So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
To whit, 'The mom wears the pants, as she bosses all the kids around' makes no sense. ''The wife wears the pants and controls her husband' 'Yeah, he wears the pants, his wife hangs on his every word' is how that phrase is USED. A mother having control over her children does not 'wear the pants', but a woman controlling her husband/ lover or being the primary breadwinner DOES.

Further, even if a joke, it's a joke that relies on the understanding of their relationship to work. If Barret called Cloud 'whipped' as a joke, that too would require the implication of a relationship to work as a joke.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's amusing how common sense and social mores just get thrown out the window whenever it comes to Clerith's trying to show how Cloud and Tifa are not in a relationship.

"Wear the pants in the relationship?" WHO SAYS THAT MEANS A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP??? HMMMMM????? Stop jumping to conclusions! You could wear the pants in a business or mother/son relationship!

"Raising a family with a person?" WHO SAYS THAT MEANS THEY'RE IN A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP???? HMMMMM??? Stop jumping to conclusions! You could raise a family with a platonic friend! That's possible too!

I mean its truly amazing how Cloud and Tifa share this extremely rare and unique, platonic relationship that totally mirrors one between two people that are in a romantic one, but in actuality they aren't, and Cloud's really in love with a girl he knew for two weeks while crazy and is dead.

I mean, that truly is interesting. That'd make for a fascinating case study. Or reality tv show.

"My Female Best Friend Who I Raise a Family With Platonically."


Coming to Fox.
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"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
Even if Cid is joking he's still playing on how Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship or at least, in order for this to be a joke Barrett would actually get, it is obvious to both Barrett and Cid that they are at least very much like a couple.

Further, even if a joke, it's a joke that relies on the understanding of their relationship to work. If Barret called Cloud 'whipped' as a joke, that too would require the implication of a relationship to work as a joke.

I believe you just reiterated what I said in the post before. But at least anyone reading this thread will firmly get the point.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Previous on "My Female Best Friend Who I Raise a Family With Platonically."​


*Cloud, Tifa, Denzel and Marlene sitting at a table eating dinner*

Tifa: So how did those deliveries go?

Cloud: They went alright. I stopped by a flower field on the way back and saw Aerith again.

Tifa: Oh really? How was it?

Cloud: Great. She gave me a spirit BJ and a reach around. Shit was SO CASH.

Denzel: WOW! That's AWESOME! When can I get a dead girlfriend?!

Cloud: You'll have your time son...*pats Denzel's head*

Tifa: I'm glad things are working out, my platonic friend of mine. It's great we realized our feelings of friendship, which allows me to pine for you from afar while you stay under my roof, and eat my food while you fuck a ghost. This is the life I've always wanted.

Marlene: I want to be JUST LIKE YOU Tifa!

Cloud: Brb mom, I see Aerith's ribbon floating out the window.

Tifa: Not so fast Mister! Clean up your room, THEN spirit-sex Aerith ^_^

Cloud: Awwwww...okay.


That sounds like a happy family to me!
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Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
That... was disturbing...

Hey, didn't Tifa send Cloud to his room once, though? LOL :D I just thought of it, but the way she says "your room" doesn't seem like they were sharing a room... Unless she meant his (edit: ) "office."
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Your Mom
LOL Mako. You know, that scenario makes so much more sense than Cloud and Tifa being in a realistic relationship. I've seen the light!

OWD said:
being in love with Aeris is at odds with the rest of the storyline, and as such when Disk 1 ends the game sweeps away any choice you had in interpreting their interactions as romantic
Their interactions can be interpreted as romantic without Cloud being full-on in love with her. Surely you've met a guy before who you felt a mutual attraction with, but it didn't end up going anywhere in the end. But in the time you spent together, you were flirtatious and kind of into each other.

I'm not saying this is definitively what happens between Cloud and Aerith, I just don't think the story makes it impossible. I do agree, however, that if Cloud were in love with Aerith that he wouldn't be able to move on to Tifa so quickly. Cloud develops a bond with Aerith, and I do think he could have felt an attraction to her. But we're talking about a whole spectrum of emotions to consider here. It's not as black and white as "he was in love with her" or "he only felt friendship, nothing more." There's a whole lotta in between in there.

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
Um... Is it possible for a guy to be in love with a girl, or interested in her, and yet not notice that that particular girl is totally digging him? Or is Cloud really just... that stupid?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Considering Cloud's living out a persona and memory that isn't his own thanks to alien cellular matter in his brain..all while trying to save the planet, I don't think noticing the advances of women are the top of his priority list.

Neutron Ronnie

From The Front of Armament
I don't think noticing the advances of women are the top of his priority list.

Me neither... I also assumed that because of this, he wouldn't have time nor thought for romance...

Which could explain why he didn't notice either of the women having the hots for him.

But I'm trying to figure out something Clerith, which is why I asked... Assuming that Cloud was in love with Aerith, as some like to think, then shouldn't he have at least noticed that she was hitting on him all the time? We are told that he didn't notice... Was it because he just wasn't interested in her romantically, or was it that he was interested but too stupid to notice? I don't think it's the latter...


