Something's wrong, and I'm gonna say it - FFXIII Spoilers abound


They could've done that and still kept it as an RPG. Look at Vagrant Story, one of the best action RPGs ever done by S-E. You don't have a single town and very, very few NPCs, but it still lends itself to its RPG roots by allowing you to talk to your party members, buying items, exploring the vast world you're in, and having one of the most unique battle systems ever.

And it was a PSone game. It blows FFXIII out of the water.


VS is boring as fuck. I never managed to complete this game thanks to the incredibly boring and tedious combat system.'s not. The Last Remnant and Star Ocean 4 say hi.

Last Remnant does indeed say hi, although I can hear Star Ocean 4 saying: "I'm not a Square-Enix game, I was being developed by tri-Ace." :awesome:

No it's not. FFXII's gameplay was pretty damn intense especially with how it had combat take place in the real world and in real time.

There is no real time combat in FFXII. Intense? Speak for yourself. :monster:
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AI Researcher
I don't remember VS having much interaction with party members.

I don't remember VS having party members.

I don't remember VS having NPCs, even.

But I do remember liking it, if never finishing it :awesome:

The difference between FFXII's real time combat and FFXIII's is that when you were picking commands in FFXII, time stopped and you could take your time. When you're picking commands in FFXIII, you're still getting the shit pummelled out of you.


Gotta be frank, I totally stopped bothering with the teel deer posts, since I basically just ended up thanking everything Mako/Mog/Celes had to say anyway.

That said, I have to add in that I totally understand this perspective, because this is pretty much exactly how I was reacting when I was eagerly anticipating the release of FFX. I as enraged at the elimination of explorable world maps, and the "follow the red arrow" method of getting through areas. In retrospect it seems like trivial things to get upset over, but I honestly thought then that sign of the series going to crap. It pretty much prevented me from enjoying the game my first time playing, and I spent the first half of it being a big whiny douche about everything I didn't like (also note I was eleven when FFX came out, so I'm not suggesting anyone here expressing similar sentiments will act like a whiny douche :awesome:). Maturity may have had something to do with it too, as I like the game a lot more now that I'm older.

When I did start getting into the gameplay, I actually started to have fun, even though initially it didn't impress me much. I find, with action or shooter games you can't really enjoy the game until you get over the initial learning curve. RPGs on the other hand have a different sort thing to get over before you can properly get into it. Part of that curve is getting used to the setting/story/battle system/general "flow" of the game (OT but looking back, I can honestly say FFX did this masterfully by having Tidus as the player's avatar). I don't think this will be different for FFXIII.

Also, another thing is the expectation. For FFXII, I played it without knowing anything about it other than what the characters looked like, and that it was set in Ivalice. That game went on to being one of my favourites of the series! It was only in the last two months or so have I really been exposed to anything regarding FFXIII other than character designs. If you don't get your hopes raised too high, then you can't be too disappointed. Granted it's hard with a game being in development for so long, but regardless of that I was stil impressed by FFXII so...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
HitoForce is my new OTP. Man, Tres is gonna be mad...

You bitch. :(

I'm the only one who gets to feel disturbances in the Hito Force. Ya heard? :awesome:

Also, some of the magic items have amazing properties that you can't find in materia. Hero Drinks, Vaccines and the like come to mind. Hero Drinks boost your stats to godly levels and are a must for optional boss fights like the weapons.

Maybe for you weak RPG players it was. I never once used a Hero Drink to beat Ruby or Emerald.

Mako said:
You're funny. Who the hell needs to have a voice for EVERY NPC, dude? That's just excessive.

Great job building that bridge to the 1990s there, Mako. :monster:

Mako said:

So I'll concede and say at least FFXIII seems to have its weapon system and customization down. That's a relief.

Alright, folks, that's a rap -- Mako conceded. :monster:

There's cookies and punch in the foyer, and -- oh, wait, he's not done yet.

Mako said:
And I just find it hard to believe that every single person on the planet hates you and is out to kill your guts. The world of FFXIII must be filled with assholes.

See FFVIII's world and its treatment of witches. They either scorn them out of fear or praise them out of fear (and magical manipulation).

Mako said:
If FFXIII has a decent final dungeon that's interestnig, engaging and full of cool shit and bosses, then I'll concede that point too.

You'll probably complain about there being too many bosses in the final dungeon, actually.

Granted, they're lame as fuck. But they're there.

As for the dungeon itself, I personally think its presentation is kind of dull, but I suppose it does qualify as "engaging." Not so sure that it's full of cool shit. I don't really think so, but you may disagree.

