So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I must be missing something about Xion, because I heard....
she's like a copy of Sora
and I thought it was stupid... is there more to her than that?

Not just that. She's an incomplete copy. And she doesn't know it. She thinks she's a real nobody but she isn't even a nobody. Just a fake. And the sick thing is, is that the only way she can be a complete copy, is by absorbing Roxas, her best friend.

It's all one big elaborate rick roll with Roxas and Xion on the shit end. No one in the Organization cared about Roxas (save for Axel, who wasn't in on it), and Roxas was just gonna be absorbed to create a perfect Sora clone. They all knew this. Xion goes insane from it all, and intends to absorb Roxas and even turns into Sora, physically. Roxas essentially has to kill his best friend. And the whole game is about how the two of them bond and become friends and end up feeling things despite supposedly not having hearts to feel with. He leaves the Organization after learning the bitter truth of how they played him, and that's why he left and got caught in KH2.

It's tragic. Like...Clamp tragic.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
I regret calling her a MarySue, and now I feel more interested in playing the game. :monster:

Anyway, the LTD... yeah.

What is left to discuss that you already haven't?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Honestly, I think Nomura knew what people would think of Xion, and used that preconceived notion to his advantage in terms of writing a compelling story here. I was pleasantly surprised. He hasn't lost it yet.


You're another Clerith fan who proves they can be sensible. :monster:

Well what would be interesting is if you looked at our frontpage and maybe told us your thoughts or asked any questions you may have, since you've never seen them before.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Thanks much Mako... I was always planning on getting this game but only because Demyx is in it... maybe now I'll play for the plot ^_^

What is left to discuss that you already haven't?
Well apparently there's still people out there who think CxA is canon so there must be something to discuss :P


The Wanderer of Time
Honestly, I think Nomura knew what people would think of Xion, and used that preconceived notion to his advantage in terms of writing a compelling story here. I was pleasantly surprised. He hasn't lost it yet..

Explain please. People already had a good idea about who and what Xion was some time before the game was released.

Celes Chere

What is left to discuss that you already haven't?

How do you feel about these quotes? :awesome:

"Repeating Zack’s look with Cloud’s.

Being an Ancient, Aerith did her utmost to save the Planet, even sacrificed life—in FF7, the impression of Aerith being such a tragic heroine is strong. Nevertheless, the most significant link to FF7 is the conversations about Cloud. The reason why she’s a flower girl when she first meets Cloud, the beginning of love with her first love, Zack, and the reason she saw Zack in Cloud—all those things we don’t know in FF7 are made clear in CC. "

"Nojima: However, Zack did not appear only for the reason as a key to the puzzle. The setting of “Aerith overlaps Cloud with her first love” and Zack as the key character are settled before I joined the team of development."

Honestly, I think Nomura knew what people would think of Xion, and used that preconceived notion to his advantage in terms of writing a compelling story here. I was pleasantly surprised. He hasn't lost it yet..

And I agree with this. Almost everyone I've talked to has a bad view of Xion, and thinks she's going to be some sloppily added in character, typical to one you would seen in a fanfiction.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Explain please. People already had a good idea about who and what Xion was some time before the game was released.

Not people who chose not to go into the game spoiled. :monster:

I'm talking about the whole hype of her being "The Fourteenth Member" and her being a woman, and looking like Kairi, and literally coming out of nowhere.

He knew A LOT of the fandom would be pissed at this, and wank over it. He knew it would upset the established understanding of what the Organization was, and why it was liked. He knew a lot of people would think Xion was stupid and not really an important character...a "Mary Sue." And he turned that all on its head. He wrote a compelling story that proved the opposite and didn't play into a Shoujo stereotype of the magical new girl that no one heard of, that's awesome and better than everyone else, and is also loved by everyone.

He just seemed pretty savvy. Celes Chere hit the nail on the head.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Wai, thank you. :awesome: There are more of us too, just maybe hiding or diggin' other fandoms.

