibelheim, and Johnny still likes her, so, etc.

Of course, given that Johnny's completely irrelevant to AC, that'd hardly be worth mentioning in Reunion Files.

This. A thousand times this. I even made a picture of all this so I wouldn't have to type it again.

Especially what I've seen in response to Nojima's forthright comments on the two of them being in a romantic relationship. If him saying they may not make it as a couple espouses responses like "this proves they won't make it, so hope isn't lost for CloudxAerith" (feel free to disable this link if you guys have some kind of peace treaty where you agree not to link to one another) then I have to wonder if sight has been lost of what the LTD was always about: Who is Cloud interested in pursuing a relationship with?

No treaty, it's just considered rude to 'make fun' of specific individuals who can't- or rather, won't- fight back personally.

No prob. That's what boggles my mind. Who cares if it did condemn Cloti? It settles the LTD either way. Even if they break up, the matter is dust in the wind. It's over.

"But if they Break UP, then Aerith still WINS! And he can go love her in a flowerfield because she lives inside him!"
Wish I wasn't paraphrasing that.

Was Cloud ever really part of the LT in the first place? :monster:

Yes. As the point of a Type 3, or part of a side of a type I want to say 7 (Reciprocated pair with a third point interested in one of the pair. Though I'm not ruling out Aerith's interest in both points...)

Though if you mean 'Were Cloud's thoughts on the matter ever actually considered', not always. As Shortstack says, a lotta times it seems to come down to one side's Mary Sue favorite girl winning over the horrible bitch slut the other woman, who they like significantly less because she has breasts and they despise breasts for some reason.
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Higher Further Faster
"But if they Break UP, then Aerith still WINS! And he can go love her in a flowerfield because she lives inside him!"
Wish I wasn't paraphrasing that.

I don't get this. At all. So if Cloud and Tifa break up the only other option he's allowed to have is Aerith? He can't just move on with someone else entirely? LAME.

Sexing up in the flower field cheapens Aerith's death and character. I mean why bother killing her at all if it's as if she never left to begin with?


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
@ Ryu and Tennyo:

Oh dear. That's really... that's just. Oh d-d-deaaaar. I don't know who said that, and I'm sad that isn't a paraphrase. That's like saying, AERITH IS DEAD SO THE ONLY OTHER OPTION CLOUD HAS IS TIFA. And I don't like either sayings. We're talking about love in "love triangle debate" and what feelings are reciprocated, not permutations and combinations if a variable is taken out. Though, considering the variety of Cloud pairings, it would be interesting to calculate. And we're not talking about who wins the guy, because they are the better person. Cloud isn't a love trophy.

And really, I think all the characters of FF7 are tragic. I was extremely sad for Barret about the Dyno thing, and though I haven't played DoC, I wanted to give Vincent a big hug when we learn more about him, and Cid gets his dreams literally blown up in front of him, and other shit like that. It's not just the girls or Cloud, but even the minor characters have it too. It's supposed to be a bleak world they're living in.
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Celes Chere

And really, I think all the characters of FF7 are tragic. I was extremely sad for Barret about the Dyno thing, and though I haven't played DoC, I wanted to give Vincent a big hug when we learn more about him, and Cid gets his dreams literally blown up in front of him, and other shit like that. It's not just the girls or Cloud, but even the minor characters have it too. It's supposed to be a bleak world they're living in.

I agree with you. It's just that some Cleriths or Anti-Tifa fans think that she's tragic for the wrong reasons. Such as,
"Cloud doesn't pay attention to her"
"She got rejected by Cloud, and that's just SO sad".

I think such a nice thing about Cloud and Tifa, is that they have both lost their hometown and families, and now they rely most on one another. It's so touching that in the end they built a new family when they lost it all.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh, I'm quite certain it wouldn't be. I count it since it can fit, but there's no doubt that SE doesn't. I don't believe it's gotten any mention since the Ultimania Omega guide was published.

Pretty much.

Yeah. It makes it all the more baffling how so many inconsistencies have emerged.

To a certain degree, it's inevitable that comics will have them. They even require them if they're going to be published indefinitely. Iron Man can't have gotten his start in the Vietnam War, after all, when the comic is still being published in 2009 and is set in 2009.

But FFVII isn't serialized. It doesn't require a sliding timeline or have the concerns of staying current with modern features of the real world. It also doesn't have more than 40 years of published material to look through in an effort to ensure errors don't emerge.

If a bunch of fans on a random message board in cyberspace can keep up with which details belong and which don't, one has to wonder why the people who made the game can't.

Either they're lazy or don't care. Either way, that sounds like poor quality. Which is a shame, because -- taken on their own merits -- the new titles usually have some great elements.