Mako said:
And I loved FFVIII's..."blank slate of boringness" because that was total control of how you built your characters from the ground up. A lot of people give FFVIII's junction system crap but it was definitely one of the best systems in terms of customization, period.

First good point you've made all thread. :awesome:

Mako said:
LMAO, wtf?

I just am so floored by that. Every single person in the world hates your guts and fears you. Just...damn.

Dude, wtf, I've been telling you that since the game came out! XD

Mako said:
Jesus, you basically just go around murdering shit in Pulse.

Like in Ivalice in FFXII? :awesome:

hito said:
Go around and kill stuff in an Action Field :awesome:

Except Mah'habara, which is another Action Tunnel.

Well, look at that, Mako. It would appear that my terms beat out yours in hito's heart.

You can't mess with this OTP, motherfuckers!

hito said:
It was the cause of one my favourite scenes in the game, but I won't spoil that because it was probably only a favourite of mine and no one else

Which scene? I think I know the one you're talking about.

hito said:
I said I wasn't that bothered by the lack of towns, but I wouldn't be bothered by having them either. Then there wouldn't be threads moaning about them not being there :awesome:

Oh, snap! :awesome:

Looneymoon said:
RPGs on the other hand have a different sort thing to get over before you can properly get into it. Part of that curve is getting used to the setting/story/battle system/general "flow" of the game (OT but looking back, I can honestly say FFX did this masterfully by having Tidus as the player's avatar).

FFX did it the best any RPG I've played has done it, I think.

Looneymoon said:
Also, another thing is the expectation. For FFXII, I played it without knowing anything about it other than what the characters looked like, and that it was set in Ivalice. That game went on to being one of my favourites of the series!

Same here. I hadn't even seen a trailer for XII prior to playing it, and couldn't have even told you the names of any of the characters (when I took that break from FF, I really took a break). Loved the hell out of it.

With XIII, I didn't look at anything about it until about a month before its Japanese release. I then spoilered myself to death, watching/reading everything that became available. :awesome:

Can't say I'm disappointed. :monster:

In conclusion: In this thread, Mako is Dawson Leery.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Maybe for you weak RPG players it was. I never once used a Hero Drink to beat Ruby or Emerald.

I didn't the first time either, because I never bothered with them. But when I tried them again, it actually was fun curbstomping Ruby WEAPON with physical attacks that dealt 9999 each time.

Great job building that bridge to the 1990s there, Mako. :monster:

It's quality over quantity dude, and it's really the opposite of what one might think.

Would you rather have a handful of throwaway NPCs that say shit repeatedly and have no real interaction or continual contact with the characters in the world setting, with voices.

Or would you rather have numerous, indepth NPCs that have dialogue that changes repeatedly throughout the course of the game, and can have continual contact with the character, sans voice?

I'll pick the latter. I don't need Villager #247 telling me in a shitty voice how they hate my guts one time and never see them again. I'd rather that village have a text box but then at least be able to say other things, and perhaps have different lines of dialogue depending on what time in the game I see them.

Alright, folks, that's a rap -- Mako conceded. :monster:

There's cookies and punch in the foyer, and -- oh, wait, he's not done yet.

Yeah, cause that totally fixes everything, rite?! :awesome: I'll admit when I'm wrong... but that doesn't seem to be in regards to everything else.

See FFVIII's world and its treatment of witches. They either scorn them out of fear or praise them out of fear (and magical manipulation).

Okay. I'm sure it makes sense in FFXIII's setting but all I have to do is point to the creator's own mouths and quotes that said they were gonna include towns and people to interact with, but it was just soooooo hard, that they had to scrap them. It still is a shit excuse and lazy development. You can't spin it away.

You'll probably complain about there being too many bosses in the final dungeon, actually.

Granted, they're lame as fuck. But they're there.

Depends on the monster design, difficulty, and relevance to the plot.

As for the dungeon itself, I personally think its presentation is kind of dull, but I suppose it does qualify as "engaging." Not so sure that it's full of cool shit. I don't really think so, but you may disagree.

Why don't you tell me more about the dungeon, its purpose, and why you go there, aside from the obvious 'level grinding and looking for treasure?'

Dude, wtf, I've been telling you that since the game came out! XD

I know, it just still seems rather bizarre on the surface.

Like in Ivalice in FFXII? :awesome:

Are you serious? You killed marks because it was your job as a member of Clan Centurio, and you were exterminating monsters that either were dangerous to society, or had done something to a person who put the mark on it. You were a bounty hunter, and each mark had a story behind its creation, and why it needed to be killed. It was one of the most engaging mini-games in FF history. It certainly doesn't compare to you basically running around in the wild, killing shit.

