Pro Adventurer
So if the Zack is Dead theory is true, then you will already dislike it I'm assuming, as we see him walking around in a very normal way in that church scene...
I'm personally not a fan of seeing characters walking around in some kind of afterlife like they're just normal and alive. People have also suggested that once Aerith dies then we'll see her occupying the same lifestream/world as Zack and they will meet and maybe become lifestream warriors helping from the lifestream perhaps? Like I said not a fan, when Aerith dies and don't want to see her walking around like she's still alive.
By making Player Cloud any sort of.... Remnant/Clone/Whisper/Fake thing, I don't think this story is being ruined at all. OG Cloud could stay a vegitative, braindead state until Player Cloud's consciousness merges inside giving us the Lifestream scene. This could put us in position where the Clouds have to understand everything that they are and reconcile with it all. Maintains the player's connection to the character and "restores" Cloud in a similar manner while providing a new twist and change to the story.That's literally the whole point of Cloud's arc, which you want to rob him of BTW; he runs away from reality because he fears the outcome.
Yeah, it's the obvious issue here. Having a second Cloud around, which we seem to if we have Zack around, creates this problem regardless. Some Cloud is going to be in this story that we don't have attachment to or experience with. Even if the backstory to each Cloud is the same. To be fair, we don't actually have a connection to Zack here either. We all feel one because of past and previous experiences with the FFVII Lore. But we don't know this Zack at all. Whatever story they go, I have every reason to believe the devs will create a tangible and full connection with the characters we have in front of us.If you go the clone route, then the player will have no attachment to the real Cloud, whom he doesn't know at all, who doesn't seem to have any other struggle than being mako poisoned etc
I think you're grossly jumping the gun to misconstrue the concept in the absolute worst way. If we get a story say where Zack has crossed timelines and saves Aerith, or dies in her stead? We have no connection that character, it's a deus ex machina, it's entirely out of context of Remake and it'll be meaningless. Terrible idea. No interest in it. I see this response you've taken here the exact same to every fan who decried the Whispers.There's literally no interest anymore into following this story, congrats, it's super uninteresting because the main character never interacted with the one who's dead
Aerith did develop feelings for a false persona in part patterend after her dead boyfriend. She never developed feelings for "real" Cloud. Are we talking about different things here really? Isn't that pathetic in a similar way?(and developped feelings for your clone, how pathetic do you think the devs want to make her out, because I'm sure it's not the idea there),
I don't interpret FFVIIRemake as only serving to "shock" players. I think it's a capstone to the entirety of the compilation. I think it's going to give players a similar experience as we had back in 1997. The story is going to have new twists that'll wrench our hearts and put us on the edge of our seats. They've emphatically shown that to be the case.I think you misunderstood the idea behind FFVIIR; it's very obvious that while FFVII did shock players
Again, what makes these good ideas vs. a bad idea? If we have Future Sephiroth in this game and present Sephiroth, or some shenanigans therein, there's a major villain the player has no connection to that's playing a role here. Future Seph? Never met this Cloud. Present Seph? The player has been dealing with Future Seph! Right now we have the puzzle box. Often, if we're told what's coming out of that puzzle box when it opens can sound pretty janky. It's all in context.Yes there will be twists, but what is known, well, is known, so they're playing other strings on that (will we be able to save Aerith? WTF is going on with Zack? Yo Sephiroth, you up to no good but what kind of no good?).
Let's return to this once we get Rebirth and possibly Part III. Let's see where Zack interacts with Cloud and co. If we're following the original trajectory, we won't get the Lifestream Scene in Rebirth and so Zack won't ever cross paths with Cloud. The trailer hints that this isn't the case. We'll have to see. I'm not giving the devs these constrains.It's also why Zack can't interact with Cloud up until after the Lifestream scene. Because he knows what happened and can explain. But would it help Cloud? Would it feel fulfilling for the players who has spent hours with Cloud Strife? No. What's fulfilling is that Cloud confronts his fears himself. That he is able to accept himself because of a long introspection with Tifa's cheerings for him (yes it's important for Cloud that she would be there).
I really don't think it's much worse than anything else fans have put forth in any front. There's good and bad in in a lot of ideas, it really comes down to the execution. I'm not going to sit here and swear what they're doing is bad, or swear that a direction would be bad. I expect them to do great things here. Period.This is why the idea of us playing a clone is, at least for FFVIIR, mind-boggling. It would be such a BAD writing and I don't believe that the devs are going to throw everyone under the bus for the sake of "shocking people".
And Remake devs pulled it off.
If the goal was to make people excited about iconic scenes being remade while also keeping them on their toes about what’s next, I think it’s fair to use the largely positive reception to the game as a metric for whether or not the devs pulled off what they set out to doUnderstand that that's a completely subjective opinion. You could hate what they end up doing with Rebirth and some other player might feel they pulled that off too.
Not exactly. Because the biggest relevant changes are made only at the last chapter. The KH jank is all there.If the goal was to make people excited about iconic scenes being remade while also keeping them on their toes about what’s next, I think it’s fair to use the largely positive reception to the game as a metric for whether or not the devs pulled off what they set out to do
All the new stuff coming from Compilation or Remake failed to live up to OGs quality, for the most part.
Because the Midgar section follows closely OG, adding filler to it, extending it, but still faithfully using OG as a basis (and that's +80% of the game). When they try to add new ideas, is when they mess up imo. Last chapter is KH jank storytelling.I disagree. If you compare the Remake to the first Midgar section, Remake surpassed OG, easily
The plot changes are supplemental add-ons, not subtractions. The core themes, events and depictions are there and heavily fleshed out in an incredible way. Nothing can change or deny that.
I don't think it shits on anything? The idea of clone Cloud and real Cloud merging in the lifestream sounds like an interesting way of handling things, and could also work if we have two timeline Clouds, where neither is a clone. If there is a clone, Clone Cloud could have actual Cloud's memories thanks to Jenova mimicry and then we get a new angle on the core FFVII themes of identity, resolved by the two combining in the lifestream. I don't know if that's what we're gonna get (and it's probably unlikely) but I don't think it's a theory that needs discussion shutting down, any more than anyone's theories do.
Are we really gonna go round and round with this? I say over and over that to me and countless others, Remake took a dump on the core themes and events, and you keep saying that it’s not a position that ppl are taking??
Disagreeing with the position is your privelege, but saying that the game doesn’t deliberately take actions that create the position is simply false.