I think most of the problems with consistency stems from the fact that the creators enjoy looking at their scenarios and storylines from differing perspectives and viewpoints, according to the character.

For example, the Nibelheim Incident. The Nibelheim Incident has two fundamental perspectives. The Turk perspective as seen in LO and BC, and the original perspective, as shown by Zack, and Cloud.

LO and BC's depiction of the event is not the one they show or discuss in most Ultimania's now, as the true telling of events. They refer to these scenarios as either the Turk's recollection of events, or Tseng's recollection of events, as per the 10th Anniversary Ultimania. CC once again establishes that Cloud, as per FFVII, threw Sephiroth in the mako pit and thus ended his life, rather than Sephiroth choosing to end his own.

I think they do this because it's a way of freshly telling a story, that they've already told before. They enjoy it. Even in real life, you can hear a lot of differing variations and interpretations regarding a single a event. I think that's what they like doing but they know that they have to keep a few fundamentals the same for it to make sense.

There's still times where things don't seem to make sense -- Deepground seemingly leaving WRO headquarters when they were winning, or Genesis not just grabbing some J-cells from the original source -- and some of the moments of "history repeating itself" are way too forced, but on the whole, they're decent stories.

I always took it that DG left due to the fact they had more pressing matters to do, like gather more people for Omega and protect DG since Omega's awakening was at hand. Didn't want to leave the forces too spread thin and all. As for Genesis not grabbing the Jenova specimen himself, he probably intended to but due to Sephiroth's appearance and his failure to convince him, decided to back off until he saw what he was gonna do. Until...well, you know the rest. :monster:


reality is a prison
Isabella said:
Do they ever raise their eyebrows at some of the things some Cleriths say? Or is it just us?
I do, I do! Mutual feelings of friendship anyone? :awesome:

FairHeartStrife said:
That link to the pink just made me head spin from all the twisting being done. Holy shit. If the pairing is INTENDED it's NOT that hard to find solid basis for it
Hey some people prefer induductive reasoning ya' know? Hurry for drawing conclusions!

"But if they Break UP, then Aerith still WINS! And he can go love her in a flowerfield because she lives inside him!"
Lol, you see in my eyes if Cloud stops loving Tifa and didn't love Aerith then he would doubtfully fall in love with because of the lack of interaction, but if Cloud stopped loving Aerith then Tifa could be a nice fall back imo. :) She's waiting...

M-Mira said:
And really, I think all the characters of FF7 are tragic.
Completely agreed. This is actually quite a common trait in most FF characters. I mean it's difficult to find at least one character that wasn't or didn't become an orphan it seems.

Celes Chere said:
I agree with you. It's just that some Cleriths or Anti-Tifa fans think that she's tragic for the wrong reasons. Such as....
I know, some don't even remember she lost her whole town and saw her father practically murdered in front of her eyes? Yeah that will scar you. But I do think she is tragic in a romantic way such as Cloud leaving her alone in AC with two kids and she felt alone without him. (+5 cute points) And that is another tragic or misfortunate point in her life and it happened to be linked to her romance not because he won't luverzz heeerr.

Celes Chere said:
I think such a nice thing about Cloud and Tifa, is that they have both lost their hometown and families, and now they rely most on one another. It's so touching that in the end they built a new family when they lost it all.
^This. But, actually I feel the same thing for Aerith too. Both her and Cloud didn't have any friends as the grew up and were by themselves making them alone, when Cloud and Tifa also have a feeling of empathy relating to their loneliness just for a different reason.

Lol, I was just thinking that Zack was both Aerith and Cloud's first friend so if Zack was alive and they hooked up, I would sense some serious drama, lol.


Great Old One
I know, some don't even remember she lost her whole town and saw her father practically murdered in front of her eyes? Yeah that will scar you. But I do think she is tragic in a romantic way such as Cloud leaving her alone in AC with two kids and she felt alone without him. (+5 cute points) And that is another tragic or misfortunate point in her life and it happened to be linked to her romance not because he won't luverzz heeerr.
How is she a romantic tragic character, when in the end Cloud comes back to the family? It's really almost like any other story - tragedy strikes upon a couple, but the resolution comes in the end of the story. And I see no tragic ending for Tifa in AC/ACC. Just a happily ever after.

Lol, you see in my eyes if Cloud stops loving Tifa and didn't love Aerith then he would doubtfully fall in love with because of the lack of interaction, but if Cloud stopped loving Aerith then Tifa could be a nice fall back imo. :( She's waiting...
To be honest, I can't imagine Tifa's character to be that desperate to wait for Cloud until he 'stops loving Aerith.' Playing second fiddle to Cloud isn't Tifa.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I do, I do! Mutual feelings of friendship anyone? :awesome:


Hey some people prefer induductive reasoning ya' know? Hurry for drawing conclusions!