....And that's another thing now that I think about it. Who is commissioning these hunts for Lightning and co. to partake in? If you're so hated by the populace, and interact with so little people...who are you killing these monsters for? Who made the list of hunts? What is the pay off?

Well, look at that, Mako. It would appear that my terms beat out yours in hito's heart.

You can't mess with this OTP, motherfuckers!

You're a dork. :monster:

hitoshura said:
Completing certain missions adds a bit of text to the AutoClip/database section, talking about the world and history. But there's only 13 of them, but 64 missions.

If I had to choose, I'd choose more of those over some kid telling me how great his puppy is or how much he wants to be a Blitzball

Funny how FFXII had that text in the form of the Clan Primer and it ALSO had room for NPCs and shit.

So basically FFXIII has a watered down version of the Clan Primer and Sage Lores. It's like they copied the shit that made FFXII great and did it half assed.

It was the cause of one my favourite scenes in the game, but I won't spoil that because it was probably only a favourite of mine and no one else :awesome:

Well I'll wait to see it when I play FFXIII first hand, so no spoiling plz.

I guess the difference is that I didn't really go into it with any expectations (except maybe some slightly lowered ones from people complaining about it), and came out pleased with it overall.

It's not like there's nothing I would change. The idea that they cut out enough areas to make a whole other game is disappointing (though I'll wait until I find this other stuff about towns myself before taking it in). I said I wasn't that bothered by the lack of towns, but I wouldn't be bothered by having them either. Then there wouldn't be threads moaning about them not being there But I still enjoyed what I got, so I'm happy.

LOL so you went in pessimistic and had to have lowered expectations to be pleased.

I seriously don't get how you wouldn't care about towns not being there. What is it you do when you play other FFs, aside from going from point A to point B? Do you not talk to anyone or do side quests? Do you whiz through the text boxes? Are you just going from place to place, in one continual path of destruction and killing, until the plot stops you and sets you on your next path of carnage? :monster:

It doesn't explain what save points with access to the latest Cocoon shops are doing inside centuries old Pulse structures, though.

I don't really care about the game mechanics behind buying shit from save points in FFXIII per se, but it does strike me as rather lazy and ridiculous that in a journey to save the world, they're buying shit but not encountering a single person that would do business with them anyways. What the fuck is the point of collecting gil, if you're not gonna be around people to spend it on anyways?

Do you see why I say the RPG elements in FFXIII seem vestigial? They seem like they're just...there out of formality. As if it were part of some contractual obligation to include them, but no one really gave a shit. If you're hated by people and not visiting towns or new people, wtf are you bothering with money? Or with selling shit?

I don't remember VS having much interaction with party members.

I don't remember VS having party members.

I don't remember VS having NPCs, even.

But I do remember liking it, if never finishing it

Vagrant Story made up with that by the shit ton of exploration, customization, freedom, and action combat you had. While you were exploring a dead city solo, you learned a lot about the world, and there were still other characters you saw that were presented by the story. It was an extremely in depth, and well designed game. It subverted a lot of the typical mainstays of RPGs, but it did so by shoring up other aspects of the RPG genre to epic proportions. It didn't spooge CGI spunk in your face and turn itself into a movie, while also distracting you with lesbians. :monster:

And I seriously can't take Tetsujin's post seriously after the first and last sentences, by sheer principle. But I will say he's right about Tri-Ace, I forgot. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No seriously guys, do you see why I have no faith in S-E development on next gen consoles anymore?

In the same interview in which Toriyama explains the linearity of Final Fantasy XIII, he also mentioned the lack of towns was due to the fact that in producing HD quality graphics it would take far too much time for the developers to create.

Alongside such comments, Yoshinori Kitase also explains that such a problem relates to being unable to currently consider the continual requests for a Final Fantasy 7 remake.

He explains, “This issue is related to whether a Final Fantasy 7 remake will happen or not. It is very hard to make games on PlayStation 3 in the same style as the games in that era had. Making graphics will take enormous time.”

Neverfucking mind they just contradicted themselves with the fact that they're developing a huge ass, MMORPG called FFXIV for the PS3 that will take place in a much larger world, and be on a much larger scale. Or maybe they intend for that to be a "linear experience" as well. Not to mention the fact that apparently they could do all this shit on a damn PS2, and almost do the same thing for FFXIII on the PS3, but now apparently its just SOOO HARD on the PS3.

Also, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon say hi.

This is so pathetic, its hilarious. Lazy Japanese developers are lazy. Apparently an FFVII remake is just beyond their capabilities at the moment.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
More than likely yes. And we can forget about there ever being an actual, full fledged RPG sequel for FFVII.