And yeah, sure. It'll be a while to get around to though. 'Cause there's more loads of texts I promised to read and reply to, too. XD;

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I honestly don't believe there are a lot of batshit Clerith fans if only because several of my online friends simply prefer Clerith, and that's all there is to it. They don't think I should die in a firey Cloud/Tifa hell or anything, they just like Clerith more. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
You people make me want a DS. But I don't have the money to buy yet another console. I wouldn't get enough use out of it to justify owning one!

Oh why oh why SE? Why couldn't you just stick with Sony for KH? :(


Great Old One
I honestly don't believe there are a lot of batshit Clerith fans if only because several of my online friends simply prefer Clerith, and that's all there is to it. They don't think I should die in a firey Cloud/Tifa hell or anything, they just like Clerith more. :monster:
There are a lot of normal ones if you exclude most of the Cetras in the Clerith forum.
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Your Mom
My guess is that the more extreme Cleriths are a small minority, but the rest just don't post as much/have other interests. I don't really know any of them, except the few that post here, but there are times I'm dying to ask: Do they ever raise their eyebrows at some of the things some Cleriths say? Or is it just us?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
There are a lot of normal ones if you exclude most of the Cetras in the Clerith forum.

Yeah... no... just no. I know a lot of Cetras (okay like 5, 5's a lot IT IS :rage:) and none of them are batshit :monster:

The ones who ARE batshit are just really fucking loud.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
err lemme rephrase that, of the ones I know personally, they aren't batshit. A little odd, but not batshit. I can name plenty of batshit ones I don't talk to :monster:

Also what's this about an official translation saying "Tifa got mad" when Denzel would confide in Cloud and not her?
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Higher Further Faster
I think Tifa was jealous, which is understandable. But she felt better when one of her customers told her it was a normal thing for him to do. As a boy he'd want to confide in another guy instead of a woman.


unsavory tart
Yeah... no... just no. I know a lot of Cetras (okay like 5, 5's a lot IT IS :rage:) and none of them are batshit :monster:

The ones who ARE batshit are just really fucking loud.
That's the case with most fandoms. There's some sort of inverse relationship with sanity and obnoxiousness.
You people make me want a DS. But I don't have the money to buy yet another console. I wouldn't get enough use out of it to justify owning one!

Oh why oh why SE? Why couldn't you just stick with Sony for KH?
Hur, Kingdom Hearts. I know nothing of it past the main series, and I have no DS like you. I don't have the munnies, and I haven't owned a nintendo system since the 64 was cool.

Just curious though, a question for all you guys who prefer CloTi, what moment in game or in the compilation, when did you think they shared a reciprocated love? Childhood, highwind scene, AC, etc.etc.etc.? I'm interested in knowing.
It was not so much as a scene as the entire sequence of events where Cloud starts to degrade mentally, starting at the Northern Crater, and how in his vulnerability he seemed suddenly attached to Tifa and what she meant to him. And after that there was just a string of strong Cloud/Tifa moments where they seemed insuperable, Tifa taking care of Cloud, Cloud and Tifa recreating his mind/soul, the highwind scene, and then the ending where they are featured together.

I think Tifa was jealous, which is understandable. But she felt better when one of her customers told her it was a normal thing for him to do. As a boy he'd want to confide in another guy instead of a woman.
It's not that rare for a parent to be miffed or somewhat jealous of another parent getting all of the attention from "their" child, imo.


Great Old One
My guess is that the more extreme Cleriths are a small minority, but the rest just don't post as much/have other interests. I don't really know any of them, except the few that post here, but there are times I'm dying to ask: Do they ever raise their eyebrows at some of the things some Cleriths say? Or is it just us?
I've met quite a few who dislike some of the things the more extreme Cloud/Aerith fans say to make the pairing work out. It'd go the same way with us if someone told us that Aerith was a bitch to Cloud and didn't deserve him.
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