Even with inductive reasoning, it seems excessive.

Lol, you see in my eyes if Cloud stops loving Tifa and didn't love Aerith then he would doubtfully fall in love with because of the lack of interaction, but if Cloud stopped loving Aerith then Tifa could be a nice fall back imo. :) She's waiting...

Fall in love with...?
And that still doesn't solve that whole 'she literally lives inside him' nonsense people keep claiming.

Completely agreed. This is actually quite a common trait in most FF characters. I mean it's difficult to find at least one character that wasn't or didn't become an orphan it seems.

Depends on your definition.
FFIII kids (original and remake) were raised by not their original parents, but were raised by loving parents.
Same with Zell.
Squall was in an orphanage, but was reunited with his dad.
Rikku still has a dad and a brother.
Yuffie still has at least a dad.
Zack wasn't orphaned. At least.
Ceodore doesn't lose his parents.
Rosa's mother as of FFIV, and her father's fate/status is never mentioned.
Cecil is orphaned but raised by the king.
I'm sure I can think of more.

I know, some don't even remember she lost her whole town and saw her father practically murdered in front of her eyes? Yeah that will scar you. But I do think she is tragic in a romantic way such as Cloud leaving her alone in AC with two kids and she felt alone without him. (+5 cute points) And that is another tragic or misfortunate point in her life and it happened to be linked to her romance not because he won't luverzz heeerr.

It's sad, but not really 'tragic', since it all worked out in the end.

^This. But, actually I feel the same thing for Aerith too. Both her and Cloud didn't have any friends as the grew up and were by themselves making them alone, when Cloud and Tifa also have a feeling of empathy relating to their loneliness just for a different reason.

I recall Aerith growing up thinking she was different, but not 'not having any friends.' She seemed well liked by the people around town, for example.

Lol, I was just thinking that Zack was both Aerith and Cloud's first friend so if Zack was alive and they hooked up, I would sense some serious drama, lol.

I just can't seem them doing that.
Even if they did like each other, they'd hate to do that to Zack.

Addendum: A little birdy tells me certain people are claiming other certain people are claiming Cloud and Tifa are 'ZOMFG soulmates' and 'had no problems at all' during the FFVII to AC period.
Would certain third persons in contact with the certain first persons ask who these supposed seconds persons are, and where they can be located? Because as far as we can tell, these second persons don't exist.
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reality is a prison
A said:
How is she a romantic tragic character, when in the end Cloud comes back to the family? It's really almost like any other story - tragedy strikes upon a couple, but the resolution comes in the end of the story. And I see no tragic ending for Tifa in AC/ACC. Just a happily ever after.
Okay, tragic was the wrong term for like maybe "encounters misfortunes" and I never said anything about a tragic ending, I only spoke of Cloud leaving in CoT/AC and Tifa feeling lonely which was not so much tragic just upsetting, well that..
It's sad, but not really 'tragic', since it all worked out in the end.

A said:
To be honest, I can't imagine Tifa's character to be that desperate to wait for Cloud until he 'stops loving Aerith.' Playing second fiddle to Cloud isn't Tifa.
Me neither just saying if there was these certain circumstances more from Cloud's perspective if he stopped he would have Tifa. I've had enough fanfics in my head revolving around Cloud hurting Tifa and her not forgiving him (mostly for amvs) because she is so far out of his league even now, imo.

Ryushikaze said:
Even with inductive reasoning, it seems excessive.
Well a bit, but you need a solution to win and this is their equation? You guys get deductive by default then I suppose or just because you use it.

Ryushikaze said:
Depends on your definition.

Well being orphans was just an example of something to add tradgedy to your life and if it wasn't that i'd say a huge chunk of the characters still lost someone dear in front of them or in battle, lost their whole race, didn't know who they really were, lost their mind, other happenings that are tragic events even if they moved on and were happy.

Ryushikaze said:
I recall Aerith growing up thinking she was different, but not 'not having any friends.' She seemed well liked by the people around town, for example.
Neh, I just figured really. I mean she sat in her church all day alone, was rather socially retarded in some situations (GS), and just came off independently doing things on her own so like when she went off to pray, I just somewhat assumined she didn't hang out with friends often, but just talk to people. *shrugs*

I just can't seem them doing that.
Even if they did like each other, they'd hate to do that to Zack.
Me neither I think they are better than that, just I imagined the cartoon jaw drop on Zack when he walks into Aerith's room one morning and....
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