Apparently the best they can do is shit like FFXIII. And if that's the case why even bother putting it on a console when it'll fit perfectly on a damn PSP? :monster:


Fuck you Makoballs, for not taking my post seriously. :monster:

Square-Enix is getting lazier and lazier though. It started with small details (not giving Lulu a baby belly in X-2 even though she was far into her pregnancy, wtf? Was that tiny little change of detail too much work?) and now it's like. Whole towns getting scrapped because they're like "meh".
They should've gone with my "it adds to the atmosphere and the feel of the story" explanation instead of straight-out saying "yeah, too much work, cba".

Of course making these things is getting more and more complex with bigger and better graphics. But fuck, if you want our money, DO something for it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Now this post I'm taking seriously cause you're absolutely right. :monster:

What the fuck are we paying S-E for, if they're just gonna cut corners and be lazy dicks? Other developers apparently can rise to the occasion, why can't they?


AI Researcher
Would you rather have a handful of throwaway NPCs that say shit repeatedly and have no real interaction or continual contact with the characters in the world setting, with voices.

Or would you rather have numerous, indepth NPCs that have dialogue that changes repeatedly throughout the course of the game, and can have continual contact with the character, sans voice?

I'll pick the latter. I don't need Villager #247 telling me in a shitty voice how they hate my guts one time and never see them again. I'd rather that village have a text box but then at least be able to say other things, and perhaps have different lines of dialogue depending on what time in the game I see them.
How about shitty, unimportant NPCs get text for their pointless text, and NPCs of actual importance get voices?

How many indepth NPCs were there in the past games? That were actually important and added something.

Funny how FFXII had that text in the form of the Clan Primer and it ALSO had room for NPCs and shit.

So basically FFXIII has a watered down version of the Clan Primer and Sage Lores. It's like they copied the shit that made FFXII great and did it half assed.
(And you still get the rest of the world information automatically as you encounter it, rather than having to kill 10 zombies to learn about

LOL so you went in pessimistic and had to have lowered expectations to be pleased.
I wouldn't call it pessimistic, really :awesome: People complained and when I finally got to playing the game I just thought, "Really? This isn't that bad."

I seriously don't get how you wouldn't care about towns not being there. What is it you do when you play other FFs, aside from going from point A to point B? Do you not talk to anyone or do side quests? Do you whiz through the text boxes? Are you just going from place to place, in one continual path of destruction and killing, until the plot stops you and sets you on your next path of carnage? :monster:
Who said I didn't talk to anyone? I used to do it to practice my Japanese :monster: If they're there, then yeah, I'll talk to them. I listened to all of FFXIII's NPCs. I just didn't find not having millions of them to talk to such a big problem.

Actually, I'm probably the wrong person to talk to about side quests :awesome: I only usually do them if I'll get something like a special ending or more cutscenes to watch, or if they won't take that long (optional boss that's not in a massive dungeon where all you get is a fight with a really hard boss then nothing). I'll do FFXIII's for the extra story bits, and maybe the trophies.

I don't really care about the game mechanics behind buying shit from save points in FFXIII per se, but it does strike me as rather lazy and ridiculous that in a journey to save the world, they're buying shit but not encountering a single person that would do business with them anyways. What the fuck is the point of collecting gil, if you're not gonna be around people to spend it on anyways?

Do you see why I say the RPG elements in FFXIII seem vestigial? They seem like they're just...there out of formality. As if it were part of some contractual obligation to include them, but no one really gave a shit. If you're hated by people and not visiting towns or new people, wtf are you bothering with money? Or with selling shit?
You collect it to spend it? :monster: You're still buying things, even if it's from a futuristic vending machine and not from some old guy behind a counter. You still want/need that stuff.

Were you talking to those shopkeepers in the previous games because you wanted to get to know them, or because you wanted some new items?

Vagrant Story made up with that by the shit ton of exploration, customization, freedom, and action combat you had.
How did it make up for that, when you brought up those things as stuff VS did right but FFXIII did wrong?

Which scene? I think I know the one you're talking about.
I don't know which one you're thinking about, but the one I was thinking about was:

In Palumpolum, when that mob comes to try to kill Snow and Hope after he tried to help a girl and Snow destroys some shit, then Hope goes and picks up the little girl's Carbuncle toy and says "sorry" and puts the toy on the rubble. And then I went and found a link. I can't even say why I like it, I just like scenes that seem sad, and Hope for some reason :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
How about shitty, unimportant NPCs get text for their pointless text, and NPCs of actual importance get voices?

How many indepth NPCs were there in the past games? That were actually important and added something.

You want a list? Do you want it categorized by numerical game installment, alphabetically, or what?

