I just wanted to highlight this difference because so often the people the who aren't into the latter are told they wanted a 100% straight, by-the-numbers remake and to go play the original or Ever Crisis when the rest of that stuff I was completely here for. (Not that you specifically did that.)
I specifically did that, I’ll happily concur that I’m not beyond reproach here lol.
The point being made there is more about the redundancy of remakes. Why bother retelling an old story when it’s still playable today? I’d make the same point about people who just wanted the OG battle system, well,
we have it. I know some players want what they would consider a “definitive” FF7 experience, which may amount to the OG story and any combination of updated visuals, gameplay, voice acting and expansions. Fair enough, that’s what many people have come to expect out of a remake, but as I’ve said in other discussions, I do think that if the devs felt that
all they had to offer was just expanding parts of the OG story, then there wouldn’t
be a remake in the first place.
From what they’ve said in interviews, they wanted to use modern technology to do things that couldn’t be done before, but they have also said that this is not a replacement to the OG. And let’s face it, if the remake was just the same story but expanded AND with all the bells and whistles of a modern game, then it
would make the OG obsolete by and large. Clearly the devs didn’t want that, and as somebody who thinks most remakes are just cash cows feeding on nostalgia, I respect it.
Regardless of whether or not I like what they’re doing, I respect that they actually
have something to say, which is why I take issue with how some detractors misrepresent the devs’ intentions and dismiss what they’re doing just because they don’t like it. One can do the latter without the former. To them, I will
always say just play the OG.
As for me, well, I have ample visual reference for what a modern FF7 looks like. Nothing we’ve seen so far has been so outside the original that I can’t just headcanon my own version of FF7 that is modern but doesn’t have the new story twists if I felt so inclined lol. Once they’ve completely strayed from even
that possibility, then I’ll probably lean more into being negative towards the remake and even
then, my ultimate resolution would be to just play the OG.
That’s pretty much what I’ve told myself after Remake, even though I like it now, if I hate it in the future then at least I still have the OG. The devs did express the goal of wanting to recreate the iconic moments from the OG so I’m not too concerned yet anyways. Come find me when they make Genesis the main villain or they kill off Cloud and replace him with Zack or kill Tifa instead of Aerith or something like that lmao.