Your Mom
I believe I once saw a Clerith answer that with, "he didn't know what he had till it was gone." So that would mean (per pink perspective) that he didn't really love her until she was dead? I dunno, don't ask me.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I believe I once saw a Clerith answer that with, "he didn't know what he had till it was gone." So that would mean (per pink perspective) that he didn't really love her until she was dead? I dunno, don't ask me.

It is only through death, true love can be realized, and that is why Tifa is doomed to single-life. Until she dies, she won't have a chance against Aerith.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Cloud lacks the sexabilities, hence why he prefers the dead.

Fixed to encompass Clerith, Clack, Clephiroth and his mother. ;D


unsavory tart
I believe I once saw a Clerith answer that with, "he didn't know what he had till it was gone." So that would mean (per pink perspective) that he didn't really love her until she was dead? I dunno, don't ask me.
Well, in a way it is noticeable that pre and post death Aerith isn't exactly the same. I mean, she's the same person so to speak, but as a character and a role she evolved. That is including her relationship with Cloud. Cloud and Aerith didn‘t end, but there's no way to continue on what they had, whatever it was, after she died. Their relationship became more intense, and became a lot less about interaction and growing and became more about idealism and later guilt. She is also a lot less interested in getting a date with Cloud, but rather making sure he'll be alright.

Aerith also changed roles; she was no longer a girl with a mysterious power and a love interest, she's a spiritual guide and the closest thing to a deity in FFVII. You can argue Minerva or whatever, but Aerith is symbolic of good and purity, is actively at war with anything that threatens the planet, takes control of the planet, it is represented by 1. the lifestream, being the source of all, and flowers, being nature and earth in general. Her presence is felt in almost all compilations, she's not omniscient but she has knowledge of things beyond the players and audience, and she is represented in the endings of many compilations- sometimes symbolically. Her presence towards the end (FFVII, AC/C and Dissidia) means less of a romantic tone (although it isn't too far fetched that someone can interpret it as that) and more of a "I'm watching over it, everything is going to be fine" approach. The whole "mother" conflict has less to do with her being maternal to Cloud (I mean, come on. If you seriously think Aerith or Tifa have a motherly relationship with Cloud... you've got some serious family issues to work out) but the fact that she a motherly influence on the entire planet.

The only problem is that people can seem to shift their mind between benevolent spirit!Aerith and romantic interest!Aerith. Everytime she appears, people can't see what role she is actively taking and when they see her interact with Cloud, they can only see it as something in a tragic romance rather than Aerith, the spirit of the planet. She does have a strong, powerful bond with Cloud, but everything has changed way too much to go back to flirting and watching fireworks.

Especially since while Aerith is now cemented in her roles post death, Cloud and Cloud+Tifa keep changing, growing, and evolving. And the fact that we see Aerith, walk away from the church into a blinding light, saying that he's going to be fine, means a lot in the way she chooses for her own role to be.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Aerith's a shit planet protector. Where the hell was she when Omega decided it was a good idea to cut and run with the Lifestream, and Vincent had to head butt the sucker back into the planet?

Looks like she's too busy Zack-spirit-fucking to do her goddamn job for the planet. Failure to the max.


Your Mom
The only problem is that people can seem to shift their mind between benevolent spirit!Aerith and romantic interest!Aerith. Everytime she appears, people can't see what role she is actively taking and when they see her interact with Cloud, they can only see it as something in a tragic romance rather than Aerith, the spirit of the planet.
Good post, Splintered. I especially agree with the quote above. Every reference to Aerith post-death is not romantic, but more that of a spiritual guardian. But some people just haven't made that transition. Aerith has; why can't some of her fans?

@Mako: I know you were being a smartass :monster:, but that's actually a good point and I wonder if we're supposed to assume she had become one with the Lifestream by that point? Otherwise, you'd think she would be involved.


Not Sure - guess the movie.
What I'm saying is how does 'Cloud belongs with Tifa' 'I guess the woman wears the pants' in relation to C/T, and the two of them living together and raising kids NOT a way that they say C/T is canon? How is that NOT giving Cloud someone?
I have a question, so please don't angry. Is it possible Cloud doesn't love either women? That he thinks of them both as family?
Again, this is a question.

You don't know the Nostalgia Critic? For shame!
I don't know the guy's name, but yes, I know where it came from.

After all this couple fighting, we have blogs and websites being made to destroy and insult each other. I can't believe SE or the people behind the couples, would sink so low. Its absurd and to be blunt, freaking weird and disturbing.

We should all love that couple silently until SE decided to drop the bomb on us all.
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Hinata Hyuga

Juniper, Rinali, Legretta
I have a question, so please don't angry. Is it possible Cloud doesn't love either women? That he thinks of them both as family?
Again, this is a question.

What was Cloud's line about being with Tifa in a "different way than before" about? Do you really think he means siblings/mother+son by that?

I didn't think you had blush moments with your mother.
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