(And you still get the rest of the world information automatically as you encounter it, rather than having to kill 10 zombies to learn about

Yeah, but is it well written, engaging, flavorful text as if its being told by actual denizens and inhabitants of the world or is it just copypasta text that you'd find in an Ultimania, just put in the game?

I wouldn't call it pessimistic, really :awesome: People complained and when I finally got to playing the game I just thought, "Really? This isn't that bad."

LOL okay, fair enough :monster:

Who said I didn't talk to anyone? I used to do it to practice my Japanese :monster: If they're there, then yeah, I'll talk to them. I listened to all of FFXIII's NPCs. I just didn't find not having millions of them to talk to such a big problem.

Actually, I'm probably the wrong person to talk to about side quests :awesome: I only usually do them if I'll get something like a special ending or more cutscenes to watch, or if they won't take that long (optional boss that's not in a massive dungeon where all you get is a fight with a really hard boss then nothing). I'll do FFXIII's for the extra story bits, and maybe the trophies.

So how can you not miss NPCs and towns? How do you not understand the loss of atmosphere and interaction in having the characters see the world and storyline through the eyes of other people, and see what actually is going on outside of what they do?

LOL lazy. :monster:

You collect it to spend it? :monster: You're still buying things, even if it's from a futuristic vending machine and not from some old guy behind a counter. You still want/need that stuff.

Why are there fucking vending machines on an uninhabited portion of the planet, people are too scared to actually set foot on? Isn't Pulse basically a no-man's land? These make LESS sense than the goddamn jukebox weapon vending machines of DC!

Were you talking to those shopkeepers in the previous games because you wanted to get to know them, or because you wanted some new items?

Depends on the shopkeepers. Some of them were hilarious and said some funny shit. Like the paranoid, apocalypse survivalist shopkeeper lady in Mideel, who had the pet baby white chocobo.

How did it make up for that, when you brought up those things as stuff VS did right but FFXIII did wrong?

It didn't tell itself in stupid chapter installments, limiting your exploration and freedom, and it wasn't linear as hell, and actually had a playtime longer than a few hours. You had much more freedom of customization of your character, and how you created your weapons and shit. And the combat system was a lot more engaging than FFXIII's ATB battle system, which..for all intents and purposes is just FFX-2's but with a PS3 make over. You seriously can't tell me FFXIII's battle system is anything special, and that's from having played it myself.

If FFXIII didn't have the graphics behind it, it's battle system wouldn't be anything special. It's ATB with a new menu system, and without the option of "Wait."


The Wanderer of Time
Wow, Mako *still* hasn't shut up his complaining about how much he hates a game he hasn't played yet?

You want a list? Do you want it categorized by numerical game installment, alphabetically, or what?

Please do, numerically will be fine. Should we start with all the NPCs who run around in circles never getting anywhere, or the NPCs who stare at their stoves waiting an eternity for their meal to cook?

I like the presence of random NPCs I could talk to, but I never got too invested in them. Like that one Pluto Knight who can't get a date, I really don't care at the end of the day if he got the balls to ask her out or not.

Why are there fucking vending machines on an uninhabited portion of the planet, people are too scared to actually set foot on?
The same reason Save Points show up in the middle of nowhere in every FF game. Should we list that? FFX, Save Spheres also lets you play Blitzball, and one of them is in Zanarkand. I guess some Summoners like to kick back before getting their Final Aeon.

Depends on the shopkeepers. Some of them were hilarious and said some funny shit. Like the paranoid, apocalypse survivalist shopkeeper lady in Mideel, who had the pet baby white chocobo.
Yes, that was funny, but how many FF games had that, really? I remember FF6, the Figaro keepers freaked if Edgar was around, but I also remember most shopkeepers just turning towards you and an inventory menu appearing without a word.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
The main difference between JRPGs and WRPGs is that one is like reading a book, the other is like reading a choose-your-own-adventure book. Some people enjoy reading books far more than the CYOA books, others enjoy the opposite. So there's my two cents, whether it fits in or not. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow, Mako *still* hasn't shut up his complaining about how much he hates a game he hasn't played yet?

As I've explained 4 pages ago, what does it matter in discussing the actual content of the game, when its the actual lack of said content that's the criticism? A bridge builder doesn't have to drive over a fucked up suspension bridge to say that there aren't enough supports in the structure to make it a structurally sound bridge. Hell he doesn't even have to see it, if he has the blueprints in front of him.

Me playing the game will have no bearing at all in whether or not the actual content or development of the game was enough to warrant it taking over 4 years to develop or it having no RPG elements. That's irrelevant. This isn't about the story or its lesbians. This is about its game content.

I don't need to play first hand (although I did) FFXIII's battle system to call it out on just being ATB without the wait feature. It's pretty damn obvious.

And I certainly don't need to play the game to call out them being lazy idiots in saying that it'd be too hard to include towns and people when other next gen RPGs did the same shit and more than FFXIII.

Please do, numerically will be fine. Should we start with all the NPCs who run around in circles never getting anywhere, or the NPCs who stare at their stoves waiting an eternity for their meal to cook?

I'll start with VII then.

Johnny, Priscilla, Mr. Coates, the SOLDIER crew in Junon, Choco Bill, Choco Billy, Choco Bob, Joe, Biggs and Wedge, Godo Kisaragi, Mr. Holzoff, Bugah, Mukki, Big Bro, Ester, Cloud's Mother, Domino, and Zangan, just to name a few.

I like the presence of random NPCs I could talk to, but I never got too invested in them. Like that one Pluto Knight who can't get a date, I really don't care at the end of the day if he got the balls to ask her out or not.

Most NPCs drive the story, dude. Most of the color and memorable events of an FF are supported by involvement of NPCs. The whole cross-dressing mini-game of FFVII would never have even existed if there were no NPCs.

The same reason Save Points show up in the middle of nowhere in every FF game. Should we list that? FFX, Save Spheres also lets you play Blitzball, and one of them is in Zanarkand. I guess some Summoners like to kick back before getting their Final Aeon.

Save points are not to be taken as part of the narrative in the first place. They're purposeful gameplay devices that break the 4th wall to allow you to save your progress. Villagers don't tell you to go get a potion from the glowing blue sphere, or to use it to go back in time and try fighting the opponent again.

FFXIII's shop mechanic existing exclusively as a save point phenomena literally makes no sense outside of the mechanics of gameplay because how the hell do you shop at a save point? It breaks the 4th wall explicitly. At least in previous installments you bought shit from people. Crisis Core even tried to give an in-universe rationale for shopping from the menu by naming the shops you accessed as addresses and places you visit so you can get the items from there, despite the game not showing you physically getting there.

DC's shop mechanic didn't make sense either. It was stupid as hell.

Yes, that was funny, but how many FF games had that, really? I remember FF6, the Figaro keepers freaked if Edgar was around, but I also remember most shopkeepers just turning towards you and an inventory menu appearing without a word.

Every FF game had that. Most shopkeepers would talk to you and offer you some form of dialogue. Some just gave you crap but most of the ones in towns would also serve as NPCs.
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The Wanderer of Time
Johnny, Priscilla, Mr. Coates, the SOLDIER crew in Junon, Choco Bill, Choco Billy, Choco Bob, Joe, Biggs and Wedge, Godo Kisaragi, Mr. Holzoff, Bugah, Mukki, Big Bro, Ester, Cloud's Mother, Domino, and Zangan, just to name a few. consider Priscilla and Mukki in-depth NPCs?


AI Researcher
You want a list? Do you want it categorized by numerical game installment, alphabetically, or what?
Just examples of what you would consider a valuable, indepth NPC :awesome:

Yeah, but is it well written, engaging, flavorful text as if its being told by actual denizens and inhabitants of the world or is it just copypasta text that you'd find in an Ultimania, just put in the game?
Those mission fragments might count as 'flavourful' :awesome: The rest is more akin to Xenosaga's databases minus the 'in the real world, this means whatever' stuff.

So how can you not miss NPCs and towns? How do you not understand the loss of atmosphere and interaction in having the characters see the world and storyline through the eyes of other people, and see what actually is going on outside of what they do?
I don't know what it takes to make a next gen game, having never made one myself, so I can't really judge them on their comments about the difficultly in making. And I haven't played other next gen RPGs to compare.

I also played, enjoyed, and took a user name from Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne, which is like the loneliest RPG ever, so it clearly doesn't affect me. And I didn't even have proper team mates to talk to me in that one :awesome:

Why are there fucking vending machines on an uninhabited portion of the planet, people are too scared to actually set foot on? Isn't Pulse basically a no-man's land? These make LESS sense than the goddamn jukebox weapon vending machines of DC!
A wizard Fal'Cei did it :awesome:

Depends on the shopkeepers. Some of them were hilarious and said some funny shit. Like the paranoid, apocalypse survivalist shopkeeper lady in Mideel, who had the pet baby white chocobo.
She wasn't the shopkeeper. She just bought a load of stuff and then sold it to you.

But it depends on the character they made. It's nothing inherent to 'shopkeeper NPCs'.

They could have made some hilarious shopkeeps to sell their mortal enemies potions so they wouldn't die while the army tries to kill them for said shopkeepers' sake, sure. They could have done a lot of things. But I just don't see the lack of them as a game-breaking flaw.

It didn't tell itself in stupid chapter installments, limiting your exploration and freedom, and it wasn't linear as hell, and actually had a playtime longer than a few hours. You had much more freedom of customization of your character, and how you created your weapons and shit. And the combat system was a lot more engaging than FFXIII's ATB battle system, which..for all intents and purposes is just FFX-2's but with a PS3 make over. You seriously can't tell me FFXIII's battle system is anything special, and that's from having played it myself.

If FFXIII didn't have the graphics behind it, it's battle system wouldn't be anything special. It's ATB with a new menu system, and without the option of "Wait."
I know I enjoyed doing 5 damage to the leg of a boss in VS (which rewards you for finishing it in 10 hours), because my weapon didn't happen to have a good enough dark affinity :awesome:

None of those things are the stuff you mentioned before. NPCs and talking to party members.

Was FFXII's battle system all that special? MMORPG without the O? FFX's? FFIX, FFVIII, FFVII, etc and so on. They were basically the same systems with different speeds/turn based.

Though I don't know why you're telling me this. I don't remember claiming that its battle system was something ground-breaking and innovative :monster:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
How about shitty, unimportant NPCs get text for their pointless text, and NPCs of actual importance get voices?

How many indepth NPCs were there in the past games? That were actually important and added something. know I'm just going to mention Mass Effect, right?

I know, I know, FF isn't Mass Effect, but it's merely an example of something that's seemingly very minor adding a lot of flavor to the game world. It's an example of what others can work up to. If Final Fantasy, or any other game is just going to go with the 'well I mean, you don't need NPCs...DITCH 'EM' instead of actually improving it and making it memorable and great, then well, that isn't a good sign.

I mean, there are Youtube videos for some of the individual NPC's alone in Mass Effect 2, some of them are so awesome, insightful, or funny. Yet we have people saying here 'WELL NPCS ARE DUMB WHAT DO THEY REALLY ADD ANYWAY JUST SCREW 'EM'

No wonder Square Enix is losing popularity in the West. While they're getting lazy with concepts and just ditching them, other companies are picking those very same concepts up and turning them into bestsellers.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal consider Priscilla and Mukki in-depth NPCs?

Considering their memorability to the whole experience of FFVII which has even garnered them mention in related materials, yes, I most certainly do. Especially Mukki who ended up being apart of one of the funniest moments of FF history. It'd be stupid not to include him.

hitoshura said:
Just examples of what you would consider a valuable, indepth NPC

I included a rough list from memory from FFVII. If you want another FF game I'll be glad to oblige.

Those mission fragments might count as 'flavourful' The rest is more akin to Xenosaga's databases minus the 'in the real world, this means whatever' stuff.

So basically a bit of what I said pessimistically, but the fragments are actually interesting to read. Gotcha.

I don't know what it takes to make a next gen game, having never made one myself, so I can't really judge them on their comments about the difficultly in making. And I haven't played other next gen RPGs to compare.

I also played, enjoyed, and took a user name from Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne, which is like the loneliest RPG ever, so it clearly doesn't affect me. And I didn't even have proper team mates to talk to me in that one

Look at all the other games and next gen RPGs that are out now. The Last Remnant, and Lost Odyssey show clearly its not that damn hard to do what they say they can't do. It's a cop out.

A wizard Fal'Cei did it

Ignoring how that's a weak excuse, why in the seven hells would a Fal'Cei even do that? XD

She wasn't the shopkeeper. She just bought a load of stuff and then sold it to you.

But it depends on the character they made. It's nothing inherent to 'shopkeeper NPCs'.

They could have made some hilarious shopkeeps to sell their mortal enemies potions so they wouldn't die while the army tries to kill them for said shopkeepers' sake, sure. They could have done a lot of things. But I just don't see the lack of them as a game-breaking flaw.

Well when Mideel got destroyed she became the towns new shopkeeper :monster:

It's not a game breaking flaw, but its a weakness in terms of the effort and environment building in the game. It's lazy as all of their interview comments have shown.

I know I enjoyed doing 5 damage to the leg of a boss in VS (which rewards you for finishing it in 10 hours), because my weapon didn't happen to have a good enough dark affinity

Not my fault you suck!

Was FFXII's battle system all that special? MMORPG without the O? FFX's? FFIX, FFVIII, FFVII, etc and so on. They were basically the same systems with different speeds/turn based.

...Was it really that special? It was only one of the main reasons it was one of the only FFs to ever get a perfect score from famitsu? And its the only FF that actually has combat take place in real time and on the overworld instead of just whisking you away to a "battle screen." It just only evolved the turn based nature of FF by several generations, dude.

FFX's was unique in terms of how it did the whole turn based combat, mixing ATB with strategy. FFVIII was extremely customizable with the whole Junctioning and Draw system, not to mention having the player interact with Squall's gunblade. FFVII wasn't that special, save for it being the first 3D iteration of the ATB system which had been 2D since FF began.

Each battle system built up and evolved from the last. FFXIII basically just copied from FFX-2 and made it prettier with a new menu.

I'm telling you this cause I can. :monster:

@Ted Lange

No, Mog, do mention it. Mention it til you're blue in the face. Because apparently people have forgotten that a world's scenario foundation as an immersive environment rides on either well done NPCs, or exploration and knowledge gathering that lets you feel like you're learning about the world you're playing in. It's why Dead Space was fucking brilliant despite the small number of people Issac actually interacted with. The logs, files, and messages he got, were a substitute for actual human interaction.

People seem to take good games for granted these days. Those concepts they're ditching are the things that made SE memorable. And they forgot that. It's sad that a game in a completely different genre is doing the shit FF was doing before they even existed, better.
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AI Researcher
hitoshura know I'm just going to mention Mass Effect, right?
It is an example that's lost on me, though :monster:

I'm not saying I don't want to see NPCs in games any more, or that they can't add anything to the game. I just don't see the exclusion of them in this game (not even total exclusion) as a serious issue or mark against it.

Mako said:
Johnny, Priscilla, Mr. Coates, the SOLDIER crew in Junon, Choco Bill, Choco Billy, Choco Bob, Joe, Biggs and Wedge, Godo Kisaragi, Mr. Holzoff, Bugah, Mukki, Big Bro, Ester, Cloud's Mother, Domino, and Zangan, just to name a few.
When you say NPCs, I was thinking more along the lines of 'that couple by the train in Midgar' or 'old guy who looks at the rocket in Rocket Town'. Those ones in bold seem more like minor/sub characters to me. They're either involved in the story (Cloud's mum, Priscilla, Zangan), or play some gameplay-related function (which could include Mukki and Big Bro for that matter, since they give you ).

I only remember the couple in Midgar because there was a thread before asking what they were actually doing, and the old guy because you got a weapon from him.

I don't get how you can exhale VS, which AFAIR didn't have any NPCs to talk to or any shops, yet criticise FFXIII for not having the same things.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
When you say NPCs, I was thinking more along the lines of 'that couple by the train in Midgar' or 'old guy who looks at the rocket in Rocket Town'. Those ones in bold seem more like minor/sub characters to me. They're either involved in the story (Cloud's mum, Priscilla, Zangan), or play some gameplay-related function (which could include Mukki and Big Bro for that matter, since they give you ).

NPCs, as in non-playable characters, who are minor characters in the story. Zangan is still a minor, NPC. FFVII had numerous NPCs who were important to the story who you had the option of talking to and choosing what you said to them. That's what made it so interesting and worth replaying.

Yes, the couple by the train, and the old guy staring at the rocket are NPCs. But so are Mukki, Zangan, and Yuffie's dad.

I don't get how you can exhale VS, which AFAIR didn't have any NPCs to talk to or any shops, yet criticise FFXIII for not having the same things.

Because as I said before, Vagrant story had a shit load more in terms of exploration, customization, gameplay, than most modern RPGs from SE today. It was probably on the level of I'd say...FFXII. A mix of RPG and action...something that reminds me of Zelda in a sense, in terms of the dungeon crawling and puzzle solving. You being able to customize mid-combat, break apart your weapons and rebuild them, and build your armor makes it a fucking masterpiece in terms of gameplay. It's something really unique, and not like any typical J-RPG, which FFXIII is. It's almost derivative.

Also, Vagrant's story takes place in like a day, and while Ashley may be alone, you definitely see the other characters and the politics at work. It's fucking amazing.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I'm not saying I don't want to see NPCs in games any more, or that they can't add anything to the game. I just don't see the exclusion of them in this game (not even total exclusion) as a serious issue or mark against it.

It's less of the actual exclusion of NPCs that I'm railing against, it's the principle. "THEY WEREN'T THAT GREAT ANYWAY I WON'T MISS 'EM" is a scary thing to apply the slippery slope principle to. I fear in future SE games we'll be talking about how they removed battles and people will be going "BATTLES WERE TEDIOUS ANYWAY WON'T MISS 'EM"

How many things are they gonna take away before someone goes 'hey wtfs going on here'. I'm not saying this is what's happening now, but hey, something to